228 resultados para Crystal atomic structure

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Theoretical studies exist to compute the atomic arrangement in gold nanowires and the influence on their electronic behavior with decreasing diameter. Experimental studies, e.g., by transmission electron microscopy, on chemically synthesized ultrafine wires are however lacking owing to the unavailability of suitable protocols for sample preparation and the stability of the wires under electron beam irradiation. In this work, we present an atomic scale structural investigation on quantum single crystalline gold nanowires of 2 nm diameter, chemically prepared on a carbon film grid. Using low dose aberration-corrected high resolution (S)TEM, we observe an inhomogeneous strain distribution in the crystal, largely concentrated at the twin boundaries and the surface along with the presence of facets and surface steps leading to a noncircular cross section of the wires. These structural aspects are critical inputs needed to determine their unique electronic character and their potential as a suitable catalyst material. Furthermore, electron-beam-induced structural changes at the atomic scale, having implications on their mechanical behavior and their suitability as interconnects, are discussed.


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The solid state photochemical behaviour of 7-hydroxy-4-styrylcoumarin 1 and several of its derivatives and analogues has been investigated. All the compounds with the exception of 7-methoxy-4-styrylcoumarin 2 are photolabile and yield anti-HT dimers. It has been observed that chloro substitution in the systems studied does not lead to the expected beta-packing mode. The photobehaviour of 1 and 2 has been correlated with their crystal structures. Reasons for alpha-packing have been examined. The systematics in the arrangement of the carbonyl group and phenyl group of the close neighbours in the crystals of 1, 2 and a few other cases are presented.


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Amorphous W-S-N in the form of thin films has been identified experimentally as an ultra-low friction material, enabling easy sliding by the formation of a WS2 tribofilm. However, the atomic-level structure and bonding arrangements in amorphous W-S-N, which give such optimum conditions for WS2 formation and ultra-low friction, are not known. In this study, amorphous thin films with up to 37 at.% N are deposited, and experimental as well as state-of-the-art ab initio techniques are employed to reveal the complex structure of W-S-N at the atomic level. Excellent agreement between experimental and calculated coordination numbers and bond distances is demonstrated. Furthermore, the simulated structures are found to contain N bonded in molecular form, i.e. N-2, which is experimentally confirmed by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. Such N-2 units are located in cages in the material, where they are coordinated mainly by S atoms. Thus this ultra-low friction material is shown to be a complex amorphous network of W, S and N atoms, with easy access to W and S for continuous formation of WS2 in the contact region, and with the possibility of swift removal of excess nitrogen present as N-2 molecules. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The tripeptide Boc-Aib-Leu-Pro-NHMe crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with a = 9.542, b = 15.200, c = 18.256 Å and Z = 4. Each peptide is associated wth two water molecules in the asymmetric unit of the crystal. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to an R-value of 0.069. The peptide adopts a structure without any intramolecular hydrogen bond. The three residues occupy distinctly different regions of the Ramachandran map: Aib in the left-handed 310-helical region (± = 67°, ± = 23°), Leu in the β-sheet region (± = - 133°, ± = 142°) and Pro in the poly (Pro) II region (± = - 69°, ± = 151°). An interesting observation is that each water molecule participates in four hydrogen bonds with distorted tetrahedral coordination about the oxygen atom.


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Low-humidity monoclinic lysozyme, resulting from a water-mediated transformation, has one of the lowest solvent contents (22% by volume) observed in a protein crystal. Its structure has been solved by the molecular replacement method and refined to an R value of 0.175 for 7684 observed reflections in the 10–1.75 Å resolution shell. 90% of the solvent in the well ordered crystals could be located. Favourable sites of hydration on the protein surface include side chains with multiple hydrogen-bonding centres, and regions between short hydrophilic side chains and the main-chain CO or NH groups of the same or nearby residues. Major secondary structural features are not disrupted by hydration. However, the free CO groups at the C terminii and, to a lesser extent, the NH groups at the N terminii of helices provide favourable sites for water interactions, as do reverse turns and regions which connect β-structure and helices. The hydration shell consists of discontinuous networks of water molecules, the maximum number of molecules in a network being ten. The substrate-binding cleft is heavily hydrated, as is the main loop region which is stabilized by water interactions. The protein molecules are close packed in the crystals with a molecular coordination number of 14. Arginyl residues are extensively involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonds and water bridges. The water molecules in the crystal are organized into discrete clusters. A distinctive feature of the clusters is the frequent occurrence of three-membered rings. The protein molecules undergo substantial rearrangement during the transformation from the native to the low-humidity form. The main-chain conformations in the two forms are nearly the same, but differences exist in the side-chain conformation. The differences are particularly pronounced in relation to Trp 62 and Trp 63. The shift in Trp 62 is especially interesting as it is also known to move during inhibitor binding.


