46 resultados para Aleph online guide

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper presents a new approach for assessing power system voltage stability based on artificial feed forward neural network (FFNN). The approach uses real and reactive power, as well as voltage vectors for generators and load buses to train the neural net (NN). The input properties of the NN are generated from offline training data with various simulated loading conditions using a conventional voltage stability algorithm based on the L-index. The performance of the trained NN is investigated on two systems under various voltage stability assessment conditions. Main advantage is that the proposed approach is fast, robust, accurate and can be used online for predicting the L-indices of all the power system buses simultaneously. The method can also be effectively used to determining local and global stability margin for further improvement measures.


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This paper proposes a novel application of differential evolution to solve a difficult dynamic optimisation or optimal control problem. The miss distance in a missile-target engagement is minimised using differential evolution. The difficulty of solving it by existing conventional techniques in optimal control theory is caused by the nonlinearity of the dynamic constraint equation, inequality constraint on the control input and inequality constraint on another parameter that enters problem indirectly. The optimal control problem of finding the minimum miss distance has an analytical solution subject to several simplifying assumptions. In the approach proposed in this paper, the initial population is generated around the seed value given by this analytical solution. Thereafter, the algorithm progresses to an acceptable final solution within a few generations, satisfying the constraints at every iteration. Since this solution or the control input has to be obtained in real time to be of any use in practice, the feasibility of online implementation is also illustrated.


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This paper suggests a scheme for classifying online handwritten characters, based on dynamic space warping of strokes within the characters. A method for segmenting components into strokes using velocity profiles is proposed. Each stroke is a simple arbitrary shape and is encoded using three attributes. Correspondence between various strokes is established using Dynamic Space Warping. A distance measure which reliably differentiates between two corresponding simple shapes (strokes) has been formulated thus obtaining a perceptual distance measure between any two characters. Tests indicate an accuracy of over 85% on two different datasets of characters.


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We propose a novel, language-neutral approach for searching online handwritten text using Frechet distance. Online handwritten data, which is available as a time series (x,y,t), is treated as representing a parameterized curve in two-dimensions and the problem of searching online handwritten text is posed as a problem of matching two curves in a two-dimensional Euclidean space. Frechet distance is a natural measure for matching curves. The main contribution of this paper is the formulation of a variant of Frechet distance that can be used for retrieving words even when only a prefix of the word is given as query. Extensive experiments on UNIPEN dataset(1) consisting of over 16,000 words written by 7 users show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art DTW method. Experiments were also conducted on a Multilingual dataset, generated on a PDA, with encouraging results. Our approach can be used to implement useful, exciting features like auto-completion of handwriting in PDAs.


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In this paper, we describe a system for the automatic recognition of isolated handwritten Devanagari characters obtained by linearizing consonant conjuncts. Owing to the large number of characters and resulting demands on data acquisition, we use structural recognition techniques to reduce some characters to others. The residual characters are then classified using the subspace method. Finally the results of structural recognition and feature-based matching are mapped to give final output. The proposed system Ifs evaluated for the writer dependent scenario.


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This paper addresses the problem of resolving ambiguities in frequently confused online Tamil character pairs by employing script specific algorithms as a post classification step. Robust structural cues and temporal information of the preprocessed character are extensively utilized in the design of these algorithms. The methods are quite robust in automatically extracting the discriminative sub-strokes of confused characters for further analysis. Experimental validation on the IWFHR Database indicates error rates of less than 3 % for the confused characters. Thus, these post processing steps have a good potential to improve the performance of online Tamil handwritten character recognition.


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In this paper, we study the performance of client-Access Point (AP) association policies in IEEE 802.11 based WLANs. In many scenarios, clients have a choice of APs with whom they can associate. We are interested in finding association policies which lead to optimal system performance. More specifically, we study the stability of different association policies as a function of the spatial distribution of arriving clients. We find for each policy the range of client arrival rates for which the system is stable. For small networks, we use Lyapunov function methods to formally establish the stability or instability of certain policies in specific scenarios. The RAT heuristic policy introduced in our prior work is shown to have very good stability properties when compared to several other natural policies. We also validate our analytical results by detailed simulation employing the IEEE 802.11 MAC.


