16 resultados para Dirichlet, Caracteres de

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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It is important to identify the ``correct'' number of topics in mechanisms like Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) as they determine the quality of features that are presented as features for classifiers like SVM. In this work we propose a measure to identify the correct number of topics and offer empirical evidence in its favor in terms of classification accuracy and the number of topics that are naturally present in the corpus. We show the merit of the measure by applying it on real-world as well as synthetic data sets(both text and images). In proposing this measure, we view LDA as a matrix factorization mechanism, wherein a given corpus C is split into two matrix factors M-1 and M-2 as given by C-d*w = M1(d*t) x Q(t*w).Where d is the number of documents present in the corpus anti w is the size of the vocabulary. The quality of the split depends on ``t'', the right number of topics chosen. The measure is computed in terms of symmetric KL-Divergence of salient distributions that are derived from these matrix factors. We observe that the divergence values are higher for non-optimal number of topics - this is shown by a `dip' at the right value for `t'.


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Song-selection and mood are interdependent. If we capture a song’s sentiment, we can determine the mood of the listener, which can serve as a basis for recommendation systems. Songs are generally classified according to genres, which don’t entirely reflect sentiments. Thus, we require an unsupervised scheme to mine them. Sentiments are classified into either two (positive/negative) or multiple (happy/angry/sad/...) classes, depending on the application. We are interested in analyzing the feelings invoked by a song, involving multi-class sentiments. To mine the hidden sentimental structure behind a song, in terms of “topics”, we consider its lyrics and use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Each song is a mixture of moods. Topics mined by LDA can represent moods. Thus we get a scheme of collecting similar-mood songs. For validation, we use a dataset of songs containing 6 moods annotated by users of a particular website.


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In this paper, we present a novel approach that makes use of topic models based on Latent Dirichlet allocation(LDA) for generating single document summaries. Our approach is distinguished from other LDA based approaches in that we identify the summary topics which best describe a given document and only extract sentences from those paragraphs within the document which are highly correlated given the summary topics. This ensures that our summaries always highlight the crux of the document without paying any attention to the grammar and the structure of the documents. Finally, we evaluate our summaries on the DUC 2002 Single document summarization data corpus using ROUGE measures. Our summaries had higher ROUGE values and better semantic similarity with the documents than the DUC summaries.


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We prove that given a Hecke-Maass form f for SL(2, Z) and a sufficiently large prime q, there exists a primitive Dirichlet character chi of conductor q such that the L-values L(1/2, f circle times chi) and L(1/2, chi) do not vanish.


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We propose an effective elastography technique in which an acoustic radiation force is used for remote palpation to generate localized tissue displacements, which are directly correlated to localized variations of tissue stiffness and are measured using a light probe in the same direction of ultrasound propagation. The experimental geometry has provision to input light beam along the ultrasound propagation direction, and hence it can be prealigned to ensure proper interception of the focal region by the light beam. Tissue-mimicking phantoms with homogeneous and isotropic mechanical properties of normal and malignant breast tissue are considered for the study. Each phantom is insonified by a focusing ultrasound transducer (1 MHz). The focal volume of the transducer and the ultrasound radiation force in the region are estimated through solving acoustic wave propagation through medium assuming average acoustic properties. The forward elastography problem is solved for the region of insonification assuming the Lame's parameters and Poisson's ratio, under Dirichlet boundary conditions which gives a distribution of displacement vectors. The direction of displacement, though presented spatial variation, is predominantly towards the ultrasound propagation direction. Using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation we have traced the photons through the phantom and collected the photons arriving at the detector on the boundary of the object in the direction of ultrasound. The intensity correlations are then computed from detected photons. The intensity correlation function computed through MC simulation showed a modulation whose strength is found to be proportional to the amplitude of displacement and inversely related to the storage (elastic) modulus. It is observed that when the storage modulus in the focal region is increased the computed displacement magnitude, as indicated by the depth of modulation in the intensity autocorrelation, decreased and the trend is approximately exponential.


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In 1984 Jutila [5] obtained a transformation formula for certain exponential sums involving the Fourier coefficients of a holomorphic cusp form for the full modular group SL(2, Z). With the help of the transformation formula he obtained good estimates for the distance between consecutive zeros on the critical line of the Dirichlet series associated with the cusp form and for the order of the Dirichlet series on the critical line, [7]. In this paper we follow Jutila to obtain a transformation formula for exponential sums involving the Fourier coefficients of either holomorphic cusp forms or certain Maass forms for congruence subgroups of SL(2, Z) and prove similar estimates for the corresponding Dirichlet series.


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In this paper, we treat some eigenvalue problems in periodically perforated domains and study the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors when the number of holes in the domain increases to infinity Using the method of asymptotic expansion, we give explicit formula for the homogenized coefficients and expansion for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. If we denote by ε the size of each hole in the domain, then we obtain the following aysmptotic expansion for the eigenvalues: Dirichlet: λε = ε−2 λ + λ0 +O (ε), Stekloff: λε = ελ1 +O (ε2), Neumann: λε = λ0 + ελ1 +O (ε2).Using the method of energy, we prove a theorem of convergence in each case considered here. We briefly study correctors in the case of Neumann eigenvalue problem.


