118 resultados para CLEAVAGE SITES

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A comparison of the DNase I digestion products of the 32P-5’-end-labeled pachytene nucleosome core particles (containing histones H2A, TH2A, X2, H2B, THPB, H3a, nd H4) and liver nucleosome core particles (containing somatic histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) revealed that the cleavage sites that are 30, 40, and 110 nucleotidesa way from the 5’-enda re significantly more accessiblei n the pachytene core particles than in the liver core particles. These cleavage sites correspond to the region wherein H2B interacts with the nucleosome core DNA. These results, therefore, suggest that the histone-DNA interactiona t these sites in the pachytene core particles is weaker, possibly because of the presence of the histone variant THBB interacting at similar topological positions in the nucleosome core as that of its somatic counterpart H2B. Such a loosened structumrea y also be maintainede ven in the native pachytene chromatin since micrococcal nuclease digestion of pachytene nuclei resulted in a higher ratio of subnucleosomes (SN4 + SN?) to mononucleosomes than that observed liinv er chromatin


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The complete amino acid sequence of two non identical subunits of the glucose/mannose-specific lectin from Dolichos lab lab (field bean) has been determined by sequential Edman analyses of the intact subunits and peptides derived by enzymatic and chemical cleavage. Peptides were purified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography and ion pair chromatography. The D. lab lab lectin is a glycoprotein having two polypeptide chains of 132 and 105 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the D. Lab lab lectin is compared with the various lectins of the family Leguminosae. The D. lab lab lectin is the only species of the tribe Phaseoleae that contains two nonidentical subunits of almost equal size and that shows a specificity to glucose/ mannose. The lectin shows a greater homology to the glucose/mannose specific lectins, especially concanavalin A. The unique subunit architecture of the D. lab lab lectin indicates the presence of new post translational cleavage sites.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a positive stranded RNA virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. Construction of an infectious clone is an essential step for deciphering the virus gene functions in vivo. Using Agrobacterium based transient expression system we show that SeMV icDNA is infectious on Sesbania grandiflora and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba plants. The efficiency of icDNA infection was found to be significantly high on Cyamopsis plants when compared to that on Sesbania grandiflora. The coat protein could be detected within 6 days post infiltration in the infiltrated leaves. Different species of viral RNA (double stranded and single stranded genomic and subgenomic RNA) could be detected upon northern analysis, suggesting that complete replication had taken place. Based on the analysis of the sequences at the genomic termini of progeny RNA from SeMV icDNA infiltrated leaves and those of its 3' and 5' terminal deletion mutants, we propose a possible mechanism for 3' and 5' end repair in vivo. Mutation of the cleavage sites in the polyproteins encoded by ORF 2 resulted in complete loss of infection by the icDNA, suggesting the importance of correct polyprotein processing at all the four cleavage sites for viral replication. Complementation analysis suggested that ORF 2 gene products can act in trans. However, the trans acting ability of ORF 2 gene products was abolished upon deletion of the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of polyprotein 2a and 2ab, suggesting that these products necessarily function at the replication site, where they are anchored to membranes.


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The RecA intein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a novel double-stranded DNA endonuclease, requires both Mn(2+) and ATP for efficient cleavage of the inteinless recA allele. In this study, we show that Mg(2+) alone was sufficient to stimulate PI-MtuI to cleave double-stranded DNA at ectopic sites. In the absence of Mg(2+), PI-MtuI formed complexes with topologically different forms of DNA containing ectopic recognition sequences with equal affinity but failed to cleave DNA. We observed that PI-MtuI was able to inflict double-strand breaks robustly within the ectopic recognition sequence to generate either a blunt end or 1-2-nucleotide 3'-hydroxyl overhangs. Mutational analyses of the presumptive metal ion-binding ligands (Asp(122), Asp(222), and Glu(220)) together with immunoprecipitation assays provided compelling evidence to link both the Mg(2+)- and Mn(2+) and ATP-dependent endonuclease activities to PI-MtuI. The kinetic mechanism of PI-MtuI promoted cleavage of ectopic DNA sites proceeded through a sequential mechanism with transient accumulation of nicked circular duplex DNA as an intermediate. Together, these data suggest that PI-MtuI, like group II introns, might mediate ectopic DNA transposition and hence its lateral transfer in natural populations.


