141 resultados para AQUEOUS TWO-PHASE SYSTEM

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Three compounds have been found to be stable in the pseudobinary system Na2O---(α)Al2O3 between 825 and 1400 K; two nonstoichiometric phases, β-alumina and β″-alumina, and NaAlO2. The homogeneity of β-alumina ranges from 9.5 to 11 mol% Na2O, while that of β″-alumina from 13.3 to 15.9 mol% Na2O at 1173 K. The activity of Na2O in the two-phase fields has been determined by a solid-state potentiometric technique. Since both β- and β″-alumina are fast sodium ion conductors, biphasic solid electrolyte tubes were used in these electrochemical measurements. The open circuit emf of the following cells were measured from 790 to 980 K: [GRAPHICS] The partial molar Gibbs' energy of Na2O relative to gamma-Na2O in the two-phase regions can be represented as: DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(alpha- + beta-alumina) = -270,900 + 24.03 T, DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(beta- + beta"-alumina) = -232,700 + 56.19 T, and DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(beta"-alumina + NaAlO2) = -13,100 - 4.51 T J mol-1. Similar galvanic cells using a Au-Na alloy and a mixture of Co + CoAl(2+2x)O4+3x + (alpha)Al2O3 as electrodes were used at 1400 K. Thermodynamic data obtained in these studies are used to evaluate phase relations and partial pressure of sodium in the Na2O-(alpha) Al2O3 system as a function of oxygen partial pressure, composition and temperature.


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A kinetic model has been developed for the bulk polymerization of vinyl chloride using Talamini's hypothesis of two-phase polymerization and a new concept of kinetic solubility which assumes that rapidly growing polymer chains have considerably greater solubility than the thermodynamic solubility of preformed polymer molecules of the same size and so can remain in solution even under thermodynamically unfavourable conditions. It is further assumed that this kinetic solubility is a function of chain length. The model yields a rate expression consistent with the experimental data for vinyl chloride bulk polymerization and moreover is able to explain several characteristic kinetic features of this system. Application of the model rate expression to the available rate data has yielded 2.36 × 108l mol−1 sec−1 for the termination rate constant in the polymer-rich phase; as expected, this value is smaller than that reported for homogenous polymerization by a factor of 10–30.


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Presented here is the two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model for the calculation of energy and entropy of molecular fluids from the trajectory of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this method, the density of state (DoS) functions (including the normal modes of translation, rotation, and intramolecular vibration motions) are determined from the Fourier transform of the corresponding velocity autocorrelation functions. A fluidicity parameter (f), extracted from the thermodynamic state of the system derived from the same MD, is used to partition the translation and rotation modes into a diffusive, gas-like component (with 3Nf degrees of freedom) and a nondiffusive, solid-like component. The thermodynamic properties, including the absolute value of entropy, are then obtained by applying quantum statistics to the solid component and applying hard sphere/rigid rotor thermodynamics to the gas component. The 2PT method produces exact thermodynamic properties of the system in two limiting states: the nondiffusive solid state (where the fluidicity is zero) and the ideal gas state (where the fluidicity becomes unity). We examine the 2PT entropy for various water models (F3C, SPC, SPC/E, TIP3P, and TIP4P-Ew) at ambient conditions and find good agreement with literature results obtained based on other simulation techniques. We also validate the entropy of water in the liquid and vapor phases along the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve from the triple point to the critical point. We show that this method produces converged liquid phase entropy in tens of picoseconds, making it an efficient means for extracting thermodynamic properties from MD simulations.


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Displaced squeezed states are proposed as variational ground states for phonons (Bose fields) coupled to two-level systems (spin systems). We have investigated the zero-temperature phase diagram for the localization-delocalization transition of a tunneling particle interacting with an Ohmic heat bath. Our results are compared with known existing approximate treatments. A modified phase diagram using the displaced squeezed state is presented.


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In the present study, electrodeposition technique was used to produce Ag-Ni nanowires. Ag-Ni system shows extremely high bulk immiscibility. Nanowire morphology was achieved by employing an anodic alumina membrane having pores of similar to 200 nm diameter. Microstructure of as-deposited wire was composed of nano-sized solid solution structured Ag-Ni nanoparticles embedded in a matrix of pure Ag phase. It is proposed that the two phase microstructure resulted from an initial formation of solid solution structured nanoparticles in the alumina template pore followed by nucleation of pure Ag phase over the particles which eventually grew to form the matrix phase. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Detailed investigation of the chemical states and local atomic environment of Ni and Zn in the two-phase composites of Zn1-xNixO/NiO was reported. The X-ray photoelectron spectra of both Ni-2p and Zn-2p revealed the existence of a doublet with spin-orbit splitting approximate to 17.9 and 23.2eV, respectively confirming the divalent oxidation state of both Ni and Zn. However, the samples fabricated under oxygen-rich conditions exhibit significant difference in the binding energy approximate to 18.75eV between the 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 states of Ni. The shift in the satellite peaks of Ni-2p with increasing the Ni composition x within the Zn1-xNixO/NiO matrix signifies the attenuation of nonlocal screening because of reduced site occupancy of two adjacent Zn ions. The temperature dependence of X-ray diffraction analysis reveals a large distortion in the axial-rhombohedral angle for oxygen-rich NiO. Conversely, no significant distortion was noticed in the NiO system present as a secondary phase within Zn1-xNixO. Nevertheless, the unit-cell volume of both wurtzite h.c.p. Zn1-xNixO and f.c.c. NiO exhibits an anomalous behavior between 150 and 300 degrees C. The origin of such unusual change in the unit-cell volume was discussed in terms of oxygen stoichiometry.


