145 resultados para transverse coupling


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Light weight structures with tailored mechanical properties have evolved beyond regular hexagonal/circular honeycomb topology. For applications which demand anisotropic mechanical properties, elliptical-celled structures offer interesting features. This paper characterizes the anisotropic in-plane elastic response of coated thin elliptical tubes in different array patterns viz, close-packed, diagonal and rectangular patterns under compression. This paper also extends earlier works on elliptical close-packed structure to a more general case of coated tubes. Theoretical framework using thin ring theory provides formulae in terms of geometric and material parameters. These are compared with a series of FE simulations using contact elements. The FE results are presented as graphs to aid in design. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Supported metallic nanoparticles are important composite materials owing to their enormous potential for applications in various fields. In this work, palladium nanoparticles were prepared in situ in a calcium-cholate (Ca-Ch) hydrogel by reduction with sodium cyanoborohydride. The hydrogel matrix appeared to assist the controlled growth as well as stabilization of palladium nanoparticles. The palladium nanoparticle/Ca-Ch hydrogel hybrid was characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Furthermore, the PdNP/Ca-Ch hybrid xerogel was shown to act as an active catalyst for the Suzuki reaction under aqueous aerobic conditions. The PdNP/Ca-Ch xerogel retains its catalytic activities on storage for several months.


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An experimental investigation of sonic air, CO2 and Helium transverse jets in Mach 5 cross flow was carried out over a flat plate. The jet to freestream momentum flux ratio, J, was kept the same for all gases. The unsteady flow topology was examined using high speed schlieren visualisation and PIV. Schlieren visualisation provided information regarding oscillating jet shear layer structures and bow shock, Mach disc and barrel shocks. Two-component PIV measurements at the centreline, provided information regarding jet penetration trajectories. Barrel shocks and Mach disc forming the jet boundary were visualised/quantified also jet penetration boundaries were determined. Even though J is kept the same for all gases, the penetration patterns were found to be remarkably different both at the nearfield and the farfield. Air and CO2 jet resulted similar nearfield and farfield penetration pattern whereas Helium jet spread minimal in the nearfield.


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We present estimates of single spin asymmetry in the electroproduction of J/psi taking into account the transverse momentum-dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of J/psi. We have calculated the asymmetry using recent parameters extracted by Echevarria et al. using the Collins-Soper-Sterman approach to TMD evolution. These recent TMD evolution fits are based on the evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We have also estimated the asymmetry by using parameters which had been obtained by a fit by Anselmino et al., using both an exact numerical and an approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equations. We find that the variation among the different estimates obtained using TMD evolution is much smaller than between these on one hand and the estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution on the other. Even though the use of TMD evolution causes an overall reduction in asymmetries compared to the ones obtained without it, they remain sizable. Overall, upon use of TMD evolution, predictions for asymmetries stabilize.


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We estimate transverse spin single spin asymmetry(TSSA) in the process e + p(up arrow) -> J/psi + X using color evaporation model of charmonium production. We take into account transverse momentum dependent(TMD) evolution of Sivers function and parton distribution function and show that the there is a reduction in the asymmetry as compared to our earlier estimates wherein the Q(2) - evolution was implemented only through DGLAP evolution of unpolarized gluon densities.