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EcoP15I is a type III restriction enzyme that requires two recognition sites in a defined orientation separated by up to 3.5 kbp to efficiently cleave DNA. The mechanism through which site- bound EcoP15I enzymes communicate between the two sites is unclear. Here, we use atomic force microscopy to study EcoP15I-DNA pre-cleavage complexes. From the number and size distribution of loops formed, we conclude that the loops observed do not result from translocation, but are instead formed by a contact between site- bound EcoP15I and a nonspecific region of DNA. This conclusion is confirmed by a theoretical polymer model. It is further shown that translocation must play some role, because when translocation is blocked by a Lac repressor protein, DNA cleavage is similarly blocked. On the basis of these results, we present a model for restriction by type III restriction enzymes and highlight the similarities between this and other classes of restriction enzymes.


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The formation of local structure, in short peptides has been probed by examining cleavage patterns and rates of proteolysis of designed sequences with a high tendency to form β-hairpin structures. Three model sequences which bear fluorescence donor and acceptor groups have been investigated: Dab-Gaba-Lys-Pro-Leu-Gly-Lys-Val-Xxx-Yyy-Glu-Val-Ala-Ala-Cys-Lys-NH2 ï EDANS Xxx-Yyy: Peptide 1=DPro-LPro, Peptide 2=DPro-Gly, Peptide 3=Leu-Ala Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) provides a convenient probe for peptide cleavage. MALDI mass spectrometry has been used to probe sites of cleavage and CD spectroscopy to access the overall backbone conformation using analog sequences, which lack strongly absorbing donor and acceptor groups. The proteases trypsin, subtilisin, collagenase, elastase, proteinase K and thermolysin were used for proteolysis and the rates of cleavage determined. Peptide 3 is the most susceptible to cleavage by all the enzymes except thermolysin, which cleaves all three peptides at comparable rates. Peptides 1 and 2 are completely resistant to the action of trypsin, suggesting that β-turn formation acts as a deterrent to proteolytic cleavage.


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Structure at the polypurine-polypyrimidine sequences flanking the HpaII sites (CCGG) in pBR322 form V DNA was probed employing single-hit analysis using HpaII restriction endonuclease. Reduced cleavage efficiency of HpaII sites flanked by polypurine-polypyrimidine sequences suggested that under high torsional stress these sequences adopt unwound structures rendering these sites insensitive to restriction enzyme cleavage. In addition to polypurine-polypyrimidine sequences. HpaII sites flanked by alternating purine-pyrimidine sequence, a potential motif of left handed Z-DNA, were also found to be resistant to HpaII cleavage. Results obtained from various studies implicating structure sensitivity of restriction endonucleases and methylases were compiled and a direct correlation was observed between the occurrence of altered sites in a domain and its G/C content in pBR322 form V DNA.


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Most of the restriction endonucleases (REases) are dependent on Mg2+ for DNA cleavage, and in general, Ca2+ inhibits their activity. RKpnI, an HNH active site containing beta beta alpha-Me finger nuclease, is an exception. In presence of Ca2+, the enzyme exhibits high-fidelity DNA cleavage and complete suppression of Mg2+-induced promiscuous activity. To elucidate the mechanism of unusual Ca2+-mediated activity, we generated alanine variants in the putative Ca-2+ binding motif, E(132)xD(134)xD(136), of the enzyme. Mutants showed decreased levels of DNA cleavage in the presence of Ca2+. We demonstrate that ExDxD residues are involved in Ca2+ coordination; however, the invariant His of the catalytic HNH motif acts as a general base for nucleophile activation, and the other two active site residues, D148 and Q175, also participate in Ca2+-mediated cleavage. Insertion of a 10-amino acid linker to disrupt the spatial organization of the ExDxD and HNH motifs impairs Ca2+ binding and affects DNA cleavage by the enzyme. Although ExDxD mutant enzymes retained efficient cleavage at the canonical sites in the presence of Mg2+, the promiscuous activity was greatly reduced, indicating that the carboxyl residues of the acidic triad play an important role in sequence recognition by the enzyme. Thus, the distinct Ca2+ binding motif that confers site specific cleavage upon Ca2+ binding is also critical for the promiscuous activity of the Mg2+-bound enzyme, revealing its role in metal ion-mediated modulation of DNA cleavage.


