31 resultados para Chemistry of the water

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculations with the 3-21G and 6-31G basis sets were performed on a series of ion-molecule and ion pair-molecule complexes for the H2O + LiCN system. Stabilisation energies (with counter-poise corrections), geometrical parameters, internal force constants and harmonic vibrational frequencies were evaluated for 16 structures of interest. Although the interaction energies are smaller, the geometries and relative stabilities of the monohydrated contact ion pair are reminiscent of those computed for the complexes of the individual ions. Thus, interaction of the oxygen lone pair with lithium leads to a highly stabilised C2v structure, while the coordination of water to the cyanide ion involves a slightly non-linear hydrogen bond. Symmetrical bifurcated structures are computed to be saddle points on the potential energy surface, and to have an imaginary frequency for the rocking mode of the water molecule. On optimisation the geometries of the solvent shared ion pair structures (e.g. Li+cdots, three dots, centered OH2cdots, three dots, centered CN−) revealed a proton transfer from the water molecule leading to hydrogen bonded forms such as Li-O-Hcdots, three dots, centered HCN. The variation in the force constants and harmonic frequencies in the various structures considered are discussed in terms of ion-molecular and ion pair-molecule interactions.


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Results are presented to show that as the thermal decomposition of orthorhombic ammonium perchlorate proceeds there is an accumulation, in the solid, of hydrochloric and nitric acids, the concentrations of which increase up to 15% decomposition after which they decrease until they reach the original values.


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Eulytite compounds, A(3)Bi(XO4)(3) (X = P, A = Ca, Cd, Sr, Pb), belong to the noncentrosymmetric space group l (4) over bar 3d (No. 220) as determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The crystals were grown from the melt-cool technique with considerable difficulty as the compounds melt incongruently at their melting temperature, except for the compound Pb3Bi(PO4)(3). The unit cell parameter a is 9.984(5), 9.8611(3), 10.2035(3), and 10.3722(2) angstrom for Ca3Bi(PO4)(3), Cd3Bi(PO4)(3), Sr3Bi(PO4)(3), and Pb3Bi(PO4)(3) respectively, and there are four formula units in the unit cell. The structure of Pb3Bi(VO4)(3), a unique eulytite with vanadium substitution, is compared with all these phosphorus substituted eulytites. The A(2+) and Bi3+ cations occupy the special position (16c) while the O anions occupy the general Wyckoff position (48e) in the crystal structure. Only one O position has been identified for Pb3Bi(PO4)(3) and Pb3Bi(VO4)(3), whereas two O atom sites were identified for Ca3Bi(PO4)(3), Cd3Bi(PO4)(3), and Sr3Bi(PO4)(3). The UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra indicate large band gaps for all the phosphate eulytites while a lower band gap is observed for the vanadate eulytite. The feasibility of the use of these compounds in optoelectronic devices has been tested by measuring the second-harmonic generation (SHG) values which have been found to be of a magnitude equivalent to the commercially used KDP (KH2PO4).


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The physical chemistry of "aluminothermic" reduction of calcium oxide in vacuum is analyzed. Basic thermodynamic data required for the analysis have been generated by a variety of experiments. These include activity measurements in liquid AI-Ca alloys and determination of the Gibbs energies of formation of calcium aluminates. These data have been correlated with phase relations in the Ca-AI-0 system at 1373 K. The various stages of reduction, the end products and the corresponding equilibrium partial pressures of calcium have been established from thermodynamic considerations. In principle, the recovery of calcium can be improved by reducing the pressure in the reactor. However,, the cost of a high vacuum system and the enhanced time for reduction needed to achieve higher yields makes such a practice uneconomic. Aluminum contamination of calcium also increases at low pressures. The best compromise is to carry the reduction up to the stage where 3CaO-Al,O, is formed as the product. This corresponds to an equilibrium calcium partial pressure of 31.3 Pa at 1373 K and 91.6 Pa at 1460 K. Calcium can be extracted at this pressure using mechanical pumps in approximately 8 to 15 hr, depending on the size and the fill ratio of the retort and porosity of the charge briquettes.


