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A catalytic reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mimics is reported. This study reveals that GO contains peroxide functionalities, in addition to the epoxy, hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups that have been identified earlier. It also is shown that GO acts as a peroxide substrate in the GPx-like catalytic activity of organoselenium/tellurium compounds. The reaction of tellurol, generated from the corresponding ditelluride, reduces GO through the glutathione (GSH)-mediated cleavage of the peroxide linkage. The mechanism of GO reduction by the tellurol in the presence of GSH involves the formation of a tellurenic acid and tellurenyl sulfide intermediates. Interestingly, the GPx mimics also catalyze the decarboxylation of the carboxylic acid functionality in GO at ambient conditions. Whereas the selenium/tellurium-mediated catalytic reduction/decarboxylation of GO may find applications in bioremediation processes, this study suggests that the modification of GO by biologically relevant compounds such as redox proteins must be taken into account when using GO for biomedical applications because such modifications can alter the fundamental properties of GO.


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We carry out a series of long atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to study the unfolding of a small protein, chicken villin headpiece (HP-36), in water-ethanol (EtOH) binary mixture. The prime objective of this work is to explore the sensitivity of protein unfolding dynamics toward increasing concentration of the cosolvent and unravel essential features of intermediates formed in search of a dynamical pathway toward unfolding. In water ethanol binary mixtures, HP-36 is found to unfold partially, under ambient conditions, that otherwise requires temperature as high as similar to 600 K to denature in pure aqueous solvent. However, an interesting course of pathway is observed to be followed in the process, guided by the formation of unique intermediates. The first step of unfolding is essentially the separation of the cluster formed by three hydrophobic (phenylalanine) residues, namely, Phe-7, Phe-11, and Phe-18, which constitute the hydrophobic core, thereby initiating melting of helix-2 of the protein. The initial steps are similar to temperature-induced unfolding as well as chemical unfolding using DMSO as cosolvent. Subsequent unfolding steps follow a unique path. As water-ethanol shows composition-dependent anomalies, so do the details of unfolding dynamics. With an increase in cosolvent concentration, different partially unfolded intermediates are found to be formed. This is reflected in a remarkable nonmonotonic composition dependence of several order parameters, including fraction of native contacts and protein-solvent interaction energy. The emergence of such partially unfolded states can be attributed to the preferential solvation of the hydrophobic residues by the ethyl groups of ethanol. We further quantify the local dynamics of unfolding by using a Marcus-type theory.


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Elucidation of possible pathways between folded (native) and unfolded states of a protein is a challenging task, as the intermediates are often hard to detect. Here, we alter the solvent environment in a controlled manner by choosing two different cosolvents of water, urea, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and study unfolding of four different proteins to understand the respective sequence of melting by computer simulation methods. We indeed find interesting differences in the sequence of melting of alpha helices and beta sheets in these two solvents. For example, in 8 M urea solution, beta-sheet parts of a protein are found to unfold preferentially, followed by the unfolding of alpha helices. In contrast, 8 M DMSO solution unfolds alpha helices first, followed by the separation of beta sheets for the majority of proteins. Sequence of unfolding events in four different alpha/beta proteins and also in chicken villin head piece (HP-36) both in urea and DMSO solutions demonstrate that the unfolding pathways are determined jointly by relative exposure of polar and nonpolar residues of a protein and the mode of molecular action of a solvent on that protein.