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Type I DNA topoisomerases from bacteria catalyse relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA in a Mg2+ dependent manner. Although topoisomerases of distinct classes have been subjected for anti-cancer and anti-infective drug development, bacterial type I enzymes are way behind in this regard. Our studies with Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I (MstopoI) revealed several of its distinct properties compared to the well studied Escherichia coli topoisomerase I (EctopoI) suggesting the possibility of targeting the mycobacterial enzyme for inhibitor development. Here, we describe Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MttopoI) and compare its properties with MstopoI and EctopoI. The enzyme cleaves DNA at preferred sites in a pattern similar to its ortholog from M. smegmatis. Oligonucleotides containing the specific recognition sequence inhibited the activity of the enzyme in a manner similar to that of MstopoI. Substitution of the acidic residues, D111 and E115 which are involved in Mg2+ co-ordination, to alanines affected the DNA relaxation activity. Unlike the wild type enzyme, D111A was dependent on Mg2+ for DNA cleavage and both the mutants were compromised in religation. The monoclonal antibody (mAb), 2F3G4, developed against MstopoI inhibited the relaxation activity of MttopoI. These studies affirm the characteristics of MttopoI to be similar to MstopoI and set a stage to target it for the development of specific small molecule inhibitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have identified strong topoisomerase sites (STS) for Mycobacteruim smegmatis topoisomerase I in double-stranded DNA context using electrophoretic mobility shift assay of enzyme-DNA covalent complexes; Mg2+, an essential component for DNA relaxation activity of the enzyme, is not required for binding to DNA, The enzyme makes single-stranded nicks, with transient covalent interaction at the 5'-end of the broken DNA strand, a characteristic akin to prokaryotic topoisomerases. More importantly, the enzyme binds to duplex DNA having a preferred site with high affinity, a. property similar to the eukaryotic type I topoisomerases, The preferred cleavage site is mapped on a 65 bp duplex DNA and found to be CG/TCTT. Thus, the enzyme resembles other prokaryotic type I topoisomerases in mechanistics of the reaction, but is similar to eukaryotic enzymes in DNA recognition properties.


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A copper(II) complex of dipyridophenazine, viz., [Cu(dppz)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (I), has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of the complex shows a five-coordinate structure in which two N,N-donor dipyridophenazine (dppz) and one aqua ligand bind to the copper(II) center giving Cu-O and Cu-N bond distances in the range of 1.981(6) to 2.043(6) angstrom. The ESI-MS spectrum of 1 in MeCN shows a peak at m/z value of 313 (100%) indicating the dissociation of the aqua ligand in the solution phase. The complex is one-electron paramagnetic (mu(eff), 1.86 mu(B)). It displays a quasi-reversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox process at 0.096 V. The complex is an avid binder to CT DNA giving a binding constant value of 3.5 x 10(5) M-1. It shows significant hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA in dark ill the absence of any external agents. The complex exhibits chemical nuclease activity oil treatment with 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent forming hydroxyl radicals. Complex 1 is a model synthetic nuclease and hydrolase showing both modes of DNA cleavage under different reaction conditions. The DNA cleavage activity of 1 is significantly better than its phen analogue but similar to that of the bis-dpq complex.


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Ferrocene-conjugated ternary copper(II) complexes [Cu(L)(B)](ClO4)(2), where L is FcCH(2)N(CH2Py)(2) (Fc = (eta(5)-C5H4)Fe-II(eta(5)-C5H5)) and B is a phenanthroline base, viz., 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy, 1), 1, 10-phenanthroline (phen, 2), dipyrido[3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq, 3), and dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz, 4), have been synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The bpy complex 1, as its hexafluorophosphate salt, has been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure shows the copper(II) center having an essentially square-pyramidal coordination geometry in which L with a pendant ferrocenyl (Fc) moiety and bpy show respective tridentate and bidentate modes of binding to the metal center. The complexes are redox active, showing a reversible cyclic voltammetric response of the Fc(+)-Fc couple near 0.5 V vs SCE and a quasi-reversible Cu(II)-Cu(I) couple near 0.0 V. Complexes 2-4 show binding affinity to calf thymus (CT) DNA, giving binding constant (K-b) values in the range of 4.2 x 10(4) to 2.5 x 10(5) M-1. Thermal denaturation and viscometric titration data suggest groove binding and/or a partial intercalative mode of binding of the complexes to CT DNA. The complexes show good binding propensity to the bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein, giving K-BSA values of similar to 10(4) M-1 for the bpy and phen complexes and similar to 10(5) M-1 for the dpq and dppz complexes. Complexes 2-4 exhibit efficient chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercapto-propionic acid (MPA) as a reducing agent or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an oxidizing agent. Mechanistic studies reveal formation of hydroxyl radicals as the reactive species. The dpq and dppz complexes are active in cleaving supercoiled (SC) pUC19 DNA on photoexposure to visible light of different wavelengths including red light using an argon-krypton mixed gas ion laser. Mechanistic investigations using various inhibitors reveal the fort-nation of hydroxyl radicals in the DNA photocleavage reactions. The dppz complex 4, which shows efficient photoioduced BSA cleavage activity, is a potent multifunctional model nuclease and protease in the chemistry of photodynamic therapy (PDT) of cancer.