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Evolution of crystallographic texture in the orthorhombic phase of a two-phase alloy Ti–22Al–25Nb (at%), consisting of orthorhombic (O) and bcc (β/B2) phases, was studied. The material was subjected to deformation in two-phase field as well as in the single β phase field. The resulting evolution of microstructure and crystallographic texture were recorded using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The orthorhombic phase underwent change in morphology (from platelets to equiaxed) on rolling in the two-phase field with the texture getting sharper with the amount of deformation. Rolling above β transus temperature led to hot deformation of single β phase microstructure and its subsequent cooling produced transformed coarse platelets of orthorhombic phase with texture in orientation relation with the high temperature deformed β phase.


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Theoretical optimization studies of the performance of a combustion driven premixed two-phase flow gasdynamic laser are presented. The steady inviscid nonreacting quasi-one-dimensional two-phase flow model including appropriate finite rate vibrational kinetic rates has been used in the analysis. The analysis shows that the effect of the particles on the optimum performance of the two-phase laser is very small. The results are presented in graphical form. Applied Physics Letters is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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analysis of a complex physical problem and the close agreement they achieved with observations. However, the following points need to be clarified. First of all the authors assume that during the initial phases of expansion, the Tayior's instability sets in due to the acceleraacceleration of lighter fluid against the more dense cold water.


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We consider a suspended elastic rod under longitudinal compression. The compression can be used to adjust potential energy for transverse displacements from the harmonic to the double well regime. The two minima in potential energy curve describe two possible buckled states. Using transition state theory (TST) we have calculated the rate of conversion from one state to other. If the strain epsilon = 4 epsilon c the simple TST rate diverges. We suggest a method to correct this divergence for quantum calculations. We also find that zero point energy contributions can be quite large so that single mode calculations can lead to large errors in the rate.


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The evolution of microstructure and texture during deformation of two-phase (alpha + beta) brass was studied for different initial microstructure and texture. The deformation processing involved unidirectional and multi-step cross-rolling. The bulk textures were determined by measuring the pole figures and calculating the orientation distribution function ODF for both alpha (fcc) and beta (bcc) phases, while the microstructure and other microstructural parameters were measured through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with electron back scatter diffraction (SEM-EBSD). Results indicate that textures developed after unidirectional rolling and multi-step cross-rolling are significantly different. The variation in initial texture had a pronounced effect on the development of texture in the alpha phase during subsequent deformation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Six models (Simulators) are formulated and developed with all possible combinations of pressure and saturation of the phases as primary variables. A comparative study between six simulators with two numerical methods, conventional simultaneous and modified sequential methods are carried out. The results of the numerical models are compared with the laboratory experimental results to study the accuracy of the model especially in heterogeneous porous media. From the study it is observed that the simulator using pressure and saturation of the wetting fluid (PW, SW formulation) is the best among the models tested. Many simulators with nonwetting phase as one of the primary variables did not converge when used along with simultaneous method. Based on simulator 1 (PW, SW formulation), a comparison of different solution methods such as simultaneous method, modified sequential and adaptive solution modified sequential method are carried out on 4 test problems including heterogeneous and randomly heterogeneous problems. It is found that the modified sequential and adaptive solution modified sequential methods could save the memory by half and as also the CPU time required by these methods is very less when compared with that using simultaneous method. It is also found that the simulator with PNW and PW as the primary variable which had problem of convergence using the simultaneous method, converged using both the modified sequential method and also using adaptive solution modified sequential method. The present study indicates that pressure and saturation formulation along with adaptive solution modified sequential method is the best among the different simulators and methods tested.


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Analysis of gas-particle nozzle flow is carried out with attention to the effect of dust particles on the vibrational relaxation phenomena and consequent effects on the gain of a gasdynamic laser. The phase nonequilibrium between the gas mixture and the particles during the nozzle expansion process is taken into account simultaneously. The governing equations of the two-phase nozzle flow have been transformed into similar form, and general correlating parameters have been obtained. It is shown from the present analysis that the particles present in the mixture affect the optimum gain obtainable from a gasdynamic laser adversely, and the effect depends on the size and loading of the particles in the mixture.


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The two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model is used to determine the absolute entropy and energy of carbon dioxide over a wide range of conditions from molecular dynamics trajectories. The 2PT method determines the thermodynamic properties by applying the proper statistical mechanical partition function to the normal modes of a fluid. The vibrational density of state (DoS), obtained from the Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation function, converges quickly, allowing the free energy, entropy, and other thermodynamic properties to be determined from short 20-ps MD trajectories. The anharmonic effects in the vibrations are accounted for by the broadening of the normal modes into bands from sampling the velocities over the trajectory. The low frequency diffusive modes, which lead to finite DoS at zero frequency, are accounted for by considering the DoS as a superposition of gas-phase and solid-phase components (two phases). The analytical decomposition of the DoS allows for an evaluation of properties contributed by different types of molecular motions. We show that this 2PT analysis leads to accurate predictions of entropy and energy of CO2 over a wide range of conditions (from the triple point to the critical point of both the vapor and the liquid phases along the saturation line). This allows the equation of state of CO2 to be determined, which is limited only by the accuracy of the force field. We also validated that the 2PT entropy agrees with that determined from thermodynamic integration, but 2PT requires only a fraction of the time. A complication for CO2 is that its equilibrium configuration is linear, which would have only two rotational modes, but during the dynamics it is never exactly linear, so that there is a third mode from rotational about the axis. In this work, we show how to treat such linear molecules in the 2PT framework.


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A combination of numerical and analytical techniques is used to analyse the effect of magnetic field and encapsulated layer on the onset of oscillatory Marangoni instability in a two layer system. Oscillatory Marangoni instability is possible for a deformed free surface only when the system is heated from above. It is observed that the existence of a second layer has a positive effect on Marangoni overstability with magnetic field whereas it has an opposite effect without magnetic field.