222 resultados para Drama, theatre and performance studies

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this work, we present the characterization and performance studies of self-priming peristaltic pump for drug delivery application. Conventional materials and methods have been used to fabricate single cam mechanism based peristaltic micropump. To control the fluid flow precisely in micro liter range, a single cam mechanism has been used instead of conventional roller mechanism. The fabricated pump is suitable for liquid, gas and foam. Using water as a fluid medium, a flow rate of 12.5 mu l/rpm is achieved using a flexible silicone tube of inner diameter 1.5 mm and outer diameter 2.5 mm. Other than water, higher viscosity fluids showed a decrease in the flow rate. The designed micropump exhibits a linear dependence of flow rate in the voltage range of 2.5V to 5V. Drug delivery using micropump demands that the micropump has to pump against the blood pressure (maximum of 25kPa) with constant flow rate. Here the designed pump is able to pump the liquid with a constant flow rate of 500 mu l/min (water) up to a backpressure of 40kPa. It was observed that, by increasing the backpressure above 40kPa, flow rate of the pump gradually decreased to 125 mu l/min at 120kPa. In addition, Micropump based drug delivery demands that the micropump should be normally in closed condition in all the positions to avoid drug leakage and bleeding. Hence, micropump has been characterized for normally closed condition in all positions (0 degrees to 360 degrees). However, a minute leak of 0.14 % was found for an inlet pressure of 140kPa. Also, the normally closed region with no leak is observed up to 60kPa of pressure in all positions (0 degrees to 360 degrees).


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Success in the advancement of thermoacoustic field led the researchers to develop the thermoacoustic engines which found its applications in various fields such as refrigeration, gas mixture separation, natural gas liquefaction, and cryogenics. The objective of this study is to design and fabricate the twin thermoacoustic heat engine (TAHE) producing the acoustic waves with high resonance frequencies which is used to drive a thermoacoustic refrigerator efficiently by the influence of geometrical parameters and working fluids. Twin TAHE has gained significant attention due to the production of high intensity acoustic waves than single TAHE. In order to drive an efficient thermoacoustic refrigerator, a twin thermoacoustic heat engine is built up and its performance are analysed by varying the resonator length and working fluid. The performance is measured in terms of onset temperature difference, resonance frequency and pressure amplitude of the oscillations generated from twin TAHE. The simulation is performed using free software DeltaEC, from LANL, USA. The simulated DeltaEC results are compared with experimental results and the deviations are found within +10%.


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The thermoacoustic prime mover (TAPM) has gained considerable attention as a pressure wave generator to drive pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) due to no moving parts, reasonable efficiency, use of environmental friendly working fluids etc. To drive PTCs, lower frequencies (f) with larger pressure amplitudes (Delta P) are essential, which are affected by geometric and operating parameters of TAPM as well as working fluids. For driving PTRs, a twin standing wave TAPM is built and studied by using different working fluids such as helium, argon, nitrogen and their binary mixtures. Simulation results of DeltaEc are compared with experimental data wherever possible. DeltaEc predicts slightly increased resonance frequencies, but gives larger Delta P and lower temperature difference Delta T across stack. High mass number working fluid leads to lower frequency with larger Delta P, but higher Delta T. Studies indicate that the binary gas mixture of right composition with lower Delta T can be arrived at to drive TAPM of given geometry. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.


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Inventory Management (IM) plays a decisive role in the enhancement of efficiency and competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, major manufacturing enterprises are following IM practices as a strategy to improve efficiency and achieve competitiveness. However, the spread of IM culture among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is limited due to lack of initiation, expertise and financial limitations in developed countries, leave alone developing countries. With this backdrop, this paper makes an attempt to ascertain the role and importance of IM practices and performance of SMEs in the machine tools industry of Bangalore, India. The relationship between inventory management practices and inventory cost are probed based on primary data gathered from 91 SMEs. The paper brings out that formal IM practices have a positive impact on the inventory performance of SMEs.


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A locked high-pressure cell with working pressure range up to 10 kbars suitable for low-temperature studies to 77 K has been described. It can be used for both EPR and NMR studies of single crystals (and other solid samples). The high-pressure seal and all other aspects of the cell remain the same for either application. Only a change of the bottom plug is required for a switch from a nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) to an electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) experiment. Details of the procedure for the calibration of pressure inside the cell at various temperatures are discussed. The performance of the cell in EPR (Cr3+ion) and NMR (27Al nucleus) studies is reported.


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Data flow computers are high-speed machines in which an instruction is executed as soon as all its operands are available. This paper describes the EXtended MANchester (EXMAN) data flow computer which incorporates three major extensions to the basic Manchester machine. As extensions we provide a multiple matching units scheme, an efficient, implementation of array data structure, and a facility to concurrently execute reentrant routines. A simulator for the EXMAN computer has been coded in the discrete event simulation language, SIMULA 67, on the DEC 1090 system. Performance analysis studies have been conducted on the simulated EXMAN computer to study the effectiveness of the proposed extensions. The performance experiments have been carried out using three sample problems: matrix multiplication, Bresenham's line drawing algorithm, and the polygon scan-conversion algorithm.


