67 resultados para Disturbances,

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Immunoneutralization of maternal RCP results in a >90% decrease in the content and the incorporation of [2-14C]riboflavin into embryonic FAD as well as a percentage redistribution of both embryonic FMN and riboflavin. This is unaccompanied by any discernible changes in flavin distribution pattern in the maternal liver. Embryonic α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase register significant decreases in activities in the RCP antiserum-treated rats. These alterations readily explain the arrest of foetal growth culminating in pregnancy termination in the antiserum-treated animals.


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The transient response spectrum of a cubic spring mass system subjected to a step function input is obtained. An approximate method is adopted where non-linear restoring force characteristic is replaced by two linear segments, so that the mean square error between them is a minimum. The effect of viscous damping on the peak response is also discussed for various values of the damping constant and the non-linearity restoring force parameter.


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Context. Polar corona is often explored to find the energy source for the acceleration of the fast solar wind. Earlier observations show omni-presence of quasi-periodic disturbances, traveling outward, which is believed to be caused by the ubiquitous presence of outward propagating waves. These waves, mostly of compressional type, might provide the additional momentum and heat required for the fast solar wind acceleration. It has been conjectured that these disturbances are not due to waves but high speed plasma outflows, which are difficult to distinguish using the current available techniques. Aims. With the unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution of AIA/SDO, we search for these quasi-periodic disturbances in both plume and interplume regions of the polar corona. We investigate their nature of propagation and search for a plausible interpretation. We also aim to study their multi-thermal nature by using three different coronal passbands of AIA. Methods. We chose several clean plume and interplume structures and studied the time evolution of specific channels by making artificial slits along them. Taking the average across the slits, space-time maps are constructed and then filtration techniques are applied to amplify the low-amplitude oscillations. To suppress the effect of fainter jets, we chose wider slits than usual. Results. In almost all the locations chosen, in both plume and interplume regions we find the presence of propagating quasi-periodic disturbances, of periodicities ranging from 10-30 min. These are clearly seen in two channels and in a few cases out to very large distances (approximate to 250 `') off-limb, almost to the edge of the AIA field of view. The propagation speeds are in the range of 100-170 km s(-1). The average speeds are different for different passbands and higher in interplume regions. Conclusions. Propagating disturbances are observed, even after removing the effects of jets and are insensitive to changes in slit width. This indicates that a coherent mechanism is involved. In addition, the observed propagation speed varies between the different passpands, implying that these quasi-periodic intensity disturbances are possibly due to magneto-acoustic waves. The propagation speeds in interplume region are higher than in the plume region.


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The present work is based on four static molds using nozzles of different port diameter, port angle, and immersion depth. It has been observed that the meniscus is wavy. The wave amplitude shows a parabolic variation with the nozzle exit velocity. The dimensionless amplitude is found to vary linearly with the Froude number. Vortex formation and bubble entrainment by the wave occurs at the meniscus beyond a critical flow rate, depending upon the nozzle configuration, immersion depth, and the mold aspect ratio.


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Reaction wheel assemblies (RWAs) are momentum exchange devices used in fine pointing control of spacecrafts. Even though the spinning rotor of the reaction wheel is precisely balanced to minimize emitted vibration due to static and dynamic imbalances, precision instrument payloads placed in the neighborhood can always be severely impacted by residual vibration forces emitted by reaction wheel assemblies. The reduction of the vibration level at sensitive payloads can be achieved by placing the RWA on appropriate mountings. A low frequency flexible space platform consisting of folded continuous beams has been designed to serve as a mount for isolating a disturbance source in precision payloads equipped spacecrafts. Analytical and experimental investigations have been carried out to test the usefulness of the low frequency flexible platform as a vibration isolator for RWAs. Measurements and tests have been conducted at varying wheel speeds, to quantify and characterize the amount of isolation obtained from the reaction wheel generated vibration. These tests are further extended to other variants of similar design in order to bring out the best isolation for given disturbance loads. Both time and frequency domain analysis of test data show that the flexible beam platform as a mount for reaction wheels is quite effective and can be used in spacecrafts for passive vibration control. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sampling disturbance is unavoidable and hence the laboratory testing most often is on partially disturbed samples. This paper deals with the development of a simple method to assess degree of sample disturbance from the prediction of yield stress due to cementation and comparison of yield stress in compression of partially disturbed sample with reference to a predicted compression path of the clay devoid of any mechanical disturbance. The method uses simple parameters which are normally determined in routine investigations.


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A new structured model-following adaptive approach is presented in this paper to achieve large attitude maneuvers of rigid bodies. First, a nominal controller is designed using the dynamic inversion philosophy. Next, a neuro- adaptive design is proposed to augment the nominal design in order to assure robust performance in the presence of parameter inaccuracies as well as unknown constant external disturbances. The structured approach proposed in this paper (where kinematic and dynamic equations are handled separately), reduces the complexity of the controller structure. From simulation studies, this adaptive controller is found to be very effective in assuring robust performance.


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An approach is presented for hierarchical control of an ammonia reactor, which is a key unit process in a nitrogen fertilizer complex. The aim of the control system is to ensure safe operation of the reactor around the optimal operating point in the face of process variable disturbances and parameter variations. The four different layers perform the functions of regulation, optimization, adaptation, and self-organization. The simulation for this proposed application is conducted on an AD511 hybrid computer in which the AD5 analog processor is used to represent the process and the PDP-11/ 35 digital computer is used for the implementation of control laws. Simulation results relating to the different layers have been presented.


