56 resultados para Deficient respiratory mutants

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In infected tissues oxygen tensions are low. As innate immune cells have to operate under these conditions, we analyzed the ability of macrophages (M phi) to kill Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus in a hypoxic microenvironment. Oxygen restriction did not promote intracellular bacterial growth but did impair the bactericidal activity of the host cells against both pathogens. This correlated with a decreased production of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) and reactive nitrogen intermediates. Experiments with phagocyte NADPH oxidase (PHOX) and inducible NO synthase (NOS2) double-deficient M phi revealed that in E. coli- or S. aureus-infected cells the reduced antibacterial activity during hypoxia was either entirely or partially independent of the diminished PHOX and NOS2 activity. Hypoxia impaired the mitochondrial activity of infected M phi. Inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain activity during normoxia (using rotenone or antimycin A) completely or partially mimicked the defective antibacterial activity observed in hypoxic E. coli-or S. aureus-infected wild-type M phi, respectively. Accordingly, inhibition of the respiratory chain of S. aureus-infected, normoxic PHOX-/- NOS2(-/-) M phi further raised the bacterial burden of the cells, which reached the level measured in hypoxic PHOX-/- NOS2(-/-) M phi cultures. Our data demonstrate that the reduced killing of S. aureus or E. coli during hypoxia is not simply due to a lack of PHOX and NOS2 activity but partially or completely results from an impaired mitochondrial antibacterial effector function. Since pharmacological inhibition of the respiratory chain raised the generation of ROI but nevertheless phenocopied the effect of hypoxia, ROI can be excluded as the mechanism underlying the antimicrobial activity of mitochondria.


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Here, we show that PARP inhibitor-mediated cell death of RAD51C-deficient cells occur by NHEJ-driven illegitimate repair of one-ended double-strand breaks, and the hypomorphic RAD51C pathological mutant cells can be targeted by `synergistic toxicity' induced by low-dose PARP inhibitor and IR.Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) inhibitors are actively under clinical trials for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancers that arise due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. The RAD51 paralog RAD51C has been identified as a breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene. The pathological RAD51C mutants that were identified in cancer patients are hypomorphic with partial repair function. However, targeting cancer cells that express hypomorphic mutants of RAD51C is highly challenging. Here, we report that RAD51C-deficient cells can be targeted by a `synthetic lethal' approach using PARP inhibitor and this sensitivity was attributed to accumulation of cells in the G(2)/M and chromosomal aberrations. In addition, spontaneous hyperactivation of PARP1 was evident in RAD51C-deficient cells. Interestingly, RAD51C-negative cells exhibited enhanced recruitment of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) proteins onto chromatin and this accumulation correlated with increased activity of error-prone NHEJ as well as genome instability leading to cell death. Notably, inhibition of DNA-PKcs or depletion of KU70 or Ligase IV rescued this phenotype. Strikingly, stimulation of NHEJ by low dose of ionizing radiation (IR) in the PARP inhibitor-treated RAD51C-deficient cells and cells expressing pathological RAD51C mutants induced enhanced toxicity `synergistically'. These results demonstrate that cancer cells arising due to hypomorphic mutations in RAD51C can be specifically targeted by a `synergistic approach' and imply that this strategy can be potentially applied to cancers with hypomorphic mutations in other homologous recombination pathway genes.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) adaptation to hypoxia is considered crucial to its prolonged latent persistence in humans. Mtb lesions are known to contain physiologically heterogeneous microenvironments that bring about differential responses from bacteria. Here we exploit metabolic variability within biofilm cells to identify alternate respiratory polyketide quinones (PkQs) from both Mycobacterium smegmatis (Msmeg) and Mtb. PkQs are specifically expressed in biofilms and other oxygen-deficient niches to maintain cellular bioenergetics. Under such conditions, these metabolites function as mobile electron carriers in the respiratory electron transport chain. In the absence of PkQs, mycobacteria escape from the hypoxic core of biofilms and prefer oxygenrich conditions. Unlike the ubiquitous isoprenoid pathway for the biosynthesis of respiratory quinones, PkQs are produced by type III polyketide synthases using fatty acyl-CoA precursors. The biosynthetic pathway is conserved in several other bacterial genomes, and our study reveals a redox-balancing chemicocellular process in microbial physiology.