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This paper presents the results of an investigation on the efficacy of hybrid compression process for refrigerant HFC 134a in cooling applications. The conventional mechanical compression is supplemented by thermal compression using a string of adsorption compressors. Activated carbon is the adsorbent for the thermal compression segment. The alternatives of bottoming either mechanical or thermal compression stages are investigated. It is shown that almost 40% energy saving is realizable by carrying out a part of the compression in a thermal compressor compared to the case when the entire compression is carried out in a single-stage mechanical compressor. The hybrid compression is feasible even when low grade heat is available. Some performance indictors are defined and evaluated for various configurations.


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This paper describes the architecture of a multiprocessor system which we call the Broadcast Cube System (BCS) for solving important computation intensive problems such as systems of linear algebraic equations and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and highlights its features. Further, this paper presents an analytical performance study of the BCS, and it describes the main details of the design and implementation of the simulator for the BCS.


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Fundamental studies on a compact trapped vortex combustor indicate that cavity injection strategies play a major role on flame stability. Detailed experiments indicate that blow-out occurs for a certain range of cavity air flow velocities. An unsteady RANS-based reacting flow simulation tool has been utilized to study the basic dynamics of cavity vortex for various flow conditions. The phenomenon of flame blow-out at certain intermediate cavity air velocities is explained on the basis of transition from a cavity-stabilized mode to an opposed flow stagnation mode. A novel strategy is proposed for achieving flame stability at all conditions. This involves using a flow guide vane in the path of the main flow to direct a portion of the main flow into the cavity. This seems to result in a desirable dual vortex structure, i.e., a small clockwise vortex behind the vane and large counterclockwise vortex in the cavity. Experimental results show stable flame at all flow conditions with the flow guide vane, and pressure drop is estimated to be within acceptable limits. Cold flow simulations show self-similar velocity profiles for a range of main inlet velocities, and high reverse velocity ratios (-0.3) are observed. Such a high-velocity ratio in the reverse flow shear layer profile leads to enhanced production of turbulence imperative to compact combustors. Reacting flow simulations show even higher reverse velocity ratios (above -0.7) due to flow acceleration. The flame is observed to be stable, even though minor shear layer oscillations are present in the form of vortex shedding. Self-similarity is also observed in reacting flow temperature profiles at combustor exit over the entire range of the mainstream velocity. This indicates that the present configuration holds a promise of delivering robust performance invariant of the flow operating conditions.


