9 resultados para 1883-1894

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Poly(ethyleneoxide)-poly(vinylalcohol) blends were prepared and characterized using thermal, spectroscopic and structural methods, By all indications the blends appear to be microscopically inhomogeneous with no strong interpolymer bonding. The high degree of crystallinity in PEO regions induces a significant degree of ordering in neighbouring PVA regions, as evident from thermal properties. PVA obtained from solvent evaporation exhibits an irreversible endothermic transition which could be order-disorder type. Both IR and NMR spectroscopies also suggest the presence of subtle structural ordering influence of PEO on PVA. It is found to be possible to prepare self supporting films of the blends which consists of fine dispersion of PEO and PVA in each other. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reaction of cis-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(2)] with 1 equiv of sym-N,N',N `'-triarylguanidines, ArN=C(NHAr)(2) (sym = symmetrical; Ar = 2-MeC6H4 (LH22-tolyl), 2-(MeO)C6H4 (LH22-anisyl), 4-MeC6H4 (LH24-tolyl), 2,5-Me2C6H3 (LH22,5-xylyl), and 2,6-Me2C6H3 (LH22,6-xylyl)) in toluene under reflux condition for 3 h afforded cis- or trans-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(ArN=C(NHAr)(2))] (Ar = 2-MeC6H4 (1), 2-(MeO)C6H4 (2), 4-MeC6H4 (3), 2,5-h Me2C6H3 (4), and 2,6-Me2C6H3 (5), respectively) in 83-96% yield. Reaction of cis-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(2)] with 1 equiv of LH22-tolyl and LH24-tolyl in the presence of 1 equiv of NaOAc in methanol under reflux condition for 3 h afforded acetate-substituted products, cis-(AcO)ClPt(S(O)Me-2)(ArN=C(NHAr)(2))] (Ar = 2-MeC6H4 (6) and 4-MeC6H4 (7)) in 83% and 84% yields, respectively. Reaction of cis-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(2)] with 1 equiv of LH22-anisyl and LH22-tolyl in the presence of 1 equiv of NaOAc in methanol under reflux condition for 3 and 12 h afforded six-membered C,N] platinacycles, Pt{kappa(2)(C,N)-C6H3R-3(NHC(NHAr)(=NAr))-2}Cl(S(O)Me-2)] (Ar = 2-RC6H4; R = OMe (8) and Me (9)), in 92% and 79% yields, respectively. The new complexes have been characterized by analytical and spectroscopic techniques, and further the molecular structures of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The platinum atom in 1, 4, and 5 exhibited the trans configuration, while that in 2, 6, and 8 exhibited the cis configuration. Complex 6 is shown to be the precursor for 9, and the former is suggested to transform to the latter possibly via an intramolecular C-H activation followed by elimination of AcOH. The solution behavior of new complexes has been studied by multinuclear NMR (H-1, Pt-195, and C-13) spectroscopy. The new complexes exist exclusively as a single isomer (trans (1 and 5) and cis (6 and 7)), a mixture of cis and trans isomers with the former isomer being predominant in the case of 2 and the latter isomer being predominant in the case of 3. Complex 5 in the trans form revealed the presence of one isomer at 0.007 mM concentration and two isomers in about 1.00:0.12 ratio at 0.154 mM concentration as revealed by H-1 NMR spectroscopy, and this has been ascribed to the restricted Pt-S bond rotation at higher concentration. Platinacycle 8 exists as one isomer, while 9 exists as a mixture of seven isomers in solution. The influence of steric factor, pi-acceptor property of the guanidine, subtle solid-state packing forces upon the configuration of the platinum atom, and the number of isomers in solution have been outlined. Factors that accelerate or slow down the cycloplatination reaction, the role of NaOAc, and a plausible mechanism of this reaction have been discussed.


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A new method of modeling material behavior which accounts for the dynamic metallurgical processes occurring during hot deformation is presented. The approach in this method is to consider the workpiece as a dissipator of power in the total processing system and to evaluate the dissipated power co-contentJ = ∫o σ ε ⋅dσ from the constitutive equation relating the strain rate (ε) to the flow stress (σ). The optimum processing conditions of temperature and strain rate are those corresponding to the maximum or peak inJ. It is shown thatJ is related to the strain-rate sensitivity (m) of the material and reaches a maximum value(J max) whenm = 1. The efficiency of the power dissipation(J/J max) through metallurgical processes is shown to be an index of the dynamic behavior of the material and is useful in obtaining a unique combination of temperature and strain rate for processing and also in delineating the regions of internal fracture. In this method of modeling, noa priori knowledge or evaluation of the atomistic mechanisms is required, and the method is effective even when more than one dissipation process occurs, which is particularly advantageous in the hot processing of commercial alloys having complex microstructures. This method has been applied to modeling of the behavior of Ti-6242 during hot forging. The behavior of α+ β andβ preform microstructures has been exam-ined, and the results show that the optimum condition for hot forging of these preforms is obtained at 927 °C (1200 K) and a strain rate of 1CT•3 s•1. Variations in the efficiency of dissipation with temperature and strain rate are correlated with the dynamic microstructural changes occurring in the material.


