38 resultados para Correlated Probit Model

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A finite-field method for calculating exact polarizabilities of correlated conjugated model systems within the valence bond (VB) framework is presented. The correlations reduce the polarizabilities from their noninteracting values and extend the range of linearity to higher external fields. The large nonlinear polarizabilities observed in strongly correlated conjugated organic molecules cannot be directly attributed to electron correlations. The method described can be employed to calculate static polarizabilities for any desired state of a correlated system.


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The mechanism by which outflows and plausible jets are driven from black hole systems still remains observationally elusive. This notwithstanding, several observational evidences and deeper theoretical insights reveal that accretion and outflow/jet are strongly correlated. We model an advective disk-outflow coupled dynamics, incorporating explicitly the vertical flux. Inter-connecting dynamics of outflow andaccretion essentially upholds the conservation laws. We investigate the properties of the disk-outflow surface and its strong dependence on the rotation parameter of the black hole. The energetics of the disk outflow strongly depend on the mass, accretion rate, and spin of the black holes. The model clearly shows that the outflow power extracted from the disk increases strongly with the spin of the black hole, inferring that the power of the observed astrophysical jets has a proportional correspondence with the spin of the central object. In the case of blazars (BL Lacs and flat spectrum radio quasars, FSRQs), most of their emission are believed to be originated from their jets. It is observed that BL Lacs are relatively low luminous than FSRQs. The luminosity might be linked to the power of the jet, which in turn reflects that the nuclear regions of the BL Lac objects have a relatively low spinning black hole compared to that in the case of FSRQs. If extreme gravity is the source that powers strong outflows and jets, then the spin of the black hole, perhaps, might be the fundamental parameter to account for the observed astrophysical processes in an accretion powered system.


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We have studied the dynamics of excitation transfer between two conjugated polyene molecules whose intermolecular separation is comparable to the molecular dimensions. We have employed a correlated electron model that includes both the charge-charge, charge-bond, and bond-bond intermolecular electron repulsion integrals. We have shown that the excitation transfer rate varies as inverse square of donor-acceptor separation R-2 rather than as R-6, suggested by the Foumlrster type of dipolar approximation. Our time-evolution study alsom shows that the orientational dependence on excitation transfer at a fixed short donor-acceptor separation cannot be explained by Foumlrster type of dipolar approximation beyond a certain orientational angle of rotation of an acceptor polyene with respect to the donor polyene. The actual excitation transfer rate beyond a certain orientational angle is faster than the Foumlrster type of dipolar approximation rate. We have also studied the excitation transfer process in a pair of push-pull polyenes for different push-pull strengths. We have seen that, depending on the push-pull strength, excitation transfer could occur to other dipole coupled states. Our study also allows for the excitation energy transfer to optically dark states which are excluded by Foumlrster theory since the one-photon transition intensity to these states (from the ground state) is zero.


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Tetracene is an important conjugated molecule for device applications. We have used the diagrammatic valence bond method to obtain the desired states, in a Hilbert space of about 450 million singlets and 902 million triplets. We have also studied the donor/acceptor (D/A)-substituted tetracenes with D and A groups placed symmetrically about the long axis of the molecule. In these cases, by exploiting a new symmetry, which is a combination of C-2 symmetry and electron-hole symmetry, we are able to obtain their low-lying states. In the case of substituted tetracene, we find that optically allowed one-photon excitation gaps reduce with increasing D/A strength, while the lowest singlet triplet gap is only wealdy affected. In all the systems we have studied, the excited singlet state, S-i, is at more than twice the energy of the lowest triplet state and the second triplet is very close to the S-1 state. Thus, donor-acceptor-substituted tetracene could be a good candidate in photovoltaic device application as it satisfies energy criteria for singlet fission. We have also obtained the model exact second harmonic generation (SHG) coefficients using the correction vector method, and we find that the SHG responses increase with the increase in D/A strength.


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Approximate calculations are reported on pyrene within the PPP model Hamiltonian using a novel restricted CI scheme which employs both molecular orbital and valence bond techniques. Also reported are detailed full CI results of the PPP model on 2,7-dihydropyrene obtained using the valence bond method. Spectral studies, charge and spin density calculations in ground and excited states, and ring current calculations in the ground state of the molecules are presented. In pyrene, the calculated excitation energies are in good agreement with experiment. The closed structure pi-conjugated molecule pyrene appears to show smaller distortions from the ground state geometry compared with the open structure pi-conjugated molecule 2,7-dihydropyrene. The ground state equilibrium structure of 2,7-dihydropyrene can be viewed as two hexatriene molecules connected by a vinyl crosslink, as is evident from bond order and ring current calculations. This is consistent with the only Kekule resonant structure possible for this molecule.


