14 resultados para Beneficiation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Interaction between Paenibacillus polymyxa with minerals such as hematite, corundum, quartz and kaolinite brought about significant surface chemical changes on all the minerals. Quartz and kaolinite were rendered more hydrophobic, while hematite and corundum, became more hydrophilic after biotreatment. The predominance of bacterial polysaccharides on interacted hematite and corundum and of proteins on quartz and kaolinite was responsible for the above surface-chemical changes. Bio-pretreatment of the above iron ore mineral mixtures resulted in the selective separation of silica and alumina from iron oxide, through bioflotation and bioflocculation. The utility of bioprocessing in the beneficiation of iron ores is demonstrated.


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The divergent role of microbes in the field of mineral processing starting from mining and beneficiation to efficient waste disposal has been well recognized now. The roles of various microorganisms and bioreagents in the beneficiation of minerals are illustrated in this paper. Various types of microorganisms useful in bringing about selective flotation and flocculation of various oxide and sulfide minerals are illustrated. Interfacial phenomena governing microbe-mineral interactions are discussed with reference to bacterial cell wall architecture, cell surface hydrophobicity, electrokinetic data, and adsorption behavior on various minerals. Applications of microbially induced mineral beneficiation are demonstrated with respect to beneficiation of iron ores, bauxite, limestone, and complex multimetal sulfides.


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The phyllite deposit of Degana, Rajasthan, containing tungsten values in the form of wolframite, (Fe, MnWO sub 4 ) finely dispersed in the quartz groundmass, has been quantitatively analysed to give 0.063% WO sub 3 , 6.66% Fe sub 2 O sub 3 , 14.30% Al sub 2 O sub 3 and 67.4% SiO sub 2 . The major gangue minerals identified are quartz, iron oxides and mica along with minor amounts of graphite, fluorite and sulphides. The amenability of the ore to gravity concentration, magnetic separation and a combination of the processes has been studied. A combination of tabling on --100 mesh ground ore and dry magnetic separation of the tabled concentrate gave a final concentrate containing 1.834% WO sub 3 with an overall recovery of only 4.6%. The complex mineralogy combined with fine dispersion of very low W values have contributed to the low recoveries and grades. Graph, photomicrographs. 10 ref.--AA


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Interaction of Bacillus polymyxa with calcite, hematite, corundum and quartz resulted in significant surface chemical changes not only of the cells but also in the minerals. Both the cell surfaces as well as quartz particles were rendered more hydrophobic after mutual interaction, whilst the rest of the minerals exhibited enhanced hydrophilicity after interaction with the bacteria. The bacteria were also observed to be capable of dissolving calcite, hematite and corundum and biosorbing the dissolved metal ions to varying extents. An excess of polysaccharides could be observed on biotreated calcite, hematite and corundum while the predominance of a protein-based metabolic product was evident on quartz surfaces. The utility of bioprocessing in the beneficiation of the above minerals through bioflotation and bioflocculation is demonstrated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Limestone rejects from Bagalkot mines have been beneficiated by froth flotation with a view to reducing the magnesia content. In order to ascertain the effect of the main parameters such as sodium oleate concentration, sodium silicate concentration and pH on the MgO content, statistically designed experiments have been performed. The results indicate that under the optimum conditions arrived at limestone rejects could be beneficiated to produce a concentrate with magnesia. content meeting the specifications for cement manufacture.


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A microbial survey of Jamnagar bauxite mines in Gujarat, India, revealed the indigenous presence of a variety of autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria and fungi associated with the ore body and water ponds in the vicinity. Among these, bacteria belonging to the genera Thiobacillus, Bacillus and Pseudomonas are implicated in the weathering of aluminosilicates; the precipitation of iron oxyhydroxides; the dissolution and conversion of alkaline metal species; and the formation of alumina, silica and calcite minerals. Fungi belonging to the genus Cladosporium can reduce ferric iron and dissolve alumina silicates. Biogenesis thus plays a significant role in bauxite mineralization. Various types of bacteria and fungi, such as Bacillus polymyxa, Bacillus coagulans and Aspergillus niger, were found to be efficient in significant calcium solubilization and partial iron removal from bauxite ore. Probable mechanisms in the biobeneficiation process are analyzed. Biobeneficiation is shown to be an effective technique for the removal of iron and calcium from bauxite ores for use in refractories and ceramics.


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Biomineralization and biogenesis of iron ore deposits are illustrated in relation to indigenous microorganisms inhabiting iron ore mines. Aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms indigenous to iron oxide mineralization are analyzed. Microbially-induced flotation and flocculation of iron ore minerals such as hematite, alumina, calcite and quartz are discussed with respect to use of four types of microorganisms, namely, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. The role of the above organisms in the removal of silica, alumina, clays and apatite from hematite is illustrated with respect to mineral-specific bioreagents, surface chemical changes and microbe-mineral interaction mechanisms. Silica and alumina removal from real iron ores through biobeneficiation is outlined. Environmental benefits of biobeneficiation are demonstrated with respect to biodegradation of toxic reagents and environmentally-safe waste disposal and processing.


