20 resultados para Coordination, information, constraints, dyadic systems, team ball sports

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The advent and evolution of geohazard warning systems is a very interesting study. The two broad fields that are immediately visible are that of geohazard evaluation and subsequent warning dissemination. Evidently, the latter field lacks any systematic study or standards. Arbitrarily organized and vague data and information on warning techniques create confusion and indecision. The purpose of this review is to try and systematize the available bulk of information on warning systems so that meaningful insights can be derived through decidable flowcharts, and a developmental process can be undertaken. Hence, the methods and technologies for numerous geohazard warning systems have been assessed by putting them into suitable categories for better understanding of possible ways to analyze their efficacy as well as shortcomings. By establishing a classification scheme based on extent, control, time period, and advancements in technology, the geohazard warning systems available in any literature could be comprehensively analyzed and evaluated. Although major advancements have taken place in geohazard warning systems in recent times, they have been lacking a complete purpose. Some systems just assess the hazard and wait for other means to communicate, and some are designed only for communication and wait for the hazard information to be provided, which usually is after the mishap. Primarily, systems are left at the mercy of administrators and service providers and are not in real time. An integrated hazard evaluation and warning dissemination system could solve this problem. Warning systems have also suffered from complexity of nature, requirement of expert-level monitoring, extensive and dedicated infrastructural setups, and so on. The user community, which would greatly appreciate having a convenient, fast, and generalized warning methodology, is surveyed in this review. The review concludes with the future scope of research in the field of hazard warning systems and some suggestions for developing an efficient mechanism toward the development of an automated integrated geohazard warning system. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000078. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Social insects provide an excellent platform to investigate flow of information in regulatory systems since their successful social organization is essentially achieved by effective information transfer through complex connectivity patterns among the colony members. Network representation of such behavioural interactions offers a powerful tool for structural as well as dynamical analysis of the underlying regulatory systems. In this paper, we focus on the dominance interaction networks in the tropical social wasp Ropalidia marginata-a species where behavioural observations indicate that such interactions are principally responsible for the transfer of information between individuals about their colony needs, resulting in a regulation of their own activities. Our research reveals that the dominance networks of R. marginata are structurally similar to a class of naturally evolved information processing networks, a fact confirmed also by the predominance of a specific substructure-the `feed-forward loop'-a key functional component in many other information transfer networks. The dynamical analysis through Boolean modelling confirms that the networks are sufficiently stable under small fluctuations and yet capable of more efficient information transfer compared to their randomized counterparts. Our results suggest the involvement of a common structural design principle in different biological regulatory systems and a possible similarity with respect to the effect of selection on the organization levels of such systems. The findings are also consistent with the hypothesis that dominance behaviour has been shaped by natural selection to co-opt the information transfer process in such social insect species, in addition to its primal function of mediation of reproductive competition in the colony.


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The problem of determining whether a Tanner graph for a linear block code has a stopping set of a given size is shown to be NT-complete.


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Ultrafast Raman loss spectroscopy (URLS) enables one to obtain the vibrational structural information of molecular systems including fluorescent materials. URLS, a nonlinear process analog to stimulated Raman gain, involves a narrow bandwidth picosecond Raman pump pulse anda femtosecond broadband white light continuum. Under nonresonant condition, the Raman response appears as a negative (loss) signal, whereas, on resonance with the electronic transition the line shape changes from a negative to a positive through a dispersive form. The intensities observed and thus, the Franck-Condon activity (coordinate dependent), are sensitive to the wavelength of the white light corresponding to a particular Raman frequency with respect to the Raman pump pulse wavelength, i.e., there is a mode-dependent response in URLS. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We show how, for large classes of systems with purely second-class constraints, further information can be obtained about the constraint algebra. In particular, a subset consisting of half the full set of constraints is shown to have vanishing mutual brackets. Some other constraint brackets are also shown to be zero. The class of systems for which our results hold includes examples from non-relativistic particle mechanics as well as relativistic field theory. The results are derived at the classical level for Poisson brackets, but in the absence of commutator anomalies the same results will hold for the commutators of the constraint operators in the corresponding quantised theories.