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Eighteen temperature-sensitive mutants of mycobacteriophage I3 have been isolated and partially characterized. All the mutants were defective in vegetative replication. Based on temperature shift experiments with the temperature sensitive mutants, the thermosensitive phase of the phage development period has been characterized for each mutant. The genes have been mapped by recombination analysis. The early, continuous and middle genes seem to cluster on the genetic map


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Gemini viral assembly and transport of viral DNA into nucleus for replication, ssentially involve DNA-coat protein interactions. The kinetics of interaction of Cotton LeafCtirl Kokhran Virus-Dabawali recombinant coat protein (rCP) with DNA was studied by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and Surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The rCP interacted with ssDNA with a K-A, of 2.6 +/- 0.29 x 10(8) M-1 in a sequence non-specific manner. The CP has a conserved C2H2 type zinc finger motif composed of residues C68, C72, H81 and H85. Mutation of these residues to alanine resulted in reduced binding to DNA probes. The H85A mutant rCP showed the least binding with approximately 756 fold loss in the association rate and a three order magnitude decrease in the binding affinity as compared to rCP. The CP-DNA interactions via the zinc finger motif could play a Crucial role ill Virus assembly and in nuclear transport. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc.


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Whole cells, homogenates and mitochondrial obtained from the livers of albino rats which were starved for 6 days or more showed a 50% decrease in oxidative activity. The decrease could be corrected by the addition of cytochrome c in vitro. The phosphorylative activity of mitochondria remained unaffected. The decrease in oxidative rate was not observed when starving animals were given the anti-hypercholesterolaemic drug clofibrate. The total cellular concentration of cytochrome c was not affected by starvation. However, the concentration of the pigment in hepatic mitochondria isolated from starving animals was less than half that in normal mitochondria. Clofibrate-treated animals did not show a decreased concentration of cytochrome c in hepatic mitochondria. Mitochondria isolated from starving animals, though deficient in cytochrome c, did not show any decrease in succinate dehydrogenase activity or in the rate of substrate-dependent reduction of potassium ferricyanide or attendant phosphorylation. In coupled mitochondria, ferricyanide may not accept electrons from the cytochrome c in the respiratory chain. Starvation decreases the concentration of high-affinity binding sites for cytochrome c on the mitochondrial membrane. The dissociation constant increases in magnitude.


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Plasmodium falciparum TIM (PfTIM) is unique in possessing a Phe residue at position 96 in place of the conserved Ser that is found in TIMs from the majority of other organisms. In order to probe the role of residue 96, three PfTIM mutants, F96S, F96H and F96W, have been biochemically and structurally characterized. The three mutants exhibited reduced catalytic efficiency and a decrease in substrate-binding affinity, with the most pronounced effects being observed for F96S and F96H. The k(cat) values and K-m values are (2.54 +/- 0.19) x 10(5) min(-1) and 0.39 +/- 0.049 mM, respectively, for the wild type; (3.72 +/- 0.28) x 10(3) min(-1) and 2.18 +/- 0.028 mM, respectively, for the F96S mutant;(1.11 +/- 0.03) x 10(4) min(-1) and 2.62 +/- 0.042 mM, respectively, for the F96H mutant; and (1.48 +/- 0.05) x 10(5) min(-1) and 1.20 +/- 0.056 mM, respectively, for the F96W mutant. Unliganded and 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) complexed structures are reported for the wild-type enzyme and the mutants. The ligand binds to the active sites of the wild-type enzyme (wtPfTIM) and the F96W mutant, with a loop-open state in the former and both open and closed states in the latter. In contrast, no density for the ligand could be detected at the active sites of the F96S and F96H mutants under identical conditions. The decrease in ligand affinity could be a consequence of differences in the water network connecting residue 96 to Ser73 in the vicinity of the active site. Soaking of crystals of wtPfTIM and the F96S and F96H mutants resulted in the binding of 3PG at a dimer-interface site. In addition, loop closure at the liganded active site was observed for wtPfTIM. The dimer-interface site in PfTIM shows strong electrostatic anchoring of the phosphate group involving the Arg98 and Lys112 residues of PfTIM.


