135 resultados para Cyclic Plasticity

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Theoretical and computational frameworks for synaptic plasticity and learning have a long and cherished history, with few parallels within the well-established literature for plasticity of voltage-gated ion channels. In this study, we derive rules for plasticity in the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels, and assess the synergy between synaptic and HCN channel plasticity in establishing stability during synaptic learning. To do this, we employ a conductance-based model for the hippocampal pyramidal neuron, and incorporate synaptic plasticity through the well-established Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro (BCM)-like rule for synaptic plasticity, wherein the direction and strength of the plasticity is dependent on the concentration of calcium influx. Under this framework, we derive a rule for HCN channel plasticity to establish homeostasis in synaptically-driven firing rate, and incorporate such plasticity into our model. In demonstrating that this rule for HCN channel plasticity helps maintain firing rate homeostasis after bidirectional synaptic plasticity, we observe a linear relationship between synaptic plasticity and HCN channel plasticity for maintaining firing rate homeostasis. Motivated by this linear relationship, we derive a calcium-dependent rule for HCN-channel plasticity, and demonstrate that firing rate homeostasis is maintained in the face of synaptic plasticity when moderate and high levels of cytosolic calcium influx induced depression and potentiation of the HCN-channel conductance, respectively. Additionally, we show that such synergy between synaptic and HCN-channel plasticity enhances the stability of synaptic learning through metaplasticity in the BCM-like synaptic plasticity profile. Finally, we demonstrate that the synergistic interaction between synaptic and HCN-channel plasticity preserves robustness of information transfer across the neuron under a rate-coding schema. Our results establish specific physiological roles for experimentally observed plasticity in HCN channels accompanying synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons, and uncover potential links between HCN-channel plasticity and calcium influx, dynamic gain control and stable synaptic learning.


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The synaptic plasticity literature has focused on establishing necessity and sufficiency as two essential and distinct features in causally relating a signaling molecule to plasticity induction, an approach that has been surprisingly lacking in the intrinsic plasticity literature. In this study, we complemented the recently established necessity of inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptors (InsP(3)R) in a form of intrinsic plasticity by asking if InsP(3)R activation was sufficient to induce intrinsic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. Specifically, incorporation of D-myo-InsP(3) in the recording pipette reduced input resistance, maximal impedance amplitude, and temporal summation but increased resonance frequency, resonance strength, sag ratio, and impedance phase lead. Strikingly, the magnitude of plasticity in all these measurements was dependent on InsP 3 concentration, emphasizing the graded dependence of such plasticity on InsP(3)R activation. Mechanistically, we found that this InsP(3)-induced plasticity depended on hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Moreover, this calcium-dependent form of plasticity was critically reliant on the release of calcium through InsP(3)Rs, the influx of calcium through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels, and on the protein kinase A pathway. Our results delineate a causal role for InsP(3)Rs in graded adaptation of neuronal response dynamics, revealing novel regulatory roles for the endoplasmic reticulum in neural coding and homeostasis.


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Five stereochemically constrained analogs of the chemotactic tripeptide incorporating 1-aminocycloalkane-1-carboxylic acid (Ac(n)c) and alpha,alpha-dialkylglycines (Deg, diethylglycine; Dpg, n,n-dipropylglycine and Dbg, n,n-dibutylglycine) at position 2 have been synthesized. NMR studies of peptides For-Met-Xxx-Phe-OMe (Xxx = Ac(7)c, I; Ac(8)c, II; Deg, III; Dpg, IV and Dbg, V; For, formyl) establish that peptides with cycloalkyl residues, I and II, adopt folded beta-turn conformations in CDCl3 and (CD3)(2)SO. In contrast, analogs with linear alkyl sidechains, III-V, favour fully extended (C-5) conformations in solution. Peptides I-V exhibit high activity in inducing beta-glucosaminidase release from rabbit neutrophils, with ED(50) values ranging from 1.4-8.0 x 10(-11)M. In human neutrophils the Dxg peptides III-V have ED(50) values ranging from 2.3 x 10(-8) to 5.9 x 10(-10) M, with the activity order being V > IV > III. While peptides I-IV are less active than the parent. For-Met-Leu-Phe-OH, in stimulating histamine release from human basophils, the Dbg peptide V is appreciably more potent, suggesting its potential utility as a probe for formyl peptide receptors.


