31 resultados para Chromophores

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Organic polymeric electro-optic (E-O) materials have attracted significant attention because of their potential use as fast and efficient components of integrated photonic devices (1,2). However, the practical application of these materials in optical devices is somewhat limited by the stringent material requirements imposed by the device design, fabrication processes and operating environments. Among the various material requirements, the most notable ones are large electro-optic coefficients (r(33)) and high thermal stability (3). The design of poled polymeric materials with high electro-optic activity (r(33)) involves the optimization of the percent incorporation of efficient (large beta mu) second order nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophores into the polymer matrices and the effective creation of poling-induced non-centrosymmetric structures. The factors that affect the material stability are a) the inherent thermal stability of the NLO chromophores, b) the chemical stability of the NLO chromophores during the polymer processing conditions, and c) the long-term dipolar alignment stability at high temperatures. Although considerable progress has been made in achieving these properties (4), organic polymeric materials suitable for practical E-O device applications are yet to be developed. This chapter highlights some of our approaches in the optimization of molecular and material nonlinear optical and thermal properties.


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Twin NLO chromophores having two azobenzene units linked by a flexible polymethylene spacer of varying lengths are shown to exhibit odd-even oscillations in their second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiencies, when measured in the powder form. These twin systems were designed to also exhibit liquid cystallinity, and indeed most of them do exhibit a nematic mesophase. The anticipated odd-even oscillations, in both their isotropization transition temperatures (Ti) and isotropization entropies (Delta Si), were also observed. The odd-even oscillation of the SHG efficiencies has been ascribed to a more effective cancellation of mesogenic dipoles in the even twins as compared to their odd counterparts, due to a preferred centrosymmetric packing in the former case. Based on the behaviour of these twin chromophoric molecules, it may be anticipated that such odd-even oscillations will also be observed in the analogous main chain NLO polymers.


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A new series of twin nonlinear optical (NLO) molecules, having two 4-nitrophenol chromophores that are linked via a flexible polymethylene spacer of varying length [(CH2)(n), n = 1-12], were synthesized. Powder second harmonic generation measurements of these twin samples indicated a pronounced odd-even oscillation, with the odd twins exhibiting a high SHG value while the even ones gave no measurable SH signal. This behavior reflects the crystal packing preferences in such twin NLO systems that have odd and even numbers of atoms linking them - the even ones appear to prefer a centrosymmetric packing arrangement. The orientational/disordering dynamics of these twin NLO molecules, doped in a polymer (poly(methyl methacrylate)) matrix, has also been studied using SHG in electric field poled samples. Interestingly, the maximum attainable SH signal, chi((2)), in, the poled samples also showed an odd-even oscillation; the odd ones again having a higher value of chi((2)) This unprecedented odd-even oscillation in such molecularly doped systems is rationalized as being due to the intrinsically greater ease of a parallel alignment of the two chromophores in the twins with an odd spacer than in those with an even one. Further, the temporal stability of the SHG intensity at 70 degrees C, after the removal of the applied corona, was also studied. The relaxation of all the twin chromophores followed a biexponential decay; the characteristic relaxation time (tau(2)) for the slow decay component suggests that while the twin with a single methylene unit relaxes relatively slowly, the relaxation is significantly faster in cases where n = 2 and 3. In the twins with even longer spacer segments, the relaxation again becomes slower and reaches a saturation value. The observed minimum appears to reflect the interplay of two competing factors that affect the chromophore alignment in such twin systems, namely, the electrostatic repulsion between neighboring oriented dipoles and the intrinsic flexibility of the spacer.


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A series of aryl monosulphides and disulphides have been synthesized and characterized. Their molecular hyperpolarizability (beta) has been measured in solution with the hyper-Rayleigh Scattering technique and also calculated by semiempirical AMI method. The trend in the observed and calculated values of first hyperpolarizability of these compounds has been found to be in good agreement. These compounds show moderate P values and excellent transparency in the visible region.


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Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations have been carried out to explore the effects of the orientational motion of the donor-acceptor (D-A) chromophore pair on the Forster energy transfer between the D-A pair embedded in a polymer chain in solution. It is found that the usually employed orientational averaging (that is, replacing the orientational factor, kappa, by kappa (2) = 2/3) may lead to an error in the estimation of the rate of the reaction by about 20%. In the limit of slow orientational relaxation, the preaveraging of the orientational factor leads to an overestimation of the rate, while in the opposite limit of very fast orientational relaxation, the usual scheme underestimates the rate. The latter results from an interesting interplay between reaction and diffusion. On the other hand, when one of the chromophores is fixed, the preaveraged rate is found to be fairly reliable if the rotational relaxation of the chromophore is sufficiently fast. The present study also reveals a power law dependence of the FRET rate on the chain length (rate proportional to N- alpha, with alpha approximate to 2.6).


