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em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Digital holography is the direct recording of holograms using a CCD camera and is an alternative to the use of a film or a plate. In this communication in-line digital holographic microscopy has been explored for its application in particle imaging in 3D. Holograms of particles of about 10 mu m size have been digitally reconstructed. Digital focusing was done to image the particles in different planes along the depth of focus. Digital holographic particle imaging results were compared with conventional optical microscope imaging. A methodology for dynamic analysis of microparticles in 3D using in-line digital holography has been proposed.


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Using the dimensional reduction regularization scheme, we show that radiative corrections to the anomaly of the axial current, which is coupled to the gauge field, are absent in a supersymmetric U(1) gauge model for both 't Hooft-Veltman and Bardeen prescriptions for γ5. We also discuss the results with reference to conventional dimensional regularization. This result has significant implications with respect to the renormalizability of supersymmetric models.


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ESR spectra of three inorganic glasses doped with Mn2+ and Fe3+ have been studied through their glass transition temperatures (Tg). Spectral features in each case have been discussed with reference to site symmetries. The intensity of the ESR signal has been bound to decrease in the region of Tg. An attempt has been made to explain this interesting feature on the basis of a two-state model.


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Exposure of rats to heat (39 +/- 1 degree C) stimulated liver tryptophan pyrrolase 2-fold between 3 and 48 h. Plasma corticosterone increased 2-fold after 1 h of heat exposure and decreased to a low value of 50% by 16 h. The effect of heat exposure on the enzyme was obtained in adrenalectomized animals. Stimulation by cortisol and tryptophan of the enzyme was also obtained in heat exposure, and the effects seemed to be additive. The concentration of tryptophan in the liver remained unchanged, and that in the plasma decreased to about 50% at 8 h exposure to heat and reverted to normal by 46 h. Simultaneous administration of noradrenaline to heat-exposed rats had no effect, whereas that of thyroxine partly prevented the stimulation of the enzyme activity. Hypothyroid conditions obtained by thyroidectomy or treatment with propylthiouracil significantly stimulated the enzyme activity. Cycloheximide treatment of heat-exposed rats did not prevent the stimulation of the enzyme activity. The results indicate that the effect of heat exposure on liver tryptophan pyrrolase is obtained, due to the accompanying hypothyroid condition, by increasing the activity of the existing protein by a mechanism possibly different from those known at present.


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Live recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast expressing the envelope antigen of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) on the outer mannoprotein layer of the cell wall were examined for their ability to induce antigen-specific antibody responses in mice. When used as a modelantigen, parenteral immunization of mice with surface-expressing GFP yeast induced a strong anti-GFP antibody response in the absence of adjuvants. This antigen delivery approach was then used for a more stringent system, such as the envelope protein of JEV, which is a neurotropic virus requiring neutralizing antibodies for protection.Although 70% of cells were detected to express the total envelope protein on the surface by antibodies raised to the bacterially expressed protein, polyclonal anti-JEV antibodies failed to react with them. In marked contrast, yeast expressing the envelope fragments 238-398, 373-399 and 373-500 in front of a Gly-Ser linker were detected by anti-JEV antibodies as well as a monoclonal antibody but not by antibodies raised to the bacterially expressed protein. Immunization of mice with these surface-expressing recombinants resulted in a strong antibody response. However, the antibodies failed to neutralize the virus, although the fragments were selected based on neutralizing determinants.


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This paper describes the experimental and theoretical studies carried out on particulate composites consisting of BaTiO3, graphite, and rubber. It is shown that such composites exhibit a positive voltage coefficient of resistance beyond a certain voltage. A theoretical model developed to explain the observed V-R characteristics and their dependence on parameters of the composite like composition and grain size of the particles is also described. These composites seem to be useful as varistors with positive voltage coefficient of resistance and may find applications as voltage-regulating devices. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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K-means algorithm is a well known nonhierarchical method for clustering data. The most important limitations of this algorithm are that: (1) it gives final clusters on the basis of the cluster centroids or the seed points chosen initially, and (2) it is appropriate for data sets having fairly isotropic clusters. But this algorithm has the advantage of low computation and storage requirements. On the other hand, hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm, which can cluster nonisotropic (chain-like and concentric) clusters, requires high storage and computation requirements. This paper suggests a new method for selecting the initial seed points, so that theK-means algorithm gives the same results for any input data order. This paper also describes a hybrid clustering algorithm, based on the concepts of multilevel theory, which is nonhierarchical at the first level and hierarchical from second level onwards, to cluster data sets having (i) chain-like clusters and (ii) concentric clusters. It is observed that this hybrid clustering algorithm gives the same results as the hierarchical clustering algorithm, with less computation and storage requirements.


