7 resultados para 1828-1863

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Liquids of silver-copper alloys with near eutectic compositions embedded in a copper matrix were undercooled. The structural and microstructural investigations of these alloys solidified from undercooled temperature indicated the absence of both the eutectic reaction and diffusionless transformation below the equal free energy curve (T0). Instead the liquid maintained local equilibrium with the copper dendrites continuously until it intersected the extended solidus of the silver rich solid solution.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of a two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel(GMAC) have been recently reported. For such a channel, code pairs based on trellis coded modulation are proposed in this paper with MPSK and M-PAM alphabet pairs, for arbitrary values of M,toachieve sum rates close to the CC sum capacity of the GMAC. In particular, the structure of the sum alphabets of M-PSK and M-PAMmalphabet pairs are exploited to prove that, for certain angles of rotation between the alphabets, Ungerboeck labelling on the trellis of each user maximizes the guaranteed squared Euclidean distance of the sum trellis. Hence, such a labelling scheme can be used systematically,to construct trellis code pairs to achieve sum rates close to the CC sum capacity. More importantly, it is shown for the first time that ML decoding complexity at the destination is significantly reduced when M-PAM alphabet pairs are employed with almost no loss in the sum capacity.


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In this paper studies were carried out on two compact electric discharge plasma sources for controlling nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission in diesel engine exhaust. The plasma sources consist of an old television flyback transformer to generate high frequency high voltage ac (HVAC) and an automobile ignition coil to generate the high voltage pulses (HV Pulse). The compact plasma sources are aimed at retrofitting the existing catalytic converters with electric discharge assisted cleaning technique. To enhance NOX removal efficiency cascaded plasma-adsorbent technique has been used. Studies were reported at different flow rates and load conditions of the diesel engine.


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In the present investigation, Al2O3 thin films were deposited onto Si < 100 > substrates by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The films were annealed in vacuum for one hour at 623, 823 and 1023 K. The composition of the films was quantitatively estimated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the O/Al ratio was found be in the range 1.19 to 1.43. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) results revealed that the annealed films are amorphous in nature. Cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (X-TEM) analysis was carried out to study the microstructure and nature of the Al2O3-Si interface as a function of post-deposition annealing. TEM results revealed the presence of nanocrystalline gamma-Al2O3 in the annealed films and an amorphous interface layer was observed at the Al2O3 Si interface. The thickness of the amorphous interface layer was determined from the TEM analysis and the results are discussed.


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The goal in the whisper activity detection (WAD) is to find the whispered speech segments in a given noisy recording of whispered speech. Since whispering lacks the periodic glottal excitation, it resembles an unvoiced speech. This noise-like nature of the whispered speech makes WAD a more challenging task compared to a typical voice activity detection (VAD) problem. In this paper, we propose a feature based on the long term variation of the logarithm of the short-time sub-band signal energy for WAD. We also propose an automatic sub-band selection algorithm to maximally discriminate noisy whisper from noise. Experiments with eight noise types in four different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions show that, for most of the noises, the performance of the proposed WAD scheme is significantly better than that of the existing VAD schemes and whisper detection schemes when used for WAD.


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Background: Candida auris is a multidrug resistant, emerging agent of fungemia in humans. Its actual global distribution remains obscure as the current commercial methods of clinical diagnosis misidentify it as C. haemulonii. Here we report the first draft genome of C. auris to explore the genomic basis of virulence and unique differences that could be employed for differential diagnosis. Results: More than 99.5 % of the C. auris genomic reads did not align to the current whole (or draft) genome sequences of Candida albicans, Candida lusitaniae, Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae; thereby indicating its divergence from the active Candida clade. The genome spans around 12.49 Mb with 8527 predicted genes. Functional annotation revealed that among the sequenced Candida species, it is closest to the hemiascomycete species Clavispora lusitaniae. Comparison with the well-studied species Candida albicans showed that it shares significant virulence attributes with other pathogenic Candida species such as oligopeptide transporters, mannosyl transfersases, secreted proteases and genes involved in biofilm formation. We also identified a plethora of transporters belonging to the ABC and major facilitator superfamily along with known MDR transcription factors which explained its high tolerance to antifungal drugs. Conclusions: Our study emphasizes an urgent need for accurate fungal screening methods such as PCR and electrophoretic karyotyping to ensure proper management of fungemia. Our work highlights the potential genetic mechanisms involved in virulence and pathogenicity of an important emerging human pathogen namely C. auris. Owing to its diversity at the genomic scale; we expect the genome sequence to be a useful resource to map species specific differences that will help develop accurate diagnostic markers and better drug targets.