67 resultados para Conditional correlations

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A systematic assessment of the submodels of conditional moment closure (CMC) formalism for the autoignition problem is carried out using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. An initially non-premixed, n-heptane/air system, subjected to a three-dimensional, homogeneous, isotropic, and decaying turbulence, is considered. Two kinetic schemes, (1) a one-step and (2) a reduced four-step reaction mechanism, are considered for chemistry An alternative formulation is developed for closure of the mean chemical source term , based on the condition that the instantaneous fluctuation of excess temperature is small. With this model, it is shown that the CMC equations describe the autoignition process all the way up to near the equilibrium limit. The effect of second-order terms (namely, conditional variance of temperature excess sigma(2) and conditional correlations of species q(ij)) in modeling is examined. Comparison with DNS data shows that sigma(2) has little effect on the predicted conditional mean temperature evolution, if the average conditional scalar dissipation rate is properly modeled. Using DNS data, a correction factor is introduced in the modeling of nonlinear terms to include the effect of species fluctuations. Computations including such a correction factor show that the species conditional correlations q(ij) have little effect on model predictions with a one-step reaction, but those q(ij) involving intermediate species are found to be crucial when four-step reduced kinetics is considered. The "most reactive mixture fraction" is found to vary with time when a four-step kinetics is considered. First-order CMC results are found to be qualitatively wrong if the conditional mean scalar dissipation rate is not modeled properly. The autoignition delay time predicted by the CMC model compares excellently with DNS results and shows a trend similar to experimental data over a range of initial temperatures.


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This paper describes a detailed study of the structure of turbulence in boundary layers along mildly curved convex and concave surfaces. The surface curvature studied corresponds to δ/Rw = ± 0·01, δ being the boundary-layer thickness and Rw the radius of curvature of the wall, taken as positive for convex and negative for concave curvature. Measurements of turbulent energy balance, autocorrelations, auto- and cross-power spectra, amplitude probability distributions and conditional correlations are reported. It is observed that even mild curvature has very strong effects on the various aspects of the turbulent structure. For example, convex curvature suppresses the diffusion of turbulent energy away from the wall, reduces drastically the integral time scales and shifts the spectral distributions of turbulent energy and Reynolds shear stress towards high wavenumbers. Exactly opposite effects, though generally of a smaller magnitude, are produced by concave wall curvature. It is also found that curvature of either sign affects the v fluctuations more strongly than the u fluctuations and that curvature effects are more significant in the outer region of the boundary layer than in the region close to the wall. The data on the conditional correlations are used to study, in detail, the mechanism of turbulent transport in curved boundary layers. (Published Online April 12 2006)


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Five stereochemically constrained analogs of the chemotactic tripeptide incorporating 1-aminocycloalkane-1-carboxylic acid (Ac(n)c) and alpha,alpha-dialkylglycines (Deg, diethylglycine; Dpg, n,n-dipropylglycine and Dbg, n,n-dibutylglycine) at position 2 have been synthesized. NMR studies of peptides For-Met-Xxx-Phe-OMe (Xxx = Ac(7)c, I; Ac(8)c, II; Deg, III; Dpg, IV and Dbg, V; For, formyl) establish that peptides with cycloalkyl residues, I and II, adopt folded beta-turn conformations in CDCl3 and (CD3)(2)SO. In contrast, analogs with linear alkyl sidechains, III-V, favour fully extended (C-5) conformations in solution. Peptides I-V exhibit high activity in inducing beta-glucosaminidase release from rabbit neutrophils, with ED(50) values ranging from 1.4-8.0 x 10(-11)M. In human neutrophils the Dxg peptides III-V have ED(50) values ranging from 2.3 x 10(-8) to 5.9 x 10(-10) M, with the activity order being V > IV > III. While peptides I-IV are less active than the parent. For-Met-Leu-Phe-OH, in stimulating histamine release from human basophils, the Dbg peptide V is appreciably more potent, suggesting its potential utility as a probe for formyl peptide receptors.


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Neutron diffraction measurement is carried out on GexSe1-x glasses, where 0.1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4, in a Q interval of 0.55-13.8 Angstrom(-1). The first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) in the structure factor, S(Q), shows a systematic increase in the intensity and shifts to a lower Q with increasing Ge concentration. The coherence length of FSDP increases with x and becomes maximum for 0.33 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4. The Monte-Carlo method, due to Soper, is used to generate S(Q) and also the pair correlation function, g(r). The generated S(Q) is in agreement with the experimental data for all x. Analysis of the first four peaks in the total correlation function, T(r), shows that the short range order in GeSe2 glass is due to Ge(Se-1/2)(4) tetrahedra, in agreement with earlier reports. Se-rich glasses contain Se-chains which are cross-linked with Ge(Se-1/2)(4) tetrahedra. Ge-2(Se-1/2)(6) molecular units are the basic structural units in Ge-rich, x = 0.4, glass. For x = 0.2, 0.33 and 0.4 there is evidence for some of the tetrahedra being in an edge-shared configuration. The number of edge-shared tetrahedra in these glasses increase with increasing Ge content.


