97 resultados para Cracks

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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An experimental investigation by two-dimensional photoelastic technique is carried out to study the stress distribution and to determine the stress-intensity factors for arbitrarily oriented cracks in thin cylindrical shells subjected to torsion. A new method is employed to evaluate the pure and mixed-mode SIF's.


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An analytical-numerical procedure for obtaining stress intensity factor solutions for an arbitrarily oriented crack in a long, thin circular cylindrical shell is presented. The method of analysis involves obtaining a series solution to the governing shell equation in terms of Mathieu and modified Mathieu functions by the method of separation of variables and satisfying the crack surface boundary conditions numerically using collocation. The solution is then transformed from elliptic coordinates to polar coordinates with crack tip as the origin through a Taylor series expansion and membrane and bending stress intensity factors are computed. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the pressure loading case.


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An analytical-numerical procedure for obtaining stress intensity factor solutions for an arbitrarily oriented crack in a long, thin circular cylindrical shell is presented. The method of analysis involves obtaining a series solution to the governing shell equation in terms of Mathieu and modified Mathieu functions by the method of separation of variables and satisfying the crack surface boundary conditions numerically using collocation. The solution is then transformed from elliptic coordinates to polar coordinates with crack tip as the origin through a Taylor series expansion and membrane and bending stress intensity factors are computed. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the pressure loading case.


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A finite element model for the analysis of laminated composite cylindrical shells with through cracks is presented. The analysis takes into account anisotropic elastic behaviour, bending-extensional coupling and transverse shear deformation effects. The proposed finite element model is based on the approach of dividing a cracked configuration into triangular shaped singular elements around the crack tip with adjoining quadrilateral shaped regular elements. The parabolic isoparametric cylindrical shell elements (both singular and regular) used in this model employ independent displacement and rotation interpolation in the shell middle surface. The numerical comparisons show the evidence to the conclusion that the proposed model will yield accurate stress intensity factors from a relatively coarse mesh. Through the analysis of a pressurised fibre composite cylindrical shell with an axial crack, the effect of material orthotropy on the crack tip stress intensity factors is shown to be quite significant.


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Crack loading and crack extension in pseudoelastic binary NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) miniature compact tension (CT) specimens with 50.7 at.% Ni (austenitic, pseudoelastic) was investigated using infrared (IR) thermography during in situ loading and unloading. IR thermographic measurements allow for the observation of heat effects associated with the stress-induced transformation of martensite from B2 to BIT during loading and the reverse transformation during unloading. The results are compared with optical images and discussed in terms of the crack growth mechanisms in pseudoelastic NiTi SMAs. Direct experimental evidence is presented which shows that crack growth occurs into a stress-induced martensitic microstructure, which immediately retransforms to austenite in the wake of the crack.


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The concept of domain integral used extensively for J integral has been applied in this work for the formulation of J(2) integral for linear elastic bimaterial body containing a crack at the interface and subjected to thermal loading. It is shown that, in the presence of thermal stresses, the J(k) domain integral over a closed path, which does not enclose singularities, is a function of temperature and body force. A method is proposed to compute the stress intensity factors for bimaterial interface crack subjected to thermal loading by combining this domain integral with the J(k) integral. The proposed method is validated by solving standard problems with known solutions.


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The well known features of crack face interpenetration/contact at the tip of an interface crack is re-examined using finite element analysis and assuming material nonlinear properties for the adherends. It was assumed in literature that the crack tips are fully open at all load levels in the presence of material nonlinearity of the adherends. Analysis for the case of remote tension shows that even in the presence of material nonlinearity, crack tip closes at small load levels and opens above a certain load level. Mixed-mode fracture parameters are evaluated for the situation when the crack tips are fully open. Due to the presence of nonlinearity, the mixed-mode fracture parameters are measured with the symmetric and anti-symmetric components of J-integral. The present analysis explains the sequence of events at the interface crack tip with progressively increasing remote tension load for the case of adherends with material nonlinear behaviour.


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This paper investigates the feasibility of an on-line damage detection capability for helicopter main rotor blades made of composite material. Damage modeled in the composite is matrix cracking. A box-beam with stiffness properties similar to a hingeless rotor blade is designed using genetic algorithm for the typical [+/-theta(m)/90(n)](s) family of composites. The effect of matrix cracks is included in an analytical model of composite box-beam. An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor based on finite elements in space and time is used to study the effects of matrix cracking in the rotor blade in forward flight. For global fault detection, rotating frequencies, tip bending and torsion response, and blade root loads are studied. It is observed that the effect of matrix cracking on lag bending and elastic twist deflection at the blade tip and blade root yawing moment is significant and these parameters can be monitored for online health monitoring. For implementation of local fault detection technique, the effect on axial and shear strain, for matrix cracks in the whole blade as well as matrix cracks occurring locally is studied. It is observed that using strain measurement along the blade it is possible to locate the matrix cracks as well as to predict density of matrix cracks. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Results of photoelastic investigation conducted on annulii containing a radial crack at inner edge and subjected to diametrical tension are reported. The cracks are oriented at 90°, 60° and 45° to the loading direction. The Stress-Intensity Factors (SIFs) were determined by analysing the crack-tip stress fields. Smith and Smith's method [Engng Fracture Mech.4, 357–366 (1972)] and a modified method developed earlier by the authors (to be published) were adopted in the evaluation of SIFs.


