6 resultados para Cuntz semigroup

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Let S be a simplicial affine semigroup such that its semigroup ring A = k[S] is Buchsbaum. We prove for such A the Herzog-Vasconcelos conjecture: If the A-module Der(k)A of k-linear derivations of A has finite projective dimension then it is free and hence A is a polynomial ring by the well known graded case of the Zariski-Lipman conjecture.


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Let A be a positive definite operator in a Hilbert space and consider the initial value problem for u(t) = -A(2)u. Using a representation of the semigroup exp(-A(2)t) in terms of the group exp(iAt) we express u in terms of the solution of the standard heat equation w(t) = W-yy, with initial values v solving the initial value problem for v(y) = iAv. This representation is used to construct a method for approximating u in terms of approximations of v. In the case that A is a 2(nd) order elliptic operator the method is combined with finite elements in the spatial variable and then reduces the solution of the 4(th) order equation for u to that of the 2(nd) order equation for v, followed by the solution of the heat equation in one space variable.


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Let X(t) be a right continuous temporally homogeneous Markov pro- cess, Tt the corresponding semigroup and A the weak infinitesimal genera- tor. Let g(t) be absolutely continuous and r a stopping time satisfying E.( S f I g(t) I dt) < oo and E.( f " I g'(t) I dt) < oo Then for f e 9iJ(A) with f(X(t)) right continuous the identity Exg(r)f(X(z)) - g(O)f(x) = E( 5 " g'(s)f(X(s)) ds) + E.( 5 " g(s)Af(X(s)) ds) is a simple generalization of Dynkin's identity (g(t) 1). With further restrictions on f and r the following identity is obtained as a corollary: Ex(f(X(z))) = f(x) + k! Ex~rkAkf(X(z))) + n-1E + (n ) )!.E,(so un-1Anf(X(u)) du). These identities are applied to processes with stationary independent increments to obtain a number of new and known results relating the moments of stopping times to the moments of the stopped processes.


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In this article we consider a semigroup ring R = KGamma] of a numerical semigroup Gamma and study the Cohen- Macaulayness of the associated graded ring G(Gamma) := gr(m), (R) := circle plus(n is an element of N) m(n)/m(n+1) and the behaviour of the Hilbert function H-R of R. We define a certain (finite) subset B(Gamma) subset of F and prove that G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if B(Gamma) = empty set. Therefore the subset B(Gamma) is called the Cohen-Macaulay defect of G(Gamma). Further, we prove that if the degree sequence of elements of the standard basis of is non-decreasing, then B(F) = empty set and hence G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay. We consider a class of numerical semigroups Gamma = Sigma(3)(i=0) Nm(i) generated by 4 elements m(0), m(1), m(2), m(3) such that m(1) + m(2) = mo m3-so called ``balanced semigroups''. We study the structure of the Cohen-Macaulay defect B(Gamma) of Gamma and particularly we give an estimate on the cardinality |B(Gamma, r)| for every r is an element of N. We use these estimates to prove that the Hilbert function of R is non-decreasing. Further, we prove that every balanced ``unitary'' semigroup Gamma is ``2-good'' and is not ``1-good'', in particular, in this case, c(r) is not Cohen-Macaulay. We consider a certain special subclass of balanced semigroups Gamma. For this subclass we try to determine the Cohen-Macaulay defect B(Gamma) using the explicit description of the standard basis of Gamma; in particular, we prove that these balanced semigroups are 2-good and determine when exactly G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We generalize the concept of coherent states, traditionally defined as special families of vectors on Hilbert spaces, to Hilbert modules. We show that Hilbert modules over C*-algebras are the natural settings for a generalization of coherent states defined on Hilbert spaces. We consider those Hilbert C*-modules which have a natural left action from another C*-algebra, say A. The coherent states are well defined in this case and they behave well with respect to the left action by A. Certain classical objects like the Cuntz algebra are related to specific examples of coherent states. Finally we show that coherent states on modules give rise to a completely positive definite kernel between two C*-algebras, in complete analogy to the Hilbert space situation. Related to this, there is a dilation result for positive operator-valued measures, in the sense of Naimark. A number of examples are worked out to illustrate the theory. Some possible physical applications are also mentioned.


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It is shown how to use non-commutative stopping times in order to stop the CCR flow of arbitrary index and also its isometric cocycles, i.e. left operator Markovian cocycles on Boson Fock space. Stopping the CCR flow yields a homomorphism from the semigroup of stopping times, equipped with the convolution product, into the semigroup of unital endomorphisms of the von Neumann algebra of bounded operators on the ambient Fock space. The operators produced by stopping cocycles themselves satisfy a cocycle relation.