67 resultados para Complementary DNA library

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Ternary copper(II) complexes [Cu(L-trp)(B)(H2O)](NO3) ( 1–3) and [Cu(L-phe)(B)(H2O)](NO3) ( 4–6) of L-tryptophan (L-trp) and L-phenylalanine (L-phe) having phenanthroline bases (B), viz. 1,10-phenanthroline (phen, 1 and 4), dipyrido[3,2-d:2,3-f]quinoxaline (dpq, 2 and 5) and dipyrido[3,2-a:2,3-c]phenazine (dppz, 3 and 6), were prepared and characterized by physico-chemical techniques. Complexes 3 and 6 were structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography and show the presence of a square pyramidal (4 + 1) CuN3O2 coordination geometry in which the N,O-donor amino acid (L-trp or L-phe) and N,N-donor phenanthroline base bind at the equatorial plane with an aqua ligand coordinated at the elongated axial site. Complex 3 shows significant distortion from the square pyramidal geometry and a strong intramolecular – stacking interaction between the pendant indole ring of L-trp and the planar dppz aromatic moiety. All the complexes display good binding propensity to the calf thymus DNA giving an order: 3, 6 (dppz) > 2, 5 (dpq) > 1, 4 (phen). The binding constant (Kb) values are in the range of 2.1 × 104–1.1 × 106 mol-1 with the binding site size (s) values of 0.17–0.63. The phen and dpq complexes are minor groove binders while the dppz analogues bind at the DNA major groove. Theoretical DNA docking studies on 2 and 3 show the close proximity of two photosensitizers, viz. the indole moiety of L-trp and the quinoxaline/phenazine of the dpq/dppz bases, to the complementary DNA strands. Complexes 2 and 3 show oxidative DNA double strand breaks (dsb) of supercoiled (SC) DNA forming a significant quantity of linear DNA along with the nicked circular (NC) form on photoexposure to UV-A light of 365 nm and red light of 647.1 nm (Ar–Kr laser). Complexes 1, 5 and 6 show only single strand breaks (ssb) forming NC DNA. The red light induced DNA cleavage involves metal-assisted photosensitization of L-trp and dpq/dppz base resulting in the formation of a reactive singlet oxygen (1O2) species.


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The self-complementary DNA fragment CCGGCGCCGG crystallizes in the rhombohedral space group R3 with unit cell parameters a = 54.07 angstrom and c = 44.59 angstrom. The structure has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods at 2.2 angstrom resolution and refined to an R value of 16.7%. In the crystal, the decamer forms B-DNA double helices with characteristic groove dimensions: compared with B-DNA of random sequence, the minor groove is wide and deep and the major groove is rather shallow. Local base pair geometries and stacking patterns are within the range commonly observed in B-DNA crystal structures. The duplex bears no resemblance to A-form DNA as might have been expected for a sequence with only GC base pairs. The shallow major groove permits an unusual crystal packing pattern with several direct intermolecular hydrogen bonds between phosphate oxygens and cytosine amino groups. In addition, decameric duplexes form quasi-infinite double helices in the crystal by end-to-end stacking. The groove geometries and accessibilities of this molecule as observed in the crystal may be important for the mode of binding of both proteins and drug molecules to G/C stretches in DNA.


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We report DNA assisted self-assembly of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers using all atom Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations and present a molecular level picture of a DNA-linked PAMAM dendrimer nanocluster, which was first experimentally reported by Choi et al. (Nano Lett., 2004, 4, 391-397). We have used single stranded DNA (ssDNA) to direct the self-assembly process. To explore the effect of pH on this mechanism, we have used both the protonated (low pH) and nonprotonated (high pH) dendrimers. In all cases studied here, we observe that the DNA strand on one dendrimer unit drives self-assembly as it binds to the complementary DNA strand present on the other dendrimer unit, leading to the formation of a DNA-linked dendrimer dimeric complex. However, this binding process strongly depends on the charge of the dendrimer and length of the ssDNA. We observe that the complex with a nonprotonated dendrimer can maintain a DNA length dependent inter-dendrimer distance. In contrast, for complexes with a protonated dendrimer, the inter-dendrimer distance is independent of the DNA length. We attribute this observation to the electrostatic complexation of a negatively charged DNA strand with the positively charged protonated dendrimer.


