71 resultados para Continuity

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Stress relaxation testing is often utilised for determining whether athermal straining contributes to plastic flow; if plastic strain rate is continuous across the transition from tension to relaxation then plastic strain is fully thermally activated. This method was applied to an aged type 316 stainless steel tested in the temperature range 973–1123 K and to a high purity Al in the recrystallised annealed condition tested in the temperature range 274–417 K. The results indicated that plastic strain is thermally activated in these materials at these corresponding test temperatures. For Al, because of its high strain rate sensitivity, it was necessary to adopt a back extrapolation procedure to correct for the finite period that the crosshead requires to decelerate from the constant speed during tension to a dead stop for stress relaxation.


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A new method based on unit continuity metric (UCM) is proposed for optimal unit selection in text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. UCM employs two features, namely, pitch continuity metric and spectral continuity metric. The methods have been implemented and tested on our test bed called MILE-TTS and it is available as web demo. After verification by a self selection test, the algorithms are evaluated on 8 paragraphs each for Kannada and Tamil by native users of the languages. Mean-opinion-score (MOS) shows that naturalness and comprehension are better with UCM based algorithm than the non-UCM based ones. The naturalness of the TTS output is further enhanced by a new rule based algorithm for pause prediction for Tamil language. The pauses between the words are predicted based on parts-of-speech information obtained from the input text.


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in this short note, we determine precisely which operators have the property that their (full, symmetric or antisymmetric) second quantisation is an operator which is bounded or belongs to one of the various Schatten ideals; we also note that in 'the interior' of the natural domain, the second quantisation is a continuous map.


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A link failure in the path of a virtual circuit in a packet data network will lead to premature disconnection of the circuit by the end-points. A soft failure will result in degraded throughput over the virtual circuit. If these failures can be detected quickly and reliably, then appropriate rerouteing strategies can automatically reroute the virtual circuits that use the failed facility. In this paper, we develop a methodology for analysing and designing failure detection schemes for digital facilities. Based on errored second data, we develop a Markov model for the error and failure behaviour of a T1 trunk. The performance of a detection scheme is characterized by its false alarm probability and the detection delay. Using the Markov model, we analyse the performance of detection schemes that use physical layer or link layer information. The schemes basically rely upon detecting the occurrence of severely errored seconds (SESs). A failure is declared when a counter, that is driven by the occurrence of SESs, reaches a certain threshold.For hard failures, the design problem reduces to a proper choice;of the threshold at which failure is declared, and on the connection reattempt parameters of the virtual circuit end-point session recovery procedures. For soft failures, the performance of a detection scheme depends, in addition, on how long and how frequent the error bursts are in a given failure mode. We also propose and analyse a novel Level 2 detection scheme that relies only upon anomalies observable at Level 2, i.e. CRC failures and idle-fill flag errors. Our results suggest that Level 2 schemes that perform as well as Level 1 schemes are possible.


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Using the numerical device simulation we show that the relationship between the surface potentials along the channel in any double gate (DG) MOSFET remains invariant in QS (quasistatic) and NQS (nonquasi-static) condition for the same terminal voltages. This concept along with the recently proposed `piecewise charge linearization' technique is then used to develop the intrinsic NQS charge model for a Independent DG (IDG) MOSFET by solving the governing continuity equation. It is also demonstrated that unlike the usual MOSFET transcapacitances, the inter-gate transcapacitance of a IDG-MOSFET initially increases with the frequency and then saturates, which might find novel analog circuit application. The proposed NQS model shows good agreement with numerical device simulations and appears to be useful for efficient circuit simulation.


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Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) technique is used to record the kinematics of different articulators while one speaks. EMA data often contains missing segments due to sensor failure. In this work, we propose a maximum a-posteriori (MAP) estimation with continuity constraint to recover the missing samples in the articulatory trajectories recorded using EMA. In this approach, we combine the benefits of statistical MAP estimation as well as the temporal continuity of the articulatory trajectories. Experiments on articulatory corpus using different missing segment durations show that the proposed continuity constraint results in a 30% reduction in average root mean squared error in estimation over statistical estimation of missing segments without any continuity constraint.


