6 resultados para Antiferromagnets

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We study Raman scattering from 1D antiferromagnets within the Fleury-Loudon scheme by applying a finite temperature Lanczos method to a 1D spin-half Heisenberg model with nearest-neighbor (J(1)) and second-neighbor (J(2)) interactions. The low-temperature spectra are analyzed in terms of the known elementary excitations of the system for J(2) = 0 and J(2) = 1/2. We find that the low-T Raman spectra are very broad for \J(2)/J(1)\ less than or equal to 0.3. This broad peak gradually diminishes and shifts with temperature, so that at T > J(1) the spectra are narrower and peaked at low frequencies. The experimental spectra for CuGeO3 are discussed in light of our calculations.


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This paper is concerned with the possibility of a direct second-order transition out of a collinear Neel phase to a paramagnetic spin liquid in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that such second-order quantum transitions can potentially occur to certain spin liquid states popular in theories of the cuprates. We provide a theory of this transition and study its universal properties in an epsilon expansion. The existence of such a transition has a number of interesting implications for spin-liquid-based approaches to the underdoped cuprates. In particular it considerably clarifies existing ideas for incorporating antiferromagnetic long range order into such a spin-liquid-based approach.


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he specific heats of EUNi(5)P(3), an antiferromagnet, and EuNi2P2, a mixed-valence compound, have been measured between 0.4 and 30 K in magnetic fields of, respectively, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 5, and 7 T, and 0 and 7 T. In zero field the specific heat of EuNi5P3 shows a h-like anomaly with a maximum at 8.3 K. With increasing field in the range 0-2.5 T, the maximum shifts to lower temperatures, as expected for an antiferromagnet. In higher fields the antiferromagnetic ordering is destroyed and the magnetic part of the specific heat approaches a Schottky anomaly that is consistent with expectations for the crystal-field/Zeeman levels. In low fields and for temperatures between 1.5 acid 5 K the magnetic contribution to the specific heat is proportional to the temperature, indicating a high density of excited states with an energy dependence that is very unusual for an antiferromagnet. The entropy associated with the magnetic ordering is similar to R In8, confirming that only the Eu2+-with J=7/2, S=7/2, L=0-orders below 30 R. In zero field approximately 20% of the entropy occurs above the Neel temperature, consistent. with the usual amount of short-range order observed in antiferromagnets. The hyperfine magnetic field at the Eu nuclei in EUNi(5)P(3) is 33.3 T, in good agreement with a value calculated from electron-nuclear double resonance measurements. For EuNi2P2 the specific heat is nearly field independent and shows no evidence of magnetic ordering or hyperfine fields. The coefficient of the electron contribution to the specific heat is similar to 100 mJ/mol K-2.


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We report crystal magnetic susceptibility results of two S = 1/2 one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets, KFeS2 and CsFeS2. Both compounds consist of (FeS4)(n) chains with an average Fe-Fe distance of 2.7 Angstrom. In KFeS2, all intrachain Fe-Fe distances are identical. Its magnetic susceptibility is typical of a regular antiferromagnetic chain with spin-spin exchange parameter J = -440.7 K. In CsFeS2, however, the Fe-Fe distances alternate between 2.61 and 2.82 Angstrom. This is reflected in its magnetic susceptibility, which could be fitted with J = -640 K, and the degree of alternation, alpha = 0.3. These compounds form a unique pair, and allow for a convenient experimental comparison of the magnetic properties of regular versus alternating Heisenberg chains.


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The anisotropic magnetic susceptibilities of single crystals of the isostructural layered antiferromagnets, MnPS3 (T-N = 78 K) and MnPSe3 (T-N = 74 K), have been measured as functions of temperature. In both compounds, divalent manganese is present in the high-spin S = 5/2 state. The anisotropies in the susceptibilities of the two are, however, very different; while the susceptibility of MnPS3 is isotropic, that of MnPSe3 shows a large XY anisotropy, unusual for a manganese compound. The anisotropic susceptibilities are described by the zero-field spin Hamiltonian: H = DSiz2 - Sigma J(ij).(S) over right arrow (S) over right arrow(j) with the quadratic single-ion anisotropy term introducing anisotropy in an otherwise isotropic situation. The exchange J and the single-ion zero-field-splitting (ZFS) parameter D were evaluated using the correlated effective-field theory of Lines. For MnPSe3, J/k = -5.29 K and D/k = 26.6 K, while for isotropic MnPS3, J/k = -8.1 K. It is suggested that the large value of the ZFS parameter for MnPSe3 as compared to MnPS3 could be due to the large ligand spin-orbit contribution of the heavier selenium.


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We study the fate of spin-1/2 spiral-ordered two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets that are disordered by quantum fluctuations. A crucial role is played by the topological point defects of the spiral phase, which are known to have a Z(2) character. Previous works established that a nontrivial quantum spin-liquid phase results when the spiral is disordered without proliferating the Z(2) vortices. Here, we show that when the spiral is disordered by proliferating and condensing these vortices, valence-bond solid ordering occurs due to quantum Berry phase effects. We develop a general theory for this latter phase transition and apply it to a lattice model. This transition potentially provides a new example of a Landau-forbidden deconfined quantum critical point.