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em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Developing novel drugs against the unicellular parasite Plasmodium is complicated by the paucity of simple screening systems. Heat-shock proteins are an essential class of proteins for the parasite's cyclical life style between different cellular milieus and temperatures. The molecular chaperone Hsp90 assists a large variety of proteins, but its supporting functions for many proteins that are important for cancer have made it into a well-studied drug target. With a better understanding of the differences between Hsp90 of the malarial parasite and Hsp90 of its human host, new therapeutic options might become available. We have generated a set of isogenic strains of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae where the essential yeast Hsp90 proteins have been replaced with either of the two human cytosolic isoforms Hsp90 alpha or Hsp90 beta, or with Hsp90 from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). All strains express large amounts of the Flag-tagged Hsp90 proteins and are viable. Even though the strain with Pf Hsp90 grows more poorly, it provides a tool to reconstitute additional aspects of the parasite Hsp90 complex and its interactions with substrates in yeast as a living test tube. Upon exposure of the set of Hsp90 test strains to the two Hsp90 inhibitors radicicol (Rd) and geldanamycin (GA), we found that the strain with Pf Hsp90 is relatively more sensitive to GA than to Rd compared to the strains with human Hsp90's. This indicates that this set of yeast strains could be used to screen for new Pf Hsp90 inhibitors with a wider therapeutic window.


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En 52 steel has been electroslag refined and the resultant effects of refining on its mechanical properties have been assessed. It was found that refining caused a decrease in fatigue crack growth rates and increases in fatigue strength, fracture toughness, Charpy fracture energy and tensile ductility. Fatigue crack growth rates in region I and in region III were found to be considerably lower in the electroslag refined steel: they were unaffected in region II. The fracture toughness values for the electroslag refined steel are nearly twice those estimated for the unrefined steel. Measurements on heat-treated samples have shown that the electroslag refined steel has a better response to heat-treatment. The improvement in the mechanical properties is explained in terms of the removal of nonmetallic inclusions and a reduction in the sulphur content of the steel.


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The ultraviolet bands of mercury bromide have been excited in uncondensed discharge and photographed with a quartz Littrow spectrograph. The class II system, lying between\lambda 2900 å to 2700 å, suggested byWieland as due to the triatomic molecule, has been studied in detail and ascribed to the diatomic molecule. The bands in the regionlambda 2900 å to 2770å have been analysed into two systems which may form the two components of a2 II –2 \sigma electronic transition with a2 II interval equal to 969·4 cm–1.Another system most probably due to2 \sigma–2 \sigma has been observed in the region\lambda 2770 to 2720.


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M r = 251.34, monoclinic, P21/n, a =14.626 (3), b= 7.144 (1), c= 11.996 (2)\AA \betat=90.03 (2) °, V= 1253.4 (6) \AA 3, Z = 4, Dm= 1.326 (3),Dx=1.331(3)gcm -3, MoKat, \lambda = 0.7107 )\AA , \mu=3.51 cm -3, F(000) = 528.0, T-- 293 K, R -- 3.5% for1455 significant reflections. Of particular interest is an intramolecular attractive interaction between the sulphur and oxygen atoms with an S...O distance of 2.658 (3)\AA, in which the oxygen atom appears to actas a nucleophile.


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Regional metamorphic belts provide important constraints on the plate tectonic architecture of orogens. We report here a detailed petrologic examination of the sapphirine-bearing ultra-high temperature (UHT) granulites from the Jining Complex within the Khondalite Belt of the North China Craton (NCC). These granulites carry diagnostic UHT assemblages and their microstructures provide robust evidence to trace the prograde, peak and retrograde metamorphic evolution. The P–T conditions of the granulites estimated from XMgGrt(Mg/Fe + Mg) − XMgSpr isopleth calculations indicate temperature above 970 °C and pressures close to 7 kbar. We present phase diagrams based on thermodynamic computations to evaluate the mineral assemblages and microstructures and trace the metamorphic trajectory of the rocks. The evolution from Spl–Qtz–Ilm–Crd–Grt–Sil to Spr–Qtz–Crd–Opx–Ilm marks the prograde stage. The Spl–Qtz assemblage appears on the low-pressure side of the P–T space with Spr–Qtz stable at the high-pressure side, possibly representing an increase in pressure corresponding to compression. The spectacular development of sapphirine rims around spinel enclosed in quartz supports this inference. An evaluation of the key UHT assemblages based on model proportion calculation suggests a counterclockwise P–T path. With few exceptions, granulite-facies rocks developed along collisional metamorphic zones have generally been characterized by clockwise exhumation trajectories. Recent evaluation of the P–T paths of metamorphic rocks developed within collisional orogens indicates that in many cases the exhumation trajectories follow the model subduction geotherm, in accordance with a tectonic model in which the metamorphic rocks are subducted and exhumed along a plate boundary. The timing of UHT metamorphism in the NCC (c. 1.92 Ga) coincides with the assembly of the NCC within the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent, a process that would have involved subduction of passive margins sediments and closure of the intervening ocean. Thus, the counterclockwise P–T path obtained in this study correlates well with a tectonic model involving subduction and final collisional suturing, with the UHT granulites representing the core of the hot or ultra-hot orogen developed during Columbia amalgamation.