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The protein folding funnel paradigm suggests that folding and unfolding proceed as directed diffusion in a multidimensional free energy surface where a multitude of pathways can be traversed during the protein's sojourn from initial to final state. However, finding even a single pathway, with the detail chronicling of intermediates, is an arduous task. In this work we explore the free energy surface of unfolding pathway through umbrella sampling, for a small globular a-helical protein chicken-villin headpiece (HP-36) when the melting of secondary structures is induced by adding DMSO in aqueous solution. We find that the unfolding proceeds through the initial separation or melting of aggregated hydrophobic core that comprises of three phenylalanine residues (Phe7, Phe11, and Phe18). This separation is accompanied by simultaneous melting of the second helix. Unfolding is found to be a multistage process involving crossing of three consecutive minima and two barriers at the initial stage. At a molecular level, Phe18 is observed to reorient itself towards other hydrophobic grooves to stabilize the intermediate states. We identify the configuration of the intermediates and correlate the intermediates with those obtained in our previous works. We also give an estimate of the barriers for different transition states and observe the softening of the barriers with increasing DMSO concentration. We show that higher concentration of DMSO tunes the unfolding pathway by destabilizing the third minimum and stabilizing the second one, indicating the development of a solvent modified, less rugged pathway. The prime outcome of this work is the demonstration that mixed solvents can profoundly transform the nature of the energy landscape and induce unfolding via a modified route. A successful application of Kramer's rate equation correlating the free energy simulation results shows faster rate of unfolding with increasing DMSO concentration. This work perhaps presents the first systematic theoretical study of the effect of a chemical denaturant on the microscopic free energy surface and rates of unfolding of HP-36. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Background: The heterotrimeric M. tuberculosis RecBCD complex, or each of its individual subunits, remains uncharacterized. Results: MtRecD exists as a homodimer in solution, catalyzes ssDNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis, unwinding of DNA replication/recombination intermediates, and interacts with RecA. Conclusion: MtRecD possesses strong 5 3- and weak 3 5-helicase activities. Significance: These findings provide insights into the mechanism underlying DSB repair and homologous recombination in mycobacteria. The annotated whole-genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis revealed the presence of a putative recD gene; however, the biochemical characteristics of its encoded protein product (MtRecD) remain largely unknown. Here, we show that MtRecD exists in solution as a stable homodimer. Protein-DNA binding assays revealed that MtRecD binds efficiently to single-stranded DNA and linear duplexes containing 5 overhangs relative to the 3 overhangs but not to blunt-ended duplex. Furthermore, MtRecD bound more robustly to a variety of Y-shaped DNA structures having 18-nucleotide overhangs but not to a similar substrate containing 5-nucleotide overhangs. MtRecD formed more salt-tolerant complexes with Y-shaped structures compared with linear duplex having 3 overhangs. The intrinsic ATPase activity of MtRecD was stimulated by single-stranded DNA. Site-specific mutagenesis of Lys-179 in motif I abolished the ATPase activity of MtRecD. Interestingly, although MtRecD-catalyzed unwinding showed a markedly higher preference for duplex substrates with 5 overhangs, it could also catalyze significant unwinding of substrates containing 3 overhangs. These results support the notion that MtRecD is a bipolar helicase with strong 5 3 and weak 3 5 unwinding activities. The extent of unwinding of Y-shaped DNA structures was approximate to 3-fold lower compared with duplexes with 5 overhangs. Notably, direct interaction between MtRecD and its cognate RecA led to inhibition of DNA strand exchange promoted by RecA. Altogether, these studies provide the first detailed characterization of MtRecD and present important insights into the type of DNA structure the enzyme is likely to act upon during the processes of DNA repair or homologous recombination.


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Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a group of disorders characterized by the malformation of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment cell melanosomes. Three of nine characterized HPS subtypes result from mutations in subunits of BLOC-2, a protein complex with no known molecular function. In this paper, we exploit melanocytes from mouse HPS models to place BLOC-2 within a cargo transport pathway from recycling endosomal domains to maturing melanosomes. In BLOC-2-deficient melanocytes, the melanosomal protein TYRP1 was largely depleted from pigment granules and underwent accelerated recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane and to the Golgi. By live-cell imaging, recycling endosomal tubules of wild-type melanocytes made frequent and prolonged contacts with maturing melanosomes; in contrast, tubules from BLOC-2-deficient cells were shorter in length and made fewer, more transient contacts with melanosomes. These results support a model in which BLOC-2 functions to direct recycling endosomal tubular transport intermediates to maturing melanosomes and thereby promote cargo delivery and optimal pigmentation.


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The inhibition behavior of colchicine (CC) on the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 was evaluated by electrochemical methods such as potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic measurements. The inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of CC. The potentiodynamic polarization results reveal that CC act as a mixed-type inhibitor by retarding both cathodic and anodic corrosion reactions. Additionally, the synergism was carried out between CC and KI to improve the corrosion inhibition behavior of CC on mild steel. The adsorption of both CC alone and the combined inhibitor (CC + KI) on mild steel surface follows Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The synergism parameter (S (theta) ) was calculated to recognize the existence of synergism between CC and iodide ions. Lastly, an adsorption mechanism of CC molecules with iodide ions is discussed.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated diseased states are of major concern in modern day life. Under oxidative stress conditions, the cellular antioxidants deplete, leading to several biological disorders. Small molecule mimics of different antioxidant enzymes are found to be useful in supplementing the biological systems to detoxify ROS. In this study, we have synthesized a series of amine or amide-based diselenides containing an additional amino group as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mimetics. These diselenides act as a catalytic triad model of the native GPx featuring two basic amino groups near the selenium centre. A comparison of the catalytic activities reveals that the additional amino group increases the activity significantly in the presence of aromatic thiols. Deprotonation of thiol by an additional amine either stabilizes the selenolate intermediate or facilitates the nucleophilic attack of thiol in other intermediates. The Se-77 NMR experiments and DFT calculations show that the amino group does not have any significant effect on the catalytic intermediates. Although the amino moiety increases the nucleophilicity of the thiol, it does not prevent the thiol exchange reactions that take place in the selenenyl sulfide intermediates.