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In this paper, we present a decentralized dynamic load scheduling/balancing algorithm called ELISA (Estimated Load Information Scheduling Algorithm) for general purpose distributed computing systems. ELISA uses estimated state information based upon periodic exchange of exact state information between neighbouring nodes to perform load scheduling. The primary objective of the algorithm is to cut down on the communication and load transfer overheads by minimizing the frequency of status exchange and by restricting the load transfer and status exchange within the buddy set of a processor. It is shown that the resulting algorithm performs almost as well as a perfect information algorithm and is superior to other load balancing schemes based on the random sharing and Ni-Hwang algorithms. A sensitivity analysis to study the effect of various design parameters on the effectiveness of load balancing is also carried out. Finally, the algorithm's performance is tested on large dimensional hypercubes in the presence of time-varying load arrival process and is shown to perform well in comparison to other algorithms. This makes ELISA a viable and implementable load balancing algorithm for use in general purpose distributed computing systems.


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This paper describes the design and implementation of ADAMIS (‘A database for medical information systems’). ADAMIS is a relational database management system for a general hospital environment. Apart from the usual database (DB) facilities of data definition and data manipulation, ADAMIS supports a query language called the ‘simplified medical query language’ (SMQL) which is completely end-user oriented and highly non-procedural. Other features of ADAMIS include provision of facilities for statistics collection and report generation. ADAMIS also provides adequate security and integrity features and has been designed mainly for use on interactive terminals.


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Systems level modelling and simulations of biological processes are proving to be invaluable in obtaining a quantitative and dynamic perspective of various aspects of cellular function. In particular, constraint-based analyses of metabolic networks have gained considerable popularity for simulating cellular metabolism, of which flux balance analysis (FBA), is most widely used. Unlike mechanistic simulations that depend on accurate kinetic data, which are scarcely available, FBA is based on the principle of conservation of mass in a network, which utilizes the stoichiometric matrix and a biologically relevant objective function to identify optimal reaction flux distributions. FBA has been used to analyse genome-scale reconstructions of several organisms; it has also been used to analyse the effect of perturbations, such as gene deletions or drug inhibitions in silico. This article reviews the usefulness of FBA as a tool for gaining biological insights, advances in methodology enabling integration of regulatory information and thermodynamic constraints, and finally addresses the challenges that lie ahead. Various use scenarios and biological insights obtained from FBA, and applications in fields such metabolic engineering and drug target identification, are also discussed. Genome-scale constraint-based models have an immense potential for building and testing hypotheses, as well as to guide experimentation.


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In this paper we analyze a deploy and search strategy for multi-agent systems. Mobile agents equipped with sensors carry out search operation in the search space. The lack of information about the search space is modeled as an uncertainty density distribution over the space, and is assumed to be known to the agents a priori. In each step, the agents deploy themselves in an optimal way so as to maximize per step reduction in the uncertainty density. We analyze the proposed strategy for convergence and spatial distributedness. The control law moving the agents has been analyzed for stability and convergence using LaSalle's invariance principle, and for spatial distributedness under a few realistic constraints on the control input such as constant speed, limit on maximum speed, and also sensor range limits. The simulation experiments show that the strategy successfully reduces the average uncertainty density below the required level.


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This paper aims at evaluating the methods of multiclass support vector machines (SVMs) for effective use in distance relay coordination. Also, it describes a strategy of supportive systems to aid the conventional protection philosophy in combating situations where protection systems have maloperated and/or information is missing and provide selective and secure coordinations. SVMs have considerable potential as zone classifiers of distance relay coordination. This typically requires a multiclass SVM classifier to effectively analyze/build the underlying concept between reach of different zones and the apparent impedance trajectory during fault. Several methods have been proposed for multiclass classification where typically several binary SVM classifiers are combined together. Some authors have extended binary SVM classification to one-step single optimization operation considering all classes at once. In this paper, one-step multiclass classification, one-against-all, and one-against-one multiclass methods are compared for their performance with respect to accuracy, number of iterations, number of support vectors, training, and testing time. The performance analysis of these three methods is presented on three data sets belonging to training and testing patterns of three supportive systems for a region and part of a network, which is an equivalent 526-bus system of the practical Indian Western grid.