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We consider a single server queue with the interarrival times and the service times forming a regenerative sequence. This traffic class includes the standard models: lid, periodic, Markov modulated (e.g., BMAP model of Lucantoni [18]) and their superpositions. This class also includes the recently proposed traffic models in high speed networks, exhibiting long range dependence. Under minimal conditions we obtain the rates of convergence to stationary distributions, finiteness of stationary moments, various functional limit theorems and the continuity of stationary distributions and moments. We use the continuity results to obtain approximations for stationary distributions and moments of an MMPP/GI/1 queue where the modulating chain has a countable state space. We extend all our results to feedforward networks where the external arrivals to each queue can be regenerative. In the end we show that the output process of a leaky bucket is regenerative if the input process is and hence our results extend to a queue with arrivals controlled by a leaky bucket.


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The effect of a one-dimensional field (1) on the self-absorption characteristics and (2) when we have a finite numerical aperture for the objective lens that focuses the laser beam on the solid are considered here. Self-absorption, in particular its manifestation as an inner filter for the emitted signal, has been observed in luminescence experiments. Models for this effect exist and have been analyzed, but only in the absence of space charge. Using our previous results on minority carrier relaxation in the presence of a field, we obtain expressions incorporating inner filter effects. Focusing of a light beam on the sample, by an objective lens, results in a three-dimensional source and consequently a three-dimensional continuity equation to be solved for the minority carrier concentration. Assuming a one-dimensional electric field and employing Fourier-Bessel transforms, we recast the problem of carrier relaxation and solve the same via an identity that relates it to solutions obtained in the absence of focusing effects. The inner filter effect as well as focusing introduces new time scales in the problem of carrier relaxation. The interplay between the electric field and the parameters which characterize these effects and the consequent modulation of the intensity and time scales of carrier decay signals are analyzed and discussed.


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Let a and s denote the inter arrival times and service times in a GI/GI/1 queue. Let a (n), s (n) be the r.v.s, with distributions as the estimated distributions of a and s from iid samples of a and s of sizes n. Let w be a r.v. with the stationary distribution lr of the waiting times of the queue with input (a, s). We consider the problem of estimating E [w~], tx > 0 and 7r via simulations when (a (n), s (n)) are used as input. Conditions for the accuracy of the asymptotic estimate, continuity of the asymptotic variance and uniformity in the rate of convergence to the estimate are obtained. We also obtain rates of convergence for sample moments, the empirical process and the quantile process for the regenerative processes. Robust estimates are also obtained when an outlier contaminated sample of a and s is provided. In the process we obtain consistency, continuity and asymptotic normality of M-estimators for stationary sequences. Some robustness results for Markov processes are included.


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Some properties of the eigenvalues of the integral operator Kgt defined as Kτf(x) = ∫0τK(x − y) f (y) dy were studied by [1.], 554–566), with some assumptions on the kernel K(x). In this paper the eigenfunctions of the operator Kτ are shown to be continuous functions of τ under certain circumstances. Also, the results of Vittal Rao and the continuity of eigenfunctions are shown to hold for a larger class of kernels.


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Error estimates for the error reproducing kernel method (ERKM) are provided. The ERKM is a mesh-free functional approximation scheme [A. Shaw, D. Roy, A NURBS-based error reproducing kernel method with applications in solid mechanics, Computational Mechanics (2006), to appear (available online)], wherein a targeted function and its derivatives are first approximated via non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) basis function. Errors in the NURBS approximation are then reproduced via a family of non-NURBS basis functions, constructed using a polynomial reproduction condition, and added to the NURBS approximation of the function obtained in the first step. In addition to the derivation of error estimates, convergence studies are undertaken for a couple of test boundary value problems with known exact solutions. The ERKM is next applied to a one-dimensional Burgers equation where, time evolution leads to a breakdown of the continuous solution and the appearance of a shock. Many available mesh-free schemes appear to be unable to capture this shock without numerical instability. However, given that any desired order of continuity is achievable through NURBS approximations, the ERKM can even accurately approximate functions with discontinuous derivatives. Moreover, due to the variation diminishing property of NURBS, it has advantages in representing sharp changes in gradients. This paper is focused on demonstrating this ability of ERKM via some numerical examples. Comparisons of some of the results with those via the standard form of the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) demonstrate the relative numerical advantages and accuracy of the ERKM.