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Ternary L-glutamine (L-gln) copper(II) complexes [Cu(L-gln)(B)(H2O)](X) (B = 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), X = 0.5SO(4)(2-), 1; B = 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), X = ClO4-, 2) and [Cu(L-gln)(dpq)(ClO4)] (3) (dpq, dipyridoquinoxaline) are prepared and characterized by physicochemical methods. The DNA binding and cleavage activity of the complexes have been studied. Complexes 1-3 are structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The complexes show distorted square pyramidal (4+1) CuN3O2 coordination geometry in which the N,O-donor amino acid and the N, N-donor heterocyclic base bind at the basal plane with a H2O or perchlorate as the axial ligand. The crystal structures of the complexes exhibit chemically significant hydrogen bonding interactions besides showing coordination polymer formation. The complexes display a d-d electronic band in the range of 610-630 nm in aqueous-dimethylformamide (DMF) solution (9:1 v/v). The quasireversible cyclic voltammetric response observed near -0.1 V versus SCE in DMF-TBAP is assignable to the Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple. The binding affinity of the complexes to calf thymus (CT) DNA follows the order: 3 (dpq) > 2 (phen) >> 1 (bpy). Complexes 2 and 3 show DNA cleavage activity in dark in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) as a reducing agent via a mechanistic pathway forming hydroxyl radical as the reactive species. The dpq complex 3 shows efficient photoinduced DNA cleavage activity on irradiation with a monochromatic UV light of 365 nm in absence of any external reagent. The cleavage efficiency of the DNA minor groove binding complexes follows the order:3 > 2 >> 1. The dpq complex exhibits photocleavage of DNA on irradiation with visible light of 647.1 nm. Mechanistic data on the photo-induced DNA cleavage reactions reveal the involvement of singlet oxygen (O-1(2)) as the reactive species in a type-II pathway. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recognizing similarities and deriving relationships among protein molecules is a fundamental requirement in present-day biology. Similarities can be present at various levels which can be detected through comparison of protein sequences or their structural folds. In some cases similarities obscure at these levels could be present merely in the substructures at their binding sites. Inferring functional similarities between protein molecules by comparing their binding sites is still largely exploratory and not as yet a routine protocol. One of the main reasons for this is the limitation in the choice of appropriate analytical tools that can compare binding sites with high sensitivity. To benefit from the enormous amount of structural data that is being rapidly accumulated, it is essential to have high throughput tools that enable large scale binding site comparison. Results: Here we present a new algorithm PocketMatch for comparison of binding sites in a frame invariant manner. Each binding site is represented by 90 lists of sorted distances capturing shape and chemical nature of the site. The sorted arrays are then aligned using an incremental alignment method and scored to obtain PMScores for pairs of sites. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis and an extensive validation of the algorithm have been carried out. A comparison with other site matching algorithms is also presented. Perturbation studies where the geometry of a given site was retained but the residue types were changed randomly, indicated that chance similarities were virtually non-existent. Our analysis also demonstrates that shape information alone is insufficient to discriminate between diverse binding sites, unless combined with chemical nature of amino acids. Conclusion: A new algorithm has been developed to compare binding sites in accurate, efficient and high-throughput manner. Though the representation used is conceptually simplistic, we demonstrate that along with the new alignment strategy used, it is sufficient to enable binding comparison with high sensitivity. Novel methodology has also been presented for validating the algorithm for accuracy and sensitivity with respect to geometry and chemical nature of the site. The method is also fast and takes about 1/250(th) second for one comparison on a single processor. A parallel version on BlueGene has also been implemented.


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A new water-soluble, salen [salen = bis(salicylidene) ethylenediamine]-based ligand, 3 was developed. Two of the metal complexes of this ligand, i.e., 3a, [Mn(III)] and 3b, [Ni(II)], in the presence of cooxidant magnesium monoperoxyphthalate (MMPP) cleaved plasmid DNA pTZ19R efficiently and rapidly at a concentration similar to 1 mu M. In contrast, under comparable conditions, other metal complexes 3c, [Cu(II)] or 3d, [Cr(III)] could not induce any significant DNA nicking. The findings with Ni(II) complex suggest that the DNA cleavage processes can be modulated by the disposition of charges around the ligand.