84 resultados para Conformal invariants

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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An analysis of rectangular folded-waveguide slow-wave structure was developed using conformal mapping technique through Schwarz's polygon transformation and closed form expressions for the lumped capacitance and inductance per period of the slow-wave structure were derived in terms of the physical dimensions of the structure, incorporating the effects of the beam hole in the lumped parameters. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for obtaining the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was benchmarked for two typical millimeter-wave structures, one operating in Ka-band and the other operating in Q-band, against measurement and 3D electromagnetic modeling using MAFIA.


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The extension of Hehl's Poincaré gauge theory to more general groups that include space-time diffeomorphisms is worked out for two particular examples, one corresponding to the action of the conformal group on Minkowski space, and the other to the action of the de Sitter group on de Sitter space, and the effect of these groups on physical fields.


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We study the secondary structure of RNA determined by Watson-Crick pairing without pseudo-knots using Milnor invariants of links. We focus on the first non-trivial invariant, which we call the Heisenber invariant. The Heisenberg invariant, which is an integer, can be interpreted in terms of the Heisenberg group as well as in terms of lattice paths. We show that the Heisenberg invariant gives a lower bound on the number of unpaired bases in an RNA secondary structure. We also show that the Heisenberg invariant can predict allosteric structures for RNA. Namely, if the Heisenberg invariant is large, then there are widely separated local maxima (i.e., allosteric structures) for the number of Watson-Crick pairs found.


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In this paper, we develop a theorem that enables computation of the place invariants of the union of a finite collection of coloured Petri Nets when the individual nets satisfy certain conditions and their invariants are known. We consider the illustrative examples of the Readers-Writers problem, a resource sharing system, and a network of databases and show how this theorem is a valuable tool in the analysis of concurrent systems.


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Anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model (AGSM) fields and their transformation by first-order optical systems (FOS’s) forming Sp(4,R) are studied using the generalized pencils of rays. The fact that Sp(4,R), rather than the larger group SL(4,R), is the relevant group is emphasized. A convenient geometrical picture wherein AGSM fields and FOS’s are represented, respectively, by antisymmetric second-rank tensors and de Sitter transformations in a (3+2)-dimensional space is developed. These fields are shown to separate into two qualitatively different families of orbits and the invariants over each orbit, two in number, are worked out. We also develop another geometrical picture in a (2+1)-dimensional Minkowski space suitable for the description of the action of axially symmetric FOS’s on AGSM fields, and the invariants, now seven in number, are derived. Interesting limiting cases forming coherent and quasihomogeneous fields are analyzed.


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It is demonstrated that Kibble’s method of gauging the Poincaré group can be applied to the gauging of the conformal group. The action of the gauge transformations is the action of general spacetime diffeomorphisms (or coordinate transformations) combined with a local action of an 11-parameter subgroup of SO(4,2). Because the translational subgroup is not an invariant subgroup of the conformal group the appropriate generalisation of the derivative of a physical field is not a covariant derivative in the usual sense, but this does not lead to any inconsistencies.


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A new approach to Penrose's twistor algebra is given. It is based on the use of a generalised quaternion algebra for the translation of statements in projective five-space into equivalent statements in twistor (conformal spinor) space. The formalism leads toSO(4, 2)-covariant formulations of the Pauli-Kofink and Fierz relations among Dirac bilinears, and generalisations of these relations.


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A new generalisation of Einstein’s theory is proposed which is invariant under conformal mappings. Two scalar fields are introduced in addition to the metric tensor field, so that two special choices of gauge are available for physical interpretation, the ‘Einstein gauge’ and the ‘atomic gauge’. The theory is not unique but contains two adjustable parameters ζ anda. Witha=1 the theory viewed from the atomic gauge is Brans-Dicke theory (ω=−3/2+ζ/4). Any other choice ofa leads to a creation-field theory. In particular the theory given by the choicea=−3 possesses a cosmological solution satisfying Dirac’s ‘large numbers’ hypothesis.


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This paper presents a new numerical integration technique oil arbitrary polygonal domains. The polygonal domain is mapped conformally to the unit disk using Schwarz-Christoffel mapping and a midpoint quadrature rule defined oil this unit disk is used. This method eliminates the need for a two-level isoparametric mapping Usually required. Moreover, the positivity of the Jacobian is guaranteed. Numerical results presented for a few benchmark problems in the context of polygonal finite elements show that the proposed method yields accurate results.


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This paper describes an approach based on Zernike moments and Delaunay triangulation for localization of hand-written text in machine printed text documents. The Zernike moments of the image are first evaluated and we classify the text as hand-written using the nearest neighbor classifier. These features are independent of size, slant, orientation, translation and other variations in handwritten text. We then use Delaunay triangulation to reclassify the misclassified text regions. When imposing Delaunay triangulation on the centroid points of the connected components, we extract features based on the triangles and reclassify the text. We remove the noise components in the document as part of the preprocessing step so this method works well on noisy documents. The success rate of the method is found to be 86%. Also for specific hand-written elements such as signatures or similar text the accuracy is found to be even higher at 93%.


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We construct an invariant of certain open four-manifolds using the Heegaard Floer theory of Ozsvath and Szabo. We show that there is a manifold X homeomorphic to R-4 for which the invariant is non-trivial,showing that X is an exotic R-4. This is the first invariant that detects exotic R-4' s. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier GmbH.


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The dissolution, accompanied by chemical reaction, of monodisperse solid particles has been analysed. The resulting model, which accounts for the variation of mass transfer coefficient with the size of the dissolving particles, yields an approximate analytical form of a kinetic function. Rigorous numerical and approximate analytical solutions have been obtained for the governing system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The transient nature of the dissolution process as well as the accuracy of the analytical solution is brought out by the rigorous numerical solution. The analytical solution is fairly accurate for the major part of the range of operational times encountered in practice.


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The problem of estimating the three-dimensional rotational parameters of a rigid body from its monocular image data has been considered using the method of moment invariants. Second- and third-order moment invariants are used to construct the feature vector for the scale and orientation independent identification of the camera view axis direction in the body-fixed reference frame. The camera rotation angle about the view axis is derived from second-order central moments. The relative attitude of the rigid body is then expressed in terms of quaternion parameters to model the outputs of a video sensor in attitude control simulations. Experimental results and simulation outputs are presented using the mathematical model of a spacecraft.


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Elliptical conformal transformation was used to derive closed form expressions for the equivalent circuit series inductance and shunt capacitance per period of a serpentine folded-waveguide slow-wave structure including the effects of the beam-hole. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was benchmarked for two typical millimeter-wave structures operating in Ka- and W-bands, against measurement, 3D electromagnetic modeling using CST Microwave Studio, parametric analysis and equivalent circuit analysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we associate a new geometric invariant to the space of fiat connections on a G (= SU(2))-bundle on a compact Riemann surface M and relate it tcr the symplectic structure on the space Hom(pi(1)(M), G)/G consisting of representations of the fundamental group pi(1)(M) Of M into G module the conjugate action of G on representations.