10 resultados para Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper addresses the problem of singularity-free path planning for the six-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator known as the Stewart platform manipulator. Unlike serial manipulators, the Stewart platform possesses singular configurations within the workspace where the manipulator is uncontrollable. An algorithm has been developed to construct continuous paths within the workspace of the manipulator by avoiding singularities and ill-conditioning. Given two end-poses of the manipulator, the algorithm finds out safe (well-conditioned) via points and plans a continuous path from the initial pose to the final one. When the two end-poses belong to different branches and no singularity-free path is possible, the algorithm indicates the impossibility of a valid path. A numerical example has also been presented as illustration of the path planning strategy.


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This paper presents an inverse dynamic formulation by the Newton–Euler approach for the Stewart platform manipulator of the most general architecture and models all the dynamic and gravity effects as well as the viscous friction at the joints. It is shown that a proper elimination procedure results in a remarkably economical and fast algorithm for the solution of actuator forces, which makes the method quite suitable for on-line control purposes. In addition, the parallelism inherent in the manipulator and in the modelling makes the algorithm quite efficient in a parallel computing environment, where it can be made as fast as the corresponding formulation for the 6-dof serial manipulator. The formulation has been implemented in a program and has been used for a few trajectories planned for a test manipulator. Results of simulation presented in the paper reveal the nature of the variation of actuator forces in the Stewart platform and justify the dynamic modelling for control.


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In this paper, we present an algebraic method to study and design spatial parallel manipulators that demonstrate isotropy in the force and moment distributions. We use the force and moment transformation matrices separately, and derive conditions for their isotropy individually as well as in combination. The isotropy conditions are derived in closed-form in terms of the invariants of the quadratic forms associated with these matrices. The formulation is applied to a class of Stewart platform manipulator, and a multi-parameter family of isotropic manipulators is identified analytically. We show that it is impossible to obtain a spatially isotropic configuration within this family. We also compute the isotropic configurations of an existing manipulator and demonstrate a procedure for designing the manipulator for isotropy at a given configuration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present an algebraic method to study and design spatial parallel manipulators that demonstrate isotropy in the force and moment distributions. We use the force and moment transformation matrices separately, and derive conditions for their isotropy individually as well as in combination. The isotropy conditions are derived in closed-form in terms of the invariants of the quadratic forms associated with these matrices. The formulation is applied to a class of Stewart platform manipulator, and a multi-parameter family of isotropic manipulators is identified analytically. We show that it is impossible to obtain a spatially isotropic configuration within this family. We also compute the isotropic configurations of an existing manipulator and demonstrate a procedure for designing the manipulator for isotropy at a given configuration.


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This paper deals with the direct position kinematics problem of a general 6-6 Stewart platform, the complete solution of which is not reported in the literature until now and even establishing the number of possible solutions for the general case has remained an unsolved problem for a long period. Here a canonical formulation of the direct position kinematics problem for a general 6-6 Stewart platform is presented. The kinematic equations are expressed as a system of six quadratic and three linear equations in nine unknowns, which has a maximum of 64 solutions. Thus, it is established that the mechanism, in general, can have up to 64 closures. Further reduction of the system is shown arriving at a set of three quartic equations in three unknowns, the solution of which will yield the assembly configurations of the general Stewart platform with far less computational effort compared to earlier models.


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We present two online algorithms for maintaining a topological order of a directed acyclic graph as arcs are added, and detecting a cycle when one is created. Our first algorithm takes O(m 1/2) amortized time per arc and our second algorithm takes O(n 2.5/m) amortized time per arc, where n is the number of vertices and m is the total number of arcs. For sparse graphs, our O(m 1/2) bound improves the best previous bound by a factor of logn and is tight to within a constant factor for a natural class of algorithms that includes all the existing ones. Our main insight is that the two-way search method of previous algorithms does not require an ordered search, but can be more general, allowing us to avoid the use of heaps (priority queues). Instead, the deterministic version of our algorithm uses (approximate) median-finding; the randomized version of our algorithm uses uniform random sampling. For dense graphs, our O(n 2.5/m) bound improves the best previously published bound by a factor of n 1/4 and a recent bound obtained independently of our work by a factor of logn. Our main insight is that graph search is wasteful when the graph is dense and can be avoided by searching the topological order space instead. Our algorithms extend to the maintenance of strong components, in the same asymptotic time bounds.


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A force-torque sensor capable of accurate measurement of the three components of externally applied forces and moments is required for force control in robotic applications involving assembly operations. The goal in this paper is to design a Stewart platform based force torque sensor at a near-singular configuration sensitive to externally applied moments. In such a configuration, we show an enhanced mechanical amplification of leg forces and thereby higher sensitivity for the applied external moments. In other directions, the sensitivity will be that of a normal load sensor determined by the sensitivity of the sensing element and the associated electronic amplification, and all the six components of the force and torque can be sensed. In a sensor application, the friction, backlash and other non-linearities at the passive spherical joints of the Stewart platform will affect the measurements in unpredictable ways. In this sensor, we use flexural hinges at the leg interfaces of the base and platform of the sensor. The design dimensions of the flexure joints in the sensor have been arrived at using FEA. The sensor has been fabricated, assembled and instrumented. It has been calibrated for low level loads and is found to show linearity and marked sensitivity to moments about the three orthogonal X, Y and Z axes. This sensor is compatible for usage as a wrist sensor for a robot under development at ISRO Satellite Centre.


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The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.