82 resultados para Barium-neodymium titanate

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Barium lanthanum bismuth titanate (Ba1−(3/2)xLaxBi4Ti4O15, x = 0–0.4) ceramics were fabricated using the powders synthesized via the solid-state reaction route. X-ray powder diffraction analysis confirmed the above compositions to be monophasic and belonged to the m = 4 member of the Aurivillius family of oxides. The effect of the partial presence of La3+ on Ba2+ sites on the microstructure, dielectric and relaxor behaviour of BaBi4Ti4O15 (BBT) ceramics was investigated. For the compositions pertaining to x ≤ 0.1, the dielectric constant at both room temperature and in the vicinity of the temperature of the dielectric maximum (Tm) of the parent phase (BBT) increased significantly with an increase in x while Tm remained almost constant. Tm shifted towards lower temperatures accompanied by a decrease in the magnitude of the dielectric maximum (εm) with an increase in the lanthanum content (0.1 < x ≤ 0.4). The dielectric relaxation was modelled using the Vogel–Fulcher relation and a decrease in the activation energy for frequency dispersion with increasing x was observed. The frequency dispersion of Tm was found to decrease with an increase in lanthanum doping, and for compositions corresponding to x ≥ 0.3, Tm was frequency independent. Well-developed P(polarization)–E(electric field) hysteresis loops were observed at 150 °C for all the samples and the remanent polarization (2Pr) was improved from 6.3 µC cm−2 for pure BBT to 13.4 µC cm−2 for Ba0.7La0.2Bi4Ti4O15 ceramics. Dc conductivities and associated activation energies were evaluated using impedance spectroscopy.


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Thin films of barium strontium titanate (BST) including BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 end members were deposited using the metallo-organic decomposition (MOD) technique. Processing parameters such as nonstoichiometry, annealing temperature and time, film thickness and doping concentration were correlated with the structural and electrical properties of the films. A random polycrystalline structure was observed for all MOD films under the processing conditions in this study. The microstructures of the films showed multi-grains structure through the film thickness. A dielectric constant of 563 was observed for (Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 films rapid thermal annealed at 750 degrees C for 60 s. The dielectric constant increased with annealing temperature and film thickness, while the dielectric constant could reach the bulk values for thicknesses as thin as similar to 0.3 mu m. Nonstoichiometry and doping in the films resulted in a lowering of the dielectric constant. For near-stoichiometric films, a small dielectric dispersion obeying the Curie-von Schweidler type dielectric response was observed. This behavior may be attributed to the presence of the high density of disordered grain boundaries. All MOD processed films showed trap-distributed space-charge limited conduction (SCLC) behavior with slope of similar to 7.5-10 regardless of the chemistry and processing parameter due to the presence of main boundaries through the film thickness. The grain boundaries masked the effect of donor-doping, so that all films showed distributed-trap SCLC behavior without discrete-traps. Donor-doping could significantly improve the time-dependent dielectric breakdown behavior of BST thin films, mostly likely due to the lower oxygen vacancy concentration resulted from donor-doping. From the results of charge storage density, leakage current and time-dependent dielectric breakdown behavior, BST thin films are found to be promising candidates for 64 and 256Mb ULSI DRAM applications. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Thin films of (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 (BST) with different concentrations of Al doping were grown using a pulsed laser deposition technique. dc leakage properties were studied as a function of Al doping level and compared to that of undoped BST films. With an initial Al doping level of 0.1 at. % which substitutes Ti in the lattice site, the films showed a decrease in the leakage current, however, for 1 at. % Al doping level the leakage current was found to be relatively higher. Current time measurements at elevated temperatures on 1 at. % Al doped BST films revealed space-charge transient type characteristics. A complete analysis of the transient characteristics was carried out to identify the charge transport process through variation of applied electric field and ambient temperature. The result revealed a very low mobility process comparable to ionic motion, and was found responsible for the observed feature. Calculation from ionic diffusivity and charge transport revealed a conduction process associated with an activation energy of around 1 eV. The low mobility charge carriers were identified as oxygen vacancies in motion under the application of electric field. Thus a comprehensive understanding of the charge transport process in highly acceptor doped BST was developed and it was conclusive that the excess of oxygen vacancies created by intentional Al doping give rise to space-charge transient type characteristics. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Strontium modified barium zirconium titanate with general formula Ba1-xSrxZr0.05Ti0.95O3 ceramics have been prepared by solid state and high energy ball milling technique. The X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement studies show that all the compositions have single phase symmetry. The composition BaZr0.05Ti0.95O3 shows orthorhombic symmetric with space group Amm2. The structure changes from orthorhombic to tetragonal with strontium doping up to x = 0.3 and with further addition, changes to cubic. The scanning electron micrographs show that the grain size decreases with increase in strontium content. The temperature dependent dielectric behavior shows three phase transition in the parent material which merges with an increase in Sr content The transition temperature and dielectric constant decreases with an increase in Sr concentration. The phase transition becomes more diffused with increment in doping concentration. The ferroelectric behavior of the ceramics is studied by the hysteresis loop. The optical behavior is studied by the UV-visible spectroscopy and found that the optical band gap increases with Sr concentration. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dielectric response of pulsed laser ablated barium strontium titanate thin films were studied as a function of frequency and ambient temperature (from room temperature to 320 degrees C) by employing impedance spectroscopy. Combined modulus and impedance spectroscopic plots were used to study the response of the film, which in general may contain the grain, grain boundary, and the electrode/film interface as capacitive elements. The spectroscopic plots revealed that the major response was due to the grains, while contributions from the grain boundary or the electrode/film interface was negligible. Further observation from the complex impedance plot showed data points lying on a single semicircle, implying the response originated from a single capacitive element corresponding to the bulk grains. Conductivity plots against frequency at different temperatures suggested a response obeying the 'universal power law'. The value of the activation energies computed from the Arrhenius plots of both ac and dc conductivities with 1000/T were 0.97 and 1.04 eV, respectively. This was found to be in excellent agreement with published literature, and was attributed to the motion of oxygen vacancies within the bulk. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)02801-2].