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A novel peptide containing a single disulfide bond, CIWPWC (Vi804), has been isolated and characterised from the venom of the marine cone snail, Conus virgo. A precursor polypeptide sequence derived from complementary DNA, corresponding to the M-superfamily conotoxins, has been identified. The identity of the synthetic and natural peptide sequence has been established. A detailed analysis of the conformation in solution is reported for Vi804 and a synthetic analogue, (CIWPWC)-W-D ((D)W3-Vi804), in order to establish the structure of the novel WPW motif, which occurs in the context of a 20-membered macrocyclic disulfide. Vi804 exists exclusively in the cis W3P4 conformer in water and methanol, whereas (D)W3-Vi804 occurs exclusively as the trans conformer. NMR spectra revealed a W3P4 typeVI turn in Vi804 and a typeII turn in the analogue peptide, (D)W3-Vi804. The extremely high-field chemical shifts of the proline ring protons, together with specific nuclear Overhauser effects, are used to establish a conformation in which the proline ring is sandwiched between the flanking Trp residues, which emphasises a stabilising role for the aromatic-proline interactions, mediated predominantly by dispersion forces.


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DNA obtained from a human sputum isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, NTI-64719, which showed extensive dissemination in the guinea pig model resulting in a high score for virulence was used to construct an expression library in the lambda ZAP vector. The size of DNA inserts in the library ranged from 1 to 3 kb, and recombinants represented 60% of the total plaques obtained. When probed with pooled serum from chronically infected tuberculosis patients, the library yielded 176 recombinants with a range of signal intensities. Among these, 93 recombinants were classified into 12 groups on the basis of DNA hybridization experiments, The polypeptides synthesized by the recombinants were predominantly LacZ fusion proteins, Serum obtained from patients who were clinically diagnosed to be in the early phase of M. tuberculosis infection was used to probe the 176 recombinants obtained. interestingly, some recombinants that gave very strong signals in the original screen did not react with early-phase serum; conversely, others whose signals were extremely weak in the original screen gave very intense signals with serum from recently infected patients, This indicates the differential nature of either the expression of these antigens or the immune response elicited by them as a function of disease progression.


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We have investigated structural transitions in Poly(dG-dC) and Poly(dG-Me5dC) in order to understand the exact role of cations in stabilizing left-handed helical structures in specific sequences andthe biological role, if any, of these structures. From a novel temperature dependent transition it has been shown that a minor fluctuation in Na+ concentration at ambient temperature can bring about Β to Ζ transition. Forthe first time, wehave observed a novel double transition in poly(dG-Me5dC) as the Na+ concentration is gradually increased. This suggests that a minor fluctuation in Na+ concentration in conjunction with methylation may transform small stretches of CG sequences from one conformational state to another. These stretches could probably serve as sites for regulation. Supercoiled formV DNA reconstituted from pBR322 and pßG plasmids have been studied as model systems, in order to understand the nature and role of left-handed helical conformation in natural sequences. A large portion of DNA in form V, obtained by reannealing the two complementary singlestranded circles is forced to adopt left-handed double helical structure due to topological constraints (Lk = 0). Binding studies with Z-DNA specific antibody and spectroscopic studies confirm the presence of left-handed Z-structure in the pßG and pßR322 form V DNA. Cobalt hexamine chloride, which induces Z-form in Poly(dG-dC) stabilizes the Z-conformation in form V DNA even in the non-alternating purine-pyrimidine sequences. A reverse effect is observed with ethidium bromide. Interestingly, both topoisomerase I and II (from wheat germ) act effectively on form V DNA to give rise to a species having an electrophoretic mobility on agarose gel similar to that of open circular (form II) DNA. Whether this molecule is formed as a result of the left-handed helical segments of form V DNA undergoing a transition to the right-handed B-form during the topoisomerase action remains to be solved.