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This work reports a detailed temperature dependent Raman study on the mixed crystals of K-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 (KADA) from 5K to 300K in the spectral range of 60-1200cm(-1), covering tetragonal to orthorhombic structural phase transition accompanied by paraelectric to ferroelectric transition at T-c* similar to 60K. Multiple phase transitions below transition temperature (Tc* similar to 60K) are marked by the appearance of new modes, splitting of existing ones as well as anomalies in the self-energy parameters (i.e. mode frequencies and damping coefficient) of the phonon modes. Temperature independent behaviour of damping coefficient and abrupt jump in the mode frequency of some of the internal vibrations of AsO4 tetrahedra as well as external vibrations clearly signal long range ferroelectric ordering and proton ordering below T-c*. In addition, we observed that temperature dependence of many prominent phonon modes diverges significantly from their normal anharmonic behaviour below T-c* suggesting potential coupling between pseudospins and phonons. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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A self-consistent mode coupling theory (MCT) with microscopic inputs of equilibrium pair correlation functions is developed to analyze electrolyte dynamics. We apply the theory to calculate concentration dependence of (i) time dependent ion diffusion, (ii) intermediate scattering function of the constituent ions, and (iii) ion solvation dynamics in electrolyte solution. Brownian dynamics with implicit water molecules and molecular dynamics method with explicit water are used to check the theoretical predictions. The time dependence of ionic self-diffusion coefficient and the corresponding intermediate scattering function evaluated from our MCT approach show quantitative agreement with early experimental and present Brownian dynamic simulation results. With increasing concentration, the dispersion of electrolyte friction is found to occur at increasingly higher frequency, due to the faster relaxation of the ion atmosphere. The wave number dependence of intermediate scattering function, F(k, t), exhibits markedly different relaxation dynamics at different length scales. At small wave numbers, we find the emergence of a step-like relaxation, indicating the presence of both fast and slow time scales in the system. Such behavior allows an intriguing analogy with temperature dependent relaxation dynamics of supercooled liquids. We find that solvation dynamics of a tagged ion exhibits a power law decay at long times-the decay can also be fitted to a stretched exponential form. The emergence of the power law in solvation dynamics has been tested by carrying out long Brownian dynamics simulations with varying ionic concentrations. The solvation time correlation and ion-ion intermediate scattering function indeed exhibit highly interesting, non-trivial dynamical behavior at intermediate to longer times that require further experimental and theoretical studies. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Measurement of the self-coupling of the 125 GeV Higgs boson is one of the most crucial tasks for a high luminosity run of the LHC, and it can only be measured in the di-Higgs final state. In the minimal supersymmetric standard model, heavy CP even Higgs (H) can decay into a lighter 125 GeV Higgs boson (h) and, therefore, can influence the rate of di-Higgs production. We investigate the role of single H production in the context of measuring the self-coupling of h. We have found that the H -> hh decay can change the value of Higgs (h) self-coupling substantially, in a low tan beta regime where the mass of the heavy Higgs boson lies between 250 and 600 GeV and, depending on the parameter space, it may be seen as an enhancement of the self-coupling of the 125 GeV Higgs boson.


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The potential of graphene oxide-Fe3O4 nanoparticle (GO-Fe3O4) composite as an image contrast enhancing material in magnetic resonance imaging has been investigated. Proton relaxivity values were obtained in three different homogeneous dispersions of GO-Fe3O4 composites synthesized by precipitating Fe3O4 nanoparticles in three different reaction mixtures containing 0.01 g, 0.1 g, and 0.2 g of graphene oxide. A noticeable difference in proton relaxivity values was observed between the three cases. A comprehensive structural and magnetic characterization revealed discrete differences in the extent of reduction of the graphene oxide and spacing between the graphene oxide sheets in the three composites. The GO-Fe3O4 composite framework that contained graphene oxide with least extent of reduction of the carboxyl groups and largest spacing between the graphene oxide sheets provided the optimum structure for yielding a very high transverse proton relaxivity value. It was found that the GO-Fe3O4 composites possessed good biocompatibility with normal cell lines, whereas they exhibited considerable toxicity towards breast cancer cells. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A new synthetic protocol based on one-pot, copper(I)-catalysed multicomponent reaction of formaldehyde, secondary amine and terminal alkyne has been employed to postsynthetically modify a self-assembled nanoscopic organic cage. By employing this synthetic strategy, three new cages appended with phenyl-, xylyl-and naphthyl-acetylene moieties have been synthesised. The resulting modified cages were characterised by using a range of spectroscopic techniques. The synthesised cages were fluorescent and thus one of them was tested to explore the potential use of such compounds as chemosensors for the detection of nitroaromatics. Experimental findings suggest a high selective quenching of initial fluorescence intensity in the presence of nitroaromatic compounds. Furthermore, it has been observed that among the various nitroaromatics tested, nitrophenolic compounds have better quenching ability.


