117 resultados para Dwarf Irregular Galaxy

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Some low-surface-brightness galaxies are known to have extremely thin stellar discs with the vertical-to-planar axes ratio 0.1 or less, often referred to as superthin galaxies. Although their existence is now known for over three decades, the physical origin of the superthin discs is still not understood. We model the vertical thickness of the stellar disc using our model of a two-component (gravitationally coupled stars and gas) disc embedded in a dark matter halo, for a bulgeless, superthin galaxy UGC 7321 which has a dense, compact halo, and is compare with a typical dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg II which has a low-density, non-compact halo. We show that while the presence of gas does constrain the stellar disc thickness and hence its axial ratio, it is the compact dark matter halo which plays the decisive role in determining the mean distribution of stars in the vertical direction in low-luminosity bulgeless galaxies like UGC 7321, and causes the stellar disc to be superthin. Thus, the compactness of the dark matter halo significantly affects the disc structure and this could be important for the early evolution of galaxies.


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In this paper, we model dwarf galaxies as a two-component system of gravitationally coupled stars and atomic hydrogen gas in the external force field of a pseudo-isothermal dark matter halo, and numerically obtain the radial distribution of HI vertical scale heights. This is done for a group of four dwarf galaxies (DDO 154, Ho II, IC 2574 and NGC 2366) for which most necessary input parameters are available from observations. The formulation of the equations takes into account the rising rotation curves generally observed in dwarf galaxies. The inclusion of self-gravity of the gas into the model at par with that of the stars results in scale heights that are smaller than what was obtained by previous authors. This is important as the gas scale height is often used for deriving other physical quantities. The inclusion of gas self-gravity is particularly relevant in the case of dwarf galaxies where the gas cannot be considered a minor perturbation to the mass distribution of the stars. We find that three out of four galaxies studied show a flaring of their HI discs with increasing radius, by a factor of a few within several disc scale lengths. The fourth galaxy has a thick HI disc throughout. This flaring arises as a result of the gas velocity dispersion remaining constant or decreasing only slightly while the disc mass distribution declines exponentially as a function of radius.


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We model the shape and density profile of the dark matter halo of the low surface brightness, superthin galaxy UGC 7321, using the observed rotation curve and the H i scale height data as simultaneous constraints. We treat the galaxy as a gravitationally coupled system of stars and gas, responding to the gravitational potential of the dark matter halo. An isothermal halo of spherical shape with a core density in the range of View the MathML source and a core radius between 2.5 and 2.9 kpc, gives the best fit to the observations for a range of realistic gas parameters assumed. We find that the best-fit core radius is only slightly higher than the stellar disc scale length (2.1 kpc), unlike the case of the high surface brightness galaxies where the halo core radius is typically 3–4 times the disc scale length of the stars. Thus our model shows that the dark matter halo dominates the dynamics of the low surface brightness, superthin galaxy UGC 7321 at all radii, including the inner parts of the galaxy.


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We present the results on the distribution and kinematics of HI gas with higher sensitivity and in one case of higher spectral resolution as well than reported earlier, of three irregular galaxies CGCG 097073, 097079 and 097087 (UGC 06697) in the cluster Abell 1367. These galaxies are known to exhibit long (50 - 75 kpc) tails of radio continuum and optical emission lines (H alpha) pointing away from the cluster centre and arcs of starformation on the opposite sides of the tails, These features as well as the HI properties, with two of the galaxies (CGCG 097073 and 097079) exhibiting sharper gradients in HI intensity on the side of the tails, are consistent with the HI gas being affected by the ram pressure of the intracluster medium. However the HI emission in all the three galaxies extends to much smaller distances than the radio-continuum and H alpha tails, and are possibly still bound to the parent galaxies. Approximately 20 - 30 per cent of the HI mass is seen to accumulate on the downstream side due to the effects of ram pressure.


