55 resultados para Bipolar Seesaw

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Seven L-phenylalanine based alkyl (monopolar) and alkanediyl (bipolar) derivatives are synthesized; while the bipolar urethane amides form gels and show strong adhesive properties, the monopolar analogues form fibrous nanoscopic cloth-like tapes.


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This paper describes a new analysis of the avalanche breakdown phenomenon in bipolar transistors for different bias conditions of the emitter-base junction. This analysis revolves around the transportation and storage of majority carriers in the base region. Using this analysis one can compute all the voltage-current characteristics of a transistor under avalanche breakdown.


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We discuss symmetries and scenarios leading to quasi-degenerate neutrinos in type I seesaw models. The existence of degeneracy in the present approach is not linked to any specific structure for the Dirac neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix y(D) and holds in general. Basic input is the application of the minimal flavour violation principle to the leptonic sector. Generalizing this principle, we assume that the structure of the right-handed neutrino mass matrix is determined by y(D) and the charged lepton Yukawa coupling matrix y(l) in an effective theory invariant under specific groups G(F) contained in the full symmetry group of the kinetic energy terms. G(F) invariance also leads to specific structure for the departure from degeneracy. The neutrino mass matrix (with degenerate mass m(0)) resulting after seesaw mechanism has a simple form Mv approximate to m(0)(I - py(l)y(l)(T)) in one particular scenario based on supersymmetry. This form is shown tolead to correct description of neutrino masses and mixing angles. The thermal leptogenesis after inclusion of flavour effects can account for the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe within the present scenario. Rates for lepton flavour violating processes can occur at observable levels in the supersymmetric version of the scenario. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an analysis of the effects of ambients-temperature and light intensity on the V-l characteristics of bipolar transistors under electrical breakdown. The analysis is based on the transportation and storage of majority carriers in the base region. It is shown that this analysis can explain the observed shift in the V-l characteristics to lower voltages with increase in either temperature or light intensity.


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The effect of turbulence on the nonaxisymmetric flux rings of equipartition field strength in bipolar magnetic regions is studied on the basis of the small-scale momentum exchange mechanism and the giant cell drag combined with the Kelvin-Helmholtz drag mechanism. It is shown that the giant cell drag and small-scale momentum exchange mechanism can make equipartition flux loops emerge at low latitudes, in addition to making them exhibit the observed tilts. However, the sizes of the flux tubes have to be restricted to a couple of hundred kilometers. An ad hoc constraint on the footpoints of the flux loops is introduced by not letting them move in the phi direction, and it is found that equipartition fields of any size can be made to emerge at sunspot latitudes with the observed tilts by suitably adjusting the footpoint separations.


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In the mean, bipolar active regions are oriented nearly toroidally, according to Hale's polarity law, with a latitude-dependent tilt known as Joy's Law. The tilt angles of individual active regions deviate from this mean behavior and change over time. It has been found that on average the change is toward the mean angle at a rate characteristic of 4.37 days (Howard, 1996). We show that this orientational relaxation is consistent with the standard model of flux tube emergence from a deep dynamo layer. Under this scenario Joy's law results from the Coriolis effect on the rising flux tube (D'Silva and Choudhuri, 1993), and departures from it result from turbulent buffeting of the tubes (Longcope and Fisher, 1996). We show that relaxation toward Joy's angle occurs because the turbulent perturbations relax on shorter time scales than the perturbations from the Coriolis force. The turbulent perturbations relax more rapidly because they are localized to the topmost portion of the convection zone while the Coriolis perturbations are more widely distributed. If a fully-developed active region remains connected to the strong toroidal magnetic field at the base of the convection zone, its tilt will eventually disappear, leaving it aligned perfectly toroidally. On the other hand, if the flux becomes disconnected from the toroidal field the bipole will assume a tilt indicative of the location of disconnection. We compare models which are connected and disconnected from the toroidal field. Only those disconnected at points very deep in the convection zone a-re consistent with observed time scale of orientational relaxation.


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We report on the status of supersymmetric seesaw models in the light of recent experimental results on mu -> e + gamma, theta(13) and the light Higgs mass at the LHC. SO(10)-like relations are assumed for neutrino Dirac Yukawa couplings and two cases of mixing, one large, PMNS-like, and another small, CKM-like, are considered. It is shown that for the large mixing case, only a small range of parameter space with moderate tan beta is still allowed. This remaining region can be ruled out by an order of magnitude improvement in the current limit on BR(mu -> e + gamma). We also explore a model with non-universal Higgs mass boundary conditions at the high scale. It is shown that the renormalization group induced flavor violating slepton mass terms are highly sensitive to the Higgs boundary conditions. Depending on the choice of the parameters, they can either lead to strong enhancements or cancellations within the flavor violating terms. Such cancellations might relax the severe constraints imposed by lepton flavor violation compared to mSUGRA. Nevertheless for a large region of parameter space the predicted rates lie within the reach of future experiments once the light Higgs mass constraint is imposed. We also update the potential of the ongoing and future experimental searches for lepton flavor violation in constraining the supersymmetric parameter space.