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Condensing enzymes play an important and decisive role in terms of fatty acid composition of any organism. They can be classified as condensing enzymes involved in initiating the cycle and enzymes involved in elongating the initiated fatty acyl chain. In E. coli, two isoforms for the elongation condensing enzymes (FabB and FabF) exists whereas Plasmodium genome contains only one isoform. By in vitro complementation studies in E. coli CY244 cells, we show that PfFabB/ functions like E. coli FabF as the growth of the mutant cells could rescued only in the presence of oleic acid. But unlike bacterial enzyme, PfFabB/F does not increase the cis-vaccenic acid content in the mutant cells upon lowering the growth temperature. This study thus highlights the distinct properties of P. falciparum FabF which sets it apart from E. coli and most other enzymes of this family, described so far.


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A formal chemical nomenclature system WISENOM based on a context-free grammar and graph coding is described. The system is unique, unambiguous, easily pronounceable, encodable, and decodable for organic compounds. Being a formal system, every name is provable as a theorem or derivable as a terminal sentence by using the basic axioms and rewrite rules. The syntax in Backus-Naur form, examples of name derivations, and the corresponding derivation trees are provided. Encoding procedures to convert connectivity tables to WISENOM, parsing, and decoding are described.


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Cibacron Blue F3G-A, a probe used to monitor nucleotide binding domains in enzymes, inhibited sheep liver 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase competitively with respect to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and NADPH. The Ki values obtained by kinetic methods and the Kd value for the binding of the dye to the enzyme estimated by protein fluorescence quenching were in the range 0·9-1·2 μM. Another triazine dye, Procion Red HE-3B interacted with the enzyme in an essentially similar manner to that observed with Cibacron Blue F3G-A. These results as well as the interaction of the dye with the enzyme monitored by difference spectroscopy and intrinsic protein fluorescence quenching methods indicated that the dye was probably interacting at the active site of the enzyme by binding at a hydrophobic region.


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C15HIoN404, monoclinic, P2~/c, a = 10.694(8), b = 11.743 (8), c - 12.658 (8) A, fl = 113.10 (7) °, V = 1462.1 A 3, Z = 4, O m = 1 "38, O c = 1.408 g cm -3, t,t(MoKa, ~, = 0.7107 ]~) = 0.99 cm -i, F(000) = 640. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.054 using 1398 intensity measurements. The relative magnitudes of interaction of the substituents and the extent to which a ring can accommodate interactions with substituents are discussed.


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Standard Gibbs energies of formation of oxysulfides of cerium and yttrium from their respective oxedes were determined using solid oxide galvanic cells incorporating calcia-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte in the temperature range 870–1120 K. The sulfur potential over the electrode containing the oxide and oxysulfide was fixed by a buffer mixture of Ag + Ag2S. A small amount of CaH2 was added to the buffer to generate an equilibrium ratio of H2S and H2 species in a closed system containing the buffer and the electrode. The sulfur potential is transmitted to the electrode via the gas phase. The results can be summarized by the equations 2left angle bracketCeO2right-pointing angle bracket+1/2(S2)→left angle bracketCe2O2Sright-pointing angle bracket+(O2) ΔG°=430600−109·7T(±400)J mol−1 left angle bracketY2O3right-pointing angle bracket+1/2(S2)→left angle bracketY2O2Sright-pointing angle bracket+1/2(O2) ΔG°=114780−1·45T(±200)J mol−1 The values are compared with data reported in the literature. The stability field diagram for the Ce---O---S system has been developed using the results of this study for Ce2O2S and data for other phases from the literature.


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Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) has been employed to monitor surface conductivity changes in YBa2Cu3O7 as a function of temperature. Concomitant use of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) establishes that the formation of oxygen dimers with lowering of temperature is accompanied by a simultaneous increase of surface conductivity.


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Identification of the optimum generation schedule by various methods of coordinating incremental generation costs and incremental transmission losses has been described previously in the literature. This paper presents an analytical approach which reduces the time-consuming iterative procedure into a mere positive-root determination of a third-order polynomial in λ. This approach includes the effect of transmission losses and is suitable for systems with any number of plants. The validity and effectiveness of this method are demonstrated by analysing a sample system.


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AA7475 alloy was deformed up to 25% elongation in INSTRON at 788K. The grain boundary sliding due to this superplastic deformation was measured by Scanning Electron Microscope. The microstructure and texture development due to this deformation at elevated temperature was analyzed from the Orientation Image Microstructures i.e. the Electron Back Scattered Diffraction Image. The Orientation Image Microstructures revealed that superplastic deformation was associated with recovery and recrystallization in-situ process.


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C15HIoN404, monoclinic, P2~/c, a = 10.694(8), b = 11.743 (8), c - 12.658 (8) A, fl = 113.10 (7) °, V = 1462.1 A 3, Z = 4, O m = 1 "38, O c = 1.408 g cm -3, t,t(MoKa, ~, = 0.7107 ]~) = 0.99 cm -i, F(000) = 640. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.054 using 1398 intensity measurements. The relative magnitudes of interaction of the substituents and the extent to which a ring can accommodate interactions with substituents are discussed.


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The molecular structure of collagen is now accepted to be based on a triple-stranded coiled-coil, in which the three strands are held together predominantly by hydrogen bonds. Recent experimental evidence has shown that the presence of hydroxyproline residues in the third position of the repeating tripeptide unit lends additional stability to the collagen structure. In this paper, we report a model structure, which is supported by these observations. In a model structure proposed earlier, there are two hydrogen bonds per tripeptide unit, one of which is a direct interchain hydrogen bond, while the second hydrogen bond can be formedvia a water molecule. It has now been shown that the same water molecule can also form a hydrogen bond with the oxygen of theγ-hydroxyl group of hydroxyproline in the third position in the sequence (Gly-R2-R3). This hydroxyl group can also take part in an inter-triple-helix hydrogen bond. Our studies thus show the role played by hydroxyproline residues in the structure and stability of collagen.