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We consider an inverse elasticity problem in which forces and displacements are known on the boundary and the material property distribution inside the body is to be found. In other words, we need to estimate the distribution of constitutive properties using the finite boundary data sets. Uniqueness of the solution to this problem is proved in the literature only under certain assumptions for a given complete Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. Another complication in the numerical solution of this problem is that the number of boundary data sets needed to establish uniqueness is not known even under the restricted cases where uniqueness is proved theoretically. In this paper, we present a numerical technique that can assess the sufficiency of given boundary data sets by computing the rank of a sensitivity matrix that arises in the Gauss-Newton method used to solve the problem. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the method.


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There are many popular models available for classification of documents like Naïve Bayes Classifier, k-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machine. In all these cases, the representation is based on the “Bag of words” model. This model doesn't capture the actual semantic meaning of a word in a particular document. Semantics are better captured by proximity of words and their occurrence in the document. We propose a new “Bag of Phrases” model to capture this discriminative power of phrases for text classification. We present a novel algorithm to extract phrases from the corpus using the well known topic model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA), and to integrate them in vector space model for classification. Experiments show a better performance of classifiers with the new Bag of Phrases model against related representation models.


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We propose an analytic perturbative scheme in the spirit of Lord Rayleigh's work for determining the eigenvalues of the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions inside an arbitrary boundary where the eigenfunction satisfies either the Dirichlet boundary condition or the Neumann boundary condition. Although numerous works are available in the literature for arbitrary boundaries in two dimensions, to the best of our knowledge the formulation in three dimensions is proposed for the first time. In this novel prescription, we have expanded the arbitrary boundary in terms of spherical harmonics about an equivalent sphere and obtained perturbative closed-form solutions at each order for the problem in terms of corrections to the equivalent spherical boundary for both the boundary conditions. This formulation is in parallel with the standard time-independent Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory. The efficacy of the method is tested by comparing the perturbative values against the numerically calculated eigenvalues for spheroidal, superegg and superquadric shaped boundaries. It is shown that this perturbation works quite well even for wide departure from spherical shape and for higher excited states too. We believe this formulation would find applications in the field of quantum dots and acoustical cavities.


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In Incompressible Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH), a pressure Poisson equation (PPE) is solved to obtain a divergence free velocity field. When free surfaces are simulated using this method a Dirichlet boundary condition for pressure at the free surface has to be applied. In existing ISPH methods this is achieved by identifying free surface particles using heuristically chosen threshold of a parameter such as kernel sum, density or divergence of the position, and explicitly setting their pressure values. This often leads to clumping of particles near the free surface and spraying off of surface particles during splashes. Moreover, surface pressure gradients in flows where surface tension is important are not captured well using this approach. We propose a more accurate semi-analytical approach to impose Dirichlet boundary conditions on the free surface. We show the efficacy of the proposed algorithm by using test cases of elongation of a droplet and dam break. We perform two dimensional simulations of water entry and validate the proposed algorithm with experimental results. Further, a three dimensional simulation of droplet splash is shown to compare well with the Volume-of-Fluid simulations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eigenfunctions of integrable planar billiards are studied - in particular, the number of nodal domains, nu of the eigenfunctions with Dirichlet boundary conditions are considered. The billiards for which the time-independent Schrodinger equation (Helmholtz equation) is separable admit trivial expressions for the number of domains. Here, we discover that for all separable and nonseparable integrable billiards, nu satisfies certain difference equations. This has been possible because the eigenfunctions can be classified in families labelled by the same value of m mod kn, given a particular k, for a set of quantum numbers, m, n. Further, we observe that the patterns in a family are similar and the algebraic representation of the geometrical nodal patterns is found. Instances of this representation are explained in detail to understand the beauty of the patterns. This paper therefore presents a mathematical connection between integrable systems and difference equations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A modified approach to obtain approximate numerical solutions of Fredholin integral equations of the second kind is presented. The error bound is explained by the aid of several illustrative examples. In each example, the approximate solution is compared with the exact solution, wherever possible, and an excellent agreement is observed. In addition, the error bound in each example is compared with the one obtained by the Nystrom method. It is found that the error bound of the present method is smaller than the ones obtained by the Nystrom method. Further, the present method is successfully applied to derive the solution of an integral equation arising in a special Dirichlet problem. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An optimal control problem in a two-dimensional domain with a rapidly oscillating boundary is considered. The main features of this article are on two points, namely, we consider periodic controls in the thin periodic slabs of period epsilon > 0, a small parameter, and height O(1) in the oscillatory part, and the controls are characterized using unfolding operators. We then do a homogenization analysis of the optimal control problems as epsilon -> 0 with L-2 as well as Dirichlet (gradient-type) cost functionals.