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This paper presents the results of laboratory investigation carried out on Ahmedabad sand on the liquefaction and pore water pressure generation during strain controled cyclic loading. Laboratory experiments were carried out on representative natural sand samples (base sand) collected from earthquake-affected area of Ahmedabad City of Gujarat State in India. A series of strain controled cyclic triaxial tests were carried out on isotropically compressed samples to study the influence of different parameters such as shear strain amplitude, initial effective confining pressure, relative density and percentage of non-plastic fines on the behavior of liquefaction and pore water pressure generation. It has been observed from the laboratory investigation that the potential for liquefaction of the sandy soils depends on the shear strain amplitude, initial relative density, initial effective confining pressure and non-plastic fines. In addition, an empirical relationship between pore pressure ratio and cycle ratio independent of the number of cycles of loading, relative density, confining pressure, amplitude of shear strain and non-plastic fines has been proposed.


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A fundamental approach, based on Gouy-Chapman theory of double layer, has been provided to micromechanistically interpret the plasticity index of soils and their relationship with liquid limit. The relationships between plasticity index and liquid limit, developed earlier, through statistical approaches and critical state concepts, have been reexamined. The statistical analysis of extensive published data has resulted in the relationship, IP = 0.74 (wL - 8). On comparison with other relationships in vogue the proposed equation has been found to give better agreement. From the reappraisal of critical state approaches consistent with the micromechanistic interpretation, the possible range of parameters have been computed and compared with those obtained by statistical means to enhance the credibility of the proposed relationship.


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Luminescence has been detected in cyclic tetrapeptide disulfides containing only nonaromatic residues. Excitation of the S-S- n-cr transition between 280 and 290 nm leads to.ernission in the region 300-340 nm. The position and intensity of the emission band depends on the stereochemistry of the peptide and polarity of the solvent. Quantum yields ranging from 0.002 to 0.026 have been determined. Disulfide luminescence is quenched by oxygen and enhanced in solutions saturated with nitrogen. Contributions from disulfide linkages should be considered, when analysing the emission spectra of proteins, lacking tryptophan but having a high cystine content.


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Current-potential relationships are derived for small-amplitude periodic inputs for linear electrochemical systems using a Fourier synthesis procedure. Specific results have been obtained for a triangular potential waveform for two simple model systems.


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The conformational analysis of the synthetic peptide Boc-Cys-Pro-Val-Cys-NHMe has been carried out, as a model for small disulfide loops, in biologically active polypeptides. 'H NMR studies (270 MHz) establish that the Val(3) and Cys(4) NH groups are solvent shielded, while 13C studies establish an all-trans peptide backbone. Circular dichroism and Raman spectroscopy provide evidence for a right-handed twist of the disulfide bond. Analysis of the vicinal (JaB)c oupling constants for the two Cys residues establishes that XI - *60° for Cys(4), while some flexibility is suggested at Cys( 1). Conformational energy calculations, imposing intramolecular hydrogen bonding constraints, favor a P-turn (type I) structure with Pro(2)-Va1(3) as the corner residues. Theoretical and spectroscopic results are consistent with the presence of a transannular 4 - 1 hydrogen bond between Cys( 1) CO and Cys(4) NH groups, with the Val NH being sterically shielded from the solvent environment.


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We consider models for the rheology of dense, slowly deforming granular materials based of classical and Cosserat plasticity, and their viscoplastic extensions that account for small but finite particle inertia. We determine the scale for the viscosity by expanding the stress in a dimensionless parameter that is a measure of the particle inertia. We write the constitutive relations for classical and Cosserat plasticity in stress-explicit form. The viscoplastic extensions are made by adding a rate-dependent viscous stress to the plasticity stress. We apply the models to plane Couette flow, and show that the classical plasticity and viscoplasticity models have features that depart from experimental observations; the prediction of the Cosserat viscoplasticity model is qualitatively similar to that of Cosserat plasticity, but the viscosities modulate the thickness of the shear layer.


