189 resultados para Amorphous silica residue

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In sub-humid South India, recent studies have shown that black soil areas (Vertisols and vertic Intergrades), located on flat valley bottoms, have been rejuvenated through the incision of streambeds, inducing changes in the pedoclimate and soil transformation. Joint pedological, geochemical and geophysical investigations were performed in order to better understand the ongoing processes and their contribution to the chemistry of local rivers. The seasonal rainfall causes cycles of oxidation and reduction in a perched watertable at the base of the black soil, while the reduced solutions are exported through a loamy sand network. This framework favours a ferrolysis process, which causes low base saturation and protonation of clay, leading to the weathering of 2:1 then 1:1 clay minerals. Maximum weathering conditions occur at the very end of the wet season, just before disappearance of the perched watertable. Therefore, the by-products of soil transformation are partially drained off and calcareous nodules, then further downslope, amorphous silica precipitate upon soil dehydration. The ferrolysed area is fringing the drainage system indicating that its development has been induced by the streambed incision. The distribution of C-14 ages of CaCO3 nodules suggests that the ferrolysis process started during the late Holocene, only about 2 kyr B.P. at the studied site and about 5 kyr B.P. at the watershed outlet. The results of this study are applied to an assessment of the physical erosion rate (4.8x10(-3) m/kyr) since the recent reactivation of the erosion process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural features,including preferred orientation and surface morphology of zinc oxide (ZnO) films deposited by combustion flame pyrolysis were investigated as a function of process parameters, which include precursor solution concentration, substrate-nozzle (S-N) distance, gas flow rate, and duration of deposition. In this technique, the precursor droplets react within the flame and form a coating on an amorphous silica substrate held in or near the flame. Depending on the process parameters, the state of decomposition at which the precursor arrives on the substrate varies substantially and this in turn dictates the orientation and microstructure of the films.


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The current understanding of wildfire effects on water chemistry is limited by the quantification of the elemental dissolution rates from ash and element release rate from the plant litter, as well as quantification of the specific ash contribution to stream water chemistry. The main objective of the study was to provide such knowledge through combination of experimental modelling, field data and end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) of wildfire impact on a watershed scale. The study concerns watershed effects of fire in the Indian subcontinent, a region that is typically not well represented in the fire science literature. In plant litter ash, major elements are either hosted in readily-soluble phases (K, Mg) such as salts, carbonates and oxides or in less-soluble carrier-phases (Si, Ca) such as amorphous silica, quartz and calcite. Accordingly, elemental release rates, inferred from ash leaching experiments in batch reactor, indicated that the element release into solution followed the order K > Mg > Na > Si > Ca. Experiments on plant litter leaching in mixed-flow reactor indicated two dissolution regimes: rapid, over the week and slower over the month. The mean dissolution rates at steady-state (R-ss) indicated that the release of major elements from plant litter followed the order Ca > Si > Cl > Mg > K > Na. R-ss for Si and Ca for tree leaves and herbaceous species are similar to those reported for boreal and European tree species and are higher than that from the dissolution of soil clay minerals. This identifies tropical plant litters as important source of Si and Ca for tropical surface waters. In the wildfire-impacted year 2004, the EMMA indicated that the streamflow composition (Ca, K, Mg, Na, Si, Cl) was controlled by four main sources: rainwater, throughfall, ash leaching and soil solution. The influence of the ash end-member was maximal early in the rainy season (the two first storm events) and decreased later in the rainy season, when the stream was dominated by the throughfall end-member. The contribution of plant litter decay to the streamwater composition for a year not impacted by wildfire is significant with estimated solute fluxes originating from this decay greatly exceed, for most major elements, the annual elemental dissolved fluxes at the Mule Hole watershed outlet. This highlighted the importance of solute retention and vegetation back uptake processes within the soil profile. Overall, the fire increased the mobility and export of major elements from the soils to the stream. It also shifted the vegetation-related contribution to the elemental fluxes at the watershed outlet from long-term (seasonal) to short-term (daily to monthly). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Geopolymers are an alternative binder to portland cement in the manufacture of mortars and concrete, as its three-dimensional aluminosilicate network imparts excellent mechanical properties. Use of geopolymers in place of ordinary portland cement is favored owing to the possible energy and carbon dioxide savings. River sand is another construction industry material that needs development of a sustainable alternate in India. Geopolymerization of fly ash amorphous silica mixtures is employed to produce fine aggregates as a possible replacement to river sand. Geopolymerization of fly ash amorphous silica mixtures in 10M NaOH solution at 100 degrees C for 7days produced fine aggregates termed fly ash geopolymer sand (FAPS)] that had comparable grain size distribution, specific gravity, and improved frictional resistance with river sand. The FAPS particles exhibited more alkaline pH (12.5) and higher total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration (TDS=747 mg/L) in comparison to the river sand specimen (pH=7.9 and TDS=32.5 mg/L). However, when used as fine aggregate in mortar, FAPS-mortar specimens develop similar pH, lower TDS, similar compressive strength, and modulus in relation to river sand-mortar specimens. The experimental results suggest that FAPS particles have the potential to replace river sand in the manufacture of mortar and concrete.