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Results of photoelastic investigations conducted on cylindrical tubes (made of Araldite material) containing cracks oriented at 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° to the axis of the tube and subjected to axial and torsional loads are reported. The stress-intensity factors (SIFs) were determined by analysing the crack-tip stress fields. Smith and Smith's method [Engng Fracture Mech.4, 357–366 (1972)] and a new method developed by the authors by modifying Rakesh et al.'s method [Proc. 26th Congress of ISTAM, India (1981)] were employed to evaluate the mixed-mode SIFs.


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In this paper, a finite element analysis of steady-state dynamic crack growth under Mode I, plane strain, small-scale yielding conditions is performed in a rate dependent plastic material characterized by the over-stress model. The main objective of the paper is to obtain theoretically the dependence of dynamic fracture toughness on crack speed. Crack propagation due to a ductile (micro-void) mechanism or a brittle (cleavage) mechanism, as well as transition from one mode to another are considered. The conversion from ductile to brittle has been observed experimentally but has received very little attention using analytical methods. Local fracture criteria based on strains and stresses are used to describe ductile and brittle fracture mechanisms. The results obtained in this paper are in general agreement with micro-structural observations of mode conversion during fracture initiation. Finally, the particular roles played by material rate sensitivity and inertia are examined in some detail.


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In linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), Irwin's crack closure integral (CCI) is one of the signficant concepts for the estimation of strain energy release rates (SERR) G, in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations. For effective utilization of this concept in conjunction with the finite element method (FEM), Rybicki and Kanninen [Engng Fracture Mech. 9, 931 938 (1977)] have proposed simple and direct estimations of the CCI in terms of nodal forces and displacements in the elements forming the crack tip from a single finite element analysis instead of the conventional two configuration analyses. These modified CCI (MCCI) expressions are basically element dependent. A systematic derivation of these expressions using element stress and displacement distributions is required. In the present work, a general procedure is given for the derivation of MCCI expressions in 3D problems with cracks. Further, a concept of sub-area integration is proposed which facilitates evaluation of SERR at a large number of points along the crack front without refining the finite element mesh. Numerical data are presented for two standard problems, a thick centre-cracked tension specimen and a semi-elliptical surface crack in a thick slab. Estimates for the stress intensity factor based on MCCI expressions corresponding to eight-noded brick elements are obtained and compared with available results in the literature.


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A hybrid technique to model two dimensional fracture problems which makes use of displacement discontinuity and direct boundary element method is presented. Direct boundary element method is used to model the finite domain of the body, while displacement discontinuity elements are utilized to represent the cracks. Thus the advantages of the component methods are effectively combined. This method has been implemented in a computer program and numerical results which show the accuracy of the present method are presented. The cases of bodies containing edge cracks as well as multiple cracks are considered. A direct method and an iterative technique are described. The present hybrid method is most suitable for modeling problems invoking crack propagation.


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Pin-loaded lugs were analysed in the presence of cracks emanating from circular holes. The analysis presents a unified treatment of interference, push or clearance fit pins. Both metallic (isotropic) and composite (orthotropic) plates were dealt with. The finite element model used special singular six-noded quadrilateral elements at the crack tip. The non-linear load contact behaviour at the pin-hole interface was dealt with by an inverse technique. A modified crack closure integral (MCCI) technique was used to evaluate the strain energy release rates (SERRs) and stress intensity factors (SIFs) at the crack tips. Numerical results are presented showing the non-linear variation of SIF with applied stress, and the influence of the amount of interference or clearance and the interfacial friction on SIF.


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The interaction of two interfacial arc cracks around a circular elastic inclusion embedded in an elastic matrix is examined. New results for stress intensity factors for a pair of interacting cracks are derived for a concentrated force acting in the matrix. For verifying the point load solutions, stress intensity factors under uniform loading are obtained by superposing point force results. For achieving this objective, a general method for generating desired stress fields inside a test region using point loads is described. The energetics of two interacting interfacial arc cracks is discussed in order to shed more light on the debonding of hard or soft inclusions from the matrix. The analysis based on complex variables is developed in a general way to handle the interactions of multiple interfacial arc cracks/straight cracks.