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The Neoarchean layered anorthositic complex at Sittampundi in southern India is known for its chromitite layers that are mostly associated with anorthosite (An(90-100)). The chromitites contain FeAl-rich chromites concentrated in layers between amphibole-rich layers with a dominant mineralogy of amphibole-spinel-plagiocase+/-sapphirine. The chromite-rich layers contain only amphibole and plagioclase. Mineral compositions illustrated by X-ray composition maps and profiles show subtle chemical differences. The chrome spinels are of refractory grade with Cr2O3 and Al2O3 contents varying between 34-40 wt.% and 23-28 wt.%. The chromite compositions are noticeably different from those in layered igneous intrusions of the Bushveld-Stillwater type. The existence of original highly calcic plagioclase, FeAl-rich chromite, and magmatic amphibole is consistent with derivation from a parental magma of hydrous tholeiitic composition that was most likely generated in a supra-subduction zone arc setting. In terms of mineralogy and field relations, the Sittampundi chromitites are remarkably similar to anorthosite-hosted chromitites in the Neoarchean Fiskensset anorthositic complex, Greenland. We propose that the Sittampundi chromitites formed by partial melting of unusually aluminous harzburgite in a hydrated mantle wedge above a subduction zone. This melting process produced hydrous, aluminous basalt, which fractionated at depth to give rise to a variety of high-alumina basalt compositions from which the anorthositic complex with its cumulate chromite-rich and amphibole-rich layers formed within the magma chamber of a supra-subduction zone arc. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phase relations in the system Nb-Rh-O at 1223 K were investigated by isothermal equilibration of eleven compositions and analysis of quenched samples using OM, XRD, SEM and EDS. The oxide phase in equilibrium with the alloy changes progressively from NbO to NbO2, NbO2.422 and Nb2O5-x with increasing Rh. Only one ternary oxide NbRhO4 with tetragonal structure (a=0.4708 nm and c=0.3017 nm) was detected. It coexists with Rh and Nb2O5. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of NbRhO4 from its component binary oxides measured using a solid-state electrochemical cell can be represented by the equation; Delta G(f,ox)(o)(J/mol) = -38,350 + 5.818 x T(+/- 96) Constructed on the basis of thermodynamic information of the various alloy and oxide phases are oxygen potential diagram for the system Nb-Rh-O at 1223 K and temperature-composition diagrams at constant partial pressures of oxygen.


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The mechanical properties of clays are highly dependent not only on the stress/strain ratio to which the material is subjected but also on the chemistry of the pore fluids which in turn affects the intergranular or the effective stresses. Atterberg limits and vane shear tests were performed with different pore fluids in order to observe how the fine-grained material mechanically responded. The diffuse double layer theory has been used to interpret the data of vane shear tests in order to explain the variation of geotechnical responses with the different clays. Van der Waals forces and double layer forces were obtained and capillary forces calculated. The results show that while for kaolinite and illite the chemistry of the pore fluids has no influence on the water content and hence on the mechanical behaviour of the material, Na-smectite shows a strong correlation between the dielectric constant of the pore fluids and an increase in undrained shear strength. The data obtained extends an understanding of the influence of the dielectric constant (epsilon) of the pore fluids on the geotechnical properties of fine-grained materials.


