24 resultados para Angenot, Marc

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km(2)) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey. Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials, Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover. Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function T indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with -286 x 10(6) mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), -67 x 10(6) mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and -39 x 10(6) mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with -55 x 10(6) mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), -22 x 10(6) mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and -16 x 10(6) mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively. Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2.


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Octahedral Co2+ centers have been connected by mu(3)-OH and mu(2)-OH2 units forming [Co-4] clusters which are linked by pyrazine forming a two-dimensional network. The two-dimensional layers are bridged by oxybisbenzoate (OBA) ligands giving rise to a three-dimensional structure. The [Co-4] clusters bond with the pyrazine and the OBA results in a body-centered arrangement of the clusters, which has been observed for the first time. Magnetic studies reveal a noncollinear frustrated spin structure of the bitriangular cluster, resulting in a net magnetic moment of 1.4 mu B per cluster. For T > 32 K, the correlation length of the cluster moments shows a stretched-exponential temperature dependence typical of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless model, which points to a quasi-2D XY behavior. At lower temperature and down to 14 K, the compound behaves as a soft ferromagnet and a slow relaxation is observed, with an energy barrier of ca. 500 K. Then, on further cooling, a hysteretic behavior takes place with a coercive field that reaches 5 Tat 4 K. The slow relaxation is assigned to the creation/annihilation of vortex-antivortex pairs, which are the elementary excitations of a 2D XY spin system.


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Subsurface geophysical surveys were carried out using a large range of methods in an unconfined sandstone aquifer in semiarid south-western Niger for improving both the conceptual model of water flow through the unsaturated zone and the parameterization of numerical a groundwater model of the aquifer. Methods included: electromagnetic mapping, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), resistivity logging, time domain electromagnetic sounding (TDEM), and magnetic resonance sounding (MRS). Analyses of electrical conductivities, complemented by geochemical measurements, allowed us to identify preferential pathways for infiltration and drainage beneath gullies and alluvial fans. The mean water content estimated by MRS (13%) was used for computing the regional groundwater recharge from long-term change in the water table. The ranges in permeability and water content obtained with MRS allowed a reduction of the degree of freedom of aquifer parameters used in groundwater modelling.


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Accurate estimations of water balance are needed in semi-arid and sub-humid tropical regions, where water resources are scarce compared to water demand. Evapotranspiration plays a major role in this context, and the difficulty to quantify it precisely leads to major uncertainties in the groundwater recharge assessment, especially in forested catchments. In this paper, we propose to assess the importance of deep unsaturated regolith and water uptake by deep tree roots on the groundwater recharge process by using a lumped conceptual model (COMFORT). The model is calibrated using a 5 year hydrological monitoring of an experimental watershed under dry deciduous forest in South India (Mule Hole watershed). The model was able to simulate the stream discharge as well as the contrasted behaviour of groundwater table along the hillslope. Water balance simulated for a 32 year climatic time series displayed a large year-to-year variability, with alternance of dry and wet phases with a time period of approximately 14 years. On an average, input by the rainfall was 1090 mm year(-1) and the evapotranspiration was about 900 mm year(-1) out of which 100 mm year(-1) was uptake from the deep saprolite horizons. The stream flow was 100 mm year(-1) while the groundwater underflow was 80 mm year(-1). The simulation results suggest that (i) deciduous trees can uptake a significant amount of water from the deep regolith, (ii) this uptake, combined with the spatial variability of regolith depth, can account for the variable lag time between drainage events and groundwater rise observed for the different piezometers and (iii) water table response to recharge is buffered due to the long vertical travel time through the deep vadose zone, which constitutes a major water reservoir. This study stresses the importance of long term observations for the understanding of hydrological processes in tropical forested ecosystems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel synthesis of inorganic-organic hybrid films containing well dispersed and almost uniform size Ag nanoparticles in agar-agar matrix has been reported. The films are found to be highly stable for more than a year. The colloidal particles of Ag can be obtained in large quantities in the form of a film or in the gel form when dispersed in agar-agar or by dissolving in a suitable solvent as solution. Characterization has been done by UV-visible spectroscopy and TEM. The hybrid may be of interest to study third-order non-linear susceptibility.


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Osteoporosis is a disease of low bone mass most often caused by an increase in bone resorption that is not sufficiently compensated for by a corresponding increase in bone formation(1). As gut-derived serotonin (GDS) inhibits bone formation(2), we asked whether hampering its biosynthesis could treat osteoporosis through an anabolic mechanism (that is, by increasing bone formation). We synthesized and used LP533401, a small molecule inhibitor of tryptophan hydroxylase-1 (Tph-1), the initial enzyme in GDS biosynthesis. Oral administration of this small molecule once daily for up to six weeks acts prophylactically or therapeutically, in a dose-dependent manner, to treat osteoporosis in ovariectomized rodents because of an isolated increase in bone formation. These results provide a proof of principle that inhibiting GDS biosynthesis could become a new anabolic treatment for osteoporosis.


