90 resultados para Degradation activation domain (DAD)

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Methanol expression regulator 1 (Mxr1p) is a zinc finger protein that regulates the expression of genes encoding enzymes of the methanol utilization pathway in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris by binding to Mxr1p response elements (MXREs) present in their promoters. Here we demonstrate that Mxr1p is a key regulator of acetate metabolism as well. Mxr1p is cytosolic in cells cultured in minimal medium containing a yeast nitrogen base, ammonium sulfate, and acetate (YNBA) but localizes to the nucleus of cells cultured in YNBA supplemented with glutamate or casamino acids as well as nutrient-rich medium containing yeast extract, peptone, and acetate (YPA). Deletion of Mxr1 retards the growth of P. pastoris cultured in YNBA supplemented with casamino acids as well as YPA. Mxr1p is a key regulator of ACS1 encoding acetyl-CoA synthetase in cells cultured in YPA. A truncated Mxr1p comprising 400 N-terminal amino acids activates ACS1 expression and enhances growth, indicating a crucial role for the N-terminal activation domain during acetate metabolism. The serine 215 residue, which is known to regulate the expression of Mxr1p-activated genes in a carbon source-dependent manner, has no role in the Mxr1p-mediated activation of ACS1 expression. The ACS1 promoter contains an Mxr1p response unit (MxRU) comprising two MXREs separated by a 30-bp spacer. Mutations that abrogate MxRU function in vivo abolish Mxr1p binding to MxRU in vitro. Mxr1p-dependent activation of ACS1 expression is most efficient in cells cultured in YPA. The fact that MXREs are conserved in genes outside of the methanol utilization pathway suggests that Mxr1p may be a key regulator of multiple metabolic pathways in P. pastoris.


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Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes utilize the unique chemistry of a pyridine ring to carry out diverse reactions involving amino acids. Diaminopropionate (DAP) ammonia-lyase (DAPAL) is a prokaryotic PLP-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of D-and L-forms of DAP to pyruvate and ammonia. Here, we report the first crystal structure of DAPAL from Escherichia coli (EcDAPAL) in tetragonal and monoclinic forms at 2.0 and 2.2 angstrom resolutions, respectively. Structures of EcDAPAL soaked with substrates were also determined. EcDAPAL has a typical fold type II PLP-dependent enzyme topology consisting of a large and a small domain with the active site at the interface of the two domains. The enzyme is a homodimer with a unique biological interface not observed earlier. Structure of the enzyme in the tetragonal form had PLP bound at the active site, whereas the monoclinic structure was in the apo-form. Analysis of the apo and holo structures revealed that the region around the active site undergoes transition from a disordered to ordered state and assumes a conformation suitable for catalysis only upon PLP binding. A novel disulfide was found to occur near a channel that is likely to regulate entry of ligands to the active site. EcDAPAL soaked with DL-DAP revealed density at the active site appropriate for the reaction intermediate aminoacrylate, which is consistent with the observation that EcDAPAL has low activity under crystallization conditions. Based on the analysis of the structure and results of site-directed mutagenesis, a two-base mechanism of catalysis involving Asp(120) and Lys(77) is suggested.