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The solution and solid-state conformations of the peptide disulfide Boc-Cys-Pro-Aib-Cys-NHMe have been determined by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The Cys(4) and methylamide NH groups are solvent shielded in CDCI3 and (CD,),SO, suggesting their involvement in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. On the basis of known stereochemical preferences of Pro and Aib residues, a consecutive @-turn structure is favored in solution. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals a highly folded 310 helical conformation for the peptide, with the S-S bridge lying approximately parallel to the helix axis, linking residues 1 and 4. The backbone conformational angles are Cys(1) 4 = -121.1', $ = 65.6"; Pro(2) 4 = -58.9', 4 = -34.0'; Aib(3) 4 = -61.8', $ = -17.9'; Cys(4) 4 = -70.5', $ = -18.6'. Two intramolecular hydrogen bonds are observed between Cys(1) CO--HN Cys(4) and Pro(2) CO--HNMe. The disulfide bond has a right-handed chirality, with a dihedral angle (xss) of 82'.


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The basic cyclic hexapeptide conformations which accommodate hydrogen bonded β and γ turns in the backbone have been worked out using stereochemical criteria and energy minimization procedures. It was found that cyclic hexapeptides can be made up of all possible combinations of 4 ± 1 hydrogen bonded types I, I', II and II' β turns, giving rise to symmetric conformations having twofold and inversion symmetries as well as nonsymmetric structures. Conformations having exclusive features of 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonded γ turns were found to be possible in threefold and S6 symmetric cyclic hexapeptides. The results show that the cyclic hexapeptides formed by the linking of two β turn tripeptide fragments differ mainly in (a) the hydrogen bonding scheme present in the β turn tripeptides and (b) the conformation at the α-carbon atoms where the two tripeptide fragments link. The different hydrogen bonding schemes found in the component β turns are: 1) a β turn with only a 4 ± 1 hydrogen bond, 2) a type I or I' β turn with 4 ± 1 and 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonds occurring in a bifurcated form and 3) a type II or II' β turn having both the 4 ± 1 and the 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonds with the same acceptor oxygen atom. The conformation at the linking α-carbon atoms was found to lie either in the extended region or in the 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonded γ turn or inverse γ turn regions. Further, the threefold and the S6 symmetric conformations have three γ turns interleaved by three extended regions or three inverse γ turns, respectively. The feasibility of accommodating alanyl residues of both isomeric forms in the CHP minima has been explored. Finally, the available experimental data are reviewed in the light of the present results.


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Abstaract is not available.


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The triplets of four cyclic enethiones, including thiocoumarin, have been investigated by nanosecond laser flash photolysis. Data are presented for transient spectra and kinetics associated with triplets, quantum yields of intersystem crossing and singlet oxygen photosensitization. The quenching of the thiocoumarin triplet (A:, = 485 nm, E:,, = 8.8 x lo3 dm3 mol-' cm-'in benzene) by several olefins, amines and hydrogen donors occurs with rate constants of 107-5 x lo9 dm3 mol-' s-'; the lower limits of quantum yields ( c#+~) for the related photoreactions, estimated from ground-state depletion, are generally small (0.0-0.1 1 in benzene, except for good hydrogen donors, namely, p-methoxythiophenol and tri-n-butylstannane) . The radical anion of thiocoumarin (A,,, = 405-435 nm) is formed in two stages upon triplet quenching by triethylamine in acetonitrile; the fast component is the result of direct electron transfer to the triplet and the slower component is assigned to secondary photoreduction of the thione ground state by the a-aminoalkyl radical derived from the triethylamine radical-cation.


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Crystal structures of six isopropylidene nucleoside derivatives are described. The results show that, under external cyclic constraints, the ribose assumes a variety of unusual conformations. In those compounds which possess a base-to-sugar cyclization through the C(4′) atom, the furanose pucker is predominantly C(4′)-endo, O(4′)-exo. The possible relevance of the sulphur geometry in two of the compounds to certain structural aspects of the action of the enzyme thymidylate synthetase is also pointed out.