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The crystal structures of the synthetic self-complementary octamer d(G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C) and its 5-bromouracil-containing analogue have been refined to R values of 20% and 14% at resolutions of 1·8 and 2·25 Å, respectively. The molecules adopt an A-DNA type double-helical conformation, which is minimally affected by crystal forces. A detailed analysis of the structure shows a considerable influence of the nucleotide sequence on the base-pair stacking patterns. In particular, the electrostatic stacking interactions between adjacent guanine and thymine bases produce symmetric bending of the double helix and a major-groove widening. The sugar-phosphate backbone appears to be only slightly affected by the base sequence. The local variations in the base-pair orientation are brought about by correlated adjustments in the backbone torsion angles and the glycosidic orientation. Sequence-dependent conformational variations of the type observed here may contribute to the specificity of certain protein-DNA interactions.


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Mycobacterium leprae, which has undergone reductive evolution leaving behind a minimal set of essential genes, has retained intervening sequences in four of its genes implicating a vital role for them in the survival of the leprosy bacillus. A single in-frame intervening sequence has been found embedded within its recA gene. Comparison of M. leprae recA intervening sequence with the known intervening sequences indicated that it has the consensus amino acid sequence necessary for being a LAGLIDADG-type homing endonuclease. In light of massive gene decay and function loss in the leprosy bacillus, we sought to investigate whether its recA intervening sequence encodes a catalytically active homing endonuclease. Here we show that the purified M. leprae RecA intein (PI-MleI) binds to cognate DNA and displays endonuclease activity in the presence of alternative divalent cations, Mg2+ or Mn2+. A combination of approaches including four complementary footprinting assays such as DNase I, Cu/phenanthroline, methylation protection and KMnO4, enhancement of 2-aminopurine fluorescence and mapping of the cleavage site revealed that PI-MleI binds to cognate DNA flanking its insertion site, induces helical distortion at the cleavage site and generates two staggered double-strand breaks. Taken together, these results implicate that PI-MleI possess a modular structure with separate domains for DNA target recognition and cleavage, each with distinct sequence preferences. From a biological standpoint, it is tempting to speculate that our findings have implications for understanding the evolution of LAGLIDADG family of homing endonucleases


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The Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) proteins from Mycobacterium smegmatis MsDps1 and MsDps2 are both DNA-binding proteins with some differences. While MsDps1 has two oligomeric states, with one of them responsible for DNA binding, MsDps2 has only one DNA-binding oligomeric state. Both the proteins however, show iron-binding activity. The MsDps1 protein has been shown previously to be induced under conditions of starvation and osmotic stress and is regulated by the extra cellular sigma factors sigma(H) and sigma(F). We show here, that the second Dps homologue in M. smegmatis, namely MsDps2, is purified in a DNA-bound form and exhibits nucleoid-like structures under the atomic force microscope. It appears that the N-terminal sequence of Dps2 plays a role in nucleoid formation. MsDps2, unlike MsDps1, does not show elevated expression in nutritionally starved or stationary phase conditions; rather its promoter is recognized by RNA polymerase containing sigma(A) or sigma(B), under in vitro conditions. We propose that due to the nucleoid-condensing ability, the expression of MsDps2 is tightly regulated inside the cells.


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In the presence of ATP, recA protein forms a presynaptic complex with single-stranded DNA that is an obligatory intermediate in homologous pairing. Presynaptic complexes of recA protein and circular single strands that are active in forming joint molecules can be isolated by gel filtration. These isolated active complexes are nucleoprotein filaments with the following characteristics: (i) a contour length that is at least 1.5 times that of the corresponding duplex DNA molecule, (ii) an ordered structure visualized by negative staining as a striated filament with a repeat distance of 9.0 nm and a width of 9.3 nm, (iii) approximately 8 molecules of recA protein and 20 nucleotide residues per striation. The widened spacing between bases in the nucleoprotein filament means that the initial matching of complementary sequences must involve intertwining of the filament and duplex DNA, unwinding of the latter, or some combination of both to equalize the spacing between nascent base pairs. These experiments support the concept that recA protein first forms a filament with single-stranded DNA, which in turn binds to duplex DNA to mediate both homologous pairing and subsequent strand exchange.


