37 resultados para Computer Science, Hardware

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Indian logic has a long history. It somewhat covers the domains of two of the six schools (darsanas) of Indian philosophy, namely, Nyaya and Vaisesika. The generally accepted definition of Indian logic over the ages is the science which ascertains valid knowledge either by means of six senses or by means of the five members of the syllogism. In other words, perception and inference constitute the subject matter of logic. The science of logic evolved in India through three ages: the ancient, the medieval and the modern, spanning almost thirty centuries. Advances in Computer Science, in particular, in Artificial Intelligence have got researchers in these areas interested in the basic problems of language, logic and cognition in the past three decades. In the 1980s, Artificial Intelligence has evolved into knowledge-based and intelligent system design, and the knowledge base and inference engine have become standard subsystems of an intelligent system. One of the important issues in the design of such systems is knowledge acquisition from humans who are experts in a branch of learning (such as medicine or law) and transferring that knowledge to a computing system. The second important issue in such systems is the validation of the knowledge base of the system i.e. ensuring that the knowledge is complete and consistent. It is in this context that comparative study of Indian logic with recent theories of logic, language and knowledge engineering will help the computer scientist understand the deeper implications of the terms and concepts he is currently using and attempting to develop.


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Massively parallel SIMD computing is applied to obtain an order of magnitude improvement in the executional speed of an important algorithm in VLSI design automation. The physical design of a VLSI circuit involves logic module placement as a subtask. The paper is concerned with accelerating the well known Min-cut placement technique for logic cell placement. The inherent parallelism of the Min-cut algorithm is identified, and it is shown that a parallel machine based on the efficient execution of the placement procedure.


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The performance of a program will ultimately be limited by its serial (scalar) portion, as pointed out by Amdahls Law. Reported studies thus far of instruction-level parallelism have mixed data-parallel program portions with scalar program portions, often leading to contradictory and controversial results. We report an instruction-level behavioral characterization of scalar code containing minimal data-parallelism, extracted from highly vectorized programs of the PERFECT benchmark suite running on a Cray Y-MP system. We classify scalar basic blocks according to their instruction mix, characterize the data dependencies seen in each class, and, as a first step, measure the maximum intrablock instruction-level parallelism available. We observe skewed rather than balanced instruction distributions in scalar code and in individual basic block classes of scalar code; nonuniform distribution of parallelism across instruction classes; and, as expected, limited available intrablock parallelism. We identify frequently occurring data-dependence patterns and discuss new instructions to reduce latency. Toward effective scalar hardware, we study latency-pipelining trade-offs and restricted multiple instruction issue mechanisms.


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In large flexible software systems, bloat occurs in many forms, causing excess resource utilization and resource bottlenecks. This results in lost throughput and wasted joules. However, mitigating bloat is not easy; efforts are best applied where savings would be substantial. To aid this we develop an analytical model establishing the relation between bottleneck in resources, bloat, performance and power. Analyses with the model places into perspective results from the first experimental study of the power-performance implications of bloat. In the experiments we find that while bloat reduction can provide as much as 40% energy savings, the degree of impact depends on hardware and software characteristics. We confirm predictions from our model with selected results from our experimental study. Our findings show that a software-only view is inadequate when assessing the effects of bloat. The impact of bloat on physical resource usage and power should be understood for a full systems perspective to properly deploy bloat reduction solutions and reap their power-performance benefits.


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This paper presents on overview of the issues in precisely defining, specifying and evaluating the dependability of software, particularly in the context of computer controlled process systems. Dependability is intended to be a generic term embodying various quality factors and is useful for both software and hardware. While the developments in quality assurance and reliability theories have proceeded mostly in independent directions for hardware and software systems, we present here the case for developing a unified framework of dependabilitya facet of operational effectiveness of modern technological systems, and develop a hierarchical systems model helpful in clarifying this view. In the second half of the paper, we survey the models and methods available for measuring and improving software reliability. The nature of software bugs, the failure history of the software system in the various phases of its lifecycle, the reliability growth in the development phase, estimation of the number of errors remaining in the operational phase, and the complexity of the debugging process have all been considered to varying degrees of detail. We also discuss the notion of software fault-tolerance, methods of achieving the same, and the status of other measures of software dependability such as maintainability, availability and safety.


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In this paper, the design and implementation of a single shared bus, shared memory multiprocessing system using Intel's single board computers is presented. The hardware configuration and the operating system developed to execute the parallel algorithms are discussed. The performance evaluation studies carried out on Image are outlined.


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This paper is about a software system, GRASS-Graphic Software System for 2-D drawing and designwhich has been implemented on a PDP-11/35 system with RSX-11M operating system. It is a low cost interactive graphics system for the design of two dimensional drawings and uses a minimum of hardware. It provides comprehensive facilities for creating, editing, storing and retrieving pictures. It has been implemented in the language Pascal and has the potential to be used as a powerful data-imputting tool for a design-automation system. The important features of the system are its low cost, software character generation and a user-trainable character recognizer, which has been included.