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The effect of correlations on the viscosity of a dilute sheared inelastic fluid is analyzed using the ring-kinetic equation for the two-particle correlation function. The leading-order contribution to the stress in an expansion in epsilon=(1-e)(1/2) is calculated, and it is shown that the leading-order viscosity is identical to that obtained from the Green-Kubo formula, provided the stress autocorrelation function in a sheared steady state is used in the Green-Kubo formula. A systemmatic extension of this to higher orders is also formulated, and the higher-order contributions to the stress from the ring-kinetic equation are determined in terms of the terms in the Chapman-Enskog solution for the Boltzmann equation. The series is resummed analytically to obtain a renormalized stress equation. The most dominant contributions to the two-particle correlation function are products of the eigenvectors of the conserved hydrodynamic modes of the two correlated particles. In Part I, it was shown that the long-time tails of the velocity autocorrelation function are not present in a sheared fluid. Using those results, we show that correlations do not cause a divergence in the transport coefficients; the viscosity is not divergent in two dimensions, and the Burnett coefficients are not divergent in three dimensions. The equations for three-particle and higher correlations are analyzed diagrammatically. It is found that the contributions due to the three-particle and higher correlation functions to the renormalized viscosity are smaller than those due to the two-particle distribution function in the limit epsilon -> 0. This implies that the most dominant correlation effects are due to the two-particle correlations.


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We consider an enhancement of the credit risk+ model to incorporate correlations between sectors. We model the sector default rates as linear combinations of a common set of independent variables that represent macro-economic variables or risk factors. We also derive the formula for exact VaR contributions at the obligor level.


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The ability of various synthetic peptide analogs of. Formyl-Met-Leu-Phe to induce chemotaxis in bull sperm is compared using an inverted capillary assay. The formyl group is essential for chemotactic activity and corresponding t-butyloxycarbonyl tripeptides are inactive. Sequence analogs, Formyl-Met-Phe-Leu, Formyl-Leu-Met-Phe and Formyl-Leu-Phe-Met are active. Replacement of Met and Leu by Pro does not diminish activity. Formyl-Met-Leu-Phe-NH2 is active suggesting that electrostatic interactions involving the carboxyl group may be unimportant in receptor interactions. The studies establish the importance of an amino terminal formyl group and a sequence of at least three hydrophobic residues, for inducing sperm chemotaxis.


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We present a method for calculating zero-frequency, spatially varying response and correlation functions around a magnetic impurity in metals. We illustrate the procedure which involves a combination of perturbative scaling and nonperturbative renormalization-group methods for the spin-(1/2) Kondo impurity. We explain the factorization of the temperature and spatial dependence of the Knight shift observed in NMR experiments.


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Conceptual advances in the field of membrane transport have, in the main, utilized artificial membranes, both planar and vesicular. Systems of biological interest,viz., cells and organelles, resemble vesicles in size and geometry. Methods are, therefore, required to extend the results obtained with planar membranes to liposome systems. In this report we present an analysis of a fluorescence technique, using the divalent cation probe chlortetracycline, in small, unilamellar vesicles, for the study of divalent cation fluxes. An ion carrier (X537 A) and a pore former (alamethicin) have been studied. The rate of rise of fluorescence signal and the transmembrane ion gradient have been related to transmembrane current and potential, respectively. A second power dependence of ion conduction-including the electrically silent portion thereof — on X537 A concentration, has been observed. An exponential dependence of ldquocurrentrdquo on ldquotransmembrane potentialrdquo in the case of alamethicin is also confirmed. Possible errors in the technique are discussed.


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Sequential firings with fixed time delays are frequently observed in simultaneous recordings from multiple neurons. Such temporal patterns are potentially indicative of underlying microcircuits and it is important to know when a repeatedly occurring pattern is statistically significant. These sequences are typically identified through correlation counts. In this paper we present a method for assessing the significance of such correlations. We specify the null hypothesis in terms of a bound on the conditional probabilities that characterize the influence of one neuron on another. This method of testing significance is more general than the currently available methods since under our null hypothesis we do not assume that the spiking processes of different neurons are independent. The structure of our null hypothesis also allows us to rank order the detected patterns. We demonstrate our method on simulated spike trains.