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Separation of Mussorie rock phosphate (P2O5 = 20%) from Uttar Pradesh, India, containing pyrite, calcite and other carbonaceous impurities by flotation has been successfully attempted to upgrade the phosphate values. Based on Hallimond cell flotation results of single and synthetic mineral mixtures of calcite and apatite using oleic acid and potassium phosphate, conditions were obtained for the separation of calcite from apatite which is considered to be the most difficult step in the beneficiation of calcareous phosphates. Further studies using 250 g of the mineral (−60 +150 and −150 mesh fractions, deslimed) in laboratory size Fagergren subaeration machine employed a stagewise flotation viz. carbonaceous materials using terpineol, pyrite using potassium-ethyl xanthate and calcite using oleic acid respectively. Separation was, however, found to be unsatisfactory in the absence of a depressant. Among starch, hydrofluosilicic acid and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, which were tried as depressants for apatite in the final flotation stage, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate proved to be superior to others. However, the tests with the above fractions did not yield the required grade. This was possibly due to insufficient liberation of the phosphate mineral from the ore body and different experimental conditions due to scale up operations. Experiments conducted using −200 mesh deslimed fractions has yielded an acceptable grade of 27.6% P2O5 with a recovery of about 60%. The results have been explained in terms of the specific adsorption characteristics of phosphate ions on apatite and the liberation size of the mineral.


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This paper discusses the role of the mineral-adapted acidiphilic microorganism. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in the beneficiation of arsenopyrite-containing multisulfides (pyrite and chalcopyrite) and the bioremediation of the resulting arsenical waste water. It was found that adaptation to minerals alters the surface properties of the microorganism. Bacterial adaptation to arsenopyrite and controlled bacterial adhesion to mineral surfaces lead to selectivity in arsenopyrite separation. Bioremoval of arsenic ions (both arsenite and arsenate ions) by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is also discussed.


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Cells of Paenibacillus polymyxa and their metabolic products such as bioproteins and exopolysaccharides could be effectively used in the separation of galena from chalcopyrite. While interaction with bacterial cells resulted in significant flocculation of both chalcopyrite and galena, treatment with bioproteins selectively flocculated only chalcopyrite, dispersing galena. Microbially-induced selective flocculation after conditioning with cells, bioproteins or exopolysaccharides resulted in efficient separation of chalcopyrite and galena from their mixtures. Prior interaction with bioproteins facilitated enhanced flotation of galena from chalcopyrite. The role of bacterial cells and bioreagents such as proteins and polysaccharides in mineral beneficiation is demonstrated.


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Selective separation of haematite from alumina and silica/calcite was achieved through microbiologically induced flotation and flocculation in presence of Bacillus subtilis. Bacterial metabolites containing extracellular proteins were characterized from mineral-grown bacterial cell free extract. Bacteria can adhere to mineral surfaces and influence subsequent flotation of the minerals. Cells and metabolic products of bacteria were used in flotation, flocculation and adsorption studies on oxide minerals. Bacteria functions as a stronger depressant for haematite. Selective affinity of the bacterial cells towards the mineral surface was observed through adsorption studies. Bacterial byproduct like extracellular protein (EP) was isolated from bacteria. The protein profile of the EP of bacterial cells grown in presence and absence of minerals (haematite, corundum, quartz and calcite) was also studied. The role of such proteins in selective mineral separation was demonstrated through microbially induced selective flotation. This study has demonstrated the utility and amenability of microbially induced mineral beneficiation through the use of bacterially generated metabolic products and mineral-grown bacterial cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microbially induced selective flocculation of hematite from kaolinite has been demonstrated using Bacillus subtilis. Growth of bacterial cells in the presence of kaolinite resulted in enhanced production of extracellular proteins while that of hematite promoted significant secretion of exopolysaccharides. Bacterial cells were adapted to grow in the presence of the minerals and use of hematite-grown and kaolinite-grown cells and their metabolic products in the selective flocculation of hematite and dispersion of kaolinite illustrated. Bacterial cells and extracellular polysaccharides exhibited higher surface affinity towards hematite, rendering it hydrophilic; while significant protein adsorption enhanced surface hydrophobicity of kaolinite. Bacterial interaction with hematite and kaolinite resulted in significant surface chemical changes on the minerals. Due to higher surface affinity towards extracellular proteins, zeta potentials of kaolinite shifted in the positive direction, while those of hematite shifted in the negative direction due to higher adsorption of extracellular polysaccharides. Bacterial interaction promoted selective flocculation of only hematite, while kaolinite was efficiently dispersed. Mineral-specific stress proteins were generated on growing B. subtilis in the presence of kaolinite. Interfacial aspects of microbe-mineral interactions are illustrated to explain microbially-induced selective flocculation of hematite from kaolinite with relevance to clay and iron ore beneficiation. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Role of indigenous microbes in the formation and conversion of bauxite minerals is illustrated. Many types of microorganisms such as fungi, heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria and yeasts inhabit bauxite ore deposits bringing about biogenesis and biomineraliztion. Organisms capable of iron oxidation and reduction and solubilising calcium carbonate and silica can be isolated from bauxite deposits and are used to bring about selective mineral beneficiation to remove iron, calcium and silica. Use of Paenibacillus polymyxa in the efficient removal of calcium from low grade bauxites is demonstrated through bioreactor technology. Similarly, for iron removal from bauxite, iron-reducing bacteria can be used. Silicate bacteria aid in selective silica solubilisation to control alumina: silica ratios. Microorganisms can also be used to bring about environmental control with respect to red mud disposal through bioremediation technology.