112 resultados para Direct-inverse problem

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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An analytical method is developed for solving an inverse problem for Helmholtz's equation associated with two semi-infinite incompressible fluids of different variable refractive indices, separated by a plane interface. The unknowns of the inverse problem are: (i) the refractive indices of the two fluids, (ii) the ratio of the densities of the two fluids, and (iii) the strength of an acoustic source assumed to be situated at the interface of the two fluids. These are determined from the pressure on the interface produced by the acoustic source. The effect of the surface tension force at the interface is taken into account in this paper. The application of the proposed analytical method to solve the inverse problem is also illustrated with several examples. In particular, exact solutions of two direct problems are first derived using standard classical methods which are then used in our proposed inverse method to recover the unknowns of the corresponding inverse problems. The results are found to be in excellent agreement.


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Swarm Intelligence techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are shown to be incompetent for an accurate estimation of global solutions in several engineering applications. This problem is more severe in case of inverse optimization problems where fitness calculations are computationally expensive. In this work, a novel strategy is introduced to alleviate this problem. The proposed inverse model based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied for a contaminant transport inverse model. The inverse models based on standard-PSO and proposed-PSO are validated to estimate the accuracy of the models. The proposed model is shown to be out performing the standard one in terms of accuracy in parameter estimation. The preliminary results obtained using the proposed model is presented in this work.


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Swarm Intelligence techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are shown to be incompetent for an accurate estimation of global solutions in several engineering applications. This problem is more severe in case of inverse optimization problems where fitness calculations are computationally expensive. In this work, a novel strategy is introduced to alleviate this problem. The proposed inverse model based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied for a contaminant transport inverse model. The inverse models based on standard-PSO and proposed-PSO are validated to estimate the accuracy of the models. The proposed model is shown to be out performing the standard one in terms of accuracy in parameter estimation. The preliminary results obtained using the proposed model is presented in this work.


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This article is concerned with subsurface material identification for the 2-D Helmholtz equation. The algorithm is iterative in nature. It assumes an initial guess for the unknown function and obtains corrections to the guessed value. It linearizes the otherwise nonlinear problem around the background field. The background field is the field variable generated using the guessed value of the unknown function at each iteration. Numerical results indicate that the algorithm can recover a close estimate of the unknown function based on the measurements collected at the boundary.


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Theoretical approaches are of fundamental importance to predict the potential impact of waste disposal facilities on ground water contamination. Appropriate design parameters are generally estimated be fitting theoretical models to data gathered from field monitoring or laboratory experiments. Transient through-diffusion tests are generally conducted in the laboratory to estimate the mass transport parameters of the proposed barrier material. Thes parameters are usually estimated either by approximate eye-fitting calibration or by combining the solution of the direct problem with any available gradient-based techniques. In this work, an automated, gradient-free solver is developed to estimate the mass transport parameters of a transient through-diffusion model. The proposed inverse model uses a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm that is based on the social behavior of animals searching for food sources. The finite difference numerical solution of the forward model is integrated with the PSO algorithm to solve the inverse problem of parameter estimation. The working principle of the new solver is demonstrated and mass transport parameters are estimated from laboratory through-diffusion experimental data. An inverse model based on the standard gradient-based technique is formulated to compare with the proposed solver. A detailed comparative study is carried out between conventional methods and the proposed solver. The present automated technique is found to be very efficient and robust. The mass transport parameters are obtained with great precision.


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A considerable amount of work has been dedicated on the development of analytical solutions for flow of chemical contaminants through soils. Most of the analytical solutions for complex transport problems are closed-form series solutions. The convergence of these solutions depends on the eigen values obtained from a corresponding transcendental equation. Thus, the difficulty in obtaining exact solutions from analytical models encourages the use of numerical solutions for the parameter estimation even though, the later models are computationally expensive. In this paper a combination of two swarm intelligence based algorithms are used for accurate estimation of design transport parameters from the closed-form analytical solutions. Estimation of eigen values from a transcendental equation is treated as a multimodal discontinuous function optimization problem. The eigen values are estimated using an algorithm derived based on glowworm swarm strategy. Parameter estimation of the inverse problem is handled using standard PSO algorithm. Integration of these two algorithms enables an accurate estimation of design parameters using closed-form analytical solutions. The present solver is applied to a real world inverse problem in environmental engineering. The inverse model based on swarm intelligence techniques is validated and the accuracy in parameter estimation is shown. The proposed solver quickly estimates the design parameters with a great precision.


