386 resultados para CHEMICAL-SHIFT

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A method employing two liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies to determine chemical shift anisotropy without using any reference compound is described. It also provides individual values of the direct and the indirect spin-spin coupling constants between heteronuclei. The parameters for acetonitrile are reported.


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NMR studies of methyldichlorophosphine have been undertaken in the nematic phase of mixed liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies. The rα structure is derived. The proton chemical-shift anisotropy has been determined from the studies without the use of a reference compound and without a change of experimental conditions. It is shown that the molecule orients in the liquid crystal with positive diamagnetic anisotropy in such a way that the C3 symmetry axis of the CH3P moiety is preferentially aligned perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, unlike other similar systems. This is interpreted in terms of the formation of a weak solvent-solute molecular complex. The heteronuclear indirect spin-spin coupling constants are determined. The sign of the two-bond JPH is found to be positive.


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The benzylic methylene protons in a large number of benzyloxycarbonyl alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Z-Aib) containing peptides, show chemical shift nonequivalence. The magnitude of the geminal nonequivalence is correlated with the involvement of the urethane carbonyl group, in an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Studies of the model compounds Z-Aib-Aib-Ala-NHMe, and Z-Aib-Aib-Aib-Pro-OMe clearly establish the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, involving the urethane CO group. In both compounds marked anisochrony of the benzylic methylene protons is demonstrated. In Z-Aib-Aib-Pro-OMe, where a 4 leads to 1 hydrogen bonded beta-turn is not possible, the benzylic-CH2-protons appear as a singlet in CDCl3 and have a very small chemical shift difference in (CD3)2SO. The observation of such nonequivalence is of value in establishing whether the amino terminal Aib-Pro beta-turn is retained in large peptide-fragments of alamethicin.


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We report the backbone chemical shift assignments of the acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) intermediates of the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway of Plasmodium falciparum. The acyl-ACP intermediates butyryl (C4), -octanoyl (C8), -decanoyl (C10), -dodecanoyl (C12) and -tetradecanoyl (C14)-ACPs display marked changes in backbone HN, Cα and Cβ chemical shifts as a result of acyl chain insertion into the hydrophobic core. Chemical shift changes cast light on the mechanism of expansion of the acyl carrier protein core.


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The chemical-shift of the X-ray K-absorption edge of Co was studied in a large number of compounds, complexes (spinels) and minerals of Co in its different oxidation states having widely different crystal structures and containing different types of bonding and various types of ligands, and were reported collectively, for the first time, in a single paper. A quadratic relationship was established on the basis of least-squares regression analysis to hold between the chemical-shift and the effective charge on the absorbing atom, but the dominance of the linear term was shown. This relation was utilized in evaluating the charge on the Co-ion in a number of minerals. The effect on chemical-shift of oxidation states of the absorbing atom, of the bond length, crystal structure and higher shell atoms of the molecule, and of electronegativity, atomic number and ionic radius of the ligand was discussed.


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Heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence relaxation rate are calculated for the individual transitions of the S spin in an AIS nuclear spin system assuming that the heteronucleus (S spin) has relaxation contributions from both intramolecular dipole-dipole and chemical shift anisotropy relaxation. The individual multiplet components of the heteronuclear zero- and double-quantum coherences are shown to have different transverse relaxation rates. The cross-correlation between the two relaxation mechanisms is shown to be the dominant cause of the calculated differential line broadening. Experimental data are presented using as an example a uniformly 15N labelled sample of human epidermal growth factor.


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Chemical shifts, ΔE, of the X-ray K-absorption edge in several compounds, complexes of copper including its superconducting oxides possessing formal oxidation states +1 and +2 have been measured. It has been shown that the chemical shift is primarily governed by the effective ionic charge on the absorbing ion and the nature of the atoms in the first coordination shell around the absorbing ion. The relation between the chemical shift, ΔE , and the effective charge q on the absorbing ion is found to be ΔE=Aq+Bq2+Cq3+Dq4 (A, B, C and D are constants). The effects of electronegativity, atomic number, oxidation state, crystal structure, the valence d-orbital electrons, etc. on the X-ray absorption chemical shift have been discussed. ©1990 The Physical Society of Japan