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A fuzzy logic based centralized control algorithm for irrigation canals is presented. Purpose of the algorithm is to control downstream discharge and water level of pools in the canal, by adjusting discharge release from the upstream end and gates settings. The algorithm is based on the dynamic wave model (Saint-Venant equations) inversion in space, wherein the momentum equation is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on fuzzification of a new mathematical model for wave velocity, the derivational details of which are given. The advantages of the fuzzy control algorithm, over other conventional control algorithms, are described. It is transparent and intuitive, and no linearizations of the governing equations are involved. Timing of the algorithm and method of computation are explained. It is shown that the tuning is easy and the computations are straightforward. The algorithm provides stable, realistic and robust outputs. The disadvantage of the algorithm is reduced precision in its outputs due to the approximation inherent in the fuzzy logic. Feed back control logic is adopted to eliminate error caused by the system disturbances as well as error caused by the reduced precision in the outputs. The algorithm is tested by applying it to water level control problem in a fictitious canal with a single pool and also in a real canal with a series of pools. It is found that results obtained from the algorithm are comparable to those obtained from conventional control algorithms.


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A fuzzy dynamic flood routing model (FDFRM) for natural channels is presented, wherein the flood wave can be approximated to a monoclinal wave. This study is based on modification of an earlier published work by the same authors, where the nature of the wave was of gravity type. Momentum equation of the dynamic wave model is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. Hence, the FDFRM gets rid of the assumptions associated with the momentum equation. Also, it overcomes the necessity of calculating friction slope (S-f) in flood routing and hence the associated uncertainties are eliminated. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on an equation for wave velocity, which is obtained in terms of discontinuities in the gradient of flow parameters. The channel reach is divided into a number of approximately uniform sub-reaches. Training set required for development of the fuzzy rule based model for each sub-reach is obtained from discharge-area relationship at its mean section. For highly heterogeneous sub-reaches, optimized fuzzy rule based models are obtained by means of a neuro-fuzzy algorithm. For demonstration, the FDFRM is applied to flood routing problems in a fictitious channel with single uniform reach, in a fictitious channel with two uniform sub-reaches and also in a natural channel with a number of approximately uniform sub-reaches. It is observed that in cases of the fictitious channels, the FDFRM outputs match well with those of an implicit numerical model (INM), which solves the dynamic wave equations using an implicit numerical scheme. For the natural channel, the FDFRM Outputs are comparable to those of the HEC-RAS model.


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A long two-layered circular cylinder having a thin orthotropic outer shell and a thick transversely isotropic core subjected to an axisymmetric radialv line load has been analysed. For analysis of the outer shell the classical thin shell theory was adopted and for analysis of the inner core the elasticity theory was used. The continuity of stresses and deformations at the interface has been satisfied by assumming perfect adhesion between the layers. Numerical results have been presented for two different ratios of outer shell thickness to inner radius and for three different ratios of modulus of elasticity in the radial direction of outer shell to inner core. The results have been compared with the elasticity solution of the same problem to bring out the reliability of this hybrid method. References


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The importance of interlaminar stresses has prompted a fresh look at the theory of laminated plates. An important feature in modelling such laminates is the need to provide for continuity of some strains and stresses, while at the same time allowing for the discontinuities in the others. A new modelling possibility is examined in this paper. The procedure allows for discontinuities in the in-plane stresses and transverse strains and continuity in the in-plane strains and transverse stresses. This theory is in the form of a heirarchy of formulations each representing an iterative step. Application of the theory is illustrated by considering the example of an infinite laminated strip subjected to sinusoidal loading.