111 resultados para 091207 Metals and Alloy Materials

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The solidification behaviour is described of two pure metals (Bi and Ni) and two eutectic alloys (A1-Ge and AI-Cu) under nonequilibrium conditions, in particular the microsecond pulsed laser surface melting. The resolidification behaviour of bismuth shows that epitaxial regrowth is the dominant mechanism. For mixed grain size, regrowth of larger grains dominates the microstructure and can result in the development of texture. In the case of nickel, epitaxial growth has been noted. For lower energy pulse-melted pool, grain refinement takes place, indicating nucleation of fresh nickel grains. The A1-Ge eutectic alloy indicates the nucleation and columnar growth of a metastable monoclinic phase from the melt-substrate interface at a high power density laser irradiation. An equiaxed microstructure containing the same monoclinic phase is obtained at a lower power density laser irradiation. It is shown that the requirement of solution partition acts as a barrier to eutectic regrowth from the substrate. The laser-melted pool of A1-Cu eutectic alloy includes columnar growth of c~-A1 and 0-A12Cu phase followed by the dendritic growth of A12Cu phase with ct-Al forming at the interdendritic space. In addition, a banded microstructure was observed in the resolidified laser-melted pool.


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At the present time, materials with dimensions in the range of microns to nanometers have become the prime objects of vigorous research activities of all over the world. The possibility of artificially creating novel materials with exotic and tailor made properties that are essential for future development in the frontier areas of electronics, photonics, spintronics etc has generated much interest in the study of these mesoscopic and nanoscopic materials. These materials also have the potential for wide ranging economically viable technological, industrial, engineering and bio-medical applications. They may consist of metals , alloys , ceramics, polymers, composites and biological materials; which are usually assembled at the atomic / molecular level to achieve new properties. Understanding the underlying science and characterization of these new materials with a view of harnessing their exotic properties is the prime focus of the researchers. These Proceedings address these issues relating to mesoscopic, nanoscopic and macroscopic materials.


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The Gibbs-Bogoliubov formalism in conjunction with the pseudopotential theory is applied to the calculation of the vapour pressure of eight liquid metals from Groups I to IV of the periodic table and of alloys (Na-K). The calculated vapour pressure of the elements and their temperature dependencies, the partial pressures, activities and boiling points of the alloys are all found to be in reasonable agreement with measured data.


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Single-layer graphene (SLG), the 3.4 angstrom thick two-dimensional sheet of sp(2) carbon atoms, was first prepared in 2004 by mechanical exfoliation of graphite crystals using the scotch tape technique. Since then, SLG has been prepared by other physical methods such as laser irradiation or ultrasonication of graphite in liquid media. Chemical methods of synthesis of SLG are more commonly used; the most popular involves preparation of single-layer graphene oxide followed by reduction with a stable reagent, often assisted by microwave heating. This method yields single-layer reduced graphene oxide. Other methods for preparing SLG include chemical vapour deposition over surfaces of transition metals such as Ni and Cu. Large-area SLG has also been prepared by epitaxial growth over SIC. Few-layer graphene (FLG) is prepared by several methods; arc discharge of graphite in hydrogen atmosphere being the most convenient. Several other methods for preparing FLG include exfoliation of graphite oxide by rapid heating, ultrasonication or laser irradiation of graphite in liquid media, reduction of few-layer graphene oxide, alkali metal intercalation followed by exfoliation. Graphene nanoribbons, which are rectangular strips of graphene, are best prepared by the unzipping of carbon nanotubes by chemical oxidation or laser irradiation. Many graphene analogues of inorganic materials such as MoS2, MoSe2 and BN have been prepared by mechanical exfoliation, ultrasonication and by chemical methods involving high-temperature or hydrothermal reactions and intercalation of alkali metals followed by exfoliation. Scrolls of graphene are prepared by potassium intercalation in graphite or by microwave irradiation of graphite immersed in liquid nitrogen.


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In this paper, we study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity to mobility ratio (DMR) in n-channel inversion layers of non-linear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion relation by considering their special properties within the frame work of k.p formalism. The results for the n-channel inversion layers of III-V, ternary and quaternary materials form a special case of our generalized analysis. The DMR for n-channel inversion layers of II-VI, IV-VI and stressed materials has been investigated by formulating the respective 2D electron dispersion laws. It has been found, taking n-channel inversion layers of CdGeAs2, Cd(3)AS(2), InAs, InSb, Hg1-xCdxTe, In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP, CdS, PbTe, PbSnTe, Pb1-xSnxSe and stressed InSb as examples, that the DMR increases with the increasing surface electric field with different numerical values and the nature of the variations are totally band structure dependent. The well-known expression of the DMR for wide gap materials has been obtained as a special case under certain limiting conditions and this compatibility is an indirect test for our generalized formalism. Besides, an experimental method of determining the 2D DMR for n-channel inversion layers having arbitrary dispersion laws has been suggested.


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Metal Auger intensity ratios of the type Z(CVV)/I(CC'V) and Z(CVV)/Z(CC'C"), where C, C' and C" denote core levels and V stands for a valence level, are shown to increase progressively with the number of valence electrons in the metal in the case of second-row transition metals and their oxides. Metal Auger intensity ratios in chalcogenides of transition metals can be correlated by taking the effective atomic charge on the metal into consideration. The possible use of metal Auger intensity ratios in the study of surface oxidation of second-row transition metals is illustrated in the case of zirconium.