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Biogeochemical and hydrological cycles are currently studied on a small experimental forested watershed (4.5 km(2)) in the semi-humid South India. This paper presents one of the first data referring to the distribution and dynamics of a widespread red soil (Ferralsols and Chromic Luvisols) and black soil (Vertisols and Vertic intergrades) cover, and its possible relationship with the recent development of the erosion process. The soil map was established from the observation of isolated soil profiles and toposequences, and surveys of soil electromagnetic conductivity (EM31, Geonics Ltd), lithology and vegetation. The distribution of the different parts of the soil cover in relation to each other was used to establish the dynamics and chronological order of formation. Results indicate that both topography and lithology (gneiss and amphibolite) have influenced the distribution of the soils. At the downslope, the following parts of the soil covers were distinguished: i) red soil system, ii) black soil system, iii) bleached horizon at the top of the black soil and iv) bleached sandy saprolite at the base of the black soil. The red soil is currently transforming into black soil and the transformation front is moving upslope. In the bottom part of the slope, the chronology appears to be the following: black soil > bleached horizon at the top of the black soil > streambed > bleached horizon below the black soil. It appears that the development of the drainage network is a recent process, which was guided by the presence of thin black soil with a vertic horizon less than 2 in deep. Three distinctive types of erosional landforms have been identified: 1. rotational slips (Type 1); 2. a seepage erosion (Type 2) at the top of the black soil profile; 3. A combination of earthflow and sliding in the non-cohesive saprolite of the gneiss occurs at midslope (Type 3). Types 1 and 2 erosion are mainly occurring downslope and are always located at the intersection between the streambed and the red soil-black soil contact. Neutron probe monitoring, along an area vulnerable to erosion types 1 and 2, indicates that rotational slips are caused by a temporary watertable at the base of the black soil and within the sandy bleached saprolite, which behaves as a plane of weakness. The watertable is induced by the ephemeral watercourse. Erosion type 2 is caused by seepage of a perched watertable, which occurs after swelling and closing of the cracks of the vertic clay horizon and within a light textured and bleached horizon at the top of black soil. Type 3 erosion is not related to the red soil-black soil system but is caused by the seasonal seepage of saturated throughflow in the sandy saprolite of the gneiss occurring at midslope. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have measured the frequency-dependent real index of refraction and extinction coefficient (and hence the complex dielectric function) of a free-standing double-walled carbon nanotube film of thickness 200 nm by using terahertz time domain spectroscopy in the frequency range 0.1 to 2.5 THz. The real index of refraction and extinction coefficient have very high values of approximately 52 and 35, respectively, at 0.1 THz, which decrease at higher frequencies. Two low-frequency phonon modes of the carbon nanotubes at 0.45 and 0.75 THz were clearly observed for the first time in the real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric function along with a broad resonance centred at around 1.45 THz, the latter being similar to that in single-walled carbon nanotubes assigned to electronic excitations. Our experiments bring out a possible application of double-walled carbon nanotube films as a neutral density filter in the THz range.


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Copper with four widely differing grain sizes was subjected to high-strain-rate plastic deformation in a special experimental arrangement in which high shear strains of approximately 2 to 7 were generated. The adiabatic plastic deformation produced temperature rises in excess of 300 K, creating conditions favorable for dynamic recrystallization, with an attendant change in the mechanical response. Preshocking of the specimens to an amplitude of 50 GPa generated a high dislocation density; twinning was highly dependent on grain size, being profuse for the 117- and 315-mu m grain-size specimens and virtually absent for the 9.5-mu m grain-size specimens. This has a profound effect on the subsequent mechanical response of the specimens, with the smaller grain-size material undergoing considerably more hardening than the larger grain-size material. A rationale is proposed which leads to a prediction of the shock threshold stress for twinning as a function of grain size. The strain required for localization of plastic deformation was dependent on the combined grain size/shock-induced microstructure, with the large grain-size specimens localizing more readily. The experimental results obtained are rationalized in terms of dynamic recrystallization, and a constitutive equation is applied to the experimental results; it correctly predicts the earlier onset of localization for the large grain-size specimens. It is suggested that the grain-size dependence of shock response can significantly affect the performance of shaped charges.


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Geophysical methods are becoming more popular nowadays in the field of hydrology due to their time and space efficiency. So an attempt has been made here to relate electrical resistivity with soil moisture content in the field. The experiments were carried out in an experimental watershed `Mulehole' in southern India, which is a forested watershed with approximately 80% red soil. Five auger holes were drilled to perform the soil moisture and electrical resistivity measurements in a toposequence having red and black soils, with sandy weathered soil at the bottom. Soil moisture was measured using neutron probe and electrical resistivity was measured using electrical logging tool. The results indicate that electrical resistivity measurements can be used to measure soil moisture content for red soils only.