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Purpose: Fast reconstruction of interior optical parameter distribution using a new approach called Broyden-based model iterative image reconstruction (BMOBIIR) and adjoint Broyden-based MOBIIR (ABMOBIIR) of a tissue and a tissue mimicking phantom from boundary measurement data in diffuse optical tomography (DOT). Methods: DOT is a nonlinear and ill-posed inverse problem. Newton-based MOBIIR algorithm, which is generally used, requires repeated evaluation of the Jacobian which consumes bulk of the computation time for reconstruction. In this study, we propose a Broyden approach-based accelerated scheme for Jacobian computation and it is combined with conjugate gradient scheme (CGS) for fast reconstruction. The method makes explicit use of secant and adjoint information that can be obtained from forward solution of the diffusion equation. This approach reduces the computational time many fold by approximating the system Jacobian successively through low-rank updates. Results: Simulation studies have been carried out with single as well as multiple inhomogeneities. Algorithms are validated using an experimental study carried out on a pork tissue with fat acting as an inhomogeneity. The results obtained through the proposed BMOBIIR and ABMOBIIR approaches are compared with those of Newton-based MOBIIR algorithm. The mean squared error and execution time are used as metrics for comparing the results of reconstruction. Conclusions: We have shown through experimental and simulation studies that Broyden-based MOBIIR and adjoint Broyden-based methods are capable of reconstructing single as well as multiple inhomogeneities in tissue and a tissue-mimicking phantom. Broyden MOBIIR and adjoint Broyden MOBIIR methods are computationally simple and they result in much faster implementations because they avoid direct evaluation of Jacobian. The image reconstructions have been carried out with different initial values using Newton, Broyden, and adjoint Broyden approaches. These algorithms work well when the initial guess is close to the true solution. However, when initial guess is far away from true solution, Newton-based MOBIIR gives better reconstructed images. The proposed methods are found to be stable with noisy measurement data. (C) 2011 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. DOI: 10.1118/1.3531572]


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Theoretical approaches are of fundamental importance to predict the potential impact of waste disposal facilities on ground water contamination. Appropriate design parameters are, in general, estimated by fitting the theoretical models to a field monitoring or laboratory experimental data. Double-reservoir diffusion (Transient Through-Diffusion) experiments are generally conducted in the laboratory to estimate the mass transport parameters of the proposed barrier material. These design parameters are estimated by manual parameter adjusting techniques (also called eye-fitting) like Pollute. In this work an automated inverse model is developed to estimate the mass transport parameters from transient through-diffusion experimental data. The proposed inverse model uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm which is based on the social behaviour of animals for finding their food sources. Finite difference numerical solution of the transient through-diffusion mathematical model is integrated with the PSO algorithm to solve the inverse problem of parameter estimation.The working principle of the new solver is demonstrated by estimating mass transport parameters from the published transient through-diffusion experimental data. The estimated values are compared with the values obtained by existing procedure. The present technique is robust and efficient. The mass transport parameters are obtained with a very good precision in less time


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In this paper, we investigate a numerical method for the solution of an inverse problem of recovering lacking data on some part of the boundary of a domain from the Cauchy data on other part for a variable coefficient elliptic Cauchy problem. In the process, the Cauchy problem is transformed into the problem of solving a compact linear operator equation. As a remedy to the ill-posedness of the problem, we use a projection method which allows regularization solely by discretization. The discretization level plays the role of regularization parameter in the case of projection method. The balancing principle is used for the choice of an appropriate discretization level. Several numerical examples show that the method produces a stable good approximate solution.


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We discuss the inverse problem associated with the propagation of the field autocorrelation of light through a highly scattering object like tissue. In the first part of the work, we reconstructed the optical absorption coefficient mu(u) and particle diffusion coefficient D-B from simulated measurements which are integrals of a quantity computed from the measured intensity and intensity autocorrelation g(2)(tau) at the boundary. In the second part we recover the mean square displacement (MSD) distribution of particles in an inhomogeneous object from the sampled g(2)(tau) measure on the boundary. From the MSD, we compute the storage and loss moduli distributions in the object. We have devised computationally easy methods to construct the sensitivity matrices which are used in the iterative reconstruction algorithms for recovering these parameters from the measurements. The results of the reconstruction of mu(a), D-B, MSD and the viscoelastic parameters, which are presented, show reasonable good position and quantitative accuracy.


