186 resultados para region representation


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The t(14;18) translocation in follicular lymphoma is one of the most common chromosomal translocations. Breaks in chromosome 18 are localized at the 3'-UTR of BCL2 gene or downstream and are mainly clustered in either the major breakpoint region or the minor breakpoint cluster region (mcr). The recombination activating gene (RAG) complex induces breaks at IgH locus of chromosome 14, whereas the mechanism of fragility at BCL2 mcr remains unclear. Here, for the first time, we show that RAGs can nick mcr; however, the mechanism is unique. Three independent nicks of equal efficiency are generated, when both Mg2+ and Mn2+ are present, unlike a single nick during V(D)J recombination. Further, we demonstrate that RAG binding and nicking at the mcr are independent of nonamer, whereas a CCACCTCT motif plays a critical role in its fragility, as shown by sequential mutagenesis. More importantly, we recapitulate the BCL2 mcr translocation and find that mcr can undergo synapsis with a standard recombination signal sequence within the cells, in a RAG-dependent manner. Further, mutation to the CCACCTCT motif abolishes recombination within the cells, indicating its vital role. Hence, our data suggest a novel, physiologically relevant, nonamer-independent mechanism of RAG nicking at mcr, which may be important for generation of chromosomal translocations in humans.


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Rathour RK, Narayanan R. Influence fields: a quantitative framework for representation and analysis of active dendrites. J Neurophysiol 107: 2313-2334, 2012. First published January 18, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00846.2011.-Neuronal dendrites express numerous voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs), typically with spatial gradients in their densities and properties. Dendritic VGICs, their gradients, and their plasticity endow neurons with information processing capabilities that are higher than those of neurons with passive dendrites. Despite this, frameworks that incorporate dendritic VGICs and their plasticity into neurophysiological and learning theory models have been far and few. Here, we develop a generalized quantitative framework to analyze the extent of influence of a spatially localized VGIC conductance on different physiological properties along the entire stretch of a neuron. Employing this framework, we show that the extent of influence of a VGIC conductance is largely independent of the conductance magnitude but is heavily dependent on the specific physiological property and background conductances. Morphologically, our analyses demonstrate that the influences of different VGIC conductances located on an oblique dendrite are confined within that oblique dendrite, thus providing further credence to the postulate that dendritic branches act as independent computational units. Furthermore, distinguishing between active and passive propagation of signals within a neuron, we demonstrate that the influence of a VGIC conductance is spatially confined only when propagation is active. Finally, we reconstruct functional gradients from VGIC conductance gradients using influence fields and demonstrate that the cumulative contribution of VGIC conductances in adjacent compartments plays a critical role in determining physiological properties at a given location. We suggest that our framework provides a quantitative basis for unraveling the roles of dendritic VGICs and their plasticity in neural coding, learning, and homeostasis.


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A Monte Carlo model of ultrasound modulation of multiply scattered coherent light in a highly scattering media has been carried out for estimating the phase shift experienced by a photon beam on its transit through US insonified region. The phase shift is related to the tissue stiffness, thereby opening an avenue for possible breast tumor detection. When the scattering centers in the tissue medium is exposed to a deterministic forcing with the help of a focused ultrasound (US) beam, due to the fact that US-induced oscillation is almost along particular direction, the direction defined by the transducer axis, the scattering events increase, thereby increasing the phase shift experienced by light that traverses through the medium. The phase shift is found to increase with increase in anisotropy g of the medium. However, as the size of the focused region which is the region of interest (ROI) increases, a large number of scattering events take place within the ROI, the ensemble average of the phase shift (Delta phi) becomes very close to zero. The phase of the individual photon is randomly distributed over 2 pi when the scattered photon path crosses a large number of ultrasound wavelengths in the focused region. This is true at high ultrasound frequency (1 MHz) when mean free path length of photon l(s) is comparable to wavelength of US beam. However, at much lower US frequencies (100 Hz), the wavelength of sound is orders of magnitude larger than l(s), and with a high value of g (g 0.9), there is a distinct measurable phase difference for the photon that traverses through the insonified region. Experiments are carried out for validation of simulation results.