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The exoloops of glycoprotein hormone receptors (GpHRs) transduce the signal generated by the ligand-ectodomain interactions to the transmembrane helices either through direct hormonal contact and/or by modulating the interdomain interactions between the hinge region (HinR) and the transmembrane domain (TMD). The ligand-induced conformational alterations in the HinRs and the interhelical loops of luteinizing hormone receptor/follicle stimulating hormone receptor/thyroid stimulating hormone receptor were mapped using exoloop-specific antibodies generated against a mini-TMD protein designed to mimic the native exoloop conformations that were created by joining the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor exoloops constrained through helical tethers and library-derived linkers. The antibody against the mini-TMD specifically recognized all three GpHRs and inhibited the basal and hormone-stimulated cAMP production without affecting hormone binding. Interestingly, binding of the antibody to all three receptors was abolished by prior incubation of the receptors with the respective hormones, suggesting that the exoloops are buried in the hormone-receptor complexes. The antibody also suppressed the high basal activities of gain-of-function mutations in the HinRs, exoloops, and TMDs such as those involved in precocious puberty and thyroid toxic adenomas. Using the antibody and point/deletion/chimeric receptor mutants, we demonstrate that changes in the HinR-exoloop interactions play an important role in receptor activation. Computational analysis suggests that the mini-TMD antibodies act by conformationally locking the transmembrane helices by means of restraining the exoloops and the juxta-membrane regions. Using GpHRs as a model, we describe a novel computational approach of generating soluble TMD mimics that can be used to explain the role of exoloops during receptor activation and their interplay with TMDs.


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The Notch signalling pathway is implicated in a wide variety of cellular processes throughout metazoan development. Although the downstream mechanism of Notch signalling has been extensively studied, the details of its ligand-mediated receptor activation are not clearly understood. Although the role of Notch ELRs EGF (epidermal growth factor)-like-repeats] 11-12 in ligand binding is known, recent studies have suggested interactions within different ELRs of the Notch receptor whose significance remains to be understood. Here, we report critical inter-domain interactions between human Notch1 ELRs 21-30 and the ELRs 11-15 that are modulated by calcium. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed that the interaction between ELRs 21-30 and ELRs 11-15 is similar to 10-fold stronger than that between ELRs 11-15 and the ligands. Although there was no interaction between Notch 1 ELRs 21-30 and the ligands in vitro, addition of pre-clustered Jagged1Fc resulted in the dissociation of the preformed complex between ELRs 21-30 and 11-15, suggesting that inter-domain interactions compete for ligand binding. Furthermore, the antibodies against ELRs 21-30 inhibited ligand binding to the full-length Notch1 and subsequent receptor activation, with the antibodies against ELRs 25-26 being the most effective. These results suggest that the ELRs 25-26 represent a cryptic ligand-binding site which becomes exposed only upon the presence of the ligand. Thus, using specific antibodies against various domains of the Notch1 receptor, we demonstrate that, although ELRs 11-12 are the principal ligand-binding site, the ELRs 25-26 serve as a secondary binding site and play an important role in receptor activation.


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The photocatalytic and thermal degradations of poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(butyl acrylate), and their copolymers of different compositions were studied. The photocatalytic degradation was investigated in o-dichlorobenzene in the presence of two different catalysts, namely, Degussa P-25 and combustion synthesized nanotitania (CSN-TiO2). The samples were analyzed by using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) to obtain the molecular weight distributions (MWDs) as a function of reaction time. Experimental data indicated that the photodegradation of these polymers occurs by both random and chain end scission. A continuous distribution kinetic model was used to determine the degradation rate coefficients by fitting the experimental data with the model. Both the random and specific rate coefficients of the copolymers decreased with increasing percentage of butyl acrylate (BA). Thermal degradation of the copolymers was investigated by thermo-gravimetry. The normalized weight loss profiles for the copolymers showed that the thermal stability of the copolymers increased with mole percentage of BA in the copolymer (PMMABA). The Czawa method was used to determine the activation energies at different conversions. At low acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy depends on conversion, indicating multiple degradation mechanisms. At high acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy is independent of conversion, indicating degradation by a one-step mechanism.