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We report new radio continuum and 21 cm HI observations using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) of the group Holmberg 124 ( Ho 124) comprising four late-type galaxies, namely NGC 2820, Mrk 108, NGC 2814 and NGC 2805. The three galaxies, NGC 2820, Mrk 108 and NGC 2814 which are closely located in the sky plane have clearly undergone tidal interactions as seen from the various morphological tidal signatures and debris. Moreover we note various features in the group members which we believe might be due to ram pressure. In this paper, we describe four interesting results emerging from our observations: a) detection of the tidal radio continuum bridge at 330 MHz connecting the galaxies NGC 2820+ Mrk 108 with NGC 2814. The radio bridge was discovered at 1465 MHz by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985, A& A, 150, 17). We find that the bridge has a fairly steep spectrum with a spectral index alpha(S proportional to nu(alpha)) of - 1.8(-0.2)(+0.3) which is much steeper than the - 0.8 quoted by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985); b) detection of other tidal features like the tilted HI and radio continuum disk of NGC 2814, a HI streamer and a radio continuum tail arising from the south of NGC 2814. We also report the detection of a possible tidal dwarf galaxy in HI; c) sharp truncation in the HI distribution in the south of NGC 2820 and in the HI and radio continuum distribution in the north of NGC 2814. The optical disks in both the cases look undisturbed. As pointed out by Davis et al. ( 1997, AJ, 114, 613), ram pressure affects different components of the interstellar medium to varying degrees. Simple estimates of pressure in different components of the interstellar medium ( radio continuum, Ha and HI) in NGC 2820 indicate that ram pressure will significantly influence HI; d) detection of a large one-sided HI loop to the north of NGC 2820. No radio continuum emission or Ha emission is associated with the HI loop. We discuss various scenarios for the origin of this loop including a central starburst, ram pressure stripping and tidal interaction. We do not support the central starburst scenario since the loop is not detected in ionized gas. Using the upper limit on X-ray luminosity of Ho 124 (Mulchaey et al. 2003, ApJS, 145, 39), we estimate an upper limit on the intragroup medium (IGrM) density of 8.8 x 10(-4) cm(-3). For half this electron density, we estimate the ram pressure force of the IGrM to be comparable to the gravitational pull of the disk of NGC 2820. Since tidal interaction has obviously influenced the group, we suggest that the loop could have formed by ram pressure stripping if tidal effects had reduced the surface density of HI in NGC 2820. From the complex observational picture of Ho 124 and the numerical estimates, we suggest that the evolution of the Ho 124 group may be governed by both tidal forces due to the interaction and the ram pressure due to motion of the member galaxies in the IGrM and that the IGrM densities should not be too low (i.e. >= 4 x 10(-4)). However this needs to be verified by further observations.


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We have investigated the impact of dissipationless minor galaxy mergers on the angular momentum of the remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics, and the system consists of a massive galaxy with a bulge and disk merging with a much less massive (one-tenth or one-twentieth) gasless companion that has a variety of morphologies (disk-or elliptical-like) and central baryonic mass concentrations. During the process of merging, the orbital angular momentum is redistributed into the internal angular momentum of the final system; the internal angular momentum of the primary galaxy can increase or decrease depending on the relative orientation of the orbital spin vectors (direct or retrograde), while the initially nonrotating dark matter halo always gains angular momentum. The specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independently of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits, and the ratio of rotation speed to velocity dispersion of the merger remnant is lower than the initial value, not only because of an increase in the dispersion but also of the slowing-down of the disk rotation. We briefly discuss several astrophysical implications of these results, suggesting that minor mergers do not cause a "random walk" process of the angular momentum of the stellar disk component of galaxies, but rather a steady decrease. Minor mergers may play a role in producing the large scatter observed in the Tully-Fisher relation for S0 galaxies, as well as in the increase of the velocity dispersion and the decrease in upsilon/sigma at large radii as observed in S0 galaxies.