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Folding of Ubiquitin (Ub), a functionally important protein found in eukaryotic organisms, is investigated at low and neutral pH at different temperatures using simulations of the coarse-grained self-organized-polymer model with side chains (SOP-SC). The melting temperatures (T-m's), identified with the peaks in the heat capacity curves, decrease as pH decreases, in qualitative agreement with experiments. The calculated radius of gyration, showing dramatic variations with pH, is in excellent agreement with scattering experiments. At T-m Ub folds in a two-state manner at low and neutral pH. Clustering analysis of the conformations sampled in equilibrium folding trajectories at T-m with multiple transitions between the folded and unfolded states, shows a network of metastable states connecting the native and unfolded states. At low and neutral pH, Ub folds with high probability through a preferred set of conformations resulting in a pH-dependent dominant folding pathway. Folding kinetics reveal that Ub assembly at low pH occurs by multiple pathways involving a combination of nucleation-collapse and diffusion collision mechanism. The mechanism by which Ub folds is dictated by the stability of the key secondary structural elements responsible for establishing long-range contacts and collapse of Ub. Nucleation collapse mechanism holds if the stability of these elements are marginal, as would be the case at elevated temperatures. If the lifetimes associated with these structured microdomains are on the order of hundreds of microseconds, then Ub folding follows the diffusion collision mechanism with intermediates, many of which coincide with those found in equilibrium. Folding at neutral pH is a sequential process with a populated intermediate resembling that sampled at equilibrium. The transition state structures, obtained using a P-fold analysis, are homogeneous and globular with most of the secondary and tertiary structures being native-like. Many of our findings for both the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding are not only in agreement with experiments but also provide missing details not resolvable in standard experiments. The key prediction that folding mechanism varies dramatically with pH is amenable to experimental tests.


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A detailed study of tetrathiomolybdate mediated tandem regio- and stereoselective ring opening of aziridine, disulfide formation, reduction of disulfide bond and Michael reaction in a one-pot operation is reported. This constitutes four reactions that take place in one-pot operation. In the reaction of BnEt3N](4)MoS4 with an aziridine derived from cyclohexene and in the absence of Michael acceptor intermediates sulfonamidodisulfide and sulfonamidothiol were isolated and fully characterized. It has also been shown that it is possible to carry out selective opening of the aziridine ring in the presence of an epoxide. By incorporating a suitable Michael acceptor as part of the substrate, intramolecular 1,4-addition could be performed, to achieve the synthesis of sulfur containing acyclic, cyclic amino acid ester derivatives and thia-bicyclo3.3.1]nonane derivatives in good yields. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The inhibition performance of ibuprofen triazole (IT) on mild steel (MS) corrosion in 1.0 M HCl and 0.5 M H2SO4 has been investigated by using electrochemical (potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy), gravimetric, and quantum chemical studies. Electrochemical investigation indicates that IT hampers MS corrosion via adsorption through a mixed inhibition mechanism. The protection ability of IT increases with an increasing concentration of inhibitor and decreases with increasing temperature. The adsorption of IT molecules on MS surface follows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Certain quantum chemical parameters were calculated to ascertain the correlation between inhibitive effect and molecular structure of IT.


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Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) is a key selenoenzyme that protects biomolecules from oxidative damage. Extensive research has been carried out to design and synthesize small organoselenium compounds as functional mimics of GPx. While the catalytic mechanism of the native enzyme itself is poorly understood, the synthetic mimics follow different catalytic pathways depending upon the structures and reactivities of various intermediates formed in the catalytic cycle. The steric as well as electronic environments around the selenium atom not only modulate the reactivity of these synthetic mimics towards peroxides and thiols, but also the catalytic mechanisms. The catalytic cycle of small GPx mimics is also dependent on the nature of peroxides and thiols used in the study. In this review, we discuss how the catalytic mechanism varies with the substituents attached to the selenium atom.


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Desiccated coconut industries (DCI) create various intermediates from fresh coconut kernel for cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. The mechanized and non-mechanized DCI process between 10,000 and 100,000 nuts/day to discharge 6-150 m(3) of malodorous waste water leading to a discharge of 2646642 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) daily. In these units, three main types of waste water streams are coconut kernel water, kernel wash water and virgin oil waste water. The effluent streams contain lipids (1-55 g/l), suspended solids (6-80 g/l) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) at concentrations that are inhibitory to anaerobic bacteria. Coconut water contributes to 20-50 % of the total volume and 50-60 % of the total organic loads and causes higher inhibition of anaerobic bacteria with an initial lag phase of 30 days. The lagooning method of treatment widely adopted failed to appreciably treat the waste water and often led to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (propionic acid) along with long-chain unsaturated free fatty acids. Biogas generation during biological methane potential (BMP) assay required a 15-day adaptation time, and gas production occurred at low concentrations of coconut water while the other two streams did not appear to be inhibitory. The anaerobic bacteria can mineralize coconut lipids at concentrations of 175 mg/l; however; they are severely inhibited at a lipid level of = 350 mg/g bacterial inoculum. The modified Gompertz model showed a good fit with the BMP data with a simple sigmoid pattern. However, it failed to fit experimental BMP data either possessing a longer lag phase and/or diauxic biogas production suggesting inhibition of anaerobic bacteria.


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Tetrabutyl ammonium iodide (TBAI) catalyzed alpha-aminoxylation of ketones using aq. TBHP as an oxidant has been accomplished. We have shown that the CDC (cross dehydrogenative coupling) reactions of ketones with N-hydroxyimidates such as N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHSI), N-hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI), N-hydroxybenzotriazole (HOBt) and 1-hydroxy-7-azabenzotriazole (HOAt) lead to the corresponding oxygenated products in good to moderate yields. The application of this method has been demonstrated by transforming a few coupled products into synthetically useful intermediates and products.