9 resultados para Church and social problems.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Elephants use vocalizations for both long and short distance communication. Whereas the acoustic repertoire of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) has been extensively studied in its savannah habitat, very little is known about the structure and social context of the vocalizations of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), which is mostly found in forests. In this study, the vocal repertoire of wild Asian elephants in southern India was examined. The calls could be classified into four mutually exclusive categories, namely, trumpets, chirps, roars, and rumbles, based on quantitative analyses of their spectral and temporal features. One of the call types, the rumble, exhibited high structural diversity, particularly in the direction and extent of frequency modulation of calls. Juveniles produced three of the four call types, including trumpets, roars, and rumbles, in the context of play and distress. Adults produced trumpets and roars in the context of disturbance, aggression, and play. Chirps were typically produced in situations of confusion and alarm. Rumbles were used for contact calling within and among herds, by matriarchs to assemble the herd, in close-range social interactions, and during disturbance and aggression. Spectral and temporal features of the four call types were similar between Asian and African elephants.


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We consider the problem of determining if two finite groups are isomorphic. The groups are assumed to be represented by their multiplication tables. We present an O(n) algorithm that determines if two Abelian groups with n elements each are isomorphic. This improves upon the previous upper bound of O(n log n) [Narayan Vikas, An O(n) algorithm for Abelian p-group isomorphism and an O(n log n) algorithm for Abelian group isomorphism, J. Comput. System Sci. 53 (1996) 1-9] known for this problem. We solve a more general problem of computing the orders of all the elements of any group (not necessarily Abelian) of size n in O(n) time. Our algorithm for isomorphism testing of Abelian groups follows from this result. We use the property that our order finding algorithm works for any group to design a simple O(n) algorithm for testing whether a group of size n, described by its multiplication table, is nilpotent. We also give an O(n) algorithm for determining if a group of size n, described by its multiplication table, is Abelian. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper the problem of ignition and extinction has been formulated for the flow of a compressible fluid with Prandtl and Schmidt numbers taken as unity. In particular, the problems of (i) a jet impinging on a wall of combustible material and (ii) the opposed jet diffusion flame have been studied. In the wall jet case, three approximations in the momentum equation namely, (i) potential flow, (ii) viscous flow, (ii) viscous incompressible with k = 1 and (iii) Lees' approximation (taking pressure gradient terms zero) are studied. It is shown that the predictions of the mass flow rates at extinction are not very sensitive to the approximations made in the momentum equation. The effects of varying the wall temperature in the case (i) and the jet temperature in the case (ii) on the extinction speeds have been studied. The effects of varying the activation energy and the free stream oxidant concentration in case (ii), have also been investigated.


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We consider functions that map the open unit disc conformally onto the complement of a bounded convex set. We call these functions concave univalent functions. In 1994, Livingston presented a characterization for these functions. In this paper, we observe that there is a minor flaw with this characterization. We obtain certain sharp estimates and the exact set of variability involving Laurent and Taylor coefficients for concave functions. We also present the exact set of variability of the linear combination of certain successive Taylor coefficients of concave functions.


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Given an undirected unweighted graph G = (V, E) and an integer k ≥ 1, we consider the problem of computing the edge connectivities of all those (s, t) vertex pairs, whose edge connectivity is at most k. We present an algorithm with expected running time Õ(m + nk3) for this problem, where |V| = n and |E| = m. Our output is a weighted tree T whose nodes are the sets V1, V2,..., V l of a partition of V, with the property that the edge connectivity in G between any two vertices s ε Vi and t ε Vj, for i ≠ j, is equal to the weight of the lightest edge on the path between Vi and Vj in T. Also, two vertices s and t belong to the same Vi for any i if and only if they have an edge connectivity greater than k. Currently, the best algorithm for this problem needs to compute all-pairs min-cuts in an O(nk) edge graph; this takes Õ(m + n5/2kmin{k1/2, n1/6}) time. Our algorithm is much faster for small values of k; in fact, it is faster whenever k is o(n5/6). Our algorithm yields the useful corollary that in Õ(m + nc3) time, where c is the size of the global min-cut, we can compute the edge connectivities of all those pairs of vertices whose edge connectivity is at most αc for some constant α. We also present an Õ(m + n) Monte Carlo algorithm for the approximate version of this problem. This algorithm is applicable to weighted graphs as well. Our algorithm, with some modifications, also solves another problem called the minimum T-cut problem. Given T ⊆ V of even cardinality, we present an Õ(m + nk3) algorithm to compute a minimum cut that splits T into two odd cardinality components, where k is the size of this cut.