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We present observations of radio recombination lines (RRL) from the starburst galaxy Arp 220 at 8.1 GHz (H92 alpha) and 1.4 GHz (H167 alpha and H165 alpha) and at 84 GHz (H42 alpha), 96 GHz (H40 alpha) and 207 GHz (H31 alpha) using the Very Large Array and the IRAM 30 m telescope, respectively. RRLs were detected at all the frequencies except 1.4 GHz, where a sensitive upper limit was obtained. We also present continuum flux measurements at these frequencies as well as at 327 MHz made with the VLA. The continuum spectrum, which has a spectral index alpha similar to -0.6 (S-nu proportional to nu(alpha)) between 5 and 10 GHz, shows a break near 1.5 GHz, a prominent turnover below 500 MHz, and a flatter spectral index above 50 GHz. We show that a model with three components of ionized gas with different densities and area covering factors can consistently explain both RRL and continuum data. The total mass of ionized gas in the three components is 3.2 x 10(7) M., requiring 3 x 10(5) O5 stars with a total Lyman continuum production rate N-Lyc similar to 1.3 x 10(55) photons s(-1). The ratio of the expected to observed Br alpha and Br gamma fluxes implies a dust extinction A(V) similar to 45 mag. The derived Lyman continuum photon production rate implies a continuous star formation rate (SFR) averaged over the lifetime of OB stars of similar to 240 M yr(-1). The Lyman continuum photon Production rate of similar to 3% associated with the high-density H II regions implies a similar SFR at recent epochs (t < 10(5) yr). An alternative model of high-density gas, which cannot be excluded on the basis of the available data, predicts 10 times higher SFR at recent epochs. If confirmed, this model implies that star formation in Arp 220 consists of multiple starbursts of very high SFR (few times 10(3) M. yr(-1)) and short duration (similar to 10(5) yr). The similarity of IR excess, L-IR/L-Ly alpha similar to 24, in Arp 220 to values observed in starburst galaxies shows that most of the high luminosity of Arp 220 is due to the ongoing starburst rather than to a hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN). A comparison of the IR excesses in Arp 220, the Galaxy, and M33 indicates that the starburst in Arp 220 has an initial mass function that is similar to that in normal galaxies and has a duration longer than 107 yr. If there was no infall of gas during this period, then the star formation efficiency (SFE) in Arp 220 is similar to 50%. The high SFR and SFE in Arp 220 is consistent with their known dependences on mass and density of gas in star-forming regions of normal galaxies.


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We consider the hydrodynamic evolution of gas in the interstellar medium of the host galaxy of a quasar due to Compton heating by the QSO radiation. We show that a Lagrangean formulation of the problem is necessary. It is found that the "hydrodynamic time scale" becomes important compared to the Compton heating time scale. We also relax the "single fluid" approximation by considering the existence of clouds and taking into account the mass loss from stars. The results predict star burst activity, and thus we explain the blue colors of the active galaxies.


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From the available H I data on spiral galaxies in three rich Abell clusters and the Virgo Cluster, it is shown that galaxies with medium to large optical sizes tend to be more severely deficient in atomic hydrogen than the small galaxies. This is so both in terms of the fractional number of galaxies that are deficient and the amount of gas lost by a galaxy. The fraction of H I-deficient galaxies increases with size over most of the size range, saturating or dropping only for the largest galaxies. A comparative study is made of various currently accepted gas removal mechanisms, namely those which are a result of galaxy-intracluster medium interactions, e.g., ram pressure stripping, as well as those due to galaxy-galaxy interactions, i.e., collisions and tidal interactions. It is shown that, with the exception of tidal interactions, all of these mechanisms would produce a size dependence in H I deficiency that is the opposite of that observed. That is, the gas in the largest galaxies would be the least affected by these mechanisms. However, if there is significant mass segregation, these processes may give the trends observed in the size dependence of H I deficiency.


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Time-dependent models of collisionless stellar systems with harmonic potentials allowing for an essentially exact analytic description have recently been described. These include oscillating spheres and spheroids. This paper extends the analysis to time-dependent elliptic discs. Although restricted to two space dimensions, the systems are richer in that their parameters form a 10-dimensional phase space (in contrast to six for the earlier models). Apart from total energy and angular momentum, two additional conserved quantities emerge naturally. These can be chosen as the areas of extremal sections of the ellipsoidal region of phase space occupied by the system (their product gives the conserved volume). The present paper describes the construction of these models. An application to a tidal encounter is given which allows one to go beyond the impulse approximation and demonstrates the effects of rotation of the perturbed system on energy and angular-momentum transfer. The angular-momentum transfer is shown to scale inversely as the cube of the encounter velocity for an initial configuration of the perturbed galaxy with zero quadrupole moment.


