84 resultados para Atmospheric radio refractivity.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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An atmospheric radio noise burst represents the radiation received from one complete lightning flash at the frequency to which a receiver is tuned and within the receiver bandwidth. At tropical latitudes, the principal source of interference in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10 MHz is the burst form of atmospheric radio noise. The structure of a burst shows several approximately rectangular pulses of random amplitude, duration and frequency of recurrence. The influence of the noise on data communication can only be examined when the value of the number of pulses crossing a certain amplitude threshold per unit time of the noise burst is known. A pulse rate counter designed for this purpose has been used at Bangalore (12°58′N, 77°35′E) to investigate the pulse characteristics of noise bursts at 3 MHz with a receiver bandwidth of 3.3 kHz/6d B. The results show that the number of pulses lying in the amplitude range between peak and quasi-peak values of the noise bursts and the burst duration corresponding to these pulses follow log normal distributions. The pulse rates deduced therefrom show certain correlation between the number of pulses and the duration of the noise burst. The results are discussed with a view to furnish necessary information for data communication.


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The paper furnishes a review and air ovendepr "f radio noise *om lightning as rr so~irce of interference to analogue and digital Corn?tunicatioiz. The parameters of fhe different fornls < f, noise necessary .for pssessigth e interfering effect of the rloise are described. 4railublr irfjrncroiun thrr tndevstor71zs, thunder-clouds, convecrion cells and lightning are er ieveadn d their liizitatimsp ointed oui. Thew fol101r.s a descripiicn of how the source, popugafiona nd receiver chaacteristidse termine the sfrticture qf a/rnosplro.ic noise as receiwd at a point of observation. The tratrrral unit for this noise i.s the mise burst rtrising from o w complete lightning.flas4. The pmuneters of the nrise birrst as a 11.hole and its structure ctetennine the inrqfflrrence enrirnniient. A hisforic reriel$. qf t2sophericii oke .studies sho1(5 that it i. wrreirt(v of importance oldy in thc ropicarl egions of' the wr ldf i>rs hichf hc neailable data are wry defective. New data are ficnrished. The contribution of atmospheric noise for backgrouzd interference even in remote places ,for r.adicj astronomy at VHF is firrnished. The imporlance of aimcspizeric nctise cceurring ;vporadiea@ in high values fur slzort inier.als at VHF and higher frequencies in the tropics is brought out.


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Faraday rotation data obtained at Delhi, Kurukshetra, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Waltair, Nagpur and Calcutta during the total solar eclipse of 16 February 1980 and at Delhi during the total solar eclipse of 31 July 1981 have been analysed to detect the gravity waves generated by a total solar eclipse as hypothesized by Chimonas and Hines (1970, J. geophys. Res. 75, 875). It has been found that gravity waves can be generated by a total solar eclipse but their detection at ionospheric heights is critically dependent on the location of the observing station in relation to the eclipse path geometry. The distance of the observing station from the eclipse path should be more than 500 km in order to detect such gravity waves.


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Quantitative estimates of the vertical structure and the spatial gradients of aerosol extinction coefficients have been made from airborne lidar measurements across the coastline into offshore oceanic regions along the east and west coasts of India. The vertical structure revealed the presence of strong, elevated aerosol layers in the altitude region of similar to 2-4 km, well above the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Horizontal gradients also showed a vertical structure, being sharp with the e(-1) scaling distance (D-0H) as small as similar to 150 km in the well-mixed regions mostly under the influence of local source effects. Above the ABL, where local effects are subdued, the gradients were much shallower (similar to 600-800 km); nevertheless, they were steep compared to the value of similar to 1500-2500 km reported for columnar AOD during winter. The gradients of these elevated layers were steeper over the east coast of India than over the west coast. Near-simultaneous radio sonde (Vaisala, Inc., Finland) ascents made over the northern Bay of Bengal showed the presence of convectively unstable regions, first from surface to similar to 750-1000 m and the other extending from 1750 to 3000 m separated by a stable region in between. These can act as a conduit for the advection of aerosols and favor the transport of continental aerosols in the higher levels (> 2 km) into the oceans without entering the marine boundary layer below. Large spatial gradient in aerosol optical and hence radiative impacts between the coastal landmass and the adjacent oceans within a short distance of < 300 km (even at an altitude of 3 km) during summer and the premonsoon is of significance to the regional climate.


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Based on maps of the extragalactic radio sources Cyg A, Her A, Cen A, 3C 277.3 and others, arguments are given that the twin-jets from the respective active galactic nucleus ram their channels repeatedly through thin, massive shells. The jets are thereby temporarily choked and blow radio bubbles. Warm shell matter in the cocoon shows up radio-dark through electron-scattering.


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Based on a simple picture of speckle phenomena in optical interferometry it is shown that the recent signal-to-noise ratio estimate for the so called bispectrum, due to Wirnitzer (1985), does not possess the right limit when photon statistics is unimportant. In this wave-limit, which is true for bright sources, his calculations over-estimate the signal-to-noise ratio for the bispectrum by a factor of the order of the square root of the number of speckles.