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The laser ablated barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films were characterized in terms of composition, structure, microstructure and electrical properties. Films deposited at 300 degrees C under 50 mTorr oxygen pressure and 3 J cm(-2) laser fluence and further annealed at 600 degrees C in flowing oxygen showed a dielectric constant of 467 and a dissipation factor of 0.02. The room-temperature current-voltage characteristics revealed a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism, though at low fields the effect of the electrodes was predominant. The conduction mechanism was thoroughly-investigated in terms of Schottky emission at low fields, and bulk-limited SCLC at high fields. The change over to the bulk-limited conduction process from the electrode-limited Schottky emission was, attributed to the process of tunneling through the electrode interface at high fields resulting into the lowering of the electrode contact resistance and consequently giving rise to a bulk limited conduction process. The predominance of SCLC mechanism in the films suggests that the bulk properties are only revealed if the depletion width at the electrode interface is thin enough to allow the tunneling process to take place. This condition is only favorable if the him thickness is high or if the doping concentration is high enough. In the present case the film thickness ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 mu m which was suitable to show the transition mentioned above. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Recently, there has been growing interest in Ca modified BaTiO3 structures due to their larger electro-optic coefficients for their use in optical storage of information over conventional BaTiO3 crystals. Barium Calcium Titanate (BCT) shows promising applications in advanced laser systems, optical interconnects and optical storage devices. BaTiO3 thin films of varied Ca (3 at. % - 15 at. %) doping were deposited using pulsed laser ablation (KrF excimer laser) technique over Pt/Si substrates. The stoichiometric and the compositional analysis were carried out using EDAX and SIMS. The dielectric studies were done at the frequency regime of 40 Hz to 100 kHz at different ambient temperatures from 200 K to 600 K. The BCT thin films exhibited diffuse phase transition, which was of a typical non lead relaxor behavior and had high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss. The phase transition for the different compositions of BCT thin films was near the room temperature, showing a marked departure from the bulk phase transition. The C - V and the hysteresis behavior confirmed the ferroelectric nature below the phase transition and paraelectric at the room temperature.


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Barium zirconium titanate [Ba(Zr0.05Ti0.95)O3, BZT] thin films were prepared by pulsed laser ablation technique and dc leakage current conduction behavior was extensively studied. The dc leakage behavior study is essential, as it leads to degradation of the data storage devices. The current-voltage (I-V) of the thin films showed an Ohmic behavior for the electric field strength lower than 7.5 MV/m. Nonlinearity in the current density-voltage (J-V) behavior has been observed at an electric field above 7.5 MV/m. Different conduction mechanisms have been thought to be responsible for the overall I-V characteristics of BZT thin films. The J-V behavior of BZT thin films was found to follow Lampert’s theory of space charge limited conduction similar to what is observed in an insulator with charge trapping moiety. The Ohmic and trap filled limited regions have been explicitly observed in the J-V curves, where the saturation prevailed after a voltage of 6.5 V referring the onset of a trap-free square region. Two different activation energy values of 1.155 and 0.325 eV corresponding to two different regions have been observed in the Arrhenius plot, which was attributed to two different types of trap levels present in the film, namely, deep and shallow traps.


