239 resultados para Chemical trapping

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Norbornadiene and 1,2-bismethoxycarbonylcyclobutadiene furnish a novel heptacyclic system 3(whose X-ray crystal structure has been determined)and an annulated pterodactylane derivative 4 in a single step.


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In the theoretical treatments of the dynamics of solvation of a newly created ion in a dipolar solvent, the self-motion of the solute is usually ignored. Recently, it has been shown that for a light ion the translational motion of the ion can significantly enhance its own rate of solvation. Therefore, solvation itself may not be the rate determining step in the equilibration. Instead, the rate determining step is the search of the low energy configuration which serves to localize the light ion. In this article a microscopic calculation of the probability distribution of the interaction energy of the nascent charge with the dipolar solvent molecules is presented in order to address this problem of solute trapping. It is found that to a good approximation, this distribution is Gaussian and the second moment of this distribution is exactly equal to the half of its own solvation energy. It is shown that this is in excellent agreement with the simulation results that are available for the model Brownian dipolar lattice and for liquid acetonitrile. If the distortion of the solvent by the ion is negligible then the same relation gives the energy distribution for the solvated ion, with the average centered at the final equilibrium solvation energy. These results are expected to be useful in understanding various chemical processes in dipolar liquids. Another interesting outcome of the present study is a simple dynamic argument that supports Onsager's ''inverse snow-ball'' conjecture of solvation of a light ion. A simple derivation of the semi-phenomenological relation between the solvation time correlation function and the single particle orientation, reported recently by Maroncelli et al. (J. Phys. Chem. 97 (1993) 13), is also presented.


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Abstract: We report the growth and the electron cyclotron resonance measurements of n-type Si/Si0.62Ge0.38 and Si0.94Ge0.06/Si0.62Ge0.38 modulation-doped heterostructures grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition. The strained Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels were grown on relaxed Si0.62Ge0.38 buffer layers, which consist of 0.6 mu m uniform Si0.62Ge0.38 layers and 0.5 mu m compositionally graded relaxed SiGe layers from 0 to 38% Ge. The buffer layers were annealed at 800 degrees C for 1 h to obtain complete relaxation. A 75 Angstrom Si(SiGe) channel with a 100 Angstrom spacer and a 300 Angstrom 2 X 10(19) cm(-3) n-type supply layer was grown on the top of the buffer layers. The cross-sectional transmission electron microscope reveals that the dense dislocation network is confined to the buffer layer, and relatively few dislocations terminate on the surface. The plan-view image indicates the threading dislocation density is about 4 X 10(6) cm(-2). The far-infrared measurements of electron cyclotron resonance were performed at 4 K with the magnetic field of 4-8 T. The effective masses determined from the slope of the center frequency of the absorption peak versus applied magnetic field plot are 0.203m(0) and 0.193m(0) for the two dimensional electron gases in the Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels, respectively. The Si effective mass is very close to that of a two dimensional electron gas in an Si MOSFET (0.198m(0)). The electron effective mass of Si0.94Ge0.06 is reported for the first time and is about 5% lower than that of pure Si.


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A strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was adapted to grow at higher concentrations of copper by single step culturing in the presence of 20 g/L (0.314 mol/L) cupric ions added to 9K medium. Exposure to copper results in change in the surface chemistry of the microorganism. The isoelectric point of the adapted strain (pI=4.7) was observed to be at a higher pH than that of the wild unadapted strain(pI=2.0). Compared to the wild strain, the copper adapted strain was found to be more hydrophobic and showed enhanced attachment efficiency to the pyrite mineral. The copper adsorption ability of the adapted strain was also found to be higher than that of the wild strain. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of adapted cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface component is synthesized by the adapted strain. Treatment of adapted cells with proteinase-K, resulted in complete loss of tolerance to copper, reduction in copper adsorption and hydrophobicity of the adapted cells. These observations strongly suggest a role played by cell surface modifications of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in imparting the copper tolerance to the cells and bioleaching of sulphide minerals.


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The interactions of dextrin with biotite mica and galena have been investigated through adsorption, flotation, and electrokinetic measurements. The adsorption densities of dextrin onto mica continuously increase with increase of pH, while those onto galena show a maximum at pH 11.5. It is observed that the adsorption density of dextrin onto galena is quite high compared to that on mica. Both the adsorption isotherms exhibit Langmuirian behavior. Electrokinetic measurements portray conformational rearrangements of macromolecules with the loading, resulting in a shift of the shear plane, further away from the interface. Dissolution experiments indicate release of the lattice metal ions from mica and galena. Coprecipitation tests confirm polymer-metal ion interaction in the bulk solution. Dextrin does not exhibit any depressant action toward mica, whereas, with galena, the flotation recovery is decreased with an increase in pH beyond 9, in the presence of dextrin, complementing the adsorption results. Differential flotation results on a synthetic mixture of mica and galena show that mica can be selectively separated from galena using dextrin as a depressant for galena above pH 10. Possible mechanisms of interaction between dextrin and mica/galena are discussed.


