14 resultados para Columbus Memorial Library.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Many of the research institutions and universities across the world are facilitating open-access (OA) to their intellectual outputs through their respective OA institutional repositories (IRs) or through the centralized subject-based repositories. The registry of open access repositories (ROAR) lists more than 2850 such repositories across the world. The awareness about the benefits of OA to scholarly literature and OA publishing is picking up in India, too. As per the ROAR statistics, to date, there are more than 90 OA repositories in the country. India is doing particularly well in publishing open-access journals (OAJ). As per the directory of open-access journals (DOAJ), to date, India with 390 OAJs, is ranked 5th in the world in terms of numbers of OAJs being published. Much of the research done in India is reported in the journals published from India. These journals have limited readership and many of them are not being indexed by Web of Science, Scopus or other leading international abstracting and indexing databases. Consequently, research done in the country gets hidden not only from the fellow countrymen, but also from the international community. This situation can be easily overcome if all the researchers facilitate OA to their publications. One of the easiest ways to facilitate OA to scientific literature is through the institutional repositories. If every research institution and university in India set up an open-access IR and ensure that copies of the final accepted versions of all the research publications are uploaded in the IRs, then the research done in India will get far better visibility. The federation of metadata from all the distributed, interoperable OA repositories in the country will serve as a window to the research done across the country. Federation of metadata from the distributed OAI-compliant repositories can be easily achieved by setting up harvesting software like the PKP Harvester. In this paper, we share our experience in setting up a prototype metadata harvesting service using the PKP harvesting software for the OAI-compliant repositories in India.


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The high level of public accountability attached to Public Sector Enterprises as a result of public ownership makes them socially responsible. The Committee of Public Undertakings in 1992 examined the issue relating to social obligations of Central Public Sector Enterprises and observed that ``being part of the `State', every Public Sector enterprise has a moral responsibility to play an active role in discharging the social obligations endowed on a welfare state, subject to the financial health of the enterprise''. It issued the Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines in 2010 where all Central Public Enterprises, through a Board Resolution, are mandated to create a CSR budget as a specified percentage of net profit of the previous year. This paper examines the CSR activities of the biggest engineering public sector organization in India, Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited. The objectives are twofold, one, to develop a case study of the organization about the funds allocated and utilized for various CSR activities, and two, to examine its status with regard to other organizations, the 2010 guidelines, and the local socio-economic development. Secondary data analysis results show three interesting trends. One, it reveals increasing organizational social orientation with the formal guidelines in place. Two, Firms can no longer continue to exploit environmental resources and escape from their responsibilities by acting separate entities regardless of the interest of the society and Three the thrust of CSR in public sector is on inclusive growth, sustainable development and capacity building with due attention to the socio-economic needs of the neglected and marginalized sections of the society.


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DNA obtained from a human sputum isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, NTI-64719, which showed extensive dissemination in the guinea pig model resulting in a high score for virulence was used to construct an expression library in the lambda ZAP vector. The size of DNA inserts in the library ranged from 1 to 3 kb, and recombinants represented 60% of the total plaques obtained. When probed with pooled serum from chronically infected tuberculosis patients, the library yielded 176 recombinants with a range of signal intensities. Among these, 93 recombinants were classified into 12 groups on the basis of DNA hybridization experiments, The polypeptides synthesized by the recombinants were predominantly LacZ fusion proteins, Serum obtained from patients who were clinically diagnosed to be in the early phase of M. tuberculosis infection was used to probe the 176 recombinants obtained. interestingly, some recombinants that gave very strong signals in the original screen did not react with early-phase serum; conversely, others whose signals were extremely weak in the original screen gave very intense signals with serum from recently infected patients, This indicates the differential nature of either the expression of these antigens or the immune response elicited by them as a function of disease progression.


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Ten new cyclic hexadepsipeptides, six isariins and four isaridins, from the fungus Isaria have been identified and characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography, coupled to tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESIMS/MS). The isariins possess a beta-hydroxy acid residue and five alpha-amino acids, while isaridins contain a beta-amino acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid, and four alpha-amino acids. One- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy confirmed the chemical identity of some of the isariin fractions. Mass spectral fragmentation patterns of [M + H](+) ions reveal clear diagnostic fragment ions for the isariins and isaridins. Previously described cyclic depsipeptides, isarfelins from Isaria felina (Guo, Y. X.; Liu, Q. H.; Ng, T. B.; Wang H. X. Peptides 2005, 26, 2384), are now reassigned as members of the isaridin family. Examination of isaridin sequences revealed significant similarities with cyclic hexadepsipeptides such as destruxins and roseotoxins. The structure of an isariin (isariin A) investigated by NMR spectroscopy indicated the presence of a hybrid alpha beta C-11 turn, formed by the beta-hydroxy acid and glycine residues and a (D)Leu-(L)Ala type II' beta-turn. Additionally, the inhibitory effect of isariins and an isaridin on the intra-erythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum is presented.


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Ten new cyclic hexadepsipeptides, six isariins and four isaridins, from the fungus Isaria have been identified and characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography, coupled to tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESIMS/MS). The isariins possess a beta-hydroxy acid residue and five alpha-amino acids, while isaridins contain a beta-amino acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid, and four alpha-amino acids. One- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy confirmed the chemical identity of some of the isariin fractions. Mass spectral fragmentation patterns of [M + H](+) ions reveal clear diagnostic fragment ions for the isariins and isaridins. Previously described cyclic depsipeptides, isarfelins from Isaria felina (Guo, Y. X.; Liu, Q. H.; Ng, T. B.; Wang H. X. Peptides 2005, 26, 2384), are now reassigned as members of the isaridin family. Examination of isaridin sequences revealed significant similarities with cyclic hexadepsipeptides such as destruxins and roseotoxins. The structure of an isariin (isariin A) investigated by NMR spectroscopy indicated the presence of a hybrid alpha beta C-11 turn, formed by the beta-hydroxy acid and glycine residues and a (D)Leu-(L)Ala type II' beta-turn. Additionally, the inhibitory effect of isariins and an isaridin on the intra-erythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum is presented.