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This paper reports investigation of Na2O and ZnO modified borovanadate glasses in the highly modified regime of compositions. These glasses have been prepared by microwave route. Ultraviolet (UV) and visible, infrared (IR), Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopies have been used to characterize the speciation in the glasses. Together with the variation of properties such as molar volume and glass transition temperatures, spectroscopic data indicate that at high levels of modification, ZnO tends to behave like network former. It is proposed that the observed variation of all the properties can be reasonably well understood with a structural model. The model considers that the modification and speciation in glasses are strongly determined by the hierarchy of group electronegativities. Further, it is proposed that the width of the transitions of glasses obtained under same condition reflects the fragility of the glasses. An empirical expression has been suggested to quantify fragility on the basis of width of the transition regions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article deals with the structure of analytic and entire vectors for the Schrodinger representations of the Heisenberg group. Using refined versions of Hardy's theorem and their connection with Hermite expansions we obtain very precise representation theorems for analytic and entire vectors.


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The mechanism by which the hinge regions of glycoprotein hormone receptors couple hormone binding to activation of downstream effecters is not clearly understood. In the present study, agonistic (311.62) and antagonistic (311.87) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the TSH receptor extracellular domain were used to elucidate role of the hinge region in receptor activation. MAb 311.62 which identifies the LRR/Cb-2 junction (aa 265-275), increased the affinity of TSHR for the hormone while concomitantly decreasing its efficacy, whereas MAb 311.87 recognizing LRR 7-9 (aa 201-259) acted as a non-competitive inhibitor of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) binding. Binding of MAbs was sensitive to the conformational changes caused by the activating and inactivating mutations and exhibited differential effects on hormone binding and response of these mutants. By studying the effects of these MAbs on truncation and chimeric mutants of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), this study confirms the tethered inverse agonistic role played by the hinge region and maps the interactions between TSHR hinge region and exoloops responsible for maintenance of the receptor in its basal state. Mechanistic studies on the antibody-receptor interactions suggest that MAb 311.87 is an allosteric insurmountable antagonist and inhibits initiation of the hormone induced conformational changes in the hinge region, whereas MAb 311.62 acts as a partial agonist that recognizes a conformational epitope critical for coupling of hormone binding to receptor activation. The hinge region, probably in close proximity with the alpha-subunit in the hormone-receptor complex, acts as a tunable switch between hormone binding and receptor activation.


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The Indian region is presently the second region after the Neotropics in terms of diversity of phalangopsid crickets. Yet their study is impeded by the lack of necessary taxonomic tools for taxon identification. In the present paper, all generic diagnoses are clarified, using morphological and genitalic characters; female genitalia are described and illustrated for all genera with known females. New taxa are described from southern India: Kempiola flavipunctatus Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp., Opiliosina meridionalis Desutter-Grandcolas n. gen., n. sp., Phalangopsina bolivari Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp., P. chopardi Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp., P. gravelyi Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp., and Speluncasina Desutter-Grandcolas n. gen. The list of phalangopsid crickets from the Indian Region is updated, and a key to phalangopsid genera proposed. A lectotype and a paralectotype are designated to fix the name of Phalangopsina dubia (Bolivar, 1900). Opilionacris annandalei Chopard, 1928, previously transferred to the African genus Phaeophilacris Walker, 1871, is transferred to the genus Speluncasina Desutter-Grandcolas n. gen., while Larandopsis jharnae Bhowmik, 1981 and L. newguineae Bhowmik, 1981 described from New Guinea are transferred to the eneopterine genus Lebinthus Stal, 1877. Finally Luzaropsis confusa Chopard, 1969 is removed from its synonymy with L. ferruginea Walker, 1871.