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Background: The Mycobacterium leprae genome has less than 50% coding capacity and 1,133 pseudogenes. Preliminary evidence suggests that some pseudogenes are expressed. Therefore, defining pseudogene transcriptional and translational potentials of this genome should increase our understanding of their impact on M. leprae physiology. Results: Gene expression analysis identified transcripts from 49% of all M. leprae genes including 57% of all ORFs and 43% of all pseudogenes in the genome. Transcribed pseudogenes were randomly distributed throughout the chromosome. Factors resulting in pseudogene transcription included: 1) co-orientation of transcribed pseudogenes with transcribed ORFs within or exclusive of operon-like structures; 2) the paucity of intrinsic stem-loop transcriptional terminators between transcribed ORFs and downstream pseudogenes; and 3) predicted pseudogene promoters. Mechanisms for translational ``silencing'' of pseudogene transcripts included the lack of both translational start codons and strong Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences. Transcribed pseudogenes also contained multiple ``in-frame'' stop codons and high Ka/Ks ratios, compared to that of homologs in M. tuberculosis and ORFs in M. leprae. A pseudogene transcript containing an active promoter, strong SD site, a start codon, but containing two in frame stop codons yielded a protein product when expressed in E. coli. Conclusion: Approximately half of M. leprae's transcriptome consists of inactive gene products consuming energy and resources without potential benefit to M. leprae. Presently it is unclear what additional detrimental affect(s) this large number of inactive mRNAs has on the functional capability of this organism. Translation of these pseudogenes may play an important role in overall energy consumption and resultant pathophysiological characteristics of M. leprae. However, this study also demonstrated that multiple translational ``silencing'' mechanisms are present, reducing additional energy and resource expenditure required for protein production from the vast majority of these transcripts.


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An effective transcriptional response to redox stimuli is of particular importance for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as it adapts to the environment of host alveoli and macrophages. The M. tuberculosis a factor sigma(L) regulates the expression of genes involved in cell-wall and polyketide syntheses. sigma(L) interacts with the cytosolic anti-sigma domain of a membrane-associated protein, RslA. Here we demonstrate that RslA binds Zn2+ and can sequester sigma(L) in a reducing environment. In response to an oxidative stimulus, proximal cysteines in the CXXC motif of RslA form a disulfide bond, releasing bound Zn2+. This results in a substantial rearrangement of the sigma(L)/RslA complex, leading to an 8-fold decrease in the affinity of RslA for sigma(L). The crystal structure of the -35-element recognition domain of sigma(L), sigma(L)(4), bound to RslA reveals that RslA inactivates sigma(L) by sterically occluding promoter DNA and RNpolymerase binding sites. The crystal structure further reveals that the cysteine residues that coordinate Zn2+ in RslA are solvent exposed in the complex, thus providing a structural basis for the redox sensitivity of RslA. The biophysical parameters of sigma(L)/RslA interactions provide a template for understanding how variations in the rate of Zn2+ release and associated conformational changes could regulate the activity of a Zn2+-associated anti-sigma factor. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Query incentive networks capture the role of incentives in extracting information from decentralized information networks such as a social network. Several game theoretic tilt:Kids of query incentive networks have been proposed in the literature to study and characterize the dependence, of the monetary reward required to extract the answer for a query, on various factors such as the structure of the network, the level of difficulty of the query, and the required success probability.None of the existing models, however, captures the practical andimportant factor of quality of answers. In this paper, we develop a complete mechanism design based framework to incorporate the quality of answers, in the monetization of query incentive networks. First, we extend the model of Kleinberg and Raghavan [2] to allow the nodes to modulate the incentive on the basis of the quality of the answer they receive. For this qualify conscious model. we show are existence of a unique Nash equilibrium and study the impact of quality of answers on the growth rate of the initial reward, with respect to the branching factor of the network. Next, we present two mechanisms; the direct comparison mechanism and the peer prediction mechanism, for truthful elicitation of quality from the agents. These mechanisms are based on scoring rules and cover different; scenarios which may arise in query incentive networks. We show that the proposed quality elicitation mechanisms are incentive compatible and ex-ante budget balanced. We also derive conditions under which ex-post budget balance can beachieved by these mechanisms.