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The restricted three-body method is used to model the effect of the mean tidal field of a cluster of galaxies on the internal dynamics of a disk galaxy falling into the cluster for the first time. In the model adopted the galaxy experiences a tidal field that is compressive within the core of the cluster. The planar random velocities of all components in the disk increase after the galaxy passes through the core of the cluster. The low-velocity dispersion gas clouds experience a relatively larger increase in random velocity than the hotter stellar components. The increase in planar velocities results in a strong anisotropy between the planar and vertical velocity dispersions. It is argued that this will make the disk unstable to the 'fire-hose instability' which leads to bending modes in the disk and which will thicken the disk slightly. The mean tidal fields in rich clusters were probably stronger during the epoch of cluster formation and relaxation than they are in present-day relaxed clusters.


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A sample of 96 compact flat-spectrum extragalactic sources, spread evenly over all galactic latitudes, has been studied at 327 MHz for variability over a time interval of about 15 yr. The variability shows a dependence on galactic latitude being less both at low and high latitudes and peaking around absolute value of b approximately 15-degrees. The latitude dependence is surprisingly similar in both the galactic centre and anticentre directions. Assuming various single and multi-component distributions for the ionized, irregular interstellar plasma, we have tried to generate the observed dependence using a semi-qualitative treatment of refractive interstellar scintillations. We find that it is difficult to fit our data with any single or double component cylindrical distribution. Our data suggests that the observed variability could be influenced by the spiral structure of our Galaxy.


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The frequently observed lopsidedness of the distribution of stars and gas in disc galaxies is still considered as a major problem in galaxy dynamics. It is even discussed as an imprint of the formation history of discs and the evolution of baryons in dark matter haloes. Here, we analyse a selected sample of 70 galaxies from the Westerbork Hi Survey of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies. The Hi data allow us to follow the morphology and the kinematics out to very large radii. In the present paper, we present the rotation curves and study the kinematic asymmetry. We extract the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides separately and show that the kinematic behaviour of disc galaxies can be classified into five different types: symmetric velocity fields where the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides are almost identical; global distortions where the rotation velocities of the receding and approaching sides have an offset that is constant with radius; local distortions leading to large deviations in the inner and negligible deviations in the outer parts (and vice versa); and distortions that divide the galaxies into two kinematic systems that are visible in terms of the different behaviour of the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides, which leads to a crossing and a change in side. The kinematic lopsidedness is measured from the maximum rotation velocities, averaged over the plateau of the rotation curves. This gives a good estimate of the global lopsidedness in the outer parts of the sample galaxies. We find that the mean value of the perturbation parameter denoting the lopsided potential as obtained from the kinematic data is 0.056. Altogether, 36% of the sample galaxies are globally lopsided, which can be interpreted as the disc responding to a halo that was distorted by a tidal encounter. In Paper II, we study the morphological lopsidedness of the same sample of galaxies.


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Defending a large social insect colony containing several thousands of workers requires the simultaneous action of many individuals. Ideally this action involves communication between the workers, enabling coordinated action and a fast response. The Asian dwarf honeybee, Apis florea, is a small honeybee with an open nesting habit and a comparatively small colony size, features that leave them particularly exposed to predators. We describe here a novel defence response of these bees in which the emission of an initial warning signal from one individual (“piping”) is followed 0.3 to 0.7 seconds later by a general response from a large number of bees (“hissing”). Piping is audible to the human ear, with a fundamental frequency of 384 ± 31Hz and lasting for 0.82 ± 0.35 seconds. Hissing is a broad band, noisy signal, clearly audible to the human observer and produced by slight but visible movements of the bees' wings. Hissing begins in individuals close to the piping bee, spreads rapidly to neighbours and results in an impressive coordinated crescendo occasionally involving the entire colony. Piping and hissing are accompanied by a marked decrease, or even cessation, of worker activities such as forager dancing and departures from the colony. We show that whereas hissing of the colony can be elicited without piping, the sequential and correlated piping and hissing response is specific to the presence of potential predators close to the colony. We suggest that the combined audio-visual effect of the hissing might deter small predators, while the cessation of flight activity could decrease the risk of predation by birds and insects which prey selectively on flying bees.