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Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the action of enzymes at the atomic level. Among them, the recent proposals involving short hydrogen bonds as a step in catalysis by Gerlt and Gassman [1] and proton transfer through low barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) [2, 3] have attracted attention. There are several limitations to experimentally testing such hypotheses, Recent developments in computational methods facilitate the study of active site-ligand complexes to high levels of accuracy, Our previous studies, which involved the docking of the dinucleotide substrate UpA to the active site of RNase A [4, 5], enabled us to obtain a realistic model of the ligand-bound active site of RNase A. From these studies, based on empirical potential functions, we were able to obtain the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates of RNase A, bound to the ligand UpA. A quantum mechanical study is required to investigate the catalytic process which involves the cleavage and formation of covalent bonds. In the present study, we have investigated the strengths of some of the hydrogen bonds between the active site residues of RNase A and UpA at the ab initio quantum chemical level using the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates as the starting point. The 49 atom system and other model systems were optimized at the 3-21G level and the energies of the optimized systems were obtained at the 6-31G* level. The results clearly indicate the strengthening of hydrogen bonds between neutral residues due to the presence of charged species at appropriate positions. Such a strengthening manifests itself in the form of short hydrogen bonds and a low barrier for proton transfer. In the present study, the proton transfer between the 2'-OH of ribose (from the substrate) and the imidazole group from the H12 of RNase A is influenced by K41, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the neutral hydrogen bond, reducing the barrier for proton transfer.


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Homogeneous precipitation from solution by hydrolysis of urea at elevated temperatures (T=120 degrees C) yields novel ammonia-intercalated alpha-type hydroxide phases of the formula M(OH)(x)(NH3)(0.4)(H2O)(y)(NO3)(2-x) where x=2, y=0.68 for M=Ni and x=1.85, y=0 for M=Co. These triple-layered hexagonal phases (a=3.08+/-0.01 Angstrom, c=21.7+/-0.05 Angstrom) are more crystalline than similar phases obtained by chemical precipitation or electrosynthesis. This method can be adapted as a convenient chemical route to the bulk synthesis of alpha-hydroxides.


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Gelonin inhibits protein synthesis by inactivating the eukaryotic 60 S ribosomal subunit by an unknown mechanism. The protein was purified in high yield by a new method using Cibacron blue F3GA-Sepharose. Chemical modification studies reveal that arginine residues are essential for biological activity.


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Dialkyl (3-aryl-l,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl)phosphonate6sa -h have been obtained by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of arenenitrile oxides 5a-f to dialkyl phosphorocyanidates (4a and 4b) in yields ranging between 30% and 58%. A standardized method for obtaining cyanidates 4a and 4b has been established. The diethyl thiophosphorocyanidate (4c) is less reactive than 4a and 4b, only the 3-(4'-nitrophenyl) derivative 6i being obtainable. While the IR and NMFt spectra of 6a-i were unexceptional, their UV spectra showed evidence of conjugative interaction in high degrees between the phosphonate and heterocyclic moieties as well as a varying conjugative interaction between the heterocyclic and aryl moieties. The oxadiazoles 6a-h are thermally labile and yield trialkyl phosphates 7 as the only identifiable products. A mechanism based on the intermediacy of monomeric alkyl metaphosphate 11 in the formation of trialkyl phosphate was postulated, and supportive evidence in the form of trapping the metaphosphate with acetophenone has been obtained.


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Using first-principles density-functional calculations, we determine and analyze the Born effective charges Z(*) that describe the coupling between electric field and atomic displacements for ferromagnetic double-perovskite compound, La2NiMnO6. We find that th Born effective charge matrix of Ni in La2NiMnO6, has an anomalously large antisymmetric component, whose magnitude reduces substantially upon change in the magnetic ordering between Ni and Mn, showing it to be a magnetism-dependent electrostructural coupling. We use a local picture of the electronic structure obtained with Wannier functions, along with its band-by-band decomposition to determine its electronic origin.


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A method employing two liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies to determine chemical shift anisotropy without using any reference compound is described. It also provides individual values of the direct and the indirect spin-spin coupling constants between heteronuclei. The parameters for acetonitrile are reported.


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The minimum energy required for the formation of conjugate pair of charged defects is found to be approximately equal to the experimental activation energy for d.c. conductivity in a number of amorphous chalcoganides and pnictides. This observation implies that the defect pair formation energy represents an intrinsic gap for transport in amorphous chalcogenides.


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Rabbits and guinea pigs were immunized with functionalized aspirin-protein conjugates prepared by coupling 5-N-Succinylamino aspirin to BSA and BGG using a water soluble carbodiimide (EDC). Two populations of antibodies, one specific to functionalized aspirin and the other exclusively specific to salicylic acid were detected. These antibodies were fractionated and separated on affinity polymers suitably prepared with 5-N-succinylamino salicylic acid and 5-N-succinylamino-2-ethoxy benzoic acid as the ligands. The isolated and purified antibodies were electrophoretically homogeneous. The physico chemical interactions between the antibodies and the respective haptens were studied by radio-immunoassay, equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence quenching techniques.


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A formal chemical nomenclature system WISENOM based on a context-free grammar and graph coding is described. The system is unique, unambiguous, easily pronounceable, encodable, and decodable for organic compounds. Being a formal system, every name is provable as a theorem or derivable as a terminal sentence by using the basic axioms and rewrite rules. The syntax in Backus-Naur form, examples of name derivations, and the corresponding derivation trees are provided. Encoding procedures to convert connectivity tables to WISENOM, parsing, and decoding are described.