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Samarium doped barium zirconate titanate ceramics with general formula Ba1-x Sm-2x/3](Zr0.05Ti0.95)O-3 x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.03] were prepared by high energy ball milling method. X-ray diffraction patterns and micro-Raman spectroscopy confirmed that these ceramics have a single phase with a tetragonal structure. Rietveld refinement data were employed to model BaO12], SmO12], ZrO6], and TiO6] clusters in the lattice. Scanning electron microscopy shows a reduction in average grain size with the increase of Sm3+ ions into lattice. Temperature-dependent dielectric studies indicate a ferroelectric phase transition and the transition temperature decreases with an increase in Sm3+ ion content. The nature of the transition was investigated by the Curie-Weiss law and it is observed that the diffusivity increases with Sm3+ ion content. The ferroelectric hysteresis loop illustrates that the remnant polarization and coercive field increase with an increase in Sm3+ ions content. Optical properties of the ceramics were studied using ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.


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This paper describes the experimental and theoretical studies carried out on particulate composites consisting of BaTiO3, graphite, and rubber. It is shown that such composites exhibit a positive voltage coefficient of resistance beyond a certain voltage. A theoretical model developed to explain the observed V-R characteristics and their dependence on parameters of the composite like composition and grain size of the particles is also described. These composites seem to be useful as varistors with positive voltage coefficient of resistance and may find applications as voltage-regulating devices. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Dispersibility of colloidal barium titanate suspensions is reviewed with an emphasis on the use of various polyelectrolytes as dispersants. The fundamentals of colloidal stability are discussed followed by the colloidal properties of barium titanate powder. Dispersion behavior of BaTiO3 in both nonaqueous and aqueous media has been reviewed. Several studies on the stabilization of micron and nano-sized barium titanate using various polymeric dispersants and a rhamnolipid biosurfactant are presented and discussed. The article attempts to provide a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art in the area of colloidal processing of barium titanate.


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Artificial superlattices of SrTiO3 and BaZrO3 were grown epitaxially with different periodicities on SrRuO3 coated (00 1) SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed excimer laser ablation. Superlattices were structurally characterized by X-Ray theta-2 theta diffraction data. Electrical characterization was done in metal-insulation-metal configuration. Capacitance-voltage measurements showed limited amount of tunability. The DC field induced tunability has been observed to be sensitive to the periodicity of the superlattices, hence the effective strain present in the layers. Hysteretic behaviour in capacitance-voltage (C-V) and polarization versus electric field (P-E) results from the superlattices also indicate the sensitivity of the interfaces. Interfacial strain is supposed to be the most probable cause for such a behaviour which is also manifested in the variation of dielectric constant with individual layer thicknesses. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A detailed evaluation of size, shape and microstrains of BaTiO3 crystallites produced by hydrothermal crystallization at 90 – 180 °C and 0.1 – 1.2 MPa, from amorphous TiO2· xH2O (3 < × < 8) gel and aqueous Ba(OH)2 is presented, using X-ray line-broadening and TEM studies. Whereas the concentration of Ba(OH)2 and the acceptor impurities affect the crystallite shape, the stoichimetry with respect to Ba/Ti, donor as well as acceptor impurities, and the temperature of crystallization influence the microstrains. It is shown that strains in the crystallites are related to the point defects in the lattice. Compensation of the residually present hydroxyl ions in the oxygen sublattice by cation vacancies results in strains leading to metastable presence of the cubic phase at room temperature. Studies on the diffuse phase transition behaviour of these submicron powders show that the stable tetragonal phase is produced only on annealing at high temperatures where the mobility of cations vacancies are larger. Heat-treatment reduces anisotropy and strain in undoped samples, whereas annealing is less effective in doped materials. Comparison of the crystillite size by TEM showed better agreement with the Warren—Averbach method.


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The presently developed two-stage process involves diping the prefired porous disks of n-BaTiO3 in nonaqueous solutions containing Al-buty rate, Ti-isopropoxide, and tetraethyl silicate and subsequent sintering. This leads to uniform distribution of the grain-boundary layer (GBL) modifiers (Al2O3+ TiO2+ SiO2) and better control of the grain size as well as the positive temperature coefficient of resistivity characteristics. The technique is particularly suited for GBL modifiers in low concentrations (< 1%).


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The results of the studies on the effect of rare earth Nd doping on the phase formation behavior and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Pb-1.05(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) thin films are presented. The perovskite phase is obtained up to 5 at. % doping and beyond that pyrochlore phase was found to coexist with the perovskite phase in all the films. The transition temperature of undoped lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film was found to be reduced with Nd doping. The Nd doped films also exhibited typical relaxor-type behavior and a diffuse phase transition, similar to that observed in relaxor materials. The introduction of Nd into the PZT lattice probably introduces disorder in the B site of ABO(3) lattice, which causes the observed dielectric relaxation. Efforts were made to isolate the irreversible component contributions in low field dielectric and high field polarization switching behavior. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.