556 resultados para BETA TITANIUM ALLOY

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The stereology, variant distribution and coarsening behavior of semicoherent alpha(hcp) precipitates in a beta(bcc) matrix of a Ti5553 alloy has been analyzed, and a dominant 3-variant cluster has been observed in which the variants are related to each other by an axis-angle pair <<11(2)over bar> 0 >/60 degrees. Shape and spatial distribution independent elastic self and interaction energies for all pairwise and triplet combinations of a have been calculated and it is found that the 3-cluster combination that is experimentally observed most frequently has the lowest energy for the semicoherent state. The coarsening behavior of the delta distribution follows LSW kinetics after an initial transient, and has been modeled by phase field methods. (C) 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Texture evolution in a low cost beta titanium alloy was studied for different modes of rolling and heat treatments. The alloy was cold rolled by unidirectional and multi-step cross rolling. The cold rolled material was either aged directly or recrystallized and then aged. The evolution of texture in alpha and beta phases were studied. The rolling texture of beta phase that is characterized by the gamma fiber is stronger for MSCR than UDR; while the trend is reversed on recrystallization. The mode of rolling affects alpha transformation texture on aging with smaller alpha lath size and stronger alpha texture in UDR than in MSCR. The defect structure in beta phase influences the evolution of a texture on aging. A stronger defect structure in beta phase leads to variant selection with the rolled samples showing fewer variants than the recrystallized samples.


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Texture evolution in h. c. p. (alpha) phase derived from aging of a differently processed metastable b.c.c. (beta) titanium alloy was investigated. The study was aimed at examining (i) the effect of different b. c. c. cold rolling textures and (ii) the effect of different defect structures on the h. c. p transformation texture. The alloy metastable beta alloy Ti-10V-4.5Fe-1.5Al was rolled at room temperature by unidirectional (UDR) and multi-step cross rolling (MSCR). A piece of the as-rolled materials were subjected to aging in order to derive the h. c. p. (alpha) phase. In the other route, the as-rolled materials were recrystallized and then aged. Textures were measured using X-ray as well as Electron Back Scatter Diffraction. Rolling texture of beta phase, as characterized by the presence of a strong gamma fibre, was found stronger in M S C R compared to UDR, although they were qualitatively similar. The stronger texture of MSCR sample could be attributed to the inhomogeneous deformation taking place in the sample that might contribute to weakening of texture. Upon recrystallization in beta phase field close to beta-transus. the textures qualitatively resembled the corresponding beta deformation textures; however, they got strengthed. The aging of differently beta rolled samples resulted in the product alpha-phase with different textures. The (UDR + Aged) sample had a stronger texture than (MSCR + Aged) sample, which could be due to continuation of defect accumulation in UDR sample, thus providing more potential sites for the nucleation of alpha phase. The trend was reversed in samples recrystallized prior to aging. The (MSCR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample showed stronger texture of alpha phase than the (UDR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample. This could be attributed to extensive defect annihilation in the UDR sample on recrystallization prior to aging. The (MSCR + Aged) sample exhibited more alpha variants when compared to (MSCR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample. This has been attributed to the availability of more potential sites for nucleation of alpha phase in the former. It could be concluded that alpha transformation texture depends mainly on the defect structure of the parent phase.


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Using a dynamic materials model, processing and instability maps have been developed for near-alpha titanium alloy 685 in the temperature range 775-1025 degrees C and strain-rate range of 0.001-10 s(-1) to optimise its hot workability. The alloy's beta-transus temperature lies at about 1020 degrees C. The material undergoes superplasticity with a peak efficiency of 80% at 975 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1), which are the optimum parameters for alpha-beta working. The occurrence of superplasticity is attributed to two-phase microduplex structure, higher strain-rate sensitivity, low flow stress and sigmoidal variation between log flow stress and log strain rate. The material also exhibits how localisation due to adiabatic shear-band formation up to its beta-transus temperature with strain rates greater than 0.02 s(-1) and thus cracking along these regions. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science S.A.


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Hot deformation behavior of a hypoeutectic Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy in (alpha + beta) phase field is investigated in the present study with special reference to flow response, kinetics and microstructural evolution. For a comparison, the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V was also studied under identical conditions. Dynamic recovery of alpha phase occurs at low temperatures while softening due to globularization and/or dynamic recrystallization dominates at high temperatures irrespective of boron addition. Microstructural features for both the alloys display bending and kinking of alpha lamellae for near alpha test temperatures. Unlike Ti-6Al-4V, no sign of instability formation was observed in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B for any deformation condition except for cavitation around TiB particles, due to deformation incompatibility and strain accumulation at the particle-matrix interface. The absence of macroscopic instabilities and early initiation of softening mechanisms as a result of boron addition has been attributed to microstructural features (e.g. refined prior beta grain and alpha colony size, absence of grain boundary alpha layer, presence of TiB particles at prior beta boundaries, etc.) of the respective alloys prior to deformation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sintering of titanium in its high temperature beta phase was studied by isothermal dilatometry. The sintering shrinkage y did not follow the normal time exponent type of behaviour, instead being described by the equation y = Kt(m)/[1-(A+Bt)(2)], where m = 1.93 +/- 0.07, with an activation energy of 62-90 kJ mol(-1). A detailed analysis of these results, based on the 'anomalous' diffusion behaviour reported for beta titanium, is carried out. It is shown that the generation of a high density of dislocations during the alpha --> beta phase transformation, coupled with sluggish recovery at the sintering necks, enables sintering mass transport by pipe diffusion through dislocation cores from sources of matter within the particles to become dominant.