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Analysis of EXAFS data of complex systems containing more than one phase and one type of coordination, has been discussed. It is shown that a modified treatment of EXAFS function as well as the amplitude ratio plots provide useful means of obtaining valuable structural information. The systems investigated are: biphasic Ni+NiO mixture, NiAl2O4 with two coordinations for Ni, NiO+NiAl2O4 mixture, CoS+CoO system and Ni dispersed on Al2O3. The results obtained with these systems have been most satisfactory and serve to illustrate the utility and the applicability of the innovations described in this paper.


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Hardware constraints, which motivate receive antenna selection, also require that various antenna elements at the receiver be sounded sequentially to obtain estimates required for selecting the `best' antenna and for coherently demodulating data thereafter. Consequently, the channel state information at different antennas is outdated by different amounts and corrupted by noise. We show that, for this reason, simply selecting the antenna with the highest estimated channel gain is not optimum. Rather, a preferable strategy is to linearly weight the channel estimates of different antennas differently, depending on the training scheme. We derive closed-form expressions for the symbol error probability (SEP) of AS for MPSK and MQAM in time-varying Rayleigh fading channels for arbitrary selection weights, and validate them with simulations. We then characterize explicitly the optimal selection weights that minimize the SEP. We also consider packet reception, in which multiple symbols of a packet are received by the same antenna. New suboptimal, but computationally efficient weighted selection schemes are proposed for reducing the packet error rate. The benefits of weighted selection are also demonstrated using a practical channel code used in third generation cellular systems. Our results show that optimal weighted selection yields a significant performance gain over conventional unweighted selection.


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A linear state feedback gain vector used in the control of a single input dynamical system may be constrained because of the way feedback is realized. Some examples of feedback realizations which impose constraints on the gain vector are: static output feedback, constant gain feedback for several operating points of a system, and two-controller feedback. We consider a general class of problems of stabilization of single input dynamical systems with such structural constraints and give a numerical method to solve them. Each of these problems is cast into a problem of solving a system of equalities and inequalities. In this formulation, the coefficients of the quadratic and linear factors of the closed-loop characteristic polynomial are the variables. To solve the system of equalities and inequalities, a continuous realization of the gradient projection method and a barrier method are used under the homotopy framework. Our method is illustrated with an example for each class of control structure constraint.


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Thermodynamic constraints on component chemical potentials in three-phase fields introduced by the various isograms suggested in the literature are derived for a ternary system containing compounds. When compositions of two compounds lie on an isogram, it is associated with specific characteristics which can be used to obtain further understanding of the interplay of thermodynamic factors that determine phase equilibria. When two compounds are shared by adjacent three-phase fields, the constraints are dictated by binary compositions generated by the intersection of a line passing through the shared compounds with the sides of the ternary triangle. Generalized expressions for an arbitrary line through the triangle are presented. These are consistent with special relations obtained along Kohler, Colinet and Jacob isograms. Five axioms are introduced and proved. They provide valuable tools for checking consistency of thermodynamic measurements and for deriving thermodynamic properties from phase diagrams. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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This paper primarily intends to develop a GIS (geographical information system)-based data mining approach for optimally selecting the locations and determining installed capacities for setting up distributed biomass power generation systems in the context of decentralized energy planning for rural regions. The optimal locations within a cluster of villages are obtained by matching the installed capacity needed with the demand for power, minimizing the cost of transportation of biomass from dispersed sources to power generation system, and cost of distribution of electricity from the power generation system to demand centers or villages. The methodology was validated by using it for developing an optimal plan for implementing distributed biomass-based power systems for meeting the rural electricity needs of Tumkur district in India consisting of 2700 villages. The approach uses a k-medoid clustering algorithm to divide the total region into clusters of villages and locate biomass power generation systems at the medoids. The optimal value of k is determined iteratively by running the algorithm for the entire search space for different values of k along with demand-supply matching constraints. The optimal value of the k is chosen such that it minimizes the total cost of system installation, costs of transportation of biomass, and transmission and distribution. A smaller region, consisting of 293 villages was selected to study the sensitivity of the results to varying demand and supply parameters. The results of clustering are represented on a GIS map for the region.