40 resultados para Central values

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We obtain stringent bounds in the < r(2)>(K pi)(S)-c plane where these are the scalar radius and the curvature parameters of the scalar K pi form factor, respectively, using analyticity and dispersion relation constraints, the knowledge of the form factor from the well-known Callan-Treiman point m(K)(2)-m(pi)(2), as well as at m(pi)(2)-m(K)(2), which we call the second Callan-Treiman point. The central values of these parameters from a recent determination are accomodated in the allowed region provided the higher loop corrections to the value of th form factor at the second Callan-Treiman point reduce the one-loop result by about 3% with F-K/F-pi = 1.21. Such a variation in magnitude at the second Callan-Treiman point yields 0.12 fm(2) less than or similar to < r(2)>(K pi)(S) less than or similar to 0.21 fm(2) and 0.56 GeV-4 less than or similar to c less than or similar to 1.47 GeV-4 and a strong correlation between them. A smaller value of F-K/F-pi shifts both bounds to lower values.


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A model comprising several servers, each equipped with its own queue and with possibly different service speeds, is considered. Each server receives a dedicated arrival stream of jobs; there is also a stream of generic jobs that arrive to a job scheduler and can be individually allocated to any of the servers. It is shown that if the arrival streams are all Poisson and all jobs have the same exponentially distributed service requirements, the probabilistic splitting of the generic stream that minimizes the average job response time is such that it balances the server idle times in a weighted least-squares sense, where the weighting coefficients are related to the service speeds of the servers. The corresponding result holds for nonexponentially distributed service times if the service speeds are all equal. This result is used to develop adaptive quasi-static algorithms for allocating jobs in the generic arrival stream when the load parameters are unknown. The algorithms utilize server idle-time measurements which are sent periodically to the central job scheduler. A model is developed for these measurements, and the result mentioned is used to cast the problem into one of finding a projection of the root of an affine function, when only noisy values of the function can be observed


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In this paper the question of the extent to which truncated heavy tailed random vectors, taking values in a Banach space, retain the characteristic features of heavy tailed random vectors, is answered from the point of view of the central limit theorem.


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Stable isotopes from a U/Th dated aragonite stalagmite from the Central Kumaun Himalaya provide evidence of variation in climatic conditions in the last similar to 1800 years. The delta O-18 and delta C-13 values vary from -4.3 parts per thousand to -7.6 parts per thousand and -3.4 parts per thousand to -9.1 parts per thousand respectively, although the stalagmite was not grown in isotopic equilibrium with cave drip water, a clear palaeoclimatic signal in stalagmite delta O-18 values is evident based on the regional climate data. The stalagmite showed a rapid growth rate during 830-910 AD, most likely the lower part of Medieval Warm Period (MWP), and 1600-1640 AD, the middle part of Little Ice Age (LIA). Two distinct phases of reduced precipitation are marked by a 2 parts per thousand shift in 8180 values towards the end of MWP (similar to 1080-1160 AD) and after its termination from similar to 1210 to 1440 AD. The LIA (similar to 1440-1880 AD) is represented by sub-tropical climate similar to modern conditions, whereas the post-LIA was comparatively drier. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) was located over the cave location during wetter/warmer conditions. When it shifted southward, precipitation over the study area decreased. A prominent drop in delta O-18 and delta C-13 values during the post-LIA period may also have been additionally influenced by anthropogenic activity in the area. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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Estimation of the dissociation constant, or pK(a), of weak acids continues to be a central goal in theoretical chemistry. Here we show that ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations in conjunction with metadynamics calculations of the free energy profile of the dissociation reaction can provide reasonable estimates of the successive pK(a) values of polyprotic acids. We use the distance-dependent coordination number of the protons bound to the hydroxyl oxygen of the carboxylic group as the collective variable to explore the free energy profile of the dissociation process. Water molecules, sufficient to complete three hydration shells surrounding the acid molecule, were included explicitly in the computation procedure. Two distinct minima corresponding to the dissociated and un-dissociated states of the acid are observed and the difference in their free energy values provides the estimate for pK(a), the acid dissociation constant. We show that the method predicts the pK(a) value of benzoic acid in good agreement with experiment and then show using phthalic acid (benzene dicarboxylic acid) as a test system that both the first and second pK(a) values as well, as the subtle difference in their values for different isomers can be predicted in reasonable agreement with experimental data.