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Dendritic cells (DC) efficiently phagocytose invading bacteria, but fail to kill intracellular pathogens such as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium). We analysed the intracellular fate of Salmonella in murine bone marrow-derived DC (BM-DC). The intracellular proliferation and subcellular localization were investigated for wild-type S. Typhimurium and mutants deficient in Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2), a complex virulence factor that is essential for systemic infections in the murine model and intracellular survival and replication in macrophages. Using a segregative plasmid to monitor intracellular cell division, we observed that, in BM-DC, S. Typhimurium represents a static, non-dividing population. In BM-DC, S. Typhimurium resides in a membrane-bound compartment that has acquired late endosomal markers. However, these bacteria respond to intracellular stimuli, because induction of SPI2 genes was observed. S. Typhimurium within DC are also able to translocate a virulence protein into their host cells. SPI2 function was not required for intracellular survival in DC, but we observed that the maturation of the Salmonella-containing vesicle is different in DC infected with wild-type bacteria and a strain deficient in SPI2. Our observations indicate that S. Typhimurium in DC are able to modify normal processes of their host cells.


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We report here the formation of plasmid linear multimers promoted by the Red-system of phage lambda using a multicopy plasmid comprised of lambda red alpha and red beta genes, under the control of the lambda cI857 repressor. Our observations have revealed that the multimerization of plasmid DNA is dependent on the red beta and recA genes, suggesting a concerted role for these functions in the formation of plasmid multimers. The formation of multimers occurred in a recBCD+ sbcB+ xthA+ lon genetic background at a higher frequency than in the isogenic lon+ host cells. The multimers comprised tandem repeats of monomer plasmid DNA. Treatment of purified plasmid DNA with exonuclease III revealed the presence of free double-chain ends in the molecules. Determination of the size of multimeric DNA, by pulse field gel electrophoresis, revealed that the bulk of the DNA was in the range 50-240 kb, representing approximately 5-24 unit lengths of monomeric plasmid DNA. We provide a conceptual framework for Red-system-promoted formation and enhanced accumulation of plasmid linear multimers in lon mutants of E. coli.


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Phospholipase A(2) hydrolyzes phospholipids at the sn-2 position to cleave the fatty-acid ester bond of L-glycerophospholipids. The catalytic dyad (Asp99 and His48) along with a nucleophilic water molecule is responsible for enzyme hydrolysis. Furthermore, the residue Asp49 in the calcium-binding loop is essential for controlling the binding of the calcium ion and the catalytic action of phospholipase A2. To elucidate the structural role of His48 and Asp49, the crystal structures of three active-site single mutants H48N, D49N and D49K have been determined at 1.9 angstrom resolution. Although the catalytically important calcium ion is present in the H48N mutant, the crystal structure shows that proton transfer is not possible from the catalytic water to the mutated residue. In the case of the Asp49 mutants, no calcium ion was found in the active site. However, the tertiary structures of the three active-site mutants are similar to that of the trigonal recombinant enzyme. Molecular-dynamics simulation studies provide a good explanation for the crystallographic results.