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The high-temperature superconductors are complex oxides, generally containing two-dimensional CuO2 sheets. Various families of the cuprate superconductors are described, paying special attention to aspects related to oxygen stoichiometry, phase stability, synthesis and chemical manipulation of charge carriers. Other aspects discussed are chemical applications of cuprates, possibly as gas sensors and copper-free oxide superconductors. All but the substituted Nd and Pr cuprates are hole-superconductors. Several families of cuprates show a nearly constant n(h) at maximum T(c). Besides this universality, the cuprates exhibit a number of striking common features. Based on Cu(2p) photoemission studies, it is found that the Cu-O charge-transfer energy, DELTA, and the Cu(3d)-O(2p) hybridization strength, t(pd), are key factors in the superconductivity of cuprates. The relative intensity of the satellite in the Cu(2p) core-level spectra, the polarizability of the CuO2 sheets as well as the hole concentration are related to DELTA/t(pd). These chemical bonding factors have to be explicitly taken into account in any model for superconductivity of the cuprates.


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CDS/ISIS is an advanced non-numerical information storage and retrieval software developed by UNESCO since 1985 to satisfy the need expressed by many institutions, especially in developing countries, to be able to streamline their information processing activities by using modern (and relatively inexpensive) technologies [1]. CDS/ISIS is available for MS-DOS, Windows and Unix operating system platforms. The formatting language of CDS/ISIS is one of its several strengths. It is not only used for formatting records for display but is also used for creating customized indexes. CDS/ISIS by itself does not facilitate in publishing its databases on the Internet nor does it facilitate in publishing on CD-ROMs. However, numbers of open source tools are now available, which enables in publishing CDS/ISIS databases on the Internet and also on CD-ROMs. In this paper, we have discussed the ways and means of integrating CDS/ISIS databases with GSDL, an open source digital library (DL) software.


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Mass spectrometric analysis of a banyan endophyte, Bacillus subtilis K1, extract showing broad spectrum antifungal activity revealed a complex mixture of lipopeptides, iturins, surfactins, and fengycins. Fractionation by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) facilitated a detailed analysis of fengycin microheterogeneity. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometric studies permitted the identification of several new fengycin variants. Four major sites of heterogeneity are identified: (1) N-terminus beta-hydroxy fatty acid moiety, where chain length variation and the presence of unsaturation occur, (2) position 6 (Ala/Val/Ile/Leu), (3) position 10 (Val/Ile) within the macrocyclic ring, and (4) Gln to Glu replacement at position 8, resulting in fengycin variants that differ in mass by 1 Da. Diagnostic fragment ions provide a quick method for localizing the sites of variation in the macrocycle or the linear segment. Subsequent establishment of the sequences is achieved by MS/MS analysis of linear fengycin species produced by hydrolysis of the macrocyclic lactone. Unsaturation in the fatty acid chain and the presence of linear precursors in the B. subtilis K1 extract are also established by mass spectrometry. The anomalous distribution of intensities within isotopic multiplets is a diagnostic for Gln/Glu replacements. High resolution mass spectrometry facilitates the identification of fengycin species differing by 1 Da by localizing the variable position (Gln(8)/Glu(8)) in the fengycin variants.


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With the development of deep sequencing methodologies, it has become important to construct site saturation mutant (SSM) libraries in which every nucleotide/codon in a gene is individually randomized. We describe methodologies for the rapid, efficient, and economical construction of such libraries using inverse polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We show that if the degenerate codon is in the middle of the mutagenic primer, there is an inherent PCR bias due to the thermodynamic mismatch penalty, which decreases the proportion of unique mutants. Introducing a nucleotide bias in the primer can alleviate the problem. Alternatively, if the degenerate codon is placed at the 5' end, there is no PCR bias, which results in a higher proportion of unique mutants. This also facilitates detection of deletion mutants resulting from errors during primer synthesis. This method can be used to rapidly generate SSM libraries for any gene or nucleotide sequence, which can subsequently be screened and analyzed by deep sequencing. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel series of nitrofuran containing spiropyrrolidines has been synthesized with high regioselectivity in moderate to excellent yields via 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of azomethine ylides with various substituted chalcones.


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Discovering new drugs to treat tuberculosis more efficiently and to overcome multidrug resistance is a world health priority. To find novel antitubercular agents several approaches have been used in various institutions worldwide, including target-based approaches against several validated mycobacterial enzymes and phenotypic screens. We screened more than 17,000 compounds from Vichem's Nested Chemical Library(TM) using an integrated strategy involving whole cell-based assays with Corynebacterium glutamicum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and target-based assays with protein kinases PknA, PknB and PknG as well as other targets such as PimA and bacterial topoisomerases simultaneously. With the help of the target-based approach we have found very potent hits inhibiting the selected target enzymes, but good minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against M. tuberculosis were not achieved. Focussing on the whole cell-based approach several potent hits were found which displayed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against M. tuberculosis below 10 mu M and were non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic and the targets of some of the hits were also identified. The most active hits represented various scaffolds. Medicinal chemistry-based lead optimization was performed applying various strategies and, as a consequence, a series of novel potent compounds were synthesized. These efforts resulted in some effective potential antitubercular lead compounds which were confirmed in phenotypic assays. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.