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Four new hybrid (bolaphile/amphiphile) ion-pairs were synthesized. Electron microscopy indicated that each of these forms bilayer membranes upon dispersion in aqueous media. Membrane properties have also been examined by differential scanning calorimetry, microcalorimetry, temperature-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements, and UV-vis spectroscopy. The T-m values for the vesicular 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 38, 12, 85, 31.3, and 41.6 degrees C, respectively. Interestingly the T-m values for 1 and 3 were found to depend on their concentration. The entrapment of small solute and the release capability have also been examined to demonstrate that these bilayers form enclosed vesicles. X-ray diffraction of the cast films has been performed to understand the nature and the thickness of these membrane organizations. The membrane widths ranged from 33 to 47 Angstrom. Finally, the above observations have been analyzed in light of the results obtained from molecular modeling studies. Thus we have demonstrated that membrane properties can be modulated by simple structural changes at the amphiphile level. It was shown that by judicious incorporation of central, isomeric, disubstituted aromatic units as structural anchors into different bolaphiles, one can modulate the properties of the resulting vesicles.


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Aerosol black carbon (BC) mass concentrations ([BC]), measured continuously during a multi-platform field experiment, Integrated Campaign for Aerosols gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB, March-May 2006), from a network of eight observatories spread over geographically distinct environments of India, (which included five mainland stations, one highland station, and two island stations (one each ill Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal)) are examined for their spatio-temporal characteristics. During the period of study, [BC] showed large variations across the country, with values ranging from 27 mu g m(3) over industrial/urban locations to as low as 0.065 mu g m(-3) over the Arabian Sea. For all mainland stations, [BC] remained high compared to highland as well as island stations. Among the island stations, Port Blair (PBR) had higher concentration of BC, compared to Minicoy (MCY), implying more absorbing nature of Bay of Bengal aerosols than Arabian Sea. The highland station Nainital (NTL), in the central Himalayas, showed low values of [BC], comparable or even lower than that of the island station PBR, indicating the prevalence of cleaner environment over there. An examination of the changes in the mean temporal features, as the season advances from winter (December-February) to pre-monsoon (March-May), revealed that: (a) Diurnal variations were pronounced over all the mainland stations, with all afternoon low and a nighttime high: (b) At the islands, the diurnal variations, though resembled those over the mainlands, were less pronounced; and (c) In contrast to this, highland station showed an opposite pattern with an afternoon high and a late night or early morning low. The diurnal variations at all stations are mainly caused by the dynamics of local Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL), At the entire mainland as well as island stations (except HYD and DEL), [BC] showed a decreasing trend from January to May, This is attributed to the increased convective mixing and to the resulting enhanced vertical dispersal of species in the ABL. In addition, large short-period modulations were observed at DEL and HYD, which appeared to be episodic, An examination of this in the light of the MODIS-derived fire count data over India along with the back-trajectory analysis revealed that advection of BC from extensive forest fires and biomass-burning regions upwind were largely responsible for this episodic enhancement in BC at HYD and DEL.


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This paper presents a novel algebraic formulation of the central problem of screw theory, namely the determination of the principal screws of a given system. Using the algebra of dual numbers, it shows that the principal screws can be determined via the solution of a generalised eigenproblem of two real, symmetric matrices. This approach allows the study of the principal screws of the general two-, three-systems associated with a manipulator of arbitrary geometry in terms of closed-form expressions of its architecture and configuration parameters. We also present novel methods for the determination of the principal screws for four-, five-systems which do not require the explicit computation of the reciprocal systems. Principal screws of the systems of different orders are identified from one uniform criterion, namely that the pitches of the principal screws are the extreme values of the pitch.The classical results of screw theory, namely the equations for the cylindroid and the pitch-hyperboloid associated with the two-and three-systems, respectively have been derived within the proposed framework. Algebraic conditions have been derived for some of the special screw systems. The formulation is also illustrated with several examples including two spatial manipulators of serial and parallel architecture, respectively.


