33 resultados para 0-50 m

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Single-phase LaNi1-xMnxO3 samples in the compositional range 0mposition of precursor hydroxide solid solutions, and La2NiMnO6 was prepared from a mixture of carbonates. All the samples contained a disordered array of nickel and manganese ions. X-ray absorption and XPS measurements indicate the presence of Mn(III) and Ni(III) valence states at room temperature for x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.5. Magnetic susceptibility data suggest Mn4+ solute ions and Stoner-enhanced Pauli paramagnetism of the metallic solvent for x=0.01 with a smooth transition to Mn3+ solute ions and a spontaneously magnetised solvent conduction band at x=0.05. Below 200K, the x=0.05 sample forms superparamagnetic clusters, and below 40K there is evidence for an antiferromagnet spin-density wave. Comparisons with LaCo0.95Mn0.05O3 and La0.98Sr0.02CoO3 confirm that the long-range magnetic coupling occurs via solvent electrons in a narrow conduction band. The conductivity changes from that of a narrow-band metal for x<0.01 to that more characteristic of diffusive motion for x>0.05, but any motional enthalpy appears to remain small ( Delta Hm approximately=0). The x=0.1 sample exhibits ferrimagnetic spin glass behaviour below 40K, and the ferromagnetic interactions increase with manganese concentration. The oxide with x=0.50 is ferromagnetic with a well defined Curie temperature.


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In our earlier study, we have observed that hypokalemia in langur monkeys, following gossypol acetic acid (GAA) treatment (5 mg dose level) when used as an antispermatogenic agent, and potassium salt supplementation partially maintained body potassium level of the animals. The aims of the present investigation was to confirm further occurrence of hypokalemia in the monkey (comparatively at two higher dose levels) and the role of potassium salt in preventing occurrence of gossypol-induced hypokalemia. Highly purified gossypol acetic acid alone at two dose levels (7.5 and 10 mg/animal/day; oral) and in combination with potassium chloride (0.50 and 0.75 mg/animal/day; oral) was given for 180 days. Treatment with gossypol alone as well as with the supplementation of potassium salt resulted in severe oligospermia and azoospermia. Animals receiving gossypol alone showed significant potassium deficiency with signs of fatigue at both dose levels. Enhanced potassium loss through urine was found in potassium-deficient animals, whereas animals receiving gossypol acetic acid plus potassium salt showed normal serum potassium with a less significant increase in urine potassium level during treatment phases. Other parameters of the body remained within normal range except gradual and significant elevation in serum transaminases activity. The animals gradually returned to normalcy following 150 and 180 days of termination of the treatment.


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The objective of the current study was to investigate the mechanism by which the corpus luteum (CL) of the monkey undergoes desensitization to luteinizing hormone following exposure to increasing concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as it occurs in pregnancy. Female bonnet monkeys were injected (im) increasing doses of hCG or dghCG beginning from day 6 or 12 of the luteal phase for either 10 or 4 or 2 days. The day of oestrogen surge was considered as day '0' of luteal phase. Luteal cells obtained from CL of these animals were incubated with hCG (2 and 200 pg/ml) or dbcAMP (2.5, 25 and 100 mu M) for 3 h at 37 degrees C and progesterone secreted was estimated. Corpora lutea of normal cycling monkeys on day 10/16/22 of the luteal phase were used as controls, In addition the in vivo response to CG and deglycosylated hCG (dghCG) was assessed by determining serum steroid profiles following their administration. hCG (from 15-90 IU) but not dghCG (15-90 IU) treatment in vivo significantly (P < 0.05) elevated serum progesterone and oestradiol levels. Serum progesterone, however, could not be maintained at a elevated level by continuous treatment with hCG (from day 6-15), the progesterone level declining beyond day 13 of luteal phase. Administering low doses of hCG (15-90 IU/day) from day 6-9 or high doses (600 IU/day) on days 8 and 9 of the luteal phase resulted in significant increase (about 10-fold over corresponding control P < 0.005) in the ability of luteal cells to synthesize progesterone (incubated controls) in vitro. The luteal cells of the treated animals responded to dbcAMP (P < 0.05) but not to hCG added in vitro, The in vitro response of luteal cells to added hCG was inhibited by 0, 50 and 100% if the animals were injected with low (15-90 IU) or medium (100 IU) between day 6-9 of luteal phase and high (600 IU on day 8 and 9 of luteal phase) doses of dghCG respectively; such treatment had no effect on responsivity of the cells to dbcAMP, The luteal cell responsiveness to dbcAMP in vitro was also blocked if hCG was administered for 10 days beginning day 6 of the luteal phase. Though short term hCG treatment during late luteal phase (from days 12-15) had no effect on luteal function, 10 day treatment beginning day 12 of luteal phase resulted in regain of in vitro responsiveness to both hCG (P < 0.05) and dbcAMP (P < 0.05) suggesting that luteal rescue can occur even at this late stage. In conclusion, desensitization of the CL to hCG appears to be governed by the dose/period for which it is exposed to hCG/dghCG. That desensitization is due to receptor occupancy is brought out by the fact that (i) this can be achieved by giving a larger dose of hCG over a 2 day period instead of a lower dose of the hormone for a longer (4 to 10 days) period and (ii) the effect can largely be reproduced by using dghCG instead of hCG to block the receptor sites. It appears that to achieve desensitization to dbcAMP also it is necessary to expose the luteal cell to relatively high dose of hCG for more than 4 days.