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In this paper, several known computational solutions are readily obtained in a very natural way for the linear regulator, fixed end-point and servo-mechanism problems using a certain frame-work from scattering theory. The relationships between the solutions to the linear regulator problem with different terminal costs and the interplay between the forward and backward equations have enabled a concise derivation of the partitioned equations, the forward-backward equations, and Chandrasekhar equations for the problem. These methods have been extended to the fixed end-point, servo, and tracking problems.


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The poison gland and Dufour's gland are the two glands associated with the sting apparatus in female Apocrita (Hymenoptera). While the poison gland usually functions as an integral part of the venom delivery system, the Dufour's gland has been found to differ in its function in various hymenopteran groups. Like all exocrine glands, the function of the Dufour's gland is to secrete chemicals, but the nature and function of the secretions varies in different taxa. Functions of the Dufour's gland secretions range from serving as a component of material used in nest building, larval food, and pheromones involved in communicative functions that are important for both solitary and social species. This review summarizes the different functions reported for the Dufour's gland in hymenopterans, illustrating how the Dufour's gland secretions can be adapted to give rise to various functions in response to different challenges posed by the ways of life followed by different taxa. Aspects of development, structure, chemistry and the evolution of different functions are also touched upon briefly.


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In this work, we present a finite element formulation for the Saint-Venant torsion and bending problems for prismatic beams. The torsion problem formulation is based on the warping function, and can handle multiply-connected regions (including thin-walled structures), compound and anisotropic bars. Similarly, the bending formulation, which is based on linearized elasticity theory, can handle multiply-connected domains including thin-walled sections. The torsional rigidity and shear centers can be found as special cases of these formulations. Numerical results are presented to show the good coarse-mesh accuracy of both the formulations for both the displacement and stress fields. The stiffness matrices and load vectors (which are similar to those for a variable body force in a conventional structural mechanics problem) in both formulations involve only domain integrals, which makes them simple to implement and computationally efficient. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we study the well-known r-DIMENSIONAL k-MATCHING ((r, k)-DM), and r-SET k-PACKING ((r, k)-SP) problems. Given a universe U := U-1 ... U-r and an r-uniform family F subset of U-1 x ... x U-r, the (r, k)-DM problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. Given a universe U and an r-uniform family F subset of 2(U), the (r, k)-SP problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. We employ techniques based on dynamic programming and representative families. This leads to a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-1)k) .vertical bar F vertical bar. n log(2)n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-DM, where W is the maximum weight in the input, and a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-0.5501)k).vertical bar F vertical bar.n log(2) n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-SP. Thus, we significantly improve the previous best known deterministic running times for (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP and the previous best known running times for their weighted versions. We rely on structural properties of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP to develop algorithms that are faster than those that can be obtained by a standard use of representative sets. Incorporating the principles of iterative expansion, we obtain a better algorithm for (3, k)-DM, running in time O(2.004(3k).vertical bar F vertical bar . n log(2)n). We believe that this algorithm demonstrates an interesting application of representative families in conjunction with more traditional techniques. Furthermore, we present kernels of size O(e(r)r(k-1)(r) logW) for the weighted versions of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP, improving the previous best known kernels of size O(r!r(k-1)(r) logW) for these problems.