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A correlation has been established between the heat of depolymerization (DeltaH) of vinyl polymers for going from solid polymer state to gaseous monomer state and the activation energy (E) of degradation. On this basis it has been shown that the rate controlling step in the degradation lies in the initiation step. Attempt has been made to correlate theE and DeltaH with glass transition temperature (Tg) and melting temperature (Tm) of the polymers.[/ p]


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The importance of the study of thermal degradation of polymeric fuels arises from their role in the combustion of solid propellants. Estimation of the condensed-phase heat release during combustion can be facilitated by the knowledge of the enthalpy change associated with the polymer degradation process. Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to obtain enthalpy data. Kinetic studies on the polymeric degradation process have been carried out with the following objectives. The literature values of activation energies are quite diverse and differ from author to author. The present study has tried to locate possible reasons for the divergence in the reported activation energy values. A value of 30 kcal has been obtained and found to be independent of the technique employed. The present data on the kinetics support to chain-end initiation and unzipping process. The activation energies are further found to be independent of the atmosphere in which the degradation of polymer fuel is carried out. The degradation in air, N2, and O2 all yield a value of 30 kcal/mole for the activation energies.


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Considering a general linear model of signal degradation, by modeling the probability density function (PDF) of the clean signal using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and additive noise by a Gaussian PDF, we derive the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator. The derived MMSE estimator is non-linear and the linear MMSE estimator is shown to be a special case. For speech signal corrupted by independent additive noise, by modeling the joint PDF of time-domain speech samples of a speech frame using a GMM, we propose a speech enhancement method based on the derived MMSE estimator. We also show that the same estimator can be used for transform-domain speech enhancement.


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The photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of the copolymers poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl methacrylate) (MMA–BMA), poly(methyl methacrylate-co-ethyl acrylate) (MMA–EA) and poly(methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) (MMA–MAA) have been carried out in solution in the presence of solution combustion synthesized TiO2 (CS TiO2) and commercial Degussa P-25 TiO2 (DP 25). The degradation rates of the copolymers were compared with the respective homopolymers. The copolymers and the homopolymers degraded randomly along the chain. The degradation rate was determined using continuous distribution kinetics. For all the polymers, CS TiO2 exhibited superior photo-activity compared to the uncatalysed and DP 25 systems, owing to its high surface hydroxyl content and high specific surface area. The time evolution of the hydroxyl and hydroperoxide stretching vibration in the Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the copolymers indicated that the degradation rate follows the order MMA–MAA > MMA–EA > MMA–BMA. The same order is observed for the rate coefficients of photocatalytic degradation. The photodegradation rate coefficients were compared with the activation energy of pyrolytic degradation. In degradation by pyrolysis, it was observed that MMA–BMA was the least stable followed by MMA–EA and MMA–MAA. The observed contrast in the order of thermal stability compared to the photo-stability of these copolymers was attributed to the two different mechanisms governing the scission of the polymer and the evolution of the products.


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This study discusses grafting of methyl methacrylate units from thepolymeric soybean oil peroxide to produce poly(soybean oil-graft-methyl methacrylate) (PSO-g-PMMA). The degradation of this copolymer in solution was evaluated in the presence of different lipases, viz Candida rugosa (CR), Lipolase 100T (LP), Novozym 435 (N435) and Porcine pancreas (PP), at different temperatures The copolymer degraded by specific chain end scission and the mass fraction of the specific product evolved was determined The degradation was modeled using continuous distribution kinetics to determine the rate coefficients ofmenzymatic chain end scission and deactivation of the enzyme The enzymes, CR. LP and N435 exhibited maximum activity for the degradation of PSO-g-PMMA at 60 degrees C, while PP was most active at 50 degrees C. The thermal degradability of the copolymer, assessed by thermo-gravimetry, indicated that the activation energy of degradation of the copolymer was 154 kJ mol(-1), which was lesser than that of the PMMA homopolymer.


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The thermal degradation behavior of banana fiber and polypropylene/banana fiber composites has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis. Banana fiber was found to be decomposing in two stages, first one around 320 degrees C and the second one around 450 degrees C. For chemically treated banana fiber, the decomposition process has been at a higher temperature, indicating thermal stability for the treated fiber. Activation energies for thermal degradation were estimated using Coats and Redfern method. Calorific value of the banana fiber was measured using a constant volume isothermal bomb calorimeter. rystallization studies exhibited an increase in the crystallization temperature and crystallinity of polypropylene upon the addition of banana fiber. POLYM. COMPOS., 31:1113-1123, 2010. (C) 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers.