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Background: HU a small, basic, histone like protein is a major component of the bacterial nucleoid. E. coli has two subunits of HU coded by hupA and hupB genes whereas Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has only one subunit of HU coded by ORF Rv2986c (hupB gene). One noticeable feature regarding Mtb HupB, based on sequence alignment of HU orthologs from different bacteria, was that HupB(Mtb) bears at its C-terminal end, a highly basic extension and this prompted an examination of its role in Mtb HupB function. Methodology/Principal Findings: With this objective two clones of Mtb HupB were generated; one expressing full length HupB protein (HupB(Mtb)) and another which expresses only the N terminal region (first 95 amino acid) of hupB (HupB(MtbN)). Gel retardation assays revealed that HupBMtbN is almost like E. coli HU (heat stable nucleoid protein) in terms of its DNA binding, with a binding constant (K-d) for linear dsDNA greater than 1000 nM, a value comparable to that obtained for the HU alpha alpha and HU alpha beta forms. However CTR (C-terminal Region) of HupB(Mtb) imparts greater specificity in DNA binding. HupB(Mtb) protein binds more strongly to supercoiled plasmid DNA than to linear DNA, also this binding is very stable as it provides DNase I protection even up to 5 minutes. Similar results were obtained when the abilities of both proteins to mediate protection against DNA strand cleavage by hydroxyl radicals generated by the Fenton's reaction, were compared. It was also observed that both the proteins have DNA binding preference for A: T rich DNA which may occur at the regulatory regions of ORFs and the oriC region of Mtb. Conclusions/Significance: These data thus point that HupB(Mtb) may participate in chromosome organization in-vivo, it may also play a passive, possibly an architectural role.


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Kinetics of the interaction of Au(III) with native calf thymus DNA has been studied spectrophotometrically to determine the kinetic parameters and to examine their dependency on the concentrations of DNA and Au(III), temperature, ionic strength and pH. The reaction is of the first order with respect to both the nucleotide unit of DNA and Au(III) in the stoichiometry of 2∶1 respectively. The rate constants vary with the initial ratio of DNA to Au(III) and is attributed to the effect of free chloride ions and the existence of a number of reaction sites with slight difference in the rate constants. The activation energies of this interaction have been found to be 14–16 kcal/mol. From the effect of ionic strength the reaction is found to occur between a positive and a negative ion in the rate-limiting step. The logarithm of rate constants are the linear function of pH and the slopes are dependent on ther-values. A plausible mechanism has been proposed which involves a primary dissociation of the major existing species (AuCl2(OH)2)−, to give (AuCl2)+ which then reacts with a site in the nucleotide unit of DNA in the rate-liminting step followed by a rapid binding to another site on the complementary strand of the DNA double helix. There exist a number of binding sites with slight difference in reactivity.


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An analysis of the base pair doublet geometries in available crystal structures indicates that the often reported intrinsic curvature of DNA containing oligo-(d(A).d(T)) tracts may also depend on the nature of the flanking sequences. The presence of CA/TG doublet in particular at the 5' end of these tracts is expected to enhance their intrinsic bending property. To test this proposition, three oligonucleotides, d(GAAAAACCCCCC), d(CCCCCCAAAAAG), d(GAAAAATTTTTC), and their complementary sequences were synthesized to study the effect of various flanking sequences, at the 5' and 3' ends of the A-tracts, on the curvature of DNA in solution. An analysis of the polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic mobilities of these sequences under different conditions of salts and temperatures (below their melting points) clearly showed that the oligomer with CA/TG sequence in the center was always more retarded than the oligomer with AC/GT sequence, as well as the oligomer with AT/AT sequence. Hydroxyl radical probing of the sequences with AC/GT and CA/TG doublet junctions gives a similar cutting pattern in the A-tracts, which is quite different from that in the C-tracts, indicating that the oligo(A)-tracts have similar structures in the two oligomers. KMnO4 probing shows that the oligomer with a CA/TG doublet junction forms a kink that is responsible for its inherent curvature and unusual electrophoretic mobility. UV melting shows a reduced thermal stability of the duplex with CA/TG doublet junction, and circular dichroism (CD) studies indicate that a premelting transition occurs in the oligomer with CA/TG doublet step before global melting but not in the oligomer with AC/GT doublet step, which may correspond to thermally induced unbending of the oligomer. These observations indicate that the CA/TG doublet junction at the 5' end of the oligo(A)-tract has a crucial role in modulating the overall curvature in DNA.