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Let G = (V, E) be a finite, simple and undirected graph. For S subset of V, let delta(S, G) = {(u, v) is an element of E : u is an element of S and v is an element of V - S} be the edge boundary of S. Given an integer i, 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, let the edge isoperimetric value of G at i be defined as b(e)(i, G) = min(S subset of V:vertical bar S vertical bar=i)vertical bar delta(S, G)vertical bar. The edge isoperimetric peak of G is defined as b(e)(G) = max(1 <= j <=vertical bar V vertical bar)b(e)(j, G). Let b(v)(G) denote the vertex isoperimetric peak defined in a corresponding way. The problem of determining a lower bound for the vertex isoperimetric peak in complete t-ary trees was recently considered in [Y. Otachi, K. Yamazaki, A lower bound for the vertex boundary-width of complete k-ary trees, Discrete Mathematics, in press (doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2007.05.014)]. In this paper we provide bounds which improve those in the above cited paper. Our results can be generalized to arbitrary (rooted) trees. The depth d of a tree is the number of nodes on the longest path starting from the root and ending at a leaf. In this paper we show that for a complete binary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(2)), c(1)d <= b(e) (T-d(2)) <= d and c(2)d <= b(v)(T-d(2)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. For a complete t-ary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(t)) and d >= c log t where c is a constant, we show that c(1)root td <= b(e)(T-d(t)) <= td and c(2)d/root t <= b(v) (T-d(t)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. At the heart of our proof we have the following theorem which works for an arbitrary rooted tree and not just for a complete t-ary tree. Let T = (V, E, r) be a finite, connected and rooted tree - the root being the vertex r. Define a weight function w : V -> N where the weight w(u) of a vertex u is the number of its successors (including itself) and let the weight index eta(T) be defined as the number of distinct weights in the tree, i.e eta(T) vertical bar{w(u) : u is an element of V}vertical bar. For a positive integer k, let l(k) = vertical bar{i is an element of N : 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, b(e)(i, G) <= k}vertical bar. We show that l(k) <= 2(2 eta+k k)


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In this article, several basic swarming laws for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are developed for both two-dimensional (2D) plane and three-dimensional (3D) space. Effects of these basic laws on the group behaviour of swarms of UAVs are studied. It is shown that when cohesion rule is applied an equilibrium condition is reached in which all the UAVs settle at the same altitude on a circle of constant radius. It is also proved analytically that this equilibrium condition is stable for all values of velocity and acceleration. A decentralised autonomous decision-making approach that achieves collision avoidance without any central authority is also proposed in this article. Algorithms are developed with the help of these swarming laws for two types of collision avoidance, Group-wise and Individual, in 2D plane and 3D space. Effect of various parameters are studied on both types of collision avoidance schemes through extensive simulations.


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The feasibility of realising a high-order LC filter with a small set of different capacitor values, without sacrificing the frequency response specifications, is indicated. This idea could be conveniently adopted in other filter structures also—for example the FDNR transformed filter realisations.


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The calorimetric values of composite solid propellant based on polystyrene, polyphenolformaldehyde, poly(vinyl chloride) and carboxy-terminated polybutadiene were determined using combustion calorimetry in order to assess the uncertainities in their measurements. The dependence of the calorimetric values on various propellant composition was obtained. The stoichiometry of oxidizer and fuel in the propellant for complete combustion obtained experimentally were compared with the theoretical stoichiometry calculated based on the oxidizer decomposition.


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Bread undergoes several physicochemical changes during storage that results in a rapid loss of freshness. These changes depend on moisture content present in bread product. An instrument based on electrical impedance spectroscopy technique is developed to estimate moisture content of bread at different zones using designed multi-channel ring electrodes. A dedicated AT89S52 microcontroller and associated peripherals are employed for hardware. A constant current is applied across bread loaf through central pair of electrodes and developed potential across different zones of bread loaf are measured using remaining four ring electrode pairs. These measured values of voltage and current are used to measure the impedance at each zone. Electrical impedance behavior of the bread loaf at crust and crumb is investigated during storage. A linear relationship is observed between the measured impedance and moisture content present in crust and crumb of bread loaf during storage of 120 hours.


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From consideration of 'H-lH vicinal coupling constants and '"G'H long-range coupling constants in a series of amino acid derivatives, the precise values of uC component vicinal coupling constants have been calculated for the three minimum energy staggered rotamers for the C(or)H-C(P)H, side-chains of amino acids.


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The �Central Atoms� model presented by the authors in an earlier paper is extended to ternary silicate and alumino-silicate melts. The model is applied to the CaO-FeO-SiO2 and the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system. Use is made of the parameters from the relevant binaries only. The agreement between experimental and calculated isoactivity curves is good in all cases.