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We propose a self-regularized pseudo-time marching scheme to solve the ill-posed, nonlinear inverse problem associated with diffuse propagation of coherent light in a tissuelike object. In particular, in the context of diffuse correlation tomography (DCT), we consider the recovery of mechanical property distributions from partial and noisy boundary measurements of light intensity autocorrelation. We prove the existence of a minimizer for the Newton algorithm after establishing the existence of weak solutions for the forward equation of light amplitude autocorrelation and its Frechet derivative and adjoint. The asymptotic stability of the solution of the ordinary differential equation obtained through the introduction of the pseudo-time is also analyzed. We show that the asymptotic solution obtained through the pseudo-time marching converges to that optimal solution provided the Hessian of the forward equation is positive definite in the neighborhood of optimal solution. The superior noise tolerance and regularization-insensitive nature of pseudo-dynamic strategy are proved through numerical simulations in the context of both DCT and diffuse optical tomography. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We explore the application of pseudo time marching schemes, involving either deterministic integration or stochastic filtering, to solve the inverse problem of parameter identification of large dimensional structural systems from partial and noisy measurements of strictly static response. Solutions of such non-linear inverse problems could provide useful local stiffness variations and do not have to confront modeling uncertainties in damping, an important, yet inadequately understood, aspect in dynamic system identification problems. The usual method of least-square solution is through a regularized Gauss-Newton method (GNM) whose results are known to be sensitively dependent on the regularization parameter and data noise intensity. Finite time,recursive integration of the pseudo-dynamical GNM (PD-GNM) update equation addresses the major numerical difficulty associated with the near-zero singular values of the linearized operator and gives results that are not sensitive to the time step of integration. Therefore, we also propose a pseudo-dynamic stochastic filtering approach for the same problem using a parsimonious representation of states and specifically solve the linearized filtering equations through a pseudo-dynamic ensemble Kalman filter (PD-EnKF). For multiple sets of measurements involving various load cases, we expedite the speed of thePD-EnKF by proposing an inner iteration within every time step. Results using the pseudo-dynamic strategy obtained through PD-EnKF and recursive integration are compared with those from the conventional GNM, which prove that the PD-EnKF is the best performer showing little sensitivity to process noise covariance and yielding reconstructions with less artifacts even when the ensemble size is small.


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We explore the application of pseudo time marching schemes, involving either deterministic integration or stochastic filtering, to solve the inverse problem of parameter identification of large dimensional structural systems from partial and noisy measurements of strictly static response. Solutions of such non-linear inverse problems could provide useful local stiffness variations and do not have to confront modeling uncertainties in damping, an important, yet inadequately understood, aspect in dynamic system identification problems. The usual method of least-square solution is through a regularized Gauss-Newton method (GNM) whose results are known to be sensitively dependent on the regularization parameter and data noise intensity. Finite time, recursive integration of the pseudo-dynamical GNM (PD-GNM) update equation addresses the major numerical difficulty associated with the near-zero singular values of the linearized operator and gives results that are not sensitive to the time step of integration. Therefore, we also propose a pseudo-dynamic stochastic filtering approach for the same problem using a parsimonious representation of states and specifically solve the linearized filtering equations through apseudo-dynamic ensemble Kalman filter (PD-EnKF). For multiple sets ofmeasurements involving various load cases, we expedite the speed of the PD-EnKF by proposing an inner iteration within every time step. Results using the pseudo-dynamic strategy obtained through PD-EnKF and recursive integration are compared with those from the conventional GNM, which prove that the PD-EnKF is the best performer showing little sensitivity to process noise covariance and yielding reconstructions with less artifacts even when the ensemble size is small. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In positron emission tomography (PET), image reconstruction is a demanding problem. Since, PET image reconstruction is an ill-posed inverse problem, new methodologies need to be developed. Although previous studies show that incorporation of spatial and median priors improves the image quality, the image artifacts such as over-smoothing and streaking are evident in the reconstructed image. In this work, we use a simple, yet powerful technique to tackle the PET image reconstruction problem. Proposed technique is based on the integration of Bayesian approach with that of finite impulse response (FIR) filter. A FIR filter is designed whose coefficients are determined based on the surface diffusion model. The resulting reconstructed image is iteratively filtered and fed back to obtain the new estimate. Experiments are performed on a simulated PET system. The results show that the proposed approach is better than recently proposed MRP algorithm in terms of image quality and normalized mean square error.


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Often the soil hydraulic parameters are obtained by the inversion of measured data (e.g. soil moisture, pressure head, and cumulative infiltration, etc.). However, the inverse problem in unsaturated zone is ill-posed due to various reasons, and hence the parameters become non-unique. The presence of multiple soil layers brings the additional complexities in the inverse modelling. The generalized likelihood uncertainty estimate (GLUE) is a useful approach to estimate the parameters and their uncertainty when dealing with soil moisture dynamics which is a highly non-linear problem. Because the estimated parameters depend on the modelling scale, inverse modelling carried out on laboratory data and field data may provide independent estimates. The objective of this paper is to compare the parameters and their uncertainty estimated through experiments in the laboratory and in the field and to assess which of the soil hydraulic parameters are independent of the experiment. The first two layers in the field site are characterized by Loamy sand and Loamy. The mean soil moisture and pressure head at three depths are measured with an interval of half hour for a period of 1 week using the evaporation method for the laboratory experiment, whereas soil moisture at three different depths (60, 110, and 200 cm) is measured with an interval of 1 h for 2 years for the field experiment. A one-dimensional soil moisture model on the basis of the finite difference method was used. The calibration and validation are approximately for 1 year each. The model performance was found to be good with root mean square error (RMSE) varying from 2 to 4 cm(3) cm(-3). It is found from the two experiments that mean and uncertainty in the saturated soil moisture (theta(s)) and shape parameter (n) of van Genuchten equations are similar for both the soil types. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.