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Two transcription termination mechanisms - intrinsic and Rho-dependent - have evolved in bacteria. The Rho factor occurs in most bacterial lineages, and has been hypothesized to play a global regulatory role. Genome-wide studies using microarray, 2D-gel electrophoresis and ChIP-chip provided evidence that Rho serves to silence transcription from horizontally acquired genes and prophages in Escherichia coli K-12, implicating the factor to be a part of the ``cellular immune mechanism'' protecting against deleterious phages and aberrant gene expression from acquired xenogenic DNA. We have investigated this model by adopting an alternate in silico approach and have extended the study to other species. Our analysis shows that several genomic islands across diverse phyla have under-representation of intrinsic terminators, similar to that experimentally observed in E. coli K-12. This implies that Rho-dependent termination is the predominant process operational in these islands and that silencing of foreign DNA is a conserved function of Rho. From the present analysis, it is evident that horizontally acquired islands have lost intrinsic terminators to facilitate Rho-dependent termination. These results underscore the importance of Rho as a conserved, genome-wide sentinel that regulates potentially toxic xenogenic DNA. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mountain waves in the stratosphere have been observed over elevated topographies using both nadir-looking and limb-viewing satellites. However, the characteristics of mountain waves generated over the Himalayan Mountain range and the adjacent Tibetan Plateau are relatively less explored. The present study reports on three-dimensional (3-D) properties of a mountain wave event that occurred over the western Himalayan region on 9 December 2008. Observations made by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder on board the Aqua and Microwave Limb Sounder on board the Aura satellites are used to delineate the wave properties. The observed wave properties such as horizontal (lambda(x), lambda(y)) and vertical (lambda(z)) wavelengths are 276 km (zonal), 289 km (meridional), and 25 km, respectively. A good agreement is found between the observed and modeled/analyzed vertical wavelength for a stationary gravity wave determined using the Modern Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) reanalysis winds. The analysis of both the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis and MERRA winds shows that the waves are primarily forced by strong flow across the topography. Using the 3-D properties of waves and the corrected temperature amplitudes, we estimated wave momentum fluxes of the order of similar to 0.05 Pa, which is in agreement with large-amplitude mountain wave events reported elsewhere. In this regard, the present study is considered to be very much informative to the gravity wave drag schemes employed in current general circulation models for this region.


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The problem of human detection is challenging, more so, when faced with adverse conditions such as occlusion and background clutter. This paper addresses the problem of human detection by representing an extracted feature of an image using a sparse linear combination of chosen dictionary atoms. The detection along with the scale finding, is done by using the coefficients obtained from sparse representation. This is of particular interest as we address the problem of scale using a scale-embedded dictionary where the conventional methods detect the object by running the detection window at all scales.


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The capacity region of the 3-user Gaussian Interference Channel (GIC) with mixed strong-very strong interference was established in [1]. The mixed strong-very strong interference conditions considered in [1] correspond to the case where, at each receiver, one of the interfering signals is strong and the other is very strong. In this paper, we derive the capacity region of K-user (K ≥ 3) Discrete Memoryless Interference Channels (DMICs) with a mixed strong-very strong interference. This corresponds to the case where, at each receiver one of the interfering signals is strong and the other (K - 2) interfering signals are very strong. This includes, as a special case, the 3-user DMIC with mixed strong-very strong interference. The proof is specialized to the 3-user GIC case and hence an alternative derivation for the capacity region of the 3-user GIC with mixed strong-very strong interference is provided.