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1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) were copolymerized in different weight ratios using UV light induced photo-polymerization to give poly(HDDA-co-MMA). Differential scanning calorimetry shows that copolymer was formed. The thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric studies with different heating rates were carried out on these copolymers to understand the nature of degradation and to determine its kinetics. Different kinetic models were adopted to evaluate various parameters like the activation energy, the order, and the frequency factor. These analyses are important to study the binder removal from 3D-shaped ceramic objects made by techniques like Solid free form fabrication. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 117: 2444-2453, 2010.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) is the receptor for the family of guanylin peptides and bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST). The receptor is composed of an extracellular, ligand-binding domain and an intracellular domain with a region of homology to protein kinases and a guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain. We have expressed the entire intracellular domain of GCC in insect cells and purified the recombinant protein, GCC-IDbac, to study its catalytic activity and regulation. Kinetic properties of the purified protein were similar to that of full-length GCC, and high activity was observed when MnGTP was used as the substrate. Nonionic detergents, which stimulate the guanylyl cyclase activity of membrane-associated GCC, did not appreciably increase the activity of GCC-IDbac, indicating that activation of the receptor by Lubrol involved conformational changes that required the transmembrane and/or the extracellular domain. The guanylyl cyclase activity of GCC-IDbac was inhibited by Zn2+, at concentrations shown to inhibit adenylyl cyclase, suggesting a structural homology between the two enzymes. Covalent crosslinking of GCC-IDbac indicated that the protein could associate as a dimer, but a large fraction was present as a trimer. Gel filtration analysis also showed that the major fraction of the protein eluted at a molecular size of a trimer, suggesting that the dimer detected by cross-linking represented subtle differences in the juxtaposition of the individual polypeptide chains. We therefore provide evidence that the trimeric state of GCC is catalytically active, and sequences required to generate the trimer are present in the intracellular domain of GCC.


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Several samples of poly(vinyl formal) having the same vinyl alcohol content (8–9%) but varying contents of vinyl acetate (6–22%) and vinyl formol (70–85%) were prepared and subjected to thermogravimetric analysis, in air and nitrogen atmospheres, employing both isothermal and dynamic methods. Kinetic parameters determined from both the isothermal and dynamic TGA data are compared. The activation energy is seen to be largely dependent on the degree of conversion, implying a complex degradation reaction. The activation energy is also much less for degradation in air than in nitrogen, which can be explained by a reaction with oxygen-producing structures favoring degradation. The activation energy is less sensitive to variation in polymer composition for degradation in air than in nitrogen. Thus, in the dynamic process, the activation energy value decreases (from 36 to 23 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%) in nitrogen atmosphere, while in air the activation energy value increases only moderately (from 21 to 27 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%). The order of reaction is nearly unity, irrespective of the composition of the polymer, both in air and nitrogen.


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Several samples of poly(vinyl formal) having the same vinyl alcohol content (8–9%) but varying contents of vinyl acetate (6–22%) and vinyl formol (70–85%) were prepared and subjected to thermogravimetric analysis, in air and nitrogen atmospheres, employing both isothermal and dynamic methods. Kinetic parameters determined from both the isothermal and dynamic TGA data are compared. The activation energy is seen to be largely dependent on the degree of conversion, implying a complex degradation reaction. The activation energy is also much less for degradation in air than in nitrogen, which can be explained by a reaction with oxygen-producing structures favoring degradation. The activation energy is less sensitive to variation in polymer composition for degradation in air than in nitrogen. Thus, in the dynamic process, the activation energy value decreases (from 36 to 23 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%) in nitrogen atmosphere, while in air the activation energy value increases only moderately (from 21 to 27 kcal/mole) with increasing acetate content (from 6 to 22%). The order of reaction is nearly unity, irrespective of the composition of the polymer, both in air and nitrogen.