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The StreamIt programming model has been proposed to exploit parallelism in streaming applications oil general purpose multicore architectures. The StreamIt graphs describe task, data and pipeline parallelism which can be exploited on accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or CellBE which support abundant parallelism in hardware. In this paper, we describe a novel method to orchestrate the execution of if StreamIt program oil a multicore platform equipped with an accelerator. The proposed approach identifies, using profiling, the relative benefits of executing a task oil the superscalar CPU cores and the accelerator. We formulate the problem of partitioning the work between the CPU cores and the GPU, taking into account the latencies for data transfers and the required buffer layout transformations associated with the partitioning, as all integrated Integer Linear Program (ILP) which can then be solved by an ILP solver. We also propose an efficient heuristic algorithm for the work-partitioning between the CPU and the GPU, which provides solutions which are within 9.05% of the optimal solution on an average across the benchmark Suite. The partitioned tasks are then software pipelined to execute oil the multiple CPU cores and the Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs) of the GPU. The software pipelining algorithm orchestrates the execution between CPU cores and the GPU by emitting the code for the CPU and the GPU, and the code for the required data transfers. Our experiments on a platform with 8 CPU cores and a GeForce 8800 GTS 512 GPU show a geometric mean speedup of 6.94X with it maximum of 51.96X over it single threaded CPU execution across the StreamIt benchmarks. This is a 18.9% improvement over it partitioning strategy that maps only the filters that cannot be executed oil the GPU - the filters with state that is persistent across firings - onto the CPU.


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Data flow computers are high-speed machines in which an instruction is executed as soon as all its operands are available. This paper describes the EXtended MANchester (EXMAN) data flow computer which incorporates three major extensions to the basic Manchester machine. As extensions we provide a multiple matching units scheme, an efficient, implementation of array data structure, and a facility to concurrently execute reentrant routines. A simulator for the EXMAN computer has been coded in the discrete event simulation language, SIMULA 67, on the DEC 1090 system. Performance analysis studies have been conducted on the simulated EXMAN computer to study the effectiveness of the proposed extensions. The performance experiments have been carried out using three sample problems: matrix multiplication, Bresenham's line drawing algorithm, and the polygon scan-conversion algorithm.


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A parentheses-free code is suggested for the description of two-terminal electrical networks for computer analysis.


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The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout design is one of the most important and time consuming phases during equipment design process in all electronic industries. This paper is concerned with the development and implementation of a computer aided PCB design package. A set of programs which operate on a description of the circuit supplied by the user in the form of a data file and subsequently design the layout of a double-sided PCB has been developed. The algorithms used for the design of the PCB optimise the board area and the length of copper tracks used for the interconnections. The output of the package is the layout drawing of the PCB, drawn on a CALCOMP hard copy plotter and a Tektronix 4012 storage graphics display terminal. The routing density (the board area required for one component) achieved by this package is typically 0.8 sq. inch per IC. The package is implemented on a DEC 1090 system in Pascal and FORTRAN and SIGN(1) graphics package is used for display generation.


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The following problem is considered. Given the locations of the Central Processing Unit (ar;the terminals which have to communicate with it, to determine the number and locations of the concentrators and to assign the terminals to the concentrators in such a way that the total cost is minimized. There is alao a fixed cost associated with each concentrator. There is ail upper limit to the number of terminals which can be connected to a concentrator. The terminals can be connected directly to the CPU also In this paper it is assumed that the concentrators can bo located anywhere in the area A containing the CPU and the terminals. Then this becomes a multimodal optimization problem. In the proposed algorithm a stochastic automaton is used as a search device to locate the minimum of the multimodal cost function . The proposed algorithm involves the following. The area A containing the CPU and the terminals is divided into an arbitrary number of regions (say K). An approximate value for the number of concentrators is assumed (say m). The optimum number is determined by iteration later The m concentrators can be assigned to the K regions in (mk) ways (m > K) or (km) ways (K>m).(All possible assignments are feasible, i.e. a region can contain 0,1,, to concentrators). Each possible assignment is assumed to represent a state of the stochastic variable structure automaton. To start with, all the states are assigned equal probabilities. At each stage of the search the automaton visits a state according to the current probability distribution. At each visit the automaton selects a 'point' inside that state with uniform probability. The cost associated with that point is calculated and the average cost of that state is updated. Then the probabilities of all the states are updated. The probabilities are taken to bo inversely proportional to the average cost of the states After a certain number of searches the search probabilities become stationary and the automaton visits a particular state again and again. Then the automaton is said to have converged to that state Then by conducting a local gradient search within that state the exact locations of the concentrators are determined This algorithm was applied to a set of test problems and the results were compared with those given by Cooper's (1964, 1967) EAC algorithm and on the average it was found that the proposed algorithm performs better.


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A major concern of embedded system architects is the design for low power. We address one aspect of the problem in this paper, namely the effect of executable code compression. There are two benefits of code compression firstly, a reduction in the memory footprint of embedded software, and secondly, potential reduction in memory bus traffic and power consumption. Since decompression has to be performed at run time it is achieved by hardware. We describe a tool called COMPASS which can evaluate a range of strategies for any given set of benchmarks and display compression ratios. Also, given an execution trace, it can compute the effect on bus toggles, and cache misses for a range of compression strategies. The tool is interactive and allows the user to vary a set of parameters, and observe their effect on performance. We describe an implementation of the tool and demonstrate its effectiveness. To the best of our knowledge this is the first tool proposed for such a purpose.


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Traditionally, an instruction decoder is designed as a monolithic structure that inhibit the leakage energy optimization. In this paper, we consider a split instruction decoder that enable the leakage energy optimization. We also propose a compiler scheduling algorithm that exploits instruction slack to increase the simultaneous active and idle duration in instruction decoder. The proposed compiler-assisted scheme obtains a further 14.5% reduction of energy consumption of instruction decoder over a hardware-only scheme for a VLIW architecture. The benefits are 17.3% and 18.7% in the context of a 2-clustered and a 4-clustered VLIW architecture respectively.