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Eclogites and associated high-pressure (HP) rocks in collisional and accretionary orogenic belts preserve a record of subduction and exhumation, and provide a key constraint on the tectonic evolution of the continents. Most eclogites that formed at high pressures but low temperatures at > 10-11 kbar and 450-650 degrees C can be interpreted as a result of subduction of cold oceanic lithosphere. A new class of high-temperature (HT) eclogites that formed above 900 degrees C and at 14 to 30 kbar occurs in the deep continental crust, but their geodynamic significance and processes of formation are poorly understood. Here we show that Neoarchaean mafic-ultramafic complexes in the central granulite facies region of the Lewisian in NW Scotland contain HP/HT garnet-bearing granulites (retrogressed eclogites), gabbros, Iherzolites, and websterites, and that the HP granulites have garnets that contain inclusions of omphacite. From thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths we calculate that peak eclogite-facies metamorphism took place at 24-22 kbar and 1060-1040 degrees C. The geochemical signature of one (G-21) of the samples shows a strong depletion of Eu indicating magma fractionation at a crustal level. The Sm-Nd isochron ages of HP phases record different cooling ages of ca. 2480 and 2330 Ma. We suggest that the layered mafic-ultramafic complexes, which may have formed in an oceanic environment, were subducted to eclogite depths, and exhumed as HP garnet-bearing orogenic peridotites. The layered complexes were engulfed by widespread orthogneisses of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) composition with granulite facies assemblages. We propose two possible tectonic models: (1) the fact that the relicts of eclogitic complexes are so widespread in the Scourian can be taken as evidence that a >90 km x 40 km-size slab of continental crust containing mafic-ultramafic complexes was subducted to at least 70 km depth in the late Archaean. During exhumation the gneiss protoliths were retrogressed to granulite facies assemblages, but the mafic-ultramafic rocks resisted retrogression. (2) The layered complexes of mafic and ultramafic rocks were subducted to eclogite-facies depths and during exhumation under crustal conditions they were intruded by the orthogneiss protoliths (TTG) that were metamorphosed in the granulite facies. Apart from poorly defined UHP metamorphic rocks in Norway, the retrogressed eclogites in the central granulite/retrogressed eclogite facies Lewisian region, NW Scotland have the highest crustal pressures so far reported for Archaean rocks, and demonstrate that lithospheric subduction was transporting crustal rocks to HP depths in the Neoarchaean. (C) 2012 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Domain swapping is an interesting feature of some oligomeric proteins in which each protomer of the oligomer provides an identical surface for exclusive interaction with a segment or domain belonging to another protomer. Here we report results of mutagenesis experiments on the structure of C-terminal helix swapped dimer of a stationary phase survival protein from Salmonella typhimurium (StSurE). Wild type StSurE is a dimer in which a large helical segment at the C-terminus and a tetramerization loop comprising two beta strands are swapped between the protomers. Key residues in StSurE that might promote C-terminal helix swapping were identified by sequence and structural comparisons. Three mutants in which the helix swapping is likely to be avoided were constructed and expressed in E. coli. Three-dimensional X-ray crystal structures of the mutants H234A and D230A/H234A could be determined at 2.1 angstrom and 2.35 angstrom resolutions, respectively. Contrary to expectations, helix swapping was mostly retained in both the mutants. The loss of the crucial D230 OD2- H234 NE2 hydrogen bond (2.89 angstrom in the wild type structure) in the hinge region was compensated by new inter and intra-chain interactions. However, the two fold molecular symmetry was lost and there were large conformational changes throughout the polypeptide. In spite of these changes, the dimeric structure and an approximate tetrameric organization were retained, probably due to the interactions involving the tetramerization loop. Mutants were mostly functionally inactive, highlighting the importance of precise inter-subunit interactions for the symmetry and function of StSurE.


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This paper discusses an approach for river mapping and flood evaluation based on multi-temporal time-series analysis of satellite images utilizing pixel spectral information for image clustering and region based segmentation for extracting water covered regions. MODIS satellite images are analyzed at two stages: before flood and during flood. Multi-temporal MODIS images are processed in two steps. In the first step, clustering algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are used to distinguish the water regions from the non-water based on spectral information. These algorithms are chosen since they are quite efficient in solving multi-modal optimization problems. These classified images are then segmented using spatial features of the water region to extract the river. From the results obtained, we evaluate the performance of the methods and conclude that incorporating region based image segmentation along with clustering algorithms provides accurate and reliable approach for the extraction of water covered region.