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A fuzzy logic based centralized control algorithm for irrigation canals is presented. Purpose of the algorithm is to control downstream discharge and water level of pools in the canal, by adjusting discharge release from the upstream end and gates settings. The algorithm is based on the dynamic wave model (Saint-Venant equations) inversion in space, wherein the momentum equation is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on fuzzification of a new mathematical model for wave velocity, the derivational details of which are given. The advantages of the fuzzy control algorithm, over other conventional control algorithms, are described. It is transparent and intuitive, and no linearizations of the governing equations are involved. Timing of the algorithm and method of computation are explained. It is shown that the tuning is easy and the computations are straightforward. The algorithm provides stable, realistic and robust outputs. The disadvantage of the algorithm is reduced precision in its outputs due to the approximation inherent in the fuzzy logic. Feed back control logic is adopted to eliminate error caused by the system disturbances as well as error caused by the reduced precision in the outputs. The algorithm is tested by applying it to water level control problem in a fictitious canal with a single pool and also in a real canal with a series of pools. It is found that results obtained from the algorithm are comparable to those obtained from conventional control algorithms.


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This paper presents a novel approach for designing of generator excitation controllers using Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity Based Control (IDA-PBC) technique for a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system that can also be directly used in a multi-machine environment. The generator system equations are modified by referencing the rotor angle with respect to the secondary of the transformer bus instead of the infinite bus. For the modified system equations, IDA-PBC is applied to stabilize the system around an operating condition. The IDA-PBC design results in a Lyapunov function for the modified system. The new control law is practically feasible and can be applied directly to multi-machine system without referring to external system parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is tested on a SMIB and a 10 generator 39 bus test system for a range of operating conditions. The Proposed excitation controller has shown good performance for both small and large disturbances when compared to the performance of a conventional static exciter with power system stabilizer.


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In this paper, a new approach to enhance the transmission system distance relay co-ordination is presented. The approach depends on the apparent impedance loci seen by the distance relay during all possible disturbances. In a distance relay, the impedance loci seen at the relay location is obtained by extensive transient stability studies. Support vector machines (SVMs), a class of patterns classifiers are used in discriminating zone settings (zone-1, zone-2 and zone-3) using the signals to be used by the relay. Studies on a sample 9-bus are presented for illustrating the proposed scheme.


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L-Arginine ascorbate, C6HIsN40+.C6H706, a 1"1 crystalline complex between the amino acid arginineand the vitamin ascorbic acid, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 with two formula units in a cell of dimensions a = 5.060 (8), b = 9.977 (9), c = 15.330 (13) A, fl = 97.5 (2) °. The structure was solved by the symbolic addition procedure and refined to an R of 0.067 for 1501 photographically observed reflec- tions. The conformation of the arginine molecule in the structure is different from any observed so far. The present structure provides the first description of the ascorbate anion unaffected by the geometrical constraints and disturbances imposed by the requirements of metal coordination. The lactone group and the deprotonated enediol group in the anion are planar and the side chain assumes a conformation which appears to be sterically the most favourable. In the crystals, the arginine molecules and the ascorbate anions aggregate separately into alternating layers. The molecules in the arginine layer are held together by interactions involving a-amino and ~t-carboxylate groups, a situation analogous to that found in proteins. The two layers of unlike molecules are interconnected primarily through the interactions of the side-chain guanidyl group of arginine with the ascorbate ion. These involve a specific ion-pair interaction accompanied by two convergent hydrogen bonds and another pair of nearly parallel hydrogen bonds.


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In 1956 Whitham gave a nonlinear theory for computing the intensity of an acoustic pulse of an arbitrary shape. The theory has been used very successfully in computing the intensity of the sonic bang produced by a supersonic plane. [4.] derived an approximate quasi-linear equation for the propagation of a short wave in a compressible medium. These two methods are essentially nonlinear approximations of the perturbation equations of the system of gas-dynamic equations in the neighborhood of a bicharacteristic curve (or rays) for weak unsteady disturbances superimposed on a given steady solution. In this paper we have derived an approximate quasi-linear equation which is an approximation of perturbation equations in the neighborhood of a bicharacteristic curve for a weak pulse governed by a general system of first order quasi-linear partial differential equations in m + 1 independent variables (t, x1,…, xm) and derived Gubkin's result as a particular case when the system of equations consists of the equations of an unsteady motion of a compressible gas. We have also discussed the form of the approximate equation describing the waves propagating upsteam in an arbitrary multidimensional transonic flow.


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Equations proposed in previous work on the non-linear motion of a string show a basic disagreement, which is here traced to an assumption about the longitudinal displacement u. It is shown that it is neither necessary nor justifiable to assume that u is zero; and also that the velocity of propagation of u disturbances in a string is different from that in an infinite medium, although this difference is usually negligible. After formulating the exact equations of motion for the string, a systematic procedure is described for obtaining approximations to these equations to any order, making only the assumption that the strain in the material of the string is small. The lowest order equations in this scheme are non-linear, and are used to describe the response of a string near resonance. Finally, it is shown that in the absence of damping, planar motion of a string is always unstable at sufficiently high amplitudes, the critical amplitude falling to zero at the natural frequency and its subharmonics. The effect of slight damping on this instability is also discussed.