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In many IEEE 802.11 WLAN deployments, wireless clients have a choice of access points (AP) to connect to. In current systems, clients associate with the access point with the strongest signal to noise ratio. However, such an association mechanism can lead to unequal load sharing, resulting in diminished system performance. In this paper, we first provide a numerical approach based on stochastic dynamic programming to find the optimal client-AP association algorithm for a small topology consisting of two access points. Using the value iteration algorithm, we determine the optimal association rule for the two-AP topology. Next, utilizing the insights obtained from the optimal association ride for the two-AP case, we propose a near-optimal heuristic that we call RAT. We test the efficacy of RAT by considering more realistic arrival patterns and a larger topology. Our results show that RAT performs very well in these scenarios as well. Moreover, RAT lends itself to a fairly simple implementation.


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P>1Organisms with low mobility, living within ephemeral environments,need to find vehicles that can disperse them reliably to new environments. The requirement for specificity in this passenger-vehicle relationship is enhanced within a tritrophic interaction when the environment of passenger and vehicle is provided by a third organism. Such relationships pose many interesting questions about specificity within a tritrophic framework. 2. Central to understanding how these tritrophic systems have evolved, is knowing how they function now. Determining the proximal cues and sensory modalities used by passengers to find vehicles and to discriminate between reliable and non-reliable vehicles is, therefore, essential to this investigation. 3. The ancient, co-evolved and highly species-specific nursery pollination mutualism between figs and fig wasps is host to species-specific plant-parasitic nematodes which use fig wasps to travel between figs. Since individual globular fig inflorescences, i.e. syconia, serve as incubators for hundreds of developing pollinating and parasitic wasps, a dispersal-stage nematode within such a chemically,complex and physically crowded environment is faced with the dilemma of choosing the right vehicle for dispersal into a new fig. Such a system therefore affords excellent opportunities to investigate mechanisms that contribute to the evolution of specificity between the passenger and the vehicle. 4. In this study of fig-wasp-nematode tritrophic interactions in Ficus racemosa within which seven wasp species can breed, we demonstrate using two-choice as well as cafeteria assays that plant-parasitic nematodes (Schistonchus racemosa) do not hitch rides randomly on available eclosing wasps within the fig syconium, but are specifically attracted, at close range, i.e. 3 mm distance, to only that vehicle which can quickly, within a few hours, reliably transfer it to another fig. This vehicle is the female pollinating wasp. Male wasps and female parasitic wasps are inappropriate vehicles since the former are wingless and die within the fig, while the latter never enter another fig. Nematodes distinguished between female pollinating wasps and other female parasitic wasps using volatiles and cuticular hydrocarbons. Nematodes could not distinguish between cuticular hydrocarbons of male and female pollinators but used other cues, such as volatiles, at close range, to find female pollinating wasps with which they have probably had a long history of chemical adaptation. 5. This study opens up new questions and hypotheses about the evolution and maintenance of specificity in fig-wasp-nematode tritrophic interactions.


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The conformational dependence of interproton distances in model proline peptides has been investigated in order to facilitate interpretation of the results of Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) studies on such peptides. For this purpose two model systems, namely, Ac-Pro-NHMe and Ac-Pro-X-NHMe have been chosen and used. In the former, short interproton distances detectable in NOE experiments permit a clear distinction between conformations with Pro ψ = -300 (helical region) and those in which ψ is around 1200 (polyproline region). For the latter, the variation of distances between the protons of methyl amide and the Pro ring have been studied by superimposing on the Ramachandran map in the (φ3, ψ3) plane. The results show that β-turns and non-β-turn conformations can be readily distinguished from NOE data and such long range NOEs should be detectable for specific non-β-turn conformations. NOEs involving Cβ and Cγ protons are particularly sensitive to the state of pyrrolidine ring puckering.