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Phase diagram studies show that at ambient pressure only one ternary oxide, Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5), is stable in the ternary systems Cu-Ln-O (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) at high temperatures. The crystal structure of Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) can be described as a zig-zag arrangement of one-dimensional Cu2O5 chains parallel to-the a-axis with Ln atoms occupying distorted octahedral sites between these chains. Four sets of emf measurements on Gibbs energy of formation of Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu; Y) from component binary oxides and one set of high-temperature solution calorimetric data on enthalpy of formation have been reported in the literature. Except for Cu2Y2O5, the measured values for the Gibbs energies of formation of all other Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) compounds fall in a narrow band (+/-1 kJ mol(-1)) and indicate a regular increase in stability with decreasing ionic radius of the lanthanide ion. The values for the second law enthalpy of formation, derived from the temperature dependence of emf obtained in different studies, show larger differences, as high as 25 kJ mol(-1) for Cu2Tm2O5. Though associated with an uncertainty of +/-4 kJ mol(-1), the calorimetric measurements help to identify the best set of emf data. The trends in thermodynamic data correlate well with the global instability index (GII) based on the overall deviation from the valence sum rule. Low values for the index calculated from crystallographic information indicate higher stability. Higher values are indicative of the larger stress in the structure.


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The Indian summer monsoon season of 2009 commenced with a massive deficit in all-India rainfall of 48% of the average rainfall in June. The all-India rainfall in July was close to the normal but that in August was deficit by 27%. In this paper, we first focus on June 2009, elucidating the special features and attempting to identify the factors that could have led to the large deficit in rainfall. In June 2009, the phase of the two important modes, viz., El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the equatorial Indian Ocean Oscillation (EQUINOO) was unfavourable. Also, the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO) was warmer than in other years and much warmer than the Bay. In almost all the years, the opposite is true, i.e., the Bay is warmer than EEIO in June. It appears that this SST gradient gave an edge to the tropical convergence zone over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, in competition with the organized convection over the Bay. Thus, convection was not sustained for more than three or four days over the Bay and no northward propagations occurred. We suggest that the reversal of the sea surface temperature (SST) gradient between the Bay of Bengal and EEIO, played a critical role in the rainfall deficit over the Bay and hence the Indian region. We also suggest that suppression of convection over EEIO in association with the El Nino led to a positive phase of EQUINOO in July and hence revival of the monsoon despite the El Nino. It appears that the transition to a negative phase of EQUINOO in August and the associated large deficit in monsoon rainfall can also be attributed to the El Nino.


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Sixteen million nucleotide sequence of genome of various organisms have been analysed to detect and study the extent of occurrence of simple repetitive sequences. Two sequence motifs (TG/CA)n and (CT/AG)n capable of adopting unusual DNA structures, left handed Z-conformation and triple-helical conformation respectively, are found to be abundant in rodent and human genomes, but almost completely absent in bacterial genome. (TG/CA)n and (CT/AG)n sequences are present mostly in the intron or 5'/3' flanking regions of the genes. The presence of such repeat motifs in genomic sequence of higher eukaryotes has been correlated with their possible functional significance in nucleosome organization, recombination and gene expression.


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A numerical solution for the transient temperature distribution in a cylindrical disc heated on its top surface by a circular source is presented. A finite difference form of the governing equations is solved by the Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) time marching scheme. This solution has direct applications in analyzing transient electron beam heating of target materials as encountered in the prebreakdown current enhancement and consequent breakdown in high voltage vacuum gaps stressed by alternating and pulsed voltages. The solution provides an estimate of the temperature for pulsed electron beam heating and the size of thermally activated microparticles originating from anode hot spots. The calculated results for a typical 45kV (a.c.) electron beam of radius 2.5 micron indicate that the temperature of such spots can reach melting point and could give rise to microparticles which could initiate breakdown.


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An examination of radiation-damage processes consequent to high-energy irradiation in certain ammonium salts studied using ESR of free radical together with the structural information available from neutron diffraction studies shows that, other factors being equal/nearly equal, symmetry-related bonds are preserved in preference to those unrelated to one another by any symmetry.