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Adsorption of CO has been investigated on the surfaces of polycrystalline transition metals as well as alloys by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (ups). CO adsorbs on polycrystalline transition metal surfaces with a multiplicity of sites, each being associated with a characteristic CO stretching frequency; the relative intensities vary with temperature as well as coverage. Whilst at low temperatures (80- 120 K), low coordination sites are stabilized, the higher coordination sites are stabilized at higher temperatures (270-300 K). Adsorption on surfaces of polycrystalline alloys gives characteristic stretching frequencies due to the constituent metal sites. Alloying, however, causes a shift in the stretching frequencies, indicating the effect of the band structure on the nature of adsorption. The up spectra provide confirmatory evidence for the existence of separate metal sites in the alloys as well as for the high-temperature and low-temperature phases of adsorbed CO.


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We investigate the Einstein relation for the diffusivity-mobility ratio (DMR) for n-i-p-i and the microstructures of nonlinear optical compounds on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion law. The corresponding results for III-V, ternary and quaternary materials form a special case of our generalized analysis. The respective DMRs for II-VI, IV-VI and stressed materials have been studied. It has been found that taking CdGeAs2, Cd3As2, InAs, InSb, Hg1−xCdxTe, In1−xGaxAsyP1−y lattices matched to InP, CdS, PbTe, PbSnTe and Pb1−xSnxSe and stressed InSb as examples that the DMR increases with increasing electron concentration in various manners with different numerical magnitudes which reflect the different signatures of the n-i-p-i systems and the corresponding microstructures. We have suggested an experimental method of determining the DMR in this case and the present simplified analysis is in agreement with the suggested relationship. In addition, our results find three applications in the field of quantum effect devices.


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Sulphuryl chlorofluoride has no observable reaction with metals and metal oxides at room temperature. Metals like copper, silver, iron, and zinc react with the chlorofluoride in the temperature range 200–400°C. Metal chlorides, metal fluorides and sulphur dioxide are the main products of these reactions. With the corresponding metal oxides, on the other hand, the respective metal sulphates are formed in addition to the metal chlorides and fluorides. In the case of lead and lead oxide, lead chlorofluoride is formed instead of lead chloride and lead fluoride. Sulphuryl fluoride is formed in small quantities in all these reactions by the decomposition of the chlorofluoride. Glass is not attacked by sulphuryl chlorofluoride below 500°C.


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Abstract is not available.


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Coulomb interaction strengths (Udd and Uff) have been calculated from Hartree-Fock-Slater atomic calculations for 3d transition and 5f actinide elements, respectively. By decomposing the different contributions to the response (screening) to the 3d charge fluctuation, we show that a substantial reduction in Udd arises due to the relaxation of the 3d charge distribution itself. This, combined with the screening due to the response of the 4s charge density, is shown to provide a very compact screening charge comparable to the metallic case, explaining the success of the atomic calculations for estimating U even in the metals. A pronounced dependence of Udd (or Uff) on the number of electrons nd (nf) or the electronic configuration is also shown here.


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An attempt is made to study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity-to-mobility ratio (DMR) under crossed fields' configuration in nonlinear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion law by incorporating the crystal field in the Hamiltonian and including the anisotropies of the effective electron mass and the spin-orbit splitting constants within the framework of kp formalisms. The corresponding results for III-V, ternary and quaternary compounds form a special case of our generalized analysis. The DMR has also been investigated for II-VI and stressed materials on the basis of various appropriate dispersion relations. We have considered n-CdGeAs2, n-Hg1-xCdxTe, n-In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP, p-CdS and stressed n-InSb materials as examples. The DMR also increases with increasing electric field and the natures of oscillations are totally band structure dependent with different numerical values. It has been observed that the DMR exhibits oscillatory dependences with inverse quantizing magnetic field and carrier degeneracy due to the Subhnikov-de Haas effect. An experimental method of determining the DMR for degenerate materials in the present case has been suggested. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Interaction of graphene, graphene oxide, and related nanocarbons with radiation gives rise to many novel properties and phenomena. Irradiation of graphene oxide in solid state or in solution by sunlight, UV radiation, or excimer laser radiation reduces it to graphene with negligible oxygen functionalities on the surface. This transformation can be exploited for nanopatterning and for large scale production of reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Laser-induced dehydrogenation of hydrogenated graphene can also be used for this purpose. All such laser-induced transformations are associated with thermal effects. RGO emits blue light on UV excitation, a feature that can be used to generate white light in combination with a yellow emitter. RGO as well as graphene nanoribbons are excellent detectors of infra-red radiation while RGO is a good UV detector.


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A new solid state synthetic route has been developed toward metal and bimetallic alloy nanoparticles from metal salts employing amine-boranes, as the reducing agent. During the reduction, amine-borane plays a dual role: acts as a reducing agent and reduces the metal salts to their elemental form and simultaneously generates a stabilizing agent in situ which controls the growth of the particles and stabilizes them in the nanosize regime. Employing different amine-boranes with differing reducing ability (ammonia borane (AB), dimethylamine borane (DMAB), and triethylamine borane (TMAB)) was found to have a profound effect on the particle size and the size distribution. Usage of AB as the reducing agent provided the smallest possible size with best size distribution. Employment of TMAB also afforded similar results; however, when DMAB was used as the reducing agent it resulted in larger sized nanoparticles that are polydisperse too. In the AB mediated reduction, BNHx polymer generated in situ acts as a capping agent whereas, the complexing amine of the other amine-boranes (DMAB and TMAB) play the same role. Employing the solid state route described herein, monometallic Au, Ag, Cu, Pd, and Ir and bimetallic CuAg and CuAu alloy nanoparticles of <10 nm were successfully prepared. Nucleation and growth processes that control the size and the size distribution of the resulting nanoparticles have been elucidated in these systems.