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The spinning sidebands observed in the C-13 MAS NMR spectra of cis,cis-mucononitrile oriented in liquid-crystalline media and of the neat sample in the solid state are studied. There are differences in the sideband intensity patterns in the two cases. These differences arise because the order parameters which characterize the orientation of the solute in the liquid-crystalline media differ for different axes. It is shown that, in general, the relative intensities of the sidebands contain information on the sign and magnitude of an effective chemical-shift parameter which is a function of the sum of the products of the principal components of the chemical-shift tensor and the corresponding order parameters with respect to the director. A method for obtaining the orientation of the carbon chemical-shift tensor is proposed. The carbon chemical-shift tensors obtained from gauge-including atomic orbital calculations are also presented for comparison. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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4-Alkoxy benzoic acids belong to an important class of thermotropic liquid crystals that are structurally simple and often used as starting materials for many novel mesogens. 4-Hexyloxybenzoic acid (HBA) is a homologue of the same series and exhibits an enantiotropic nematic phase. As this molecule could serve as an ideal model compound, high resolution C-13 NMR studies of HEA in solution, solid, and liquid crystalline phases have been undertaken. In the solid state, two-dimensional separation of undistorted powder patterns by effortless recoupling (2D SUPER) experiments have been carried out to estimate the magnitude of the components of the chemical shift anisotropy (GSA) tensor of all the aromatic carbons. These values have been used subsequently for calculating the orientational order parameters in the liquid crystalline phase. The GSA values computed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations showed good agreement with the 2D SUPER values. Additionally, C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings in the nematic phase have been determined by separated local field (SLF) spectroscopy at various temperatures and were used for computing the order parameters, which compared well with those calculated by using the chemical shifts. It is anticipated that the CSA values determined for MBA would be useful for the assignment of carbon chemical shifts and for the study of order and dynamics of structurally similar novel mesogens in their nematic phases.


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Longitudinal relaxation due to cross-correlation between dipolar ((HN-1H alpha)-H-1) and amide-proton chemical shift anisotropy (H-1(N) CSA) has been measured in a model tripeptide Piv-(L)Pro-(L)Pro-(L)Phe-OMe. The peptide bond across diproline segment is known to undergo cis/trans isomerization and only in the cis form does the lone Phe amide-proton become involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The strength of the cross correlated relaxation interference is found to be significantly different between cis and trans forms, and this difference is shown as an influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the amide-proton CSA. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Estimation of secondary structure in polypeptides is important for studying their structure, folding and dynamics. In NMR spectroscopy, such information is generally obtained after sequence specific resonance assignments are completed. We present here a new methodology for assignment of secondary structure type to spin systems in proteins directly from NMR spectra, without prior knowledge of resonance assignments. The methodology, named Combination of Shifts for Secondary Structure Identification in Proteins (CSSI-PRO), involves detection of specific linear combination of backbone H-1(alpha) and C-13' chemical shifts in a two-dimensional (2D) NMR experiment based on G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR spectroscopy. Such linear combinations of shifts facilitate editing of residues belonging to alpha-helical/beta-strand regions into distinct spectral regions nearly independent of the amino acid type, thereby allowing the estimation of overall secondary structure content of the protein. Comparison of the predicted secondary structure content with those estimated based on their respective 3D structures and/or the method of Chemical Shift Index for 237 proteins gives a correlation of more than 90% and an overall rmsd of 7.0%, which is comparable to other biophysical techniques used for structural characterization of proteins. Taken together, this methodology has a wide range of applications in NMR spectroscopy such as rapid protein structure determination, monitoring conformational changes in protein-folding/ligand-binding studies and automated resonance assignment.


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We report a novel 1D J-edited pure shift NMR experiment (J-PSHIFT) that was constructed from a pseudo 2D experiment for the direct measurement of proton-proton scalar couplings. The experiment gives homonuclear broad-band H-1-decoupled H-1 NMR spectra, which provide a single peak for chemically distinct protons, and only retain the homonuclear-scalar-coupled doublet pattern at the chemical-shift positions of the protons in the coupled network of a specific proton. This permits the direct and unambiguous measurement of the magnitudes of the couplings. The incorporation of a 1D selective correlation spectroscopy (COSY)/ total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) block in lieu of the initial selective pulse, results in the exclusive detection of the correlated spectrum of a specific proton.


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Identifying cellular processes in terms of metabolic pathways is one of the avowed goals of metabolomics studies. Currently, this is done after relevant metabolites are identified to allow their mapping onto specific pathways. This task is daunting due to the complex nature of cellular processes and the difficulty in establishing the identity of individual metabolites. We propose here a new method: ChemSMP (Chemical Shifts to Metabolic Pathways), which facilitates rapid analysis by identifying the active metabolic pathways directly from chemical shifts obtained from a single two-dimensional (2D) C-13-H-1] correlation NMR spectrum without the need for identification and assignment of individual metabolites. ChemSMP uses a novel indexing and scoring system comprised of a ``uniqueness score'' and a ``coverage score''. Our method is demonstrated on metabolic pathways data from the Small Molecule Pathway Database (SMPDB) and chemical shifts from the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB). Benchmarks show that ChemSMP has a positive prediction rate of >90% in the presence of deduttered data and can sustain the same at 60-70% even in the presence of noise, such as deletions of peaks and chemical shift deviations. The method tested on NMR data acquired for a mixture of 20 amino acids shows a success rate of 93% in correct recovery of pathways. When used on data obtained from the cell lysate of an unexplored oncogenic cell line, it revealed active metabolic pathways responsible for regulating energy homeostasis of cancer cells. Our unique tool is thus expected to significantly enhance analysis of NMIR-based metabolomics data by reducing existing impediments.