5 resultados para Contraceptive

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Administration of norethisterone (NET) or NET + estradiol benzoate using an Alzet minipump or as once-a-month intramuscular injection of their depot forms, NET-enanthate (NET-EN) and estradiol valerate (E-val), resulted in azoospermia in all monkeys (n = 13) within 60 to 150 days of treatment. Although addition of depot form of testosterone (T, 20 mg/month) to the regimen restored the behavioral response typical of a normal male, it did not reverse the azoospermic state. Serum T (heightened nocturnal) levels were significantly reduced (> 85%, p < 0.001) in all the treated groups. Evidence for blockade in spermatogenesis following treatment was obtained by DNA flow cytometry. Following withdrawal of treatment, the T level was restored to normalcy within 15 days but 120 days more were required for the animals to exhibit normal sperm counts. In conclusion, the efficacy of once-a-month injection of relatively low doses of NET-EN + E-Val to bring about azoospermia in monkeys, in a relatively short time, has been demonstrated. As the results are uniform and reproducible, it appears desirable that this steroid regimen be tested in man for its contraceptive efficacy.


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Progress in the development of contraceptive vaccines for males and females is reviewed. Based on the criteria which need to be met with, none of the proposed candidate antigens meets the requirements for use as a contraceptive vaccine for human application. One of the major problems is the need for periodic injections to maintain required titre and use of an alternate method until effective titres are obtained. Some of the problems associated with active immunization approach can be overcome by the use of preformed, highly specific, potent antibodies. Some progress has been achieved in this direction by the use of humanized single chain monoclonal antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin.


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Immunization of proven fertile adult male monkeys (n = 3) with a recombinant FSH receptor protein preparation (oFSHR-P) (representing amino acids 1-134 of the extracellular domain of the receptor Mr similar to 15KDa) resulted in production of receptor blocking antibodies. The ability of the antibody to bind a particulate FSH receptor preparation and receptors in intact granulosa cells was markedly (by 30-80%) inhibited by FSH. Serum T levels and LH receptor function following immunization remained unchanged. The immunized monkeys showed a 50% reduction (p<0.001) in transformation of spermatogonia(2C) to primary spermatocytes (4C) as determined by flow cytometry and the 4C:2C ratio showed a correlative change (R 0.81, p<0.0007) with reduction in fertility index (sperm counts X motility score). Breeding studies indicated that monkeys became infertile between 242-368 days of immunization when the fertility index was in the range of 123+/-76 to 354+/-42 (compared to a value of 1602+/-384 on day 0). As the effects observed ate near identical to that seen following immunization with FSH it is suggestive that oFSHR-P can substitute for FSH in the development of a contraceptive vaccine.


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Technological forecasting, defined as quantified probabilistic prediction of timings and degree of change in the technological parameters, capabilities desirability or needs at different times in the future, is applied to birth control technology (BCT) as a means of revealing the paths of most promising research through identifying the necessary points for breakthroughs. The present status of BCT in the areas of pills and the IUD, male contraceptives, immumological approaches, post-coital pills, abortion, sterilization, luteolytic agents, laser technologies, and control of the sex of the child, are each summarized and evaluated in turn. Fine mapping is done to identify the most potentially promising areas of BCT. These include efforts to make oral contraception easier, improvement of the design of the IUD, clinical evaluation of the male contraceptive danazol, the effecting of biochemical changes in the seminal fluid, and researching of immunological approaches and the effects of other new drugs such as prostaglandins. The areas that require immediate and large research inputs are oral contraception and the IUD. On the basis of population and technological forecasts, it is deduced that research efforts could most effectively aid countries like India through the immediate production of an oral contraceptive pill or IUD with long-lasting effects. Development of a pill for males or an immunization against pre gnancy would also have a significant impact. However, the major impediment to birth control programs to date is attitudes, which must be changed through education.


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The relative ability of ovine follicle stimulating hormone and its beta-subunit, two potential candidates for male contraceptive vaccine, to generate antibodies in monkeys capable of bioneutralizing follicle stimulating hormone was assessed using in vitro model systems. Antiserum against native ovine follicle stimulating hormone was found to be highly specific to the intact form with no cross-reactivity with either of the two subunits while the antiserum against beta-subunit of follicle stimulating hormone could bind to the beta-subunit in its free form as well as when it is combined with alpha-subunit to form the intact hormone. Both antisera could block the binding of the hormone to the receptor if the hormone was preincubated with the antibody. However, the follicle stimulating hormone beta-antisera could only inhibit the binding of the hormone partially (33 percent inhibition) if the antibody and receptor were mixed prior to the addition of the hormone, while antisera to the native follicle stimulating hormone could block the binding completely (100 percent inhibition) in the same experiment. Similarly antisera to the native follicle stimulating hormone was significantly effective in blocking (100 percent) response to follicle stimulating hormone but not the beta-subunit antisera (0 percent) as checked using an in vitro granulosa cell system. Thus the probability of obtaining antibodies of greater bioneutralization potential is much higher if intact hormone is used as an antigen rather than its beta-subunit as a vaccine.