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M r = 438.45, trigonal, P32, a = b = 13.385 (4), c = 9.900 (5) A,, V = 1536.0 A 3, Z = 3, D x = 1.42, D m = 1.42 Mg m -3, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A,,g(CuKa) = .800mm -], T=290K, F(000)=690, R=6.0% for 1222 unique reflections with F o>_2o(Fo). This is the first 2',3'-O-isopropylidene pyrimidine nucleoside with the base in a syn orientation with respect to the ribose [Xcy= 116.0(7)°]. The ribose has a C(3')-endo conformation with the phase angle of pseudorotation P = 16.36 (2) °. The dioxolane ring assumes an envelope conformation with 0(2') displaced from the best four-atom plane by 0.50 (1) k. The crystal structure is possibly stabilized by a bifurcated hydrogen bond between N(3) and the 0(2) and 0(4) atoms of screw-related molecules.


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Observations of the H272α recombination line towards the galactic centre show features near VLSR= 0, -50 and + 36 kms-1 . We have combined the parameters of these features with the available -166 measurements to obtain the properties of the ionized gas present along the line of sight and also in the -3 kpc arm-. For the line-of-sight ionized gas we get an electron density around 7 cm-3 and a pathlength through it 10-60 pc. The emission measure and the electron temperature are in the range 500-2900 pc cm-6 and 2000-6000 - respectively. The ionized gas in the 3 kpc arm has an electron density of 30 cm-3 and extends over 9 pc along the line of sight if we assume an electron temperature of 104 K. Using the available upper limit to the intensity of the H351α recombination line, we show that the distributed ionized gas responsible for the dispersion of pulsar signals should have a temperature > 4500 - and a minimum filling factor of 20 per cent. We also show that recombination lines from the -warm ionized- gas proposed by McKee & Ostriker (1977) should be detectable in the frequency range 100-150 MHz towards the galactic centre with the sensitivity available at present.


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Electrically active deep levels related to nickel in silicon are studied under different diffusion conditions, quenching modes, and annealing conditions. The main nickel-related level is at Ev+0.32 eV. Levels at Ev+0.15 and Ev+0.54 eV are not related to nickel while those at Ev+0.50 and Ev+0.28 eV may be nickel related. Their concentrations depend on the quenching mode. There is no nickel-related level in the upper half of the band gap. The complicated annealing behavior of the main nickel-related level is explained on the basis of the formation and dissociation of a nickel-vacany complex. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The drift mobility of photoexcited holes in single-crystal beta-AgI has been measured between 260 and 312 °K. In this range the drift mobility µd increased with temperature due to trap-limited behavior. At 300 °K µd=12 cm2/V sec, the concentration and energy of the dominant traps being given by Nt=3×109 to 5×109/cm3 and Et=0.52 to 0.50 eV, respectively. Electron drift mobilities could not be determined due to low electron lifetimes. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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An extracellular β-glucosidase (EC has been purified to homogeneity from the culture filtrate of a thermophilic fungus, Humicola lanuginosa (Griffon and Maublanc) Bunce, using duplicating paper as the carbon source. The enzyme was purified 82-fold with a 43% yield by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular weight of the protein was estimated to be 135,000 by gel filtration and 110,000 by electrophoresis. The sedimentation coefficient was 10.5 S. It was an acidic protein containing high amounts of acidic amino acid residues. It was poor in sulphur-containing amino acids. It also contained 9% carbohydrate. The enzyme activity was optimum at pH 4.5 and at 60°C. The enzyme was stable in the pH range 6–9 for 24 h at 25°C. The enzyme had similar affinities towards cellobiose and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucoside with Km values of 0.44 mM and 0.50 mM, respectively. The enzyme was capable of hydrolysing larchwood xylan, xylobiose and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-xyloside, though to a lesser extent. The enzyme was specific for the β-configuration and glucose moiety in the substrate.


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Photophysics and photochemistry of cyclobutanethiones 1-5 have been studied with the view to generalize the a-cleavage reactions of cyclobutanethiones. The above cyclobutanethiones possess a unit intersystem crossing efficiency from S1 to T1, a high self-quenching rate (-4 X lo9 M-' s-'), and a short triplet lifetime (<0.50 ws). Photolysis of 1-5 yields in benzene a product resulting from 1,3-transposition and in methanol two cyclic thioacetals.The origin of these products is traced to the triplet excited state. A mechanistic scheme involving a-cleavage as the primary photoprocess and diradicals and thiacarbenes as intermediates has been formulated to rationalize the formation of thioacetals and rearranged products. The proposed mechanistic scheme is supported by UHF MIND013 calculations performed on four model systems, cyclobutanethiones and 1,3-cyclobutanedithiones 18-21. These calculations indicate that formation of diradical is favored thermodynamically and kinetically for systems analogous to 19 and 21, while rearrangement to thiacarbene is likely only for those similar to 21.