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The effect of deposition of Al +Al2O3 on MRI 153 M Mg alloy processed using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser is presented in this study. A composite coating with metallurgical joint to the substrate was formed. The microstructure and phase constituents were characterized and correlated with the thermal predictions. The laser scan speed had an effect on the average melt depth and the amount of retained and/or reconstituted alumina in the final coating. The coating consisted of alumina particles and highly refined dendrites formed due to the extremely high cooling rates (of the order of 10(8) K/s). The microhardness of the coating was higher and several fold improvement of wear resistance compared to the substrate was observed for the coatings. These microstructural features and physical properties were correlated with the effects predicted by a thermal model.


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We have considered a two-band Hubbard model having interlaced Cu-3d(x2−y2) and O-2p(x, y) orbitals representing the CuO2 square planes. Simple CuO2 -cluster calculation suggests that the additional holes created by doping stay mainly on oxygen. Motion of an oxygen hole interlacing with the antiferromagnetically correlated background of copper spins, creates a string of high energy spin configuration of finite length giving mass renormalization. Another hole of opposite spin can now anneal this string tension providing a triangular pairing potential for large pair momentum. The latter implies unusual Bose condensation of the wake-bound compact Bose-like pairs on a non-zero momentum shell. Effect of disorder favouring condensation at the mobility edge is pointed out.


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The structure of real glasses has been considered to be microheterogeneous, composed of clusters and connective tissue. Particles in the cluster are assumed to be highly correlated in positions. The tissue is considered to have a truly amorphous structure with its particles vibrating in highly anharmonic potentials. Glass transition is recognized as corresponding to the melting of clusters. A simple mathematical model has been developed which accounts for various known features associated with glass transition, such as range of glass transition temperature,T g, variation ofT g with pressure, etc. Expressions for configurational thermodynamic properties and transport properties of glass forming systems are derived from the model. The relevence and limitations of the model are also discussed.


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Electronic, magnetic, or structural inhomogeneities ranging in size from nanoscopic to mesoscopic scales seem endemic and are possibly generic to colossal magnetoresistance manganites and other transition metal oxides. They are hence of great current interest and understanding them is of fundamental importance. We show here that an extension, to include long-range Coulomb interactions, of a quantum two-fluid l-b model proposed recently for manganites [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 157203 (2004)] leads to an excellent description of such inhomogeneities. In the l-b model two very different kinds of electronic states, one localized and polaronic (l) and the other extended or broad band (b) coexist. For model parameters appropriate to manganites and even within a simple dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) framework, it describes many of the unusual phenomena seen in manganites, including colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), qualitatively and quantitatively. However, in the absence of long-ranged Coulomb interaction, a system described by such a model would actually phase separate, into macroscopic regions of l and b electrons, respectively. As we show in this paper, in the presence of Coulomb interactions, the macroscopic phase separation gets suppressed and instead nanometer scale regions of polarons interspersed with band electron puddles appear, constituting a kind of quantum Coulomb glass. We characterize the size scales and distribution of the inhomogeneity using computer simulations. For realistic values of the long-range Coulomb interaction parameter V-0, our results for the thresholds for occupancy of the b states are in agreement with, and hence support, the earlier approach mentioned above based on a configuration averaged DMFT treatment which neglects V-0; but the present work has features that cannot be addressed in the DMFT framework. Our work points to an interplay of strong correlations, long-range Coulomb interaction, and dopant ion disorder, all inevitably present in transition metal oxides as the origin of nanoscale inhomogeneities rather than disorder frustrated phase competition as is generally believed. As regards manganites, it argues against explanations for CMR based on disorder frustrated phase separation and for an intrinsic origin of CMR. Based on this, we argue that the observed micrometer (meso) scale inhomogeneities owe their existence to extrinsic causes, e.g., strain due to cracks and defects. We suggest possible experiments to validate our speculation.


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Notched three-point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and the entire fracture process was simulated using a regular triangular two-dimensional lattice network only over the expected fracture proces zone width. The rest of the beam specimen was discretised by a coarse triangular finite element mesh. The discrete grain structure of the concrete was generated assuming the grains to be spherical. The load versus CMOD plots thus simulated agreed reasonably well with the experimental results. Moreover, acoustic emission (AE) hits were recorded during the test and compared with the number of fractured lattice elements. It was found that the cumulative AE hits correlated well with the cumulative fractured lattice elements at all load levels thus providing a useful means for predicting when the micro-cracks form during the fracturing process, both in the pre-peak and in the post-peak regimes.