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Colloidal systems offer an effective medium to micro-engineer complex structures without involving sophisticated fabrication procedures. This article presents a deployment strategy of multiple droplets of different colloidal composition and utilizes the inherent capillary flow driven self assembly of nanoparticles to construct stacks of multiple materials on a given glass substrate. Here we used aqueous nano-crystalline titania and nano-amorphous silica solutions as the two materials. Initially, a pure nanotitania (nanosilica) droplet is deployed and allowed to dry partially. Subsequently, a second droplet of pure nanosilica (nanotitania) is deployed co-axially on the partially dried precipitate. The proposed deployment strategy allowed significant morphological differences when the deployment order of nanosilica and nanotitania were interchanged. Compositional analysis performed using EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) showed preferential deposition of nanosilica and nanotitania along the radial as well as the axial plane of the final deposit pattern. The underlying mechanism for such a phenomenon could be attributed to the contact line dynamics of a sessile double droplet. We also observe heteroaggregation of the nanosilica-nanotitania interaction along a narrow interface which resulted in nanotitania particles clustering into isolated islands embedded into a matrix of nanosilica particles. Overall, this work elucidates the evaporation driven dynamics of a mixed colloidal system which displays both macroscopic as well as microscopic phenomena. Such a system could be used to generate ordered arrays of functional materials with engineered micro to nano-scale properties.


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Silica segregation at two grain junctions or in amorphous triple junction pockets can influence creep by altering the grain-boundary diffusion coefficient. Although the addition of silica to superplastic yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia enhances ductility, differences in reported creep parameters have limited critical identification of rate controlling mechanisms. The present study on a pure 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (3YTZ) and 3YTZ with 0.39 or 3.9 wt% silica involved a detailed characterization of creep over a wide range of experimental conditions and also tracer diffusion measurements. The data broadly show transitions in creep stress exponents from n∼1 to ∼2 to ∼3 with a decrease in the stress. The data at high stresses are consistent with Coble diffusion creep, and creep at lower stresses is attributed to interface-controlled diffusion creep. Measurements indicated that silica does not have any significant influence on grain boundary or lattice diffusion, and this is consistent with the observation that 3YTZ and 3YTZ with 0.39% or 3.9% silica exhibit essentially identical creep behavior in the Coble creep regime. Silica influences the interface control process so that the transitions in stress exponents are pushed to lower stresses with an increase in silica content.