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A combined set of thermo-mechanical steps recommended for high strength beta Ti alloy are homogenization, deformation, recrystallization, annealing and ageing steps in sequence. Recrystallization carried out above or below beta transus temperature generates either beta annealed (lath type morphology of alpha) or bimodal (lath+globular morphology of alpha) microstructure. Through variations in heat treatment parameters at these processing steps, wide ranges of length scales of features have been generated in both types of microstructures in a near beta Ti alloy, Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr (Ti-5553). 0.2% Yield strength (YS) has been correlated to various microstructural features and associated heat treatment parameters. Relative importance of microstructural features in influencing YS has been identified. Process parameters at different steps have been identified and recommended for attaining different levels of YS for this near beta Ti alloy. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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X-ray diffraction line profile analysis (XRDLPA) techniques have been applied to investigate the deformed microstructure of a recently developed boron modified two-phase titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The alloy was hot compressed at 750 degrees C up to 50% height reduction at two different strain rates (10(-3) S-1 and 1 S-1). Microstructural parameters like average domain size, average microstrain within the domain and dislocation density of the two phases were determined using X-ray diffraction line profile analysis. The results indicate an increase in the microstrain and dislocation density for the alpha-phase and decrease for the beta-phase in the case of boron modified alloys as compared to the normal material. Microstructural modifications viz, the grain refinement and the presence of hard, brittle TiB particles in the case of boron modified alloy are held responsible for the observed difference in the dislocation density. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, high strength bulk ultrafine-grained titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V bars were successfully processed using multi-pass warm rolling. Ti-6Al-4V bars of 12 mm diameter and several metres long were processed by multi-pass warm rolling at 650 degrees C, 700 degrees C and 750 degrees C. The highest achieved mechanical properties for Ti-6Al-4V in as rolled condition were yield strength 1191 MPa, ultimate tensile strength of 1299 MPa having an elongation of 10% when the rolling temperature was 650 degrees C. The concurrent evolution of microstructure and texture has been studied using optical microscopy, electron back scattered diffraction and x-ray diffraction. The significant improvement in mechanical properties has been attributed to the ultrafine-grained microstructure as well as the morphology of alpha and beta phases in the warm rolled specimens. The warm rolling of Ti-6Al-4V leads to formation of < 10 (1) over bar0 >alpha//RD fibre texture. This study shows that multi-pass warm rolling has potential to eliminate the costly and time consuming heat treatment steps for small diameter bar products, as the solution treated and aged (STA) properties are achievable in the as rolled condition itself. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Addition of boron in small quantities to various titanium alloys have shown significant improvement in mechanical behavior of materials. In the present study, electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) techniques have been applied to investigate the deformation microstructure evolution in boron modified two-phase titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The alloy was hot compressed at 750 degrees C up to 50% height reduction at two different strain rates (10(-3) s(-1) and 1 s(-1)). The EBSD analyses indicated significant differences in deformed microstructure of the base alloy and the alloy containing boron. A strong subgrain formation tendency was observed along with inhomogeneous distribution of dislocations inside large a colonies of Ti64. In contrast, a colonies were relatively strain free for Ti64 + B, with more uniform dislocation density distribution. The observed difference is attributed to microstructural modifications viz, grain size refinement and presence of TiB particles at grain boundary produced due to boron addition. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The alloy, Ti-6Al-4V is an alpha + beta Ti alloy that has large prior beta grain size (similar to 2 mm) in the as cast state. Minor addition of B (about 0.1 wt.%) to it refines the grain size significantly as well as produces in-situ TiB needles. The role played by these microstructural modifications on high temperature deformation processing maps of B-modified Ti64 alloys is examined in this paper.Power dissipation efficiency and instability maps have been generated within the temperature range of 750-1000 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3)-10(+1) s(-1). Various deformation mechanisms, which operate in different temperature-strain rate regimes, were identified with the aid of the maps and complementary microstructural analysis of the deformed specimens. Results indicate four distinct deformation domains within the range of experimental conditions examined, with the combination of 900-1000 degrees C and 10(-3)-10(-2) s(-1) being the optimum for hot working. In that zone, dynamic globularization of alpha laths is the principle deformation mechanism. The marked reduction in the prior beta grain size, achieved with the addition of B, does not appear to alter this domain markedly. The other domains, with negative values of instability parameter, show undesirable microstructural features such as extensive kinking/bending of alpha laths and breaking of beta laths for Ti64-0.0B as well as generation of voids and cracks in the matrix and TiB needles in the B-modified alloys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.