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Hole-doped perovskites such as La1-xCaxMnO3 present special magnetic and magnetotransport properties, and it is commonly accepted that the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a crucial role in determining these peculiar features. Therefore experimental techniques directly probing the local atomic structure, like x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), have been widely exploited to deeply understand the physics of these compounds. Quantitative XAS analysis usually concerns the extended region [extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)] of the absorption spectra. The near-edge region [x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES)] of XAS spectra can provide detailed complementary information on the electronic structure and local atomic topology around the absorber. However, the complexity of the XANES analysis usually prevents a quantitative understanding of the data. This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a quantitative structural refinement of the Mn K-edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3. The results derived from the EXAFS and XANES analyses are in good agreement, demonstrating that a quantitative picture of the local structure can be obtained from XANES in these crystalline compounds. Moreover, the quantitative XANES analysis provides topological information not directly achievable from EXAFS data analysis. This work demonstrates that combining the analysis of extended and near-edge regions of Mn K-edge XAS spectra could provide a complete and accurate description of Mn local atomic environment in these compounds.


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Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskits display low field MR at a relatively high temperature and unusual ferromagnetic properties. These compounds depicts metal to insulator transition increasing x above x(c) similar to 0.25. A comparative analysis of the near edge regions (XANES) suggests that iron is Fe3+ in the metallic range. Checking the end compounds, we found that the doped samples can be viewn as inhomogeneous distributions of the end compounds. This could help to distinguish between the two scenarios proposed to explain the metal to insulator transition. Moreover, the local atomic structure of Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 as a function of composition (0 <= x <= 1) has been investigated by Extended X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS) a the Fe, Mo, Sr K-edges andW L-III-edge.


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We measure hyperfine structure in the metastable P-3(2) state of Yb-173 and extract the nuclear magnetic octupole moment. We populate the state using dipole-allowed transitions through the P-3(1) and S-3(1) states. We measure frequencies of hyperfine transitions of the P-3(2) -> S-3(1) line at 770 nm using a Rb-stabilized ring cavity resonator with a precision of 200 kHz. Second-order corrections due to perturbations from the nearby P-3(1) and P-1(1) states are below 30 kHz. We obtain the hyperfine coefficients as A = -742.11(2) MHz and B = 1339.2(2) MHz, which represent a two orders-of-magnitude improvement in precision, and C = 0.54(2) MHz. From atomic structure calculations, we obtain the nuclear moments quadrupole Q = 2.46(12) b and octupole Omega = -34.4(21) b x mu(N). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.012512


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The special magnetotransport properties of hole doped manganese perovskites originate from a complex interplay among structural, magnetic and electronic degree of freedom. In this picture the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a special role and this is the reason why short range order techniques like X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) have been deeply exploited for studying these compounds. The analysis of near edge region features (XANES) of XAS spectra can provide very fine details of the local structure around Mn, complementary to the EXAFS, so contributing to the full understanding of the peculiar physical properties of these materials. Nevertheless the XANES analysis is complicated by the large amount of structural and electronic details involved making difficult the quantitative interpretation.This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a full structural refinement of the Mn K edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3, in which the Mn ions are present only in one charge state as Mn3+ and Mn4+ respectively. The good agreement between the results derived from the analysis of near edge and extended region of the XAS spectra demonstrates that a quantitative picture of the local structure call be obtained from structural refinement of Mn K edge XANES data in these crystalline compounds. The XANES analysis offers, in addition.. the possibility to directly achieve information on the topology of local atomic structure around the absorber not directly achievable from EXAFS.


