299 resultados para visuomotor rotation


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The crystal structure analysis of the cyclic biscystine peptide [Boc-Cys1-Ala2-Cys3-NHCH3]2 with two disulfide bridges confirms the antiparallel ?-sheet conformation for the molecule as proposed for the conformation in solution. The molecule has exact twofold rotation symmetry. The 22-membered ring contains two transannular NH ? OC hydrogen bonds and two additional NH ? OC bonds are formed at both ends of the molecule between the terminal (CH3)3COCO and NHCH3 groups. The antiparallel peptide strands are distorted from a regularly pleated sheet, caused mainly by the L-Ala residue in which ?=� 155° and ?= 162°. In the disulfide bridge C? (1)-C? (1)-S(1)-(3')-C?(3')-C?(3'), S�S = 2.030 Å, angles C? SS = 107° and 105°, and the torsional angles are �49, �104, +99, �81, �61°, respectively. The biscystine peptide crystallizes in space group C2 with a = 14.555(2) Ã…, b = 10.854(2) Ã…, c = 16.512(2)Ã…, and ?= 101.34(1) with one-half formula unit of C30H52N8O10S4· 2(CH3)2SO per asymmetric unit. Least-squares refinement of 1375 reflections observed with |F| > 3?(F) yielded an R factor of 7.2%.


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Analysis of the genomic sequences of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium has revealed the presence of several homologues of the well studied citrate synthase (CS). One of these homologues has been shown to code for 2-methylcitrate synthase (2-MCS) activity. 2-MCS catalyzes one of the steps in the 2-methylcitric acid cycle found in these organisms for the degradation of propionate to pyruvate and succinate. In the present work, the gene coding for 2-MCS from S. typhimurium (StPrpC) was cloned in pRSET-C vector and overexpressed in E. coli. The protein was purified to homogeneity using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The purified protein was crystallized using the microbatch-under-oil method. The StPrpC crystals diffracted X-rays to 2.4 A resolution and belonged to the triclinic space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 92.068, b = 118.159, c = 120.659 A, alpha = 60.84, beta = 67.77, gamma = 81.92 degrees. Computation of rotation functions using the X-ray diffraction data shows that the protein is likely to be a decamer of identical subunits, unlike CSs, which are dimers or hexamers.


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The polarization of radiation by scattering on an atom embedded in combined external quadrupole electric and uniform magnetic fields is studied theoretically. Limiting cases of scattering under Zeeman effect, and Hanle effect in weak magnetic fields are discussed. The theory is general enough to handle scattering in intermediate magnetic fields (Hanle-Zeeman effect) and for arbitrary orientation of magnetic field. The quadrupolar electric field produces asymmetric line shifts, and causes interesting level-crossing phenomena either in the absence of an ambient magnetic field, or in its presence. It is shown that the quadrupolar electric field produces an additional depolarization in the Q/I profiles and rotation of the plane of polarization in the U/I profile over and above that arising from magnetic field itself. This characteristic may have a diagnostic potential to detect steady-state and time-varying electric fields that surround radiating atoms in solar atmospheric layers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present the simplest model that permits a largely analytical exploration of the m =1 counter-rotating instability in a `hot' nearly Keplerian disc of collisionless self-gravitating matter. The model consists of a two-component softened gravity disc, whose linear modes are analysed using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. The modes are slow in the sense that their (complex) frequency is smaller than the Keplerian orbital frequency by a factor which is of order the ratio of the disc mass to the mass of the central object. Very simple analytical expressions are derived for the precession frequencies and growth rates of local modes; it is shown that a nearly Keplerian discm must be unrealistically hot to avoid an overstability. Global modes are constructed for the case of zero net rotation.


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NMR study of ferrous fluosilicate hexahydrate indicated the presence of motion of both proton and fluorine nuclei. Only a single narrow line was observed for protons for any arbitrary orientation of a single crystal with respect to the applied magnetic field. This can be interpreted in terms of a phase-correlated flip motion of the interproton vectors between two disordered orientations or in terms of a hindered rotation of the Fe(H2O) 6 octahedron about the fourfold axes, together with the flip motion. The fluorine second moment indicated that the SiF6 octahedron also is undergoing reorientation. The temperature variation of the powder linewidth showed a transition around 195°K and led to rather low values for the potential barriers hindering the motions. No significant temperature variation of the linewidth was observed for hexahydrated cobalt fluosilicate in the temperature range between 90°K and room temperature. Similar observations in a powder sample of tetrahydrated copper fluosilicate also showed the presence of internal motions. The linewidth transition in this case took place at about 220°K and was found to be rather abrupt. The potential barrier for the motion was found to be relatively high.


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The dipole moments of di-p-tolyl selenide (1.74 D), di-p-tolyl selenide (1.00 D), di-m-tolyl selenide (1.66 D), di-p-anisyl selenide (2.35 D) and di-p-tolyl selenium dichloride (3.69 D) have been determined in benzene at 35°. The results are analysed in terms of mesomeric effects and internal rotation in these systems. The dipole moments of a few aliphatic selenides have been theoretically evaluated.