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Downscaling to station-scale hydrologic variables from large-scale atmospheric variables simulated by general circulation models (GCMs) is usually necessary to assess the hydrologic impact of climate change. This work presents CRF-downscaling, a new probabilistic downscaling method that represents the daily precipitation sequence as a conditional random field (CRF). The conditional distribution of the precipitation sequence at a site, given the daily atmospheric (large-scale) variable sequence, is modeled as a linear chain CRF. CRFs do not make assumptions on independence of observations, which gives them flexibility in using high-dimensional feature vectors. Maximum likelihood parameter estimation for the model is performed using limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) optimization. Maximum a posteriori estimation is used to determine the most likely precipitation sequence for a given set of atmospheric input variables using the Viterbi algorithm. Direct classification of dry/wet days as well as precipitation amount is achieved within a single modeling framework. The model is used to project the future cumulative distribution function of precipitation. Uncertainty in precipitation prediction is addressed through a modified Viterbi algorithm that predicts the n most likely sequences. The model is applied for downscaling monsoon (June-September) daily precipitation at eight sites in the Mahanadi basin in Orissa, India, using the MIROC3.2 medium-resolution GCM. The predicted distributions at all sites show an increase in the number of wet days, and also an increase in wet day precipitation amounts. A comparison of current and future predicted probability density functions for daily precipitation shows a change in shape of the density function with decreasing probability of lower precipitation and increasing probability of higher precipitation.


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We consider the problem of detecting statistically significant sequential patterns in multineuronal spike trains. These patterns are characterized by ordered sequences of spikes from different neurons with specific delays between spikes. We have previously proposed a data-mining scheme to efficiently discover such patterns, which occur often enough in the data. Here we propose a method to determine the statistical significance of such repeating patterns. The novelty of our approach is that we use a compound null hypothesis that not only includes models of independent neurons but also models where neurons have weak dependencies. The strength of interaction among the neurons is represented in terms of certain pair-wise conditional probabilities. We specify our null hypothesis by putting an upper bound on all such conditional probabilities. We construct a probabilistic model that captures the counting process and use this to derive a test of significance for rejecting such a compound null hypothesis. The structure of our null hypothesis also allows us to rank-order different significant patterns. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach using spike trains generated with a simulator.


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The ultrafast vibrational phase relaxation of O–H stretch in bulk water is investigated in molecular dynamics simulations. The dephasing time (T2) of the O–H stretch in bulk water calculated from the frequency fluctuation time correlation function (Cω(t)) is in the range of 70–80 femtosecond (fs), which is comparable to the characteristic timescale obtained from the vibrational echo peak shift measurements using infrared photon echo [W.P. de Boeij, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D.A. Wiersma, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 49 (1998) 99]. The ultrafast decay of Cω(t) is found to be responsible for the ultrashort T2 in bulk water. Careful analysis reveals the following two interesting reasons for the ultrafast decay of Cω(t). (A) The large amplitude angular jumps of water molecules (within 30–40 fs time duration) provide a large scale contribution to the mean square vibrational frequency fluctuation and gives rise to the rapid spectral diffusion on 100 fs time scale. (B) The projected force, due to all the atoms of the solvent molecules on the oxygen (FO(t)) and hydrogen (FH(t)) atom of the O–H bond exhibit a large negative cross-correlation (NCC). We further find that this NCC is partly responsible for a weak, non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the dephasing rate.


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A better performing product code vector quantization (VQ) method is proposed for coding the line spectrum frequency (LSF) parameters; the method is referred to as sequential split vector quantization (SeSVQ). The split sub-vectors of the full LSF vector are quantized in sequence and thus uses conditional distribution derived from the previous quantized sub-vectors. Unlike the traditional split vector quantization (SVQ) method, SeSVQ exploits the inter sub-vector correlation and thus provides improved rate-distortion performance, but at the expense of higher memory. We investigate the quantization performance of SeSVQ over traditional SVQ and transform domain split VQ (TrSVQ) methods. Compared to SVQ, SeSVQ saves 1 bit and nearly 3 bits, for telephone-band and wide-band speech coding applications respectively.


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The growth of characteristic length scales associated with dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids is investigated in an extensive computational study of a four-point, time-dependent structure factor defined from spatial correlations of mobility, for a model liquid for system sizes extending up to 351 232 particles, in constant-energy and constant-temperature ensembles. Our estimates for dynamic correlation lengths and susceptibilities are consistent with previous results from finite size scaling. We find scaling exponents that are inconsistent with predictions from inhomogeneous mode coupling theory and a recent simulation confirmation of these predictions.