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Subtle manipulation of mutual repulsion and polarisation effects between polar and polarisable chromophores forced in closed proximity allows achieving major (100%) enhancement of the first hyperpolarisability together with increased transparency, breaking the well-known nonlinearity-transparency trade-off paradigm.


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Three new triarylborane conjugated dicyanovinyl chromophores (Mes(2)B-pi-donor-DCV); donor: N-methyldiphenylamine (1) and triphenylamine (2 and 3 with two BMes(2) substitutions]) of type A-D-A (acceptor-donor- acceptor) are reported. Compounds 1-3 exhibit intense charge transfer (CT) absorption bands in the visible region. These absorption peaks are combination CT bands of the amine donor to both the BMes(2) and DCV units. This inference was supported by theoretical studies. Compound 1 shows weak fluorescence compared to 2 and 3. The discrimination of fluoride and cyanide ions is essential in the case of triarylborane (TAB) based anion sensors as a similar response is given towards both the anions. Anion binding studies of 1, 2 and 3 showed that fluoride ions bind selectively to the boron centre and block the corresponding CT transition (donor to BMes(2)) leaving the other CT transition to be red shifted. On the other hand, cyanide ions bind with both the receptor sites and stop both the CT transition processes and hence a different colorimetric response was noted. The binding of F-/CN- induces colour changes in the visible region of the electronic spectra of 2 and 3, which allows for the naked-eye detection of F- and CN- ions. The anion binding mechanisms are established using NMR titration experiments.


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In an attempt to develop new coloured inorganic oxides, we have investigated the substitution of 3d transition-metal ions in LiMgBO3 host where Mg-II has a trigonal bipyramidal (TBP) oxygen coordination]. We find that single-phase materials are formed for (LiMg1-xCoxBO3)-B-II (0 < x 1.0), (LiMg1-xNixBO3)-B-II (0 < x 0.1), (LiMg1-xCuxBO3)-B-II (0 < x 0.1) and also (Li1-xMg1-xFexBO3)-B-III (0 < x 0.1) of which the Co-II and Ni-II derivatives are strongly coloured, purple-blue and beige-red, respectively, thus identifying TBP CoO5 and NiO5 as new chromophores for these colours.


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The previously reported beta values of BR and retinal based chromophores were very high but subsequent measurements found them to be much less. We have found that the beta values of these compounds do not vary so much with experimental conditions as with the method of analysis. Hyper-Rayleigh scattering measurements at 1543 and 1907 nm produce more realistic beta values close to the intrinsic (static) hyperpolarizability, beta(0) which for BR is still very high (275 x 10 (30) esu). The optical nonlinearity of BR arises entirely due to the protonated retinal Schiff Base (PRSB) which in its isolated form has the same intrinsic hyperpolarizability as that of the rotein.


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The crystal structure of TANDEM (des-N-tetramethyltriostin A), a synthetic analogue of the quinoxaline antibiotic triostin A, has been determined independently at -135 and 7 'C and refined to R values of 0.088 and 0.147, respectively. The molecule has approximate 2-fold symmetry, with the quinoxaline chromophores and the disulfide cross-bridge projecting from opposite sides of the peptide ring. The quinoxaline groups are nearly parallel to each other and separated by about 6.5 A. The peptide backbone resembles a distorted antiparallel 13 ribbon joined by intramolecular hydrogen bonds N-H(LVal)--O(L-Ala). At low temperatures, the TANDEM molecule is surrounded by a regular first- and second-order hydration sphere containing 14 independent water molecules. At room temperature, only the first-order hydration shell is maintained. Calculations of the interplanar separation of the quinoxaline groups as a function of their orientation with respect to the peptide ring support the viability of TANDEM to intercalate bifunctionally into DNA.


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Five cyclobutanethiones with different chromophores at the 3-position were examined for triplet state behaviour in benzene using laser excitation into their low lying nπ*1 band systems. A weak transient absorption attributable to the triplet state is observed in all these cases. Results concerning triplet lifetimes, intersystem crossing yields (S1 → T1), self-quenching kinetics and kinetics of energy transfer to all-trans-1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and oxygen and quenching by di-t-butyl nitroxide (DTBN) are presented. Intersystem crossing yields estimated with reference to p,p′-dimethoxythiobenzophenone are roughly unity in all five cases. Self-quenching rates are found to be less than diffusion limited and this is attributed to steric crowding at the α positions (dimethyl group). The rates of oxygen and DTBN quenching compare well with those reported for several other thiones in the literature. No transients other than the triplet were detected in the above cyclobutane-thiones.