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We have performed density functional calculations on tetragonal SnO and PbO (litharge) in the space group P4/nmm with the specific intention of examining the role played by Sn 5s and Pb 6s lone pairs in stabilizing the structure, and in giving rise to semi-metallic behavior (of SnO at ambient pressure and of PbO in the gamma phase). Use of the electron localization function has permitted real-space visualization of the lone pair in these structures. We also discuss the electronic structure of the orthorhombic PbO (massicot, space group Pbma) which again has localized lone pairs, contrary to some earlier expectation. (C) 2002 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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We have performed Rietveld refinements on neutron and synchrotron diffraction patterns and density functional calculations on various ferroelectric lead perovskites and on α lead monoxide (litharge). These structural data have allowed to shed some light on lead stereochemistry in these compounds. In particular, we discuss the changing in the lead behaviour between the paraelectric cubic phases and the low temperature anti or ferroelectric phases in Pb2CoWO6 and Pb2MgTeO6 (both incommensurate), in Pb2MgWO6 (antiferroelectric) and in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (relaxor). The possible phase transition mechanisms are reviewed and the bonds are compared to those in the aperiodic structure of α-lead monoxide.


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Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) is a genetic disorder that causes a reduction of cortical outgrowth without severe interference with cortical patterning. It is associated with mutations in a number of genes encoding protein involved in mitotic spindle formation and centrosomal activities or cell cycle control. We have shown previously that blocking vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) during gestation in mice by using a VIP antagonist (VA) results in microcephaly. Here, we have shown that the cortical abnormalities caused by prenatal VA administration mimic the phenotype described in MCPH patients and that VIP blockade during neurogenesis specifically disrupts Mcph1 signaling. VA administration reduced neuroepithelial progenitor proliferation by increasing cell cycle length and promoting cell cycle exit and premature neuronal differentiation. Quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot showed that VA downregulated Mcph1. Inhibition of Mcph1 expression led to downregulation of Chk1 and reduction of Chk1 kinase activity. The inhibition of Mcph1 and Chk1 affected the expression of a specific subset of cell cycle-controlling genes and turned off neural stem cell proliferation in neurospheres. Furthermore, in vitro silencing of either Mcph1 or Chk1 in neurospheres mimicked VA-induced inhibition of cell proliferation. These results demonstrate that VIP blockade induces microcephaly through Mcph1 signaling and suggest that VIP/Mcph1/Chk1 signaling is key for normal cortical development.


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Stem cell response to a library of scaffolds with varied 3D structures was investigated. Microarray screening revealed that each type of scaffold structure induced a unique gene expression signature in primary human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs). Hierarchical cluster analysis showed that treatments sorted by scaffold structure and not by polymer chemistry suggesting that scaffold structure was more influential than scaffold composition. Further, the effects of scaffold structure on hBMSC function were mediated by cell shape. Of all the scaffolds tested, only scaffolds with a nanofibrous morphology were able to drive the hBMSCs down an osteogenic lineage in the absence of osteogenic supplements. Nanofiber scaffolds forced the hBMSCs to assume an elongated, highly branched morphology. This same morphology was seen in osteogenic controls where hBMSCs were cultured on flat polymer films in the presence of osteogenic supplements (OS). In contrast, hBMSCs cultured on flat polymer films in the absence of OS assumed a more rounded and less-branched morphology. These results indicate that cells are more sensitive to scaffold structure than previously appreciated and suggest that scaffold efficacy can be optimized by tailoring the scaffold structure to force cells into morphologies that direct them to differentiate down the desired lineage. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A hydrothermal reaction of cobalt nitrate, 4,4'-oxybis(benzoic acid) (OBA), 1,2,4-triazole, and NaOH gave rise to a deep purple colored compound Co-4(triazolate)(2)(OBA)(3)], I, possessing Co-4 clusters. The Co-4 clusters are connected together through the tirazolate moieties forming a two-dimensional layer that closely resembles the TiS2 layer. The layers are pillared by the OBA units forming the three-dimensional structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of a pillared TiS2 layer in a metal-organic framework compound. Magnetic studies in the temperature range 1.8-300 K indicate strong antiferromagetic interactions for Co-4 clusters. The structure as well as the magnetic behavior of the present compound has been compared with the previously reported related compound Co-2(mu 3-OH)(mu(2)-H2O)(pyrazine)(OBA)(OBAH)] prepared using pyrazine as the linker between the Co-4 clusters.