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The issue of dynamic spectrum scene analysis in any cognitive radio network becomes extremely complex when low probability of intercept, spread spectrum systems are present in environment. The detection and estimation become more complex if frequency hopping spread spectrum is adaptive in nature. In this paper, we propose two phase approach for detection and estimation of frequency hoping signals. Polyphase filter bank has been proposed as the architecture of choice for detection phase to efficiently detect the presence of frequency hopping signal. Based on the modeling of frequency hopping signal it can be shown that parametric methods of line spectral analysis are well suited for estimation of frequency hopping signals if the issues of order estimation and time localization are resolved. An algorithm using line spectra parameter estimation and wavelet based transient detection has been proposed which resolves above issues in computationally efficient manner suitable for implementation in cognitive radio. The simulations show promising results proving that adaptive frequency hopping signals can be detected and demodulated in a non cooperative context, even at a very low signal to noise ratio in real time.


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Analyses of rocket data at mid- and high-latitude locations over the American Continent show a solar activity-dependent mesospheric heating effect in the 60 to 90 km altitude region. A study of the altitude dependence of the effect shows that the heating and associated processes propagating downwards through the mesosphere do not cause discernible effects, below the 50 to 60 km layer. At Thumba, a significant short-term heating effect attributable to varying solar ultraviolet fluxes causing variable heating of atmospheric ozone is observed. This effect does not seem to propagate downwards into the upper stratosphere.


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Wavenumber-frequency spectral analysis of different atmospheric variables has been carried Out using 25 years of data. The area considered is the tropical belt 25 degrees S-25 degrees N. A combined FFT wavelet analysis method has been used for this purpose. Variables considered are outgoing long wave radiation (OLR), 850 hPa divergence, zonal and meridional winds at 850, 500 and 200 hPa levels, sea level pressure and 850 hPa geopotential height. It is shown that the spectra of different variables have some common properties, but each variable also has few features diffe:rent from the rest. While Kelvin mode is prominent in OLR, and zonal winds, it is not clearly observed in pressure and geopotential height fields; the latter two have a dominant wavenumber zero mode not seen in other variables except in meridional wind at 200 hPa and 850 hPa divergences. Different dominant modes in the tropics show significant variations on sub-seasonal time scales.


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A study of the response of neutral temperatures in the equatorial mesosphere to variations in solar activity has been carried out by investigating the correlation between the 10.7 cm solar radio flux and temperatures obtained from a series of 51 rocket soundings conducted over Thumba, India (8°N, 77°E) during the period December 1970–December 1971. A strong positive correlation between these two parameters has been obtained, indicating mesospheric heating effects caused by day-to-day variations in solar EUV emission. The correlation analysis indicates that this response persists over several days and that the peak correlation between the temperatures and the F10.7 index occurs with a time lag of less than 24 hr.


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An aerobiological survey to study the incidence and concentration of the pollen of Parthenium hysterophorus was conducted in Bangalore, India for a period of one year. This study indicated that Parthenium pollen was present in the atmosphere in significant amounts eigher as single pollen grains or in the form of clumps during the months of June to August.


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A general expression for the Mössbauer lineshape in the presence of a radio frequency field is derived. As an example the effect of the rf field on Fe57 nuclei is discussed for a situation where the 3/2 sublevel of 14.4 keV state of Fe57 is selectively populated. At resonance, both the diagonal and non-diagonal matrix elements contribute to the correlation function. As a result, in addition to a slight rf induced distortion of the main Mössbauer line. additional transition lines are obtained. Thus the present calculation supports the experimental observations of Heiman et al.


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Simultaneous and collocated measurements of total and hemispherical backscattering coefficients (σ and β, respectively) at three wavelengths, mass size distributions, and columnar spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) were made onboard an extensive cruise experiment covering, for the first time, the entire Bay of Bengal (BoB) and northern Indian Ocean. The results are synthesized to understand the optical properties of aerosols in the marine atmospheric boundary layer and their dependence on the size distribution. The observations revealed distinct spatial and spectral variations of all the aerosol parameters over the BoB and the presence of strong latitudinal gradients. The size distributions varied spatially, with the majority of accumulation modes decreasing from north to south. The scattering coefficient decreased from very high values (resembling those reported for continental/urban locations) in the northern BoB to very low values seen over near-pristine environments in the southeastern BoB. The average mass scattering efficiency of BoB aerosols was found to be 2.66 ± 0.1 m2 g−1 at 550 nm. The spectral dependence of columnar AOD deviated significantly from that of the scattering coefficients in the northern BoB, implying vertical heterogeneity in the aerosol type in that region. However, a more homogeneous scenario was observed in the southern BoB. Simultaneous lidar and in situ measurements onboard an aircraft over the ocean revealed the presence of elevated aerosol layers of enhanced extinction at altitudes of 1 to 3 km with an offshore extent of a few hundred kilometers. Back-trajectory analyses showed these layers to be associated with advection from west Asia and western India. The large spatial variations and vertical heterogeneity in aerosol properties, revealed by the present study, need to be included in the regional radiative forcing over the Bay of Bengal.


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Purity of the glow-discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure for surface modification applications is always debatable, since it works at ambient atmosphere. We have demonstrated on the use of optical emission spectroscopy to test the purity of this kind of plasma. The effect of gas flow pattern, nature of gas, and its flow rate on the plasma chemistry was studied. The importance of proper system design in maintaining a uniform flow of heavy and inert gases as carrier gas in atmospheric glow-discharge plasma was confirmed. The surface of a plasma-treated PET sample was analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to verify the studies on plasma purity done using emission spectrum.