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PURPOSE. To understand the molecular features underlying autosomal dominant congenital cataracts caused by the deletion mutations W156X in human gamma D-crystallin and W157X in human gamma C-crystallin. METHODS. Normal and mutant cDNAs (with the enhanced green fluorescent protein [EGFP] tag in the front) were cloned into the pEGFP-C1 vector, transfected into various cell lines, and observed under a confocal microscope for EGFP fluorescence. Normal and W156X gamma D cDNAs were also cloned into the pET21a(+) vector, and the recombinant proteins were overexpressed in the BL-21(DE3) pLysS strain of Escherichia coli, purified, and isolated. The conformational features, structural stability, and solubility in aqueous solution of the mutant protein were compared with those of the wild type using spectroscopic methods. Comparative molecular modeling was performed to provide additional structural information. RESULTS. Transfection of the EGFP-tagged mutant cDNAs into several cell lines led to the visualization of aggregates, whereas that of wild-type cDNAs did not. Turning to the properties of the expressed proteins, the mutant molecules show remarkable reduction in solubility. They also seem to have a greater degree of surface hydrophobicity than the wild-type molecules, most likely accounting for self-aggregation. Molecular modeling studies support these features. CONCLUSIONS. The deletion of C-terminal 18 residues of human gamma C-and gamma D-crystallins exposes the side chains of several hydrophobic residues in the sequence to the solvent, causing the molecule to self-aggregate. This feature appears to be reflected in situ on the introduction of the mutants in human lens epithelial cells.


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Uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung)initiates the uracil excision repair pathway. We have earlier characterized the Y66W and Y66H mutants of Ung and shown that they are compromised by similar to 7- and similar to 170-fold, respectively in their uracil excision activities. In this study, fluorescence anisotropy measurements show that compared with the wild-type, the Y66W protein is moderately compromised and attenuated in binding to AP-DNA. Allelic exchange of ung in Escherichia coli with ung::kan, ungY66H:amp or ungY66W:amp alleles showed similar to 5-, similar to 3.0- and similar to 2.0-fold, respectively increase in mutation frequencies. Analysis of mutations in the rifampicin resistance determining region of rpoB revealed that the Y66W allele resulted in an increase in A to G (or T to C) mutations. However, the increase in A to G mutations was mitigated upon expression of wild-type Ung from a plasmid borne gene. Biochemical and computational analyses showed that the Y66W mutant maintains strict specificity for uracil excision from DNA. Interestingly, a strain deficient in AP-endonucleases also showed an increase in A to G mutations. We discuss these findings in the context of a proposal that the residency of DNA glycosylase(s) onto the AP-sites they generate shields them until recruitment of AP-endonucleases for further repair.


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1. The concentrations of ubiquinone and ubichromenol increased in the livers, but not in the intestines and kidneys, of rats maintained on a diet deficient in vitamin 2. After short time intervals (e.g. 2 h) following administration of the tracer, incorporation of [2-14C]mevalonate into ubiquinone and ubichromenol in livers of vitamin A-deficient rats was lower than for normal animals; this was in contrast to later times (e.g. 72 h) when it was higher. 3. The “newly synthesized” ubiquinone in livers of vitamin A-deficient rats was distributed in all the cell fractions without specific localization. 4. Absorbed exogenous [14C]ubiquinone and [14C]ubichromenol were retained in the livers of vitamin A-deficient rats to a larger extent and for a longer time than in the normal animals. 5. The results suggest that the accumulation of ubiquinone and ubichromenol in the livers of vitamin A-deficient rats is due to lowered catabolism and not to increased rate of synthesis.


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IT was initially suggested that vitamin A-deficiency leads to an interference in the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid, because depletion of vitamin A was found to cause a fall in the tissue-levels of ascorbate and diminished urinary ascorbic acid excretion in animals1-3. Mapson4, however, concluded that lowered ascorbic acid-levels in vitamin A-deficient rats is due to inanition only, because he was able to show that following chloretone treatment vitamin A-deficient and pair-fed vitamin A normal rats excrete comparable amounts of ascorbic acid in their urine and that restriction of food intake reduces the urinary ascorbate even in the chloretone-treated normal rats. Results of our preliminary experiments reported here clearly indicate that the synthesis of ascorbic acid in rats is markedly reduced during vitamin A-deficiency.


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Salmonella typhimurium mutants affecting the plaque morphology of P22 and other phages have been isolated. Using one such bacterial mutant phage mutants making turbid plaques have been isolated.