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A neurotoxic compound has been isolated from the seeds of Lathyrus sativus in 0.5% yield and characterized as β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acid. The compound is highly acidic in character and forms oxalic acid and diaminopropionic acid on acid hydrolysis. The compound has a specific rotation of -36.9° and has apparent pK values in the order of 1.95, 2.95, and 9.25, corresponding to the two carboxyl and one amino functions, respectively. The compound has been synthesized by reacting an aqueous methanolic solution of the copper complex of L-α,β-diaminopropionic acid prepared at pH 4.5-5.0 with dimethyl oxalate under controlled pH conditions and isolating the compound by chromatography on a Dowex 50-H+ column after precipitating the copper. The compound induced severe neurological symptoms in day-old chicks at the level of 20 mg/chick, but not in rats or mice. It also inhibited the growth of several microorganisms and of the insect larva Corcyra cephalonica Staint. L-Homoarginine had no neural action in chicks. It is suggested that the neurotoxic compound is species specific in its action and may be related to "neurolathyrism" associated with the human consumption of L. sativus seeds.


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A series of 2′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are prepared by reacting G(cyclic)p with takadiastase T1 ribonuclease and separating the products chromatographically. The 3′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are obtained by separating the products of alkaline degradation of 3′-5′-poly(G). The optical rotatory dispersion and hypochromism of both 2′-5′- and 3′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are studied at two different pH. The optical rotatory dispersion spectrum of 2′-5′-GpG is significantly different from that of 3′-5′-GpG. The magnitude of rotation of the long-wavelength peak of 2′-5′-GpG is larger than that of 3′-5′-GpG. This finding contradicts the explanation that the extra stability and more intense circular dichroism band of other 3′-5′-dinucleoside monophosphates is due to H-bond formation between 2′-OH and either the base or the phosphate oxygen. The end phosphate group has a marked effect on the spectrum of GpG between 230 and 250 mμ. In addition the optical rotatory dispersion spectra of 2′-5′ exhibit strong pH, temperature, and solvent dependence between 230 and 250 mμ. ΔH and AS for order ⇌ disorder transition is estimated to be 9.7 kcal/mole and 35.2 eu, respectively. The optical rotatory dispersion spectra of guanine-rich oligoribonucleotides, GpGpC, GpGpU, GpGpGpC, and GpGpGpU are compared to the calculated optical rotatory dispersion from the semiempirical expression of Cantor and Tinoco, using measured optical rotatory dispersion of dimers. Contrary to previous studies, agreement is found not at all satisfactory. However, optical rotatory dispersion of 3′-5′-GpGpGpC and GpGpGpU can be estimated from the semiempirical expression, if a next-nearest interaction parameter is introduced empirically. Such interaction parameter can be calculated from the measured properties of trinucleotide sequences like GpGpG, GpGpC, and GpGpU, assuming that only the nearest-neighbor interaction is important. The optical rotatory dispersion of single-stranded poly(G) is also predicted. The importance of syn-anti equilibrium and next-nearest-neighbor interaction in oligoguanylic acids is suggested as a probable explanation.


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From symmetry considerations and using generalized Onsager relations, it is shown that 66 of the 90 magnetic classes, consisting of 29 single colour and 37 double colour ones, can exhibit what may be called the strain gyrotropic rotation. Similarly, 69 of the 90 magnetic classes, consisting of 21 single colour and 48 double colour ones, can exhibit what may be called the strain gyrotropic birefringence. A crystal in the class m3 or m3 m is interesting as it can exhibit strain gyrotropic rotation despite its being cubic and incapable of exhibiting gyrotropic rotation in the unstressed state. Similarly, a crystal in the class m3 m, is interesting as it can exhibit strain gyrotropic birefringence despite its being cubic and incapable of exhibiting gyrotropic birefringence in the unstressed state.


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The interaction between large deflections, rotation effects and unsteady aerodynamics makes the dynamic analysis of rotating and flapping wing a nonlinear aeroelastic problem. This problem is governed by nonlinear periodic partial differential equations whose solution is needed to calculate the response and loads acting on vehicles using rotary or flapping wings for lift generation. We look at three important problems in this paper. The first problem shows the effect of nonlinear phenomenon coming from piezoelectric actuators used for helicopter vibration control. The second problem looks at the propagation on material uncertainty on the nonlinear response, vibration and aeroelastic stability of a composite helicopter rotor. The third problem considers the use of piezoelectric actuators for generating large motions in a dragonfly inspired flapping wing. These problems provide interesting insights into nonlinear aeroelasticity and show the likelihood of surprising phenomenon which needs to be considered during the design of rotary and flapping wing vehicle