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Copper exhibits high thermal conductivity properties and hence it is extensively used in cryogenic applications like cold fingers, heat exchangers, etc. During the realization of such components, copper undergoes various machining operations from the raw material stage to the final component. During these machining processes, stresses are induced within the metal resulting in internal stresses, strains and dislocations. These effects build up resistance paths for the heat carriers which transfer heat from one location to the other. This in turn, results in reduction of thermal conductivity of the conducting metal and as a result the developed component will not perform as per expectations. In the process of cryogenic treatment, the metal samples are exposed to cryogenic temperature for extended duration of time for 24 hours and later tempered. During this process, the internal stresses and strains are reduced with refinement of the atomic structure. These effects are expected to favourably improve thermal conductivity properties of the metal. In this experimental work, OFHC copper samples were cryotreated for 24 hours at 98 K and part of them were tempered at 423K for one hour. Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity values were observed after cryotreating and tempering the copper samples.


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In this article, we study risk-sensitive control problem with controlled continuous time Markov chain state dynamics. Using multiplicative dynamic programming principle along with the atomic structure of the state dynamics, we prove the existence and a characterization of optimal risk-sensitive control under geometric ergodicity of the state dynamics along with a smallness condition on the running cost.


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X-ray crystallographlc studies on 3′–5′ ollgomers have provided a great deal of information on the stereochemistry and conformational flexibility of nucleic acids and polynucleotides. In contrast, there is very little Information available on 2′–5′ polynucleotides. We have now obtained the crystal structure of Cytidylyl-2′,5′-Adenoslne (C2′p5′A) at atomic resolution to establish the conformational differences between these two classes of polymers. The dlnucleoside phosphate crystallises in the monocllnlc space group C2, with a = 33.912(4)Å, b =16.824(4)Å, c = 12.898(2)Å and 0 = 112.35(1) with two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Spectacularly, the two independent C2′p5′A molecules in the asymmetric unit form right handed miniature parallel stranded double helices with their respective crystallographic two fold (b axis) symmetry mates. Remarkably, the two mini duplexes are almost indistinguishable. The cytosines and adenines form self-pairs with three and two hydrogen bonds respectively. The conformation of the C and A residues about the glycosyl bond is anti same as in the 3′–5′ analog but contrasts the anti and syn geometry of C and A residues in A2′p5′C. The furanose ring conformation is C3′endo, C2′endo mixed puckering as in the C3′p5′A-proflavine complex. A comparison of the backbone torsion angles with other 2′–5′ dinucleoside structures reveals that the major deviations occur in the torsion angles about the C3′–C2′ and C4′-C3′ bonds. A right-handed 2′–5′ parallel stranded double helix having eight base pairs per turn and 45° turn angle between them has been constructed using this dinucleoside phosphate as repeat unit. A discussion on 2′–5′ parallel stranded double helix and its relevance to biological systems is presented.


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The knowledge of diffusion parameters, such as integrated diffusion coefficient and the activation energy for diffusion is important to understand the growth rate of the product phase and the atomic mechanism of diffusion. These parameters are determined in Ti3Au phase with A15 crystal structure. The calculated diffusion parameters will help in validating the theoretical analysis on defect structure of the phase.


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The crystal structure of copper ammonium oxalate dihydrate (space group P1̃) has been derived from a refinement of the two-dimensional (hk0) and (0kl) x-ray data using the atomic coordinateis of the isomorphous salt CuK 2(C2O4)2.2H2O as the starting point of the analysis. In contrast to the chromium complexes of oxalic acid the C-C bonds in both the two nonequivalent oxalate ions in the unit cell are single bonds (1.58 and 1.61 Å) consistent with the conclusion of Jeffrey and Parry that the carboxyl groups of the oxalate ion are separated by a pure a bond with little or no π conjugation across the molecule. Both the oxalate ions are slightly nonplanar. The copper ions occupy the special positions (0, 0, 0) and 0, 1/2, 0) and their coordination is of the distorted octahedral type with four nearest oxygen neighbors ( ≃ 2 Å) at the corners of a square and two more distant atoms along the octahedral bond direction. The environment of the NH4+ ions consists of eight nearest oxygen atoms at a mean distance of 3 Å.