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Accurate supersymmetric spectra are required to confront data from direct and indirect searches of supersymmetry. SuSeFLAV is a numerical tool capable of computing supersymmetric spectra precisely for various supersymmetric breaking scenarios applicable even in the presence of flavor violation. The program solves MSSM RGEs with complete 3 x 3 flavor mixing at 2-loop level and one loop finite threshold corrections to all MSSM parameters by incorporating radiative electroweak symmetry breaking conditions. The program also incorporates the Type-I seesaw mechanism with three massive right handed neutrinos at user defined mass scales and mixing. It also computes branching ratios of flavor violating processes such as l(j) -> l(i)gamma, l(j) -> 3 l(i), b -> s gamma and supersymmetric contributions to flavor conserving quantities such as (g(mu) - 2). A large choice of executables suitable for various operations of the program are provided. Program summary Program title: SuSeFLAV Catalogue identifier: AEOD_v1_0 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEOD_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 76552 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 582787 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Fortran 95. Computer: Personal Computer, Work-Station. Operating system: Linux, Unix. Classification: 11.6. Nature of problem: Determination of masses and mixing of supersymmetric particles within the context of MSSM with conserved R-parity with and without the presence of Type-I seesaw. Inter-generational mixing is considered while calculating the mass spectrum. Supersymmetry breaking parameters are taken as inputs at a high scale specified by the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. RG equations including full inter-generational mixing are then used to evolve these parameters up to the electroweak breaking scale. The low energy supersymmetric spectrum is calculated at the scale where successful radiative electroweak symmetry breaking occurs. At weak scale standard model fermion masses, gauge couplings are determined including the supersymmetric radiative corrections. Once the spectrum is computed, the program proceeds to various lepton flavor violating observables (e.g., BR(mu -> e gamma), BR(tau -> mu gamma) etc.) at the weak scale. Solution method: Two loop RGEs with full 3 x 3 flavor mixing for all supersymmetry breaking parameters are used to compute the low energy supersymmetric mass spectrum. An adaptive step size Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the RGEs numerically between the high scale and the electroweak breaking scale. Iterative procedure is employed to get the consistent radiative electroweak symmetry breaking condition. The masses of the supersymmetric particles are computed at 1-loop order. The third generation SM particles and the gauge couplings are evaluated at the 1-loop order including supersymmetric corrections. A further iteration of the full program is employed such that the SM masses and couplings are consistent with the supersymmetric particle spectrum. Additional comments: Several executables are presented for the user. Running time: 0.2 s on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 with 3.20 GHz. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We propose a new set of input voltage equations (IVEs) for independent double-gate MOSFET by solving the governing bipolar Poisson equation (PE) rigorously. The proposed IVEs, which involve the Legendre's incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind and Jacobian elliptic functions and are valid from accumulation to inversion regimes, are shown to have good agreement with the numerical solution of the same PE for all bias conditions.


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We have conceived a supersymmetric Type II seesaw model at TeV scale, which has some additional particles consisting of scalar and fermionic triplet Higgs states, whose masses are around a few hundred GeV. In this particular model, we have studied constraints on the masses of triplet states arising from the lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes, such as mu -> 3e and mu -> e gamma. We have analyzed the implications of these constraints on other observable quantities such as the muon anomalous magnetic moment and the decay patterns of scalar triplet Higgses. Scalar triplet Higgs states can decay into leptons and into supersymmetric fields. We have found that the constraints from LFV can affect these various decay modes.


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In view of the recent measurement of the reactor mixing angle theta(13) and updated limit on BRd(mu -> e gamma) by the MEG experiment, we reexamine the charged lepton flavor violations in a framework of the supersymmetric type II seesaw mechanism. The supersymmetric type II seesaw predicts a strong correlation between BR(mu -> e gamma) and BR(tau -> mu gamma) mainly in terms of the neutrino mixing angles. We show that such a correlation can be determined accurately after the measurement of theta(13). We compute different factors that can affect this correlation and show that the minimal supergravity-like scenarios, in which slepton masses are taken to be universal at the high scale, predict 3.5 <= BR(tau -> mu gamma)/= BR(mu -> e gamma) <= 30 for normal hierarchical neutrino masses. Any experimental indication of deviation from this prediction would rule out the minimal models of the supersymmetric type II seesaw. We show that the current MEG limit puts severe constraints on the light sparticle spectrum in the minimal supergravity model if the seesaw scale lies within 10(13)-10(15) GeV. It is shown that these constraints can be relaxed and a relatively light sparticle spectrum can be obtained in a class of models in which the soft mass of a triplet scalar is taken to be nonuniversal at the high scale.


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Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used in high-power voltage-source converters rated up to hundreds of kilowatts or even a few megawatts. Knowledge of device switching characteristics is required for reliable design and operation of the converters. Switching characteristics are studied widely at high current levels, and corresponding data are available in datasheets. But the devices in a converter also switch low currents close to the zero crossings of the line currents. Further, the switching behaviour under these conditions could significantly influence the output waveform quality including zero crossover distortion. Hence, the switching characteristics of high-current IGBTs (300-A and 75-A IGBT modules) at low load current magnitudes are investigated experimentally in this paper. The collector current, gate-emitter voltage and collector-emitter voltage are measured at various low values of current (less than 10% of the device rated current). A specially designed in-house constructed coaxial current transformer (CCT) is used for device current measurement without increasing the loop inductance in the power circuit. Experimental results show that the device voltage rise time increases significantly during turn-off transitions at low currents.


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We compute the one loop corrections to the CP-even Higgs mass matrix in the supersymmetric inverse seesaw model to single out the different cases where the radiative corrections from the neutrino sector could become important. It is found that there could be a significant enhancement in the Higgs mass even for Dirac neutrino masses of O(30) GeV if the left-handed sneutrino soft mass is comparable or larger than the right-handed neutrino mass. In the case where right-handed neutrino masses are significantly larger than the supersymmetry breaking scale, the corrections can utmost account to an upward shift of 3 GeV. For very heavy multi TeV sneutrinos, the corrections replicate the stop corrections at 1-loop. We further show that general gauge mediation with inverse seesaw model naturally accommodates a 125 GeV Higgs with TeV scale stops. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.