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This paper proposes a differential evolution based method of improving the performance of conventional guidance laws at high heading errors, without resorting to techniques from optimal control theory, which are complicated and suffer from several limitations. The basic guidance law is augmented with a term that is a polynomial function of the heading error. The values of the coefficients of the polynomial are found by applying the differential evolution algorithm. The results are compared with the basic guidance law, and the all-aspect proportional navigation laws in the literature. A scheme for online implementation of the proposed law for application in practice is also given. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Theoretical study of propagation characteristics of VLF electromagnetic waves through an idealised parallel-plane earth-crust waveguide with overburden, experimental verification of some of these characteristics with the aid of a model tank and use of range equation reveal the superiority of radio communication between land and a deeply submerged terminal inside a ocean via the earth-crust over direct link communication through the ocean.


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Consideration is given to a 25-foot long Q-band (8 mm) confocal, zoned dielectric lens beam waveguide. Numerical expressions for the axial and radial fields are presented. The experimental set-up consisted of uniformly spaced zoned dielectric lenses, a transmitting horn and a receiving horn. It was found that: (1) the wave beam is reiterated when confocal, zoned dielectric lenses act as phase transformers in place of smooth surfaced transformers in beam waveguides; (2) the axial field is oscillatory near the source and the oscillation persists for about 25 cm from the source; (3) the oscillation disappears after one lens is used; (4) higher order modes with higher attenuation rates die out faster than fundamental modes; (5) phase transformers do not alter beam modes; (6) without any lens the beam cross-section broadens significantly in the Z-direction; (7) with one lens the beam exhibits the reiteration phenomenon; and (8) inserting a second lens on the axial and cross-sectional field distribution shows further the reiteration principle.


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Kinetic data on inhibition of protein synthesis in thymocyte by three abrins and ricin have been obtained. The intrinsic efficiencies of A chains of four toxins to inactivate ribosomes, as analyzed by k1-versus-concentration plots were abrin II, III > ricin > abrin I. The lag times were 90, 66, 75 and 105 min at a 0.0744 nM concentration of each of abrin I, II, III and ricin, respectively. To account for the observed differences in the dose-dependent lag time, functional and structural variables of toxins such as binding efficiency of B chains to receptors and low-pH-induced structural alterations have been analyzed. The association constants obtained by stopped flow studies showed that abrin-I (4.13 × 105 M−1 s−1) association with putative receptor (4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-galactoside) is nearly two times more often than abrin III (2.6 × 105 M−1 s−1) at 20°C. Equillibrium binding constants of abrin I and II to thymocyte at 37°C were 2.26 × 107 M−1 and 2.8 × 107 M−1 respectively. pH-induced structural alterations as studied by a parallel enhancement in 8-anilino-L-naphthalene sulfonate fluorescence revealed a high degree of qualitative similarity. These results taken with a nearly identical concentration-independent lag time (minimum lag of 41–42 min) indicated that the binding efficiencies and internalization efficiencies of these toxins are the same and that the observed difference in the dose-dependent lag time is causally related to the proposed processing event. The rates of reduction of inter-subunit disulfide bond, an obligatory step in the intoxication process, have been measured and compared under a variety of conditions. Intersubunit disulfide reduction of abrin I is fourfold faster than that of abrin II at pH 7.2. The rate of disulfide reduction in abrin I could be decreased 1 I-fold by adding lactose, compared to that without lactose. The observed differences in the efficiencies of A chains, the dose-dependent lag period, the modulating effect of lactose on the rates of disulfide reduction and similarity in binding properties make the variants a valuable tool to probe the processing events in toxin transport in detail.


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This work describes an online handwritten character recognition system working in combination with an offline recognition system. The online input data is also converted into an offline image, and parallely recognized by both online and offline strategies. Features are proposed for offline recognition and a disambiguation step is employed in the offline system for the samples for which the confidence level of the classifier is low. The outputs are then combined probabilistically resulting in a classifier out-performing both individual systems. Experiments are performed for Kannada, a South Indian Language, over a database of 295 classes. The accuracy of the online recognizer improves by 11% when the combination with offline system is used.