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Since the time of Kirkwood, observed deviations in magnitude of the dielectric constant of aqueous protein solution from that of neat water (similar to 80) and slower decay of polarization have been subjects of enormous interest, controversy, and debate. Most of the common proteins have large permanent dipole moments (often more than 100 D) that can influence structure and dynamics of even distant water molecules, thereby affecting collective polarization fluctuation of the solution, which in turn can significantly alter solution's dielectric constant. Therefore, distance dependence of polarization fluctuation can provide important insight into the nature of biological water. We explore these aspects by studying aqueous solutions of four different proteins of different characteristics and varying sizes, chicken villin headpiece subdomain (HP-36), immunoglobulin binding domain protein G (GB1), hen-egg white lysozyme (LYS), and Myoglobin (MYO). We simulate fairly large systems consisting of single protein molecule and 20000-30000 water molecules (varied according to the protein size), providing a concentration in the range of similar to 2-3 mM. We find that the calculated dielectric constant of the system shows a noticeable increment in all the cases compared to that of neat water. Total dipole moment auto time correlation function of water < dM(W) (0)delta M-W (t) > is found to be sensitive to the nature of the protein. Surprisingly, dipole moment of the protein and total dipole moment of the water molecules are found to be only weakly coupled. Shellwise decomposition of water molecules around protein reveals higher density of first layer compared to the succeeding ones. We also calculate heuristic effective dielectric constant of successive layers and find that the layer adjacent to protein has much lower value (similar to 50). However, progressive layers exhibit successive increment of dielectric constant, finally reaching a value close to that of bulk 4-5 layers away. We also calculate shellwise orientational correlation function and tetrahedral order parameter to understand the local dynamics and structural re-arrangement of water. Theoretical analysis providing simple method for calculation of shellwise local dielectric constant and implication of these findings are elaborately discussed in the present work. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper examines the effect of substitution of water by heavy water in a polymer solution of polystyrene (molecular weight = 13000) and acetone. A critical double point (CDP), at which the upper and the lower partially-miscible regions merge, occurs at nearly the same coordinates as for the system [polystyrene + acetone + water]. The shape of the critical line for [polystyrene + acetone + heavy water] is highly asymmetric. An explanation for the occurrence of the water-induced CDP in [polystyrene + acetone] is advanced in terms of the interplay between contact energy dissimilarity and free-volume disparity of the polymer and the solvent. The question of the possible existence of a one-phase hole in an hourglass phase diagram is addressed in [polystyrene + acetone + water]. Our data exclude such a possibility.


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A one-dimensional water wire has been characterized by X-ray diffraction in single crystals of the tripeptide Ac-Phe-Pro-Trp-OMe. Crystals in the hexagonal space group P6(5) reveal a central hydrophobic channel lined by aromatic residues which entraps an approximately linear array of hydrogen bonded water molecules. The absence of any significant van der Waals contact with the channel walls suggests that the dominant interaction between the ``water wire'' and ``peptide nanotube'' is electrostatic in origin. An energy difference of 16 KJmol(-1) is estimated for the distinct orientations of the water wire dipole with respect to the macrodipole of the peptide nanotube. The structural model suggests that Grotthuss type proton conduction may, through constricted hydrophobic channels, be facilitated by concerted, rotational reorientation of water molecules.


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An estimate of the groundwater budget at the catchment scale is extremely important for the sustainable management of available water resources. Water resources are generally subjected to over-exploitation for agricultural and domestic purposes in agrarian economies like India. The double water-table fluctuation method is a reliable method for calculating the water budget in semi-arid crystalline rock areas. Extensive measurements of water levels from a dense network before and after the monsoon rainfall were made in a 53 km(2)atershed in southern India and various components of the water balance were then calculated. Later, water level data underwent geostatistical analyses to determine the priority and/or redundancy of each measurement point using a cross-validation method. An optimal network evolved from these analyses. The network was then used in re-calculation of the water-balance components. It was established that such an optimized network provides far fewer measurement points without considerably changing the conclusions regarding groundwater budget. This exercise is helpful in reducing the time and expenditure involved in exhaustive piezometric surveys and also in determining the water budget for large watersheds (watersheds greater than 50 km(2)).


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The proton magnetic resonance spectra of single crystals of Na2Zn(SO4)2·4H2O have been investigated and the orientations of the water molecules have been determined. Using the heavy atom structure determined by X-rays a system of hydrogen bonds between water and sulphate oxygens has been proposed.


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Proton magnetic resonance spectra of single crystals of two Tutton's salts, K2Zn (SO4)2.6H22O and K2Mg (SO4)2.6H2O, have been studied and the orientations of the water molecules in the structure have been determined. Using the heavy-atom structure of (NH4) 2Mgt(SO4)2.6H2O as determined by x-ray diffraction, a system of hydrogen bonds between the water and sulfate oxygens in Tutton's salts has been proposed. It appears that the x-ray structure needs considerable refinement.