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Two-dimensional NMR and molecular dynamics simulations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structures of two hairpin DNA structures: d-CTAGAG GATCCUTTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U1-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTUTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U3-hairpin). The (1) H resonances of both of these hairpin structures have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimization procedures have been used to describe the three-dimensional structures of these hairpins. This study and concurrent NMR structural studies on two other d-CTAGAGGA TCCTUTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U2-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (abbreviated as U4-hairpin) have shed light upon various interactions reported between Echerichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) and uracil-containing DNA. The backbone torsion angles, which partially influence the local conformation of U12 and U14 in U1 and U3-hairpins, respectively, are probably locked in the trans conformation as in the case of U-13 in the U2-hairpin. Such a stretched-out backbone conformation in the vicinity of U-12 and U-14 is thought to be the reason why the K-m value is poor for U1- and U3-hairpins as it is for the U2-hairpin. Furthermore, the bases U-12 and U-14 in both U1- and U3-hairpins adopt an anti conformation, in contrast with the base conformation of U-13 in the U2-hairpin, which adopts a syn conformation. The clear discrepancy observed in the U-base orientation with respect to the sugar moieties could explain why the V-max value is 10- to 20-fold higher for the U1- and U3-hairpins compared with the U2-hairpin. Taken together, these observations support our interpretation that the unfavourable backbone results in a poor K-m value, whereas the unfavourable nucleotide conformation results in a poor V-max value. These two parameters therefore make the U1- and U3-hairpins better substrates for UDG compared with the U2-hairpin, as reported earlier [Kumar, N. V. & Varshney, U. (1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 2336-2343.].


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The single perovskite slab alkylammonium lead iodides (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4, n = 12, 16, 18, display two phase transitions, just above room temperature, associated with changes in the alkylammonium chains. We have followed these two phase transitions using scanning calorimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, and IR and Raman spectroscopies. We find the first phase transition to be associated with symmetry changes arising from a dynamic rotational disordering of the ammonium headgroup of the chain whereas the second transition, the melting of the chains in two dimensions, is characterized by an increased conformational disorder of the methylene units of the alkyl chains. We examine these phase transitions in light of the interesting optical properties of these materials, as well as the relevance of these systems as models for phase transitions in lipid bilayers.


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This paper presents a novel method of representing rotation and its application to representing the ranges of motion of coupled joints in the human body, using planar maps. The present work focuses on the viability of this representation for situations that relied on maps on a unit sphere. Maps on a unit sphere have been used in diverse applications such as Gauss map, visibility maps, axis-angle and Euler-angle representations of rotation etc. Computations on a spherical surface are difficult and computationally expensive; all the above applications suffer from problems associated with singularities at the poles. There are methods to represent the ranges of motion of such joints using two-dimensional spherical polygons. The present work proposes to use multiple planar domain “cube” instead of a single spherical domain, to achieve the above objective. The parameterization on the planar domains is easy to obtain and convert to spherical coordinates. Further, there is no localized and extreme distortion of the parameter space and it gives robustness to the computations. The representation has been compared with the spherical representation in terms of computational ease and issues related to singularities. Methods have been proposed to represent joint range of motion and coupled degrees of freedom for various joints in digital human models (such as shoulder, wrist and fingers). A novel method has been proposed to represent twist in addition to the existing swing-swivel representation.


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In this paper, we report on the concept and the design principle of ultrafast Raman loss spectroscopy (URLS) as a structure-elucidating tool. URLS is an analogue of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) but more sensitive than SRS with better signal-to-noise ratio. It involves the interaction of two laser sources, namely, a picosecond (ps) Raman pump pulse and a white-light (WL) continuum, with a sample, leading to the generation of loss signals on the higher energy (blue) side with respect to the wavelength of the Raman pump unlike the gain signal observed on the lower energy (red) side in SRS. These loss signals are at least 1.5 times more intense than the SRS signals. An experimental study providing an insight into the origin of this extra intensity in URLS as compared to SRS is reported. Furthermore, the very requirement of the experimental protocol for the signal detection to be on the higher energy side by design eliminates the interference from fluorescence, which appears on the red side. Unlike CARS, URLS signals are not precluded by the non-resonant background and, being a self-phase-matched process, URLS is experimentally easier. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Stimulated optical signals obtained by subjecting the system to a narrow band and a broadband pulse show both gain and loss Raman features at the red and blue side of the narrow beam, respectively. Recently observed temperature-dependent asymmetry in these features Mallick et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. 42, 1883 (2011); Dang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 043001 (2011)] has been attributed to the Stokes and anti-Stokes components of the third-order susceptibility, chi((3)). By treating the setup as a steady state of an open system coupled to four quantum radiation field modes, we show that Stokes and anti-Stokes processes contribute to both the loss and gain resonances. chi((3)) predicts loss and gain signals with equal intensity for electronically off-resonant excitation. Some asymmetry may exist for resonant excitation. However, this is unrelated to the Stokes vs anti-Stokes processes. Any observed temperature-dependent asymmetry must thus originate from effects lying outside the chi((3)) regime.