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We present a generalized adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization-group (DMRG) scheme, called the double time window targeting (DTWT) technique, which gives accurate results with nominal computational resources, within reasonable computational time. This procedure originates from the amalgamation of the features of pace keeping DMRG algorithm, first proposed by Luo et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 049701 (2003)] and the time-step targeting algorithm by Feiguin and White [Phys. Rev. B 72, 020404 (2005)]. Using the DTWT technique, we study the phenomena of spin-charge separation in conjugated polymers (materials for molecular electronics an spintronics), which have long-range electron-electron interactions and belong to the class of strongly correlated low-dimensional many-body systems. The issue of real-time dynamics within the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model which includes long-range electron correlations has not been addressed in the literature so far. The present study on PPP chains has revealed that, (i) long-range electron correlations enable both the charge and spin degree of freedom of the electron, to propagate faster in the PPP model compared to Hubbard model, (ii) for standard parameters of the PPP model as applied to conjugated polymers, the charge velocity is almost twice that of the spin velocity, and (iii) the simplistic interpretation of long-range correlations by merely renormalizing the U value of the Hubbard model fails to explain the dynamics of doped holes/electrons in the PPP model.


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We recently introduced the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), a technique that includes short-ranged dynamical correlations in addition to the local dynamics of the dynamical mean-field approximation while preserving causality. The technique is based on an iterative self-consistency scheme on a finite-size periodic cluster. The dynamical mean-field approximation (exact result) is obtained by taking the cluster to a single site (the thermodynamic limit). Here, we provide details of our method, explicitly show that it is causal, systematic, Phi derivable, and that it becomes conserving as the cluster size increases. We demonstrate the DCA by applying it to a quantum Monte Carlo and exact enumeration study of the two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model. The resulting spectral functions preserve causality, and the spectra and the charge-density-wave transition temperature converge quickly and systematically to the thermodynamic limit as the cluster size increases.


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Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities of conjugated organic chains are calculated using correlated model Hamiltonians. While correlations reduce the Polarizabilities and extend the range of linear response, the Hyperpolarizabilities essentially are unaffected by the same. This explains the apparently large Hyperpolarizabilities of conjugated electronic systems.


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The equilibrium solubility of a pharmaceutical compound. 1,5-dimethy1-2-phenyl-4-propan-2-ylpyrazol-3-one (propyphenazone, isopropylantipyrine) in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) was experimentally determined by a saturation method at 308, 318 and 328 K. over the pressure range of 9.0-19.0 MPa. The solubility data satisfied the self-consistency test, proposed by Mendez-Santiago and Teja. A new association model was derived to correlate the solubilities of pharmaceutical compounds in SCCO2. Solubility data from 54 different pharmaceutical compounds including steroids, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, statins and specific functional drugs were collected from literature. The model successfully correlated the experimental results for the solubilities of all these compounds in SCCO2 within 12% AARD. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various factore controlling the preferred facial selectivity in the reductions of a number of sterically unbiased ketones have been evaluated using a semiempirical MO procedure. MNDO optimized geometries do not reveal any significant ground-state distortions which can be correlated with the observed face selectivities. Electrostatic effecta due to an approaching reagent were modeled by placing a test negative charge at a fixed distance from the carbonyl carbon on each of the two faces. A second series of calculations was carried out using the hydride ion as a test nucleophile. The latter calculations effectively include orbital interactions involving the u and u* orbitals of the newly formed bond in the reaction. The computed energy differences with the charge model are generally much larger compared to those with the hydride ion. However, both models lead to predictions which are qualitatively consistent with the experimentally determined facial preferences for most of the systems. Thus, electrostatic interactions between the nucleophile and the substrate seem to effectively determine the face selectivities in these molecules. However, there are a few exceptions in which orbital interactions are found to contribute significantly and occasionally reverse the preference dictated by electrostatic effecta. The remarkable succew of the hydride model calculations, in spite of retaining the unperturbed geometries of the substrates, points to the unimportance of torsional effeds and orbital distortions associated with the pyramidalized carbonyl unit in the transition state in most of the substrates considered. Additional experimental results are reported which provide useful calibration for the present computational approach.