7 resultados para Axioms.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A formal chemical nomenclature system WISENOM based on a context-free grammar and graph coding is described. The system is unique, unambiguous, easily pronounceable, encodable, and decodable for organic compounds. Being a formal system, every name is provable as a theorem or derivable as a terminal sentence by using the basic axioms and rewrite rules. The syntax in Backus-Naur form, examples of name derivations, and the corresponding derivation trees are provided. Encoding procedures to convert connectivity tables to WISENOM, parsing, and decoding are described.


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In this paper the notion of conceptual cohesiveness is precised and used to group objects semantically, based on a knowledge structure called ‘cohesion forest’. A set of axioms is proposed which should be satisfied to make the generated clusters meaningful.


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Clustering is a process of partitioning a given set of patterns into meaningful groups. The clustering process can be viewed as consisting of the following three phases: (i) feature selection phase, (ii) classification phase, and (iii) description generation phase. Conventional clustering algorithms implicitly use knowledge about the clustering environment to a large extent in the feature selection phase. This reduces the need for the environmental knowledge in the remaining two phases, permitting the usage of simple numerical measure of similarity in the classification phase. Conceptual clustering algorithms proposed by Michalski and Stepp [IEEE Trans. PAMI, PAMI-5, 396–410 (1983)] and Stepp and Michalski [Artif. Intell., pp. 43–69 (1986)] make use of the knowledge about the clustering environment in the form of a set of predefined concepts to compute the conceptual cohesiveness during the classification phase. Michalski and Stepp [IEEE Trans. PAMI, PAMI-5, 396–410 (1983)] have argued that the results obtained with the conceptual clustering algorithms are superior to conventional methods of numerical classification. However, this claim was not supported by the experimental results obtained by Dale [IEEE Trans. PAMI, PAMI-7, 241–244 (1985)]. In this paper a theoretical framework, based on an intuitively appealing set of axioms, is developed to characterize the equivalence between the conceptual clustering and conventional clustering. In other words, it is shown that any classification obtained using conceptual clustering can also be obtained using conventional clustering and vice versa.


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This paper introduces CSP-like communication mechanisms into Backus’ Functional Programming (FP) systems extended by nondeterministic constructs. Several new functionals are used to describe nondeterminism and communication in programs. The functionals union and restriction are introduced into FP systems to develop a simple algebra of programs with nondeterminism. The behaviour of other functionals proposed in this paper are characterized by the properties of union and restriction. The axiomatic semantics of communication constructs are presented. Examples show that it is possible to reason about a communicating program by first transforming it into a non-communicating program by using the axioms of communication, and then reasoning about the resulting non-communicating version of the program. It is also shown that communicating programs can be developed from non-communicating programs given as specifications by using a transformational approach.


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Belief revision systems aim at keeping a database consistent. They mostly concentrate on how to record and maintain dependencies. We propose an axiomatic system, called MFOT, as a solution to the problem of belief revision. MFOT has a set of proper axioms which selects a set of most plausible and consistent input beliefs. The proposed nonmonotonic inference rule further maintains consistency while generating the consequences of input beliefs. It also permits multiple property inheritance with exceptions. We have also examined some important properties of the proposed axiomatic system. We also propose a belief revision model that is object-centered. The relevance of such a model in maintaining the beliefs of a physician is examined.


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Thermodynamic constraints on component chemical potentials in three-phase fields introduced by the various isograms suggested in the literature are derived for a ternary system containing compounds. When compositions of two compounds lie on an isogram, it is associated with specific characteristics which can be used to obtain further understanding of the interplay of thermodynamic factors that determine phase equilibria. When two compounds are shared by adjacent three-phase fields, the constraints are dictated by binary compositions generated by the intersection of a line passing through the shared compounds with the sides of the ternary triangle. Generalized expressions for an arbitrary line through the triangle are presented. These are consistent with special relations obtained along Kohler, Colinet and Jacob isograms. Five axioms are introduced and proved. They provide valuable tools for checking consistency of thermodynamic measurements and for deriving thermodynamic properties from phase diagrams. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Unitary evolution and projective measurement are fundamental axioms of quantum mechanics. Even though projective measurement yields one of the eigenstates of the measured operator as the outcome, there is no theory that predicts which eigenstate will be observed in which experimental run. There exists only an ensemble description, which predicts probabilities of various outcomes over many experimental runs. We propose a dynamical evolution equation for the projective collapse of the quantum state in individual experimental runs, which is consistent with the well-established framework of quantum mechanics. In case of gradual weak measurements, its predictions for ensemble evolution are different from those of the Born rule. It is an open question whether or not suitably designed experiments can observe this alternate evolution.