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Sodium doped zinc oxide (Na:ZnO) thin films were deposited on glass substrates at substrate temperatures 300,400 and 500 degrees C by a novel nebulizer spray method. X-ray diffraction shows that all the films are polycrystalline in nature having hexagonal structure with high preferential orientation along (0 0 2) plane. High resolution SEM studies reveal the formation of Na-doped ZnO films having uniformly distributed nano-rods over the entire surface of the substrates at 400 degrees C. The complex impedance of the ZnO nano-rods shows two distinguished semicircles and the diameter of the arcs got decreased in diameter as the temperature increases from 170 to 270 degrees C and thereafter slightly increased. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the results of the laboratory model tests and the numerical studies conducted on small diameter PVC pipes, buried in geocell reinforced sand beds. The aim of the study was to evaluate the suitability of the geocell reinforcement in protecting the underground utilities and buried pipelines. In addition to geocells, the efficacy of only geogrid and geocell with additional basal geogrid cases were also studied. A PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe with external diameter 75 mm and thickness 1.4 mm was used in the experiments. The vehicle tire contact pressure was simulated by applying the pressure on the top of the bed with the help of a steel plate. Results suggest that the use of geocells with additional basal geogrid considerably reduces the deformation of the pipe as compared to other types of reinforcements. Further, the depth of placement of pipe was also varied between 1B to 2B (B is the width of loading plate) below the plate in the presence of geocell with additional basal geogrid. More than 50% reduction in the pressure and more than 40% reduction in the strain values were observed in the presence of reinforcements at different depths as compared to the unreinforced beds. Conversely, the performance of the subgrade soil was also found to be marginally influenced by the position of the pipe, even in the presence of the relatively stiff reinforcement system. Further, experimental results were validated with 3-dimensional numerical studies using FLAC(3D) (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3D). A good agreement in the measured pipe stain values were observed between the experimental and numerical studies. Numerical studies revealed that the geocells distribute the stresses in the lateral direction and thus reduce the pressure on the pipe. In addition, the results of the 1-g model tests were scaled up to the prototype case of the shallow buried pipeline below the pavement using the appropriate scaling laws. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aerosol loading over the South Asian region has the potential to affect the monsoon rainfall, Himalayan glaciers and regional air-quality, with implications for the billions in this region. While field campaigns and network observations provide primary data, they tend to be location/season specific. Numerical models are useful to regionalize such location-specific data. Studies have shown that numerical models underestimate the aerosol scenario over the Indian region, mainly due to shortcomings related to meteorology and the emission inventories used. In this context, we have evaluated the performance of two such chemistry-transport models: WRF-Chem and SPRINTARS over an India-centric domain. The models differ in many aspects including physical domain, horizontal resolution, meteorological forcing and so on etc. Despite these differences, both the models simulated similar spatial patterns of Black Carbon (BC) mass concentration, (with a spatial correlation of 0.9 with each other), and a reasonable estimates of its concentration, though both of them under-estimated vis-a-vis the observations. While the emissions are lower (higher) in SPRINTARS (WRF-Chem), overestimation of wind parameters in WRF-Chem caused the concentration to be similar in both models. Additionally, we quantified the under-estimations of anthropogenic BC emissions in the inventories used these two models and three other widely used emission inventories. Our analysis indicates that all these emission inventories underestimate the emissions of BC over India by a factor that ranges from 1.5 to 2.9. We have also studied the model simulations of aerosol optical depth over the Indian region. The models differ significantly in simulations of AOD, with WRF-Chem having a better agreement with satellite observations of AOD as far as the spatial pattern is concerned. It is important to note that in addition to BC, dust can also contribute significantly to AOD. The models differ in simulations of the spatial pattern of mineral dust over the Indian region. We find that both meteorological forcing and emission formulation contribute to these differences. Since AOD is column integrated parameter, description of vertical profiles in both models, especially since elevated aerosol layers are often observed over Indian region, could be also a contributing factor. Additionally, differences in the prescription of the optical properties of BC between the models appear to affect the AOD simulations. We also compared simulation of sea-salt concentration in the two models and found that WRF-Chem underestimated its concentration vis-a-vis SPRINTARS. The differences in near-surface oceanic wind speeds appear to be the main source of this difference. In-spite of these differences, we note that there are similarities in their simulation of spatial patterns of various aerosol species (with each other and with observations) and hence models could be valuable tools for aerosol-related studies over the Indian region. Better estimation of emission inventories could improve aerosol-related simulations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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RNase S is a complex consisting of two proteolytic fragments of RNase A: the S peptide (residues 1-20) and S protein (residues 21-124). RNase S and RNase A have very similar X-ray structures and enzymatic activities. previous experiments have shown increased rates of hydrogen exchange and greater sensitivity to tryptic cleavage for RNase S relative to RNase A. It has therefore been asserted that the RNase S complex is considerably more dynamically flexible than RNase A. In the present study we examine the differences in the dynamics of RNaseS and RNase A computationally, by MD simulations, and experimentally, using trypsin cleavage as a probe of dynamics. The fluctuations around the average solution structure during the simulation were analyzed by measuring the RMS deviation in coordinates. No significant differences between RNase S and RNase A dynamics were observed in the simulations. We were able to account for the apparent discrepancy between simulation and experiment by a simple model, According to this model, the experimentally observed differences in dynamics can be quantitatively explained by the small amounts of free S peptide and S protein that are present in equilibrium with the RNase S complex. Thus, folded RNase A and the RNase S complex have identical dynamic behavior, despite the presence of a break in polypeptide chain between residues 20 and 21 in the latter molecule. This is in contrast to what has been widely believed for over 30 years about this important fragment complementation system.


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The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km(2)) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey. Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials, Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover. Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function T indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with -286 x 10(6) mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), -67 x 10(6) mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and -39 x 10(6) mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with -55 x 10(6) mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), -22 x 10(6) mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and -16 x 10(6) mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively. Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2.


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The correlation between magnetic and transport properties is examined by studying poly(4,4'-methylenedianiline)(PMDA) salts and their bases using EPR and conductivity measurements. Five different PMDA salts (doped polymers)were prepared by chemical polymerization of 4,4'-methylenedianiline using different protonic acids. The PMDA bases were obtained by dedoping the salts using ammonium hydroxide. Ambient temperature electrical conductivity measurements show evidence for the doped PMDA system to be highly disordered. The EPR spectra of the samples were recorded in the range 20-200 "C, and the results were analyzed on the basis of the polaron-bipolaron model, which is typical of nondegenerate systems. Both PMDA salts and their bases consist of self-trapped, highly mobile polarons or radical cations. EPR studies on PMDA salts show evidence for the presence of thermally activated and temperature independent (or Pauli type) paramagnetism while the bases show thermally activated, Pauli and Curie-Weiss types of paramagnetism. The paramagnetism arises due to polarons.It is proposed that charge transport takes place through both polarons and bipolarons.