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For obtaining dynamic response of structure to high frequency shock excitation spectral elements have several advantages over conventional methods. At higher frequencies transverse shear and rotary inertia have a predominant role. These are represented by the First order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). But not much work is reported on spectral elements with FSDT. This work presents a new spectral element based on the FSDT/Mindlin Plate Theory which is essential for wave propagation analysis of sandwich plates. Multi-transformation method is used to solve the coupled partial differential equations, i.e., Laplace transforms for temporal approximation and wavelet transforms for spatial approximation. The formulation takes into account the axial-flexure and shear coupling. The ability of the element to represent different modes of wave motion is demonstrated. Impact on the derived wave motion characteristics in the absence of the developed spectral element is discussed. The transient response using the formulated element is validated by the results obtained using Finite Element Method (FEM) which needs significant computational effort. Experimental results are provided which confirms the need to having the developed spectral element for the high frequency response of structures. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cross-sectional stiffness matrix is derived for a pre-twisted, moderately thick beam made of transversely isotropic materials and having rectangular cross sections. An asymptotically-exact methodology is used to model the anisotropic beam from 3-D elasticity, without any further assumptions. The beam is allowed to have large displacements and rotations, but small strain is assumed. The strain energy is computed making use of the beam constitutive law and kinematical relations derived with the inclusion of geometrical nonlinearities and an initial twist. The energy functional is minimized making use of the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM), thereby reducing the cross section to a point on the beam reference line with appropriate properties, forming a 1-D constitutive law. VAM is a mathematical technique employed in the current problem to rigorously split the 3-D analysis of beams into two: a 2-D analysis over the beam cross-sectional domain, which provides a compact semi-analytical form of the properties of the cross sections, and a nonlinear 1-D analysis of the beam reference curve. In this method, as applied herein, the cross-sectional analysis is performed asymptotically by taking advantage of a material small parameter and two geometric small parameters. 3-D strain components are derived using kinematics and arranged in orders of the small parameters. Closed-form expressions are derived for the 3-D non-linear warping and stress fields. Warping functions are obtained by the minimization of strain energy subject to certain set of constraints that render the 1-D strain measures well-defined. The zeroth-order 3-D warping field thus yielded is then used to integrate the 3-D strain energy density over the cross section, resulting in the 1-D strain energy density, which in turn helps identify the corresponding cross-sectional stiffness matrix. The model is capable of predicting interlaminar and transverse shear stresses accurately up to first order.


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Hydroxyl terminated azide binders can undergo a spurious reaction with diisocyanates to form tetrazoline-5-one via an inter molecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction apart from urethane/allophanate groups which has been overlooked. This has serious implications on solid propellants. The computed activation barrier using density functional theory (DFT) for urethane formation reaction is 28.4 kJ mol(-1) and that for tetrazoline-5-one formation reaction is 108.0 kJ mol(-1). DFT studies reveal that the rate limiting step of the reaction is 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azide and isocyanate. A dual cure was observed in the temperature ranges 42-77 degrees C and 78-146 degrees C by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rheological studies, confirming multiple reactions. Tetrazoline-5-one formation was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).


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Lightning strike to instrumented and communication towers can be a source of electromagnetic disturbance to the system connected. Long cables running on these towers can get significant induction to their sheath/core, which would then couple to the connected equipments. For a quantitative analysis of the situation, suitable theoretical analysis is necessary. Due to the dominance of the transverse magnetic mode during the fast rising portion of the stroke current, which is the period of significant induction, a full wave solution based on Maxwell's equations is necessary. Owing to the large geometric aspect ratio of tower lattice elements and for feasibility of a numerical solution, the thin-wire formulation for the electric field integral equation is generally adopted. However, the classical thin-wire formulation is not set for handling non-cylindrical conductors like tower lattice elements and the proximity of other conductors. The present work investigates further into a recently proposed method for handling such a situation and optimizes the numerical solution approach.


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This paper deals with processing the EEG signals obtained from 16 spatially arranged electrodes to measure coupling or synchrony between the frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes of the cerebrum under the eyes open and eyes closed conditions. This synchrony was measured using magnitude squared coherence, Short Time Fourier Transform and wavelet based coherences. We found a pattern in the time-frequency coherence as we moved from the nasion to the inion of the subject's head. The coherence pattern obtained from the wavelet approach was found to be far more capable of picking up peaks in coherence with respect to frequency when compared to the regular Fourier based coherence. We detected high synchrony between frontal polar electrodes that is missing in coherence plots between other electrode pairs. The study has potential applications in healthcare.