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Ionic conductivity measurements have been made on pure, copper-doped and cadmium-doped single crystals. Dielectric measurements in the frequency range 30Hz–100Hz showed that there was no anomalously to be (0.64 ± 0.02) eV and migration energies for silver ion intersitials and vacancies in the c direction to be (0.41 ± 0.02) eV and (0.50 ± 0.02) eV respectively. ESR measurements have shown that copper exists as Cu+ in these crystals. Dielectric measurements in the frequency range (OHz–100KHz showed that there was no anomalously high value for ε as reported earlier.


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Pure Y2O3 and Y2O3-ZrO2 solid solutions have been prepared by melt atomization and by pyrolysis of nitrate solutions. Extended solubility is readily achieved in both techniques for the entire composition range investigated: melts with 0-30% ZrO2 and precursors with 0-50% ZrO2. However, solidification of under cooled droplets yields almost exclusively single phase powders with the structure of cubic yttria (D5(3)). In contrast, the pyrolysis route leads to a sequence of metastable microstructures beginning with a nanocrystalline disordered fluorite-based (C1) solid solution. Further heating leads to the evolution of much larger (micron size) flake crystals with a {001} texture, concurrent with partial ordering of the oxygen ions to the sites occupied in the D5(3) structure. The driving force for ordering and the rate of grain growth decrease with increasing ZrO2 addition. Abrupt heating to high temperatures or electron irradiation can induce ordering without substantial grain growth. There is no significant reduction in porosity during the recrystallization, which with the other observations suggests that grain growth is driven by the free energy available for the ordering transformation from fluorite to the yttria structure. This route offers opportunities for single crystal thin film development at relatively low processing temperatures.


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The low thermal expansion ceramic system, Ca1-xSrxZr4P6O24, for the compositions with x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1 was synthesized by solid-state reaction. The sintering characteristics were ascertained by bulk density measurements. The fracture surface microstructure examined by scanning electron microscopy showed the average grain size of 2.47 mum for all the compositions. The thermal expansion data for these ceramic systems over the temperature range 25-800degreesC is reported. The sinterability of various solid solutions and the hysteresis in dilatometric behaviour are shown to be related to the crystallographic thermal expansion anisotropy. A steady increase in the amount of porosity and critical grain size with increase in x is suggested to explain the observed decrease in the hysteresis.


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Electron beam surface melting has been used to characterise the phase content formed in a number of model 1200 series Al alloys with increasing solidification velocity in the range 2–50 mm s−1, typical of that experienced during continuous strip casting. Phases were extracted from the Al matrix and analysed by X-ray diffraction. A qualitative solidification microstructure selection map has been produced, showing that, for a given Fe content of 0.55 wt.%: with increasing solidification velocity the metastable aluminides FeAl6 and FeAlm displace equilibrium Fe4Al13 at Si contents milar0.15 wt.%, and that α-AlFeSi displaces these Fe aluminides at Si contents >0.15 wt.%, and that α-AlFeSi is an equilibrium phase at a Si content ≥0.50 wt.%.


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A new series of compounds identified in the phase diagram of ZrO(2)-V(2)O(8)-MoO(3) have been synthesized via the solution combustion method. Single crystals of one of the compounds in the series, ZrV(1.50)Mo(0.50)O(7.25), were grown by the melt-cool technique from the starting materials with double the MoO(3) quantity. The room temperature average crystal structure of the grown crystals was solved using the single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The crystals belong to the cubic crystal system, space group Pa (3) over bar (No. 205) with a = 8.8969 (4) angstrom, V = 704.24 (6) angstrom(3), and Z = 4. The final R(1) value of 0.0213 was achieved for 288 independent reflections during the structure refinement. The Zr(4+) occupies the special position (4a) whereas V(5+) and Mo(6+) occupy two unique (8c) Wyckoff positions. Two fully occupied O atoms, (24d) and (4b), one partially occupied 0 atom (8c) have been identified for this molybdovanadate, which is a unique feature for these crystals. The structure is related to both ZrV(2)O(7) and cubic ZrMo(2)O(8). The temperature dependent single crystal studies show negative thermal expansion above 370 K. The compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, solid-state UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The photocatalytic activity of these compounds has been investigated for the degradation of various dyes, and these compounds show specificity toward the degradation of non-azoic dyes.


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We describe a blue/green inorganic material, Ba(3)(P(1-x)-Mn(x)O(4))(2) (I) based on tetrahedral MnO(4)(3-):3d(2) chromophore. The solid solutions (I) which are sky-blue and turquoise-blue for x <= 0.25 and dark green for x >= 0-50, are readily synthesized in air from commonly available starting materials, stabilizing the MnO(4)(3-) chromophore in an isostructural phosphate host. We suggest that the covalency/ionicity of P-O/Mn-O bonds in the solid solutions tunes the crystal field strength around Mn(V) such that a blue colour results for materials with small values of x. The material could serve as a nontoxic blue/green inorganic pigment.