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Resonance energy transfer (RET) from the visible emission of core−shell ZnO:MgO nanocrystals to Nile Red chromophores, following band gap excitation in the UV, has been investigated for four different nanocrystal sizes. With use of steady state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopic measurements the wavelength dependent RET efficiencies have been determined. The RET process in ZnO:MgO nanocrystals occurs from emissions involving trap state recombination. There are two such processes with different RET efficiencies for the same particle size. This is shown to be a consequence of the fact that the recombination processes giving rise to the two emissions are located at different distances from the center of the particle so that the donor−acceptor distances for the two are different, even for the same particle size.


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(I): M r = 258.34, triclinic, Pi, a = 9.810 (3), b=9.635(3), e=15.015(4)A, a=79.11(2), #= 102.38 (3), y = 107.76 (3) o, V= 1308.5 A 3, Z = 4, Din= 1.318 (3) (by flotation in KI solution), D x = 1.311 g cm -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~, g = 20-05 cm -1, F(000) = 544, T---- 293 K, R = 0.074 for 2663 reflections. (II): M r = 284.43, monoclinic, P2~/c, a= 17.029 (5), b=6.706 (5), c= 14.629 (4), t= 113.55 (2) ° , V=1531.4A 3, Z=4, Dm=1.230(5) (by flotation in KI solution), Dx= 1.234gem -3, Mo Ka, 2 = 0.7107 A, g = 1.63 cm-1; F(000) = 608, T= 293 K, R = 0.062 for 855 reflections. The orientation of the C=S chromophores in the crystal lattice and their reactivity in the crystalline state are discussed. The C--S bonds are much shorter than the normal bond length [1.605 (4) (I), 1.665 (8) A (II) cf. 1.71 A].


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Effects of non-polar, polar and proton-donating solvents on the n → π* transitions of C=O, C=S, NO2 and N=N groups have been investigated. The shifts of the absorption maxima in non-polar and polar solvents have been related to the electrostatic interactions between solute and solvent molecules, by employing the theory of McRAE. In solvents which can donate protons the solvent shifts are mainly determined by solute-solvent hydrogen bonding. Isobestic points have been found in the n → π* bonds of ethylenetrithio-carbonate in heptane-alcohol and heptane-chloroform solvent systems, indicating the existence of equilibria between the hydrogen bonded and the free species of the solute. Among the different proton-donating solvents studied water produces the largest blue-shifts. The blue-shifts in alcohols decrease in the order 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and t-butanol, the blue-shift in trifluoroethanol being nearly equal to that in water. This trend is exactly opposite to that for the self-association of alcohols. It is suggested that electron-withdrawing groups not merely decrease the extent of self-association of alcohols, but also increase the ability to donate hydrogen bonds. The approximate hydrogen-bond energies for several donor-acceptor systems have been estimated. In a series of aliphatio ketones and nitro compounds studied, the blue-shifts and consequently the hydrogen bond energies decrease with the decrease in the electron-withdrawing power of the alkyl groups. It is felt that electron-withdrawing groups render the chromophores better proton acceptors, and the alcohols better donors. A linear relationship between n → π* transition frequency and the infrared frequency of ethylenetrithiocarbonate has been found. It is concluded that stabilization of the electronic ground states of solute molecules by electrostatic and/or hydrogen-bond interactions determines the solvent shifts.


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Recent single molecule experiments have suggested the existence of a photochemical funnel in the photophysics of conjugated polymers, like poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyl)oxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV). The funnel is believed to be a consequence of the presence of conformational or chemical defects along the polymer chain and efficient non-radiative energy transfer among different chromophore segments. Here we address the effect of the excitation energy dynamics on the photophysics of PPV. The PPV chain is modeled as a polymer with the length distribution of chromophores given either by a Gaussian or by a Poisson distribution. We observe that the Poisson distribution of the segment lengths explains the photophysics of PPV better than the Gaussian distribution. A recently proposed version of an extended particle-in-a-box' model is used to calculate the exciton energies and the transition dipole moments of the chromophores, and a master equation to describe the excitation energy transfer among different chromophores. The rate of energy transfer is assumed to be given here, as a first approximation, by the well-known Forster expression. The observed excitation population dynamics confirms the photochemical funneling of excitation energy from shorter to longer chromophores of the polymer chain. The time scale of spectral shift and energy transfer for our model polymer, with realistic values of optical parameters, is in the range of 200-300 ps. We find that the excitation energy may not always migrate towards the longest chromophore segments in the polymer chain as the efficiency of energy transfer between chromophores depends on the separation distance between the two and their relative orientation.