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Nanocrystalline Fe53Co47 alloy was synthesized by a single-step transmetallation chemical method at room temperature. The Fe53Co47 alloy nanoparticles of 77 and 47 wt% were dispersed in silica matrix by the sol-gel process using tetraethyl orthosilcate. Structural studies reveal that the as-prepared alloy powders are in bcc phase and silica is in an amorphous state. The phase-transition temperature and Mossbauer spectra analysis of the Fe-Co alloy establishes the homogeneous alloy formation. A saturation magnetization of 218 emu/g was obtained for pure FeCo alloy at room temperature. Scanning electron microscopic analysis demonstrates the hollow-sphere morphology for FeCo alloy particles. Magnetic nanocomposite consisting of 47 wt% FeCo-silica shows enhanced thermal stability over the native FeCo alloy. Electrical and dielectric properties of 47 wt% FeCo-silica nanocomposites were investigated as a function of frequency and temperature. It was found that the dielectric constants and dielectric loss were stable throughout the measured temperature (310-373 K). Our results indicate that FeCo-silica nanocomposite is a promising candidate for high-frequency applications. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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Amorphous aluminosilicate gel powders have been subjected to carbothermal reduction and nitridation reaction at high temperature (1673 K). The influence of Al2O3 content in the gel powder on the nature and structure of the product phases has been examined. Between 5% and 9% Al2O3 in the gel powder, it is found that only β-SiAION is formed as the product of CTR/N reaction.


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Extensive molecular dynamics studies of 13 different silica polymorphs are reported in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble with the Parrinello-Rahman variable shape simulation cell. The van Beest-Kramer-van Santen (BKS) potential is shown to predict lattice parameters for most phases within 2%-3% accuracy, as well as the relative stabilities of different polymorphs in agreement with experiment. Enthalpies of high-density polymorphs - CaCl2-type, alpha-PbO2-type, and pyrite-type for which no experimental data are available as yet, are predicted here. Further, the calculated enthalpies exhibit two distinct regimes as a function of molar volume-for low and medium-density polymorphs, it is almost independent of volume, while for high-pressure phases a steep dependence is seen. A detailed analysis indicates that the increased short-range contributions to enthalpy in the high-density phases arise not only from an increased coordination number of silicon but also shorter Si-O bond lengths. Our results indicate that amorphous phases of silica exhibit better optimization of short-range interactions than crystalline phases at the same density while the magnitude of Coulombic contributions is lower in the amorphous phase. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The nature of amorphous carbon has been explored by molecular mechanics by examining the structures of species such as C84Hx and C150Hx, wherein the percentage of sp(3) carbons is progressively increased in a graphitic network. The nature of diamond-like carbon has been similarly investigated by examining the structures of C84Hx and C102Hx where the percentage of sp(2) carbons is varied in an sp(3) network. The dependence of the average coordination number as well as the sp(3)/sp(2) atom ratio on the atom fraction of hydrogen has been investigated in light of the random covalent network model.


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The chain length of the surfactant and the solvent composition are two of the factors that determine whether the lamellar or the hexagonal form of mesoporous SiO2 (or ZrO2) is formed by the neutral amine route; a lamellar-hexagonal transformation occurs on removal of the amine from the former.


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Amorphous carbon-sulfur (a-C:S) composite films were prepared by vapor phase pyrolysis technique. The structural changes in the a-C:S films were investigated by electron microscopy. A powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) study depicts the two-phase nature of a sulfur-incorporated a-C system. The optical bandgap energy shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the sulfur content and preparation temperature. This infers a sulfur incorporation and pyrolysis temperature induced reduction in structural disorder or increase in sp (2) or pi-sites. The presence of sulfur (S 2p) in the a-C:S sample is analyzed by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The sp (3)/sp (2) hybridization ratio is determined by using the XPS C 1s peak fitting, and the results confirm an increase in sp (2) hybrids with sulfur addition to a-C. The electrical resistivity variation in the films depends on both the sulfur concentration and the pyrolysis temperature.


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Abstract is not available.


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A study of the effect of bismuth dopant on the electronic transport properties of the amorphous semiconductors Ge20S80-xBix under high pressure (up to 140 kbar) has been carried out down to liquid-nitrogen temperature. The experiments reveal that the electronic conduction is strongly composition dependent and is thermally activated with a single activation energy at all pressures and for all compositions. A remarkable resemblance between the electronic conduction process, x-ray diffraction studies, and differential thermal analysis results is revealed. It is proposed that the n-type conduction in germanium chalcogenides doped with a large Bi concentration is due to the effect of Bi dopants on the positive correlation energy defects present in germanium chalcogenides. The impurity-induced chemical modification of the network creates a favorable environment for such an interaction.


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