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Presented here is the two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model for the calculation of energy and entropy of molecular fluids from the trajectory of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this method, the density of state (DoS) functions (including the normal modes of translation, rotation, and intramolecular vibration motions) are determined from the Fourier transform of the corresponding velocity autocorrelation functions. A fluidicity parameter (f), extracted from the thermodynamic state of the system derived from the same MD, is used to partition the translation and rotation modes into a diffusive, gas-like component (with 3Nf degrees of freedom) and a nondiffusive, solid-like component. The thermodynamic properties, including the absolute value of entropy, are then obtained by applying quantum statistics to the solid component and applying hard sphere/rigid rotor thermodynamics to the gas component. The 2PT method produces exact thermodynamic properties of the system in two limiting states: the nondiffusive solid state (where the fluidicity is zero) and the ideal gas state (where the fluidicity becomes unity). We examine the 2PT entropy for various water models (F3C, SPC, SPC/E, TIP3P, and TIP4P-Ew) at ambient conditions and find good agreement with literature results obtained based on other simulation techniques. We also validate the entropy of water in the liquid and vapor phases along the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve from the triple point to the critical point. We show that this method produces converged liquid phase entropy in tens of picoseconds, making it an efficient means for extracting thermodynamic properties from MD simulations.


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We have investigated the impact of dissipationless minor galaxy mergers on the angular momentum of the remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics, and the system consists of a massive galaxy with a bulge and disk merging with a much less massive (one-tenth or one-twentieth) gasless companion that has a variety of morphologies (disk-or elliptical-like) and central baryonic mass concentrations. During the process of merging, the orbital angular momentum is redistributed into the internal angular momentum of the final system; the internal angular momentum of the primary galaxy can increase or decrease depending on the relative orientation of the orbital spin vectors (direct or retrograde), while the initially nonrotating dark matter halo always gains angular momentum. The specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independently of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits, and the ratio of rotation speed to velocity dispersion of the merger remnant is lower than the initial value, not only because of an increase in the dispersion but also of the slowing-down of the disk rotation. We briefly discuss several astrophysical implications of these results, suggesting that minor mergers do not cause a "random walk" process of the angular momentum of the stellar disk component of galaxies, but rather a steady decrease. Minor mergers may play a role in producing the large scatter observed in the Tully-Fisher relation for S0 galaxies, as well as in the increase of the velocity dispersion and the decrease in upsilon/sigma at large radii as observed in S0 galaxies.


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A novel approach for measurement of small rotation angles using imaging method is proposed and demonstrated. A plane mirror placed on a precision rotating table is used for imaging the newly designed composite coded pattern. The imaged patterns are captured with the help of a CCD camera. The angular rotation of the plane mirror is determined from a pair of the images of the pattern, captured once before and once after affecting the tilt of the mirror. Both simulation and experimental results suggest that the proposed approach not only retains the advantages of the original imaging method but also contributes significantly to the enhancement of its measuring range (+/- 4.13 degrees with accuracy of the order of 1 arcsec).


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Molecular dynamics investigation of benzene in one-dimensional channel systems A1PO(4)-5, VPI-5, and carbon nanotube is reported. The results suggest that, in all the three host systems, the plane of benzene is almost perpendicular to the channel axis when the molecule is near the center of the channel and the plane of benzene is parallel to the channel axis when the molecule is near the wall of the channel. The density distribution of benzene as a function of channel length, z and the radial distance, r, from the channel axis is also different in the three host structures. Anisotropy in translational diffusion coefficient, calculated in body-fixed frame of benzene, suggests that benzene prefers to move with its plane parallel to the direction of motion in A1PO(4)-5 and VPI-5 whereas in carbon nanotube the motion occurs predominantly with the plane of the benzene perpendicular to the direction of motion.;Anisotropy associated with the rotational motion is seen to alter significantly in confinement as compared to liquid benzene. In A1PO(4)-5, the rotational anisotropy is reversed as compared to liquid benzene thereby suggesting that anisotropy arising out of molecular geometry can be reduced. Reorientational correlation times for C-6 and C-2 axes Of benzene are reported. Apart from the inertial decay of reorientational correlation function due to free, rotation, two other distinct regimes of decay are observed in narrower channels (AIPO(4)-5 and carbon nanotube): (i) an initial fast decay (0.5-2 ps) and (ii) a slower decay (>2 ps) of reorientational correlation function where C-6 decays slower than C-2 Similar to what is observed in liquid benzene. In the initial fast decay, it is seen that the decay for C-6 is faster than C-2 which is in contrast to what is observed in liquid benzene or for benzene confined in VPI-5.


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In this paper, a single-story, bilinear-hysteretic structure, square in plan and supported on four columns, subjected to two horizontal ground motions is studied. The model is assumed to possess three degrees of freedom, viz., translational displacements along the two horizontal orthogonal directions and a rotation about the vertical axis. Interaction of the bending moments in the two perpendicular directions has been considered.