69 resultados para Continuously stirred tank reactor

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The kinetics of oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid was studied in a sparger reactor using manganese acetate as the catalyst. Data obtained in a stirred tank reactor are used for analyzing the sparger reactor data. The rate of chemical reaction is extremely fast and can be neglected for the rate equation of the sparger reactor. A kinetic model applicable at any temperature and concentration within the range of the variables studied is developed which predicts the performance of the sparger reactor satisfactorily.


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Analysis of precipitation reactions is extremely important in the technology of production of fine particles from the liquid phase. The control of composition and particle size in precipitation processes requires careful analysis of the several reactions that comprise the precipitation system. Since precipitation systems involve several, rapid ionic dissociation reactions among other slower ones, the faster reactions may be assumed to be nearly at equilibrium. However, the elimination of species, and the consequent reduction of the system of equations, is an aspect of analysis fraught with the possibility of subtle errors related to the violation of conservation principles. This paper shows how such errors may be avoided systematically by relying on the methods of linear algebra. Applications are demonstrated by analyzing the reactions leading to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in a stirred tank reactor as well as in a single emulsion drop. Sample calculations show that supersaturation dynamics can assume forms that can lead to subsequent dissolution of particles that have once been precipitated.


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Ferrous iron bio-oxidation by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans immobilized on polyurethane foam was investigated. Cells were immobilized on foams by placing them in a growth environment and fully bacterially activated polyurethane foams (BAPUFs) were prepared by serial subculturing in batches with partially bacterially activated foam (pBAPUFs). The dependence of foam density on cell immobilization process, the effect of pH and BAPUF loading on ferrous oxidation were studied to choose operating parameters for continuous operations. With an objective to have high cell densities both in foam and the liquid phase, pretreated foams of density 50 kg/m3 as cell support and ferrous oxidation at pH 1.5 to moderate the ferric precipitation were preferred. A novel basket-type bioreactor for continuous ferrous iron oxidation, which features a multiple effect of stirred tank in combination with recirculation, was designed and operated. The results were compared with that of a free cell and a sheet-type foam immobilized reactors. A fivefold increase in ferric iron productivity at 33.02 g/h/L of free volume in foam was achieved using basket-type bioreactor when compared to a free cell continuous system. A mathematical model for ferrous iron oxidation by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cells immobilized on polyurethane foam was developed with cell growth in foam accounted by an effectiveness factor. The basic parameters of simulation were estimated using the experimental data on free cell growth as well as from cell attachment to foam under nongrowing conditions. The model predicted the phase of both oxidation of ferrous in shake flasks by pBAPUFs as well as by fully activated BAPUFs for different cell loadings in foam. Model for stirred tank basket bioreactor predicted within 5% both transient and steady state of the experiments closely for the simulated dilution rates. Bio-oxidation at high Fe2+ concentrations were simulated with experiments when substrate and product inhibition coefficients were factored into cell growth kinetics.


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Mass transfer coefficients have been determined for transfer into a highly viscous phase in a stirred tank involving high Schmidt numbers. The results have been used to compute mass transfer coefficients in the extraction of free fatty acids from oils using alcohol and show good agreement with experimental results


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Stirred tank bioreactors, employed in the production of a variety of biologically active chemicals, are often operated in batch, fed-batch, and continuous modes of operation. The optimal design of bioreactor is dependent on the kinetics of the biological process, as well as the performance criteria (yield, productivity, etc.) under consideration. In this paper, a general framework is proposed for addressing the two key issues related to the optimal design of a bioreactor, namely, (i) choice of the best operating mode and (ii) the corresponding flow rate trajectories. The optimal bioreactor design problem is formulated with initial conditions and inlet and outlet flow rate trajectories as decision variables to maximize more than one performance criteria (yield, productivity, etc.) as objective functions. A computational methodology based on genetic algorithm approach is developed to solve this challenging multiobjective optimization problem with multiple decision variables. The applicability of the algorithm is illustrated by solving two challenging problems from the bioreactor optimization literature.


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas—vapour cavity using the Rayleigh—Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar---O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas-vapour cavity using the Rayleigh-Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar-O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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We have studied the low magnetic field high temperature region of the H-T phase diagram of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystals using the technique of non-resonant rf response at a frequency of 20 MHz. With H(rf)parallel to a, H parallel to c, the isothermal magnetic field scans below T-c show that the frequency f(H) of the tank circuit decreases continuously with increase in H before saturating at H similar to H-D(T). Such a decrease in f(H) reflects increasing rf penetration into the weakly screened region between CuO bilayers. The saturation of f(H) at its lowest value for H similar to H-D(T) indicates complete rf penetration land hence the disappearance of field dependence) due to the vanishing of the screening rf currents I-rf(c) in those regions or equivalently when the phase coherence between adjacent superconducting layers vanishes. Therefore H,(T) represents the decoupling of the adjacent superconducting bilayers, and hence also a 3D to 2D decoupling transition of the vortex structure. Simultaneous monitoring of the field dependent rf power dissipation P(H) shows a maximum in dP/dH at H-D(T). The observed H-D(T) line in many crystals is in excellent agreement with the (l/t-1) behavior proposed for decoupling.


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A hybrid simulation technique for identification and steady state optimization of a tubular reactor used in ammonia synthesis is presented. The parameter identification program finds the catalyst activity factor and certain heat transfer coefficients that minimize the sum of squares of deviation from simulated and actual temperature measurements obtained from an operating plant. The optimization program finds the values of three flows to the reactor to maximize the ammonia yield using the estimated parameter values. Powell's direct method of optimization is used in both cases. The results obtained here are compared with the plant data.


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The specific objective of this paper is to develop a state space model of a tubular ammonia reactor which is the heart of an ammonia plant in a fertiliser complex. A ninth order model with three control inputs and two disturbance inputs is generated from the nonlinear distributed model using linearization and lumping approximations. The lumped model is chosen such that the steady state temperature at the exit of the catalyst bed computed from the simplified state space model is close enough to the one computed from the nonlinear steady state model. The model developed in this paper is very useful for the design of continuous/discrete versions of single variable/multivariable control algorithms.


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An approach is presented for hierarchical control of an ammonia reactor, which is a key unit process in a nitrogen fertilizer complex. The aim of the control system is to ensure safe operation of the reactor around the optimal operating point in the face of process variable disturbances and parameter variations. The four different layers perform the functions of regulation, optimization, adaptation, and self-organization. The simulation for this proposed application is conducted on an AD511 hybrid computer in which the AD5 analog processor is used to represent the process and the PDP-11/ 35 digital computer is used for the implementation of control laws. Simulation results relating to the different layers have been presented.


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The kinetics of iron(II1) extraction by bis(Zethylhexy1) phosphate (HDEHP, HA) in kerosene from sulfuric acid solutions has been studied in a liquid-liquid laminar jet reactor. The contact time of the interface in this reacting device is of the same order of magnitude as the surface renewal time in dispersion mixing and much less than that obtained in the relatively quiescent condition of the Lewis cell. Yet the analysis of the data in this study suggested a rate-controlling step involving surface saturation quite in conformity with that obtained in the Lewis cell and not with that in dispersion mixing as reported in the literature. Further, the mechanism suggested a weaker dependence of the rate on hydrogen ion concentration which was reported by other workers.


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Coalescence between two droplets in a turbulent liquid-liquid dispersion is generally viewed as a consequence of forces exerted on the drop-pair squeezing out the intervening continuous phase to a critical thickness. A new synthesis is proposed herein which models the film drainage as a stochastic process driven by a suitably idealized random process for the fluctuating force. While the true test of the model lies in detailed parameter estimations with measurement of drop-size distributions in coalescing dispersions, experimental measurements on average coalescence frequencies lend preliminary support to the model.


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The existing models of drop breakage in stirred turbulent dispersions are applicable only to purely viscous dispersed phases. In their present form, they are found to underpredict the diameters of the largest stable drops formed when a viscoelastic fluid is dispersed into a Newtonian liquid. In purely viscous fluids, the turbulent stresses are opposed both by the stresses due to interfacial tension and the viscous stresses generated as the drop deforms. In viscoelastic fluids, drop deformation produces additional retractive elastic stresses which also oppose turbulent stresses. As the deformation rates are large, the retractive stresses can be large in magnitude. Assuming that these additional stresses decay with time, a model of viscoelastic drop breakage in turbulent stirred dispersions has been developed. The new model quantitatively predicts the dmax of viscoelastic fluids. The model, however, does not predict the observation that when the time constant of the fluid becomes large (λ > 0.5 s), the fluid can not be dispersed into droplets up to agitator speeds of about 10 rps in our equipment.


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The coalescence of nearly rigid liquid droplets in a turbulent flow field is viewed as the drainage of a thin film of liquid under the action of a stochastic force representing the effect of turbulence. The force squeezing the drop pair is modelled as a correlated random function of time. The drops are assumed to coalesce once the film thickness becomes smaller than a critical thickness while they are regarded as separated if their distance of separation is larger than a prescribed distance. A semi-analytical solution is derived to determine the coalescence efficiency. The veracity of the solution procedure is established via a Monte-Carlo solution scheme. The model predicts a reversing trend of the dependence of the coalescence efficiency on the drop radii, the film liquid viscosity and the turbulence energy dissipation per unit mass, as the relative fluctuation increases. However, the dependence on physical parameters is weak (especially at high relative fluctuation) so that for the smallest droplets (which are nearly rigid) the coalescence efficiency may be treated as an empirical constant. The predictions of this model are compared with those of a white-noise force model. The results of this paper and those in Muralidhar and Ramkrishna (1986, Ind. Engng Chem. Fundam. 25, 554